Boost.Build 2015.07-git 項目幫助: 項目在Jamroot有Jamfile文件 用法: B2 [options] [properties] [install|stage] 構建和安裝Boost 目標及相關選項: Targets and Related Options install 將頭文件和已編譯的庫文件安裝到 Install headers and compiled library files to the ======= 下列配置位置. configured locations (below). --prefix=<PREFIX> 架構獨立文件安裝目錄 Install architecture independent files here. 默認; C:\Boost Win32 Default; C:\Boost on Win32 默認; /usr/local Unix. Linux, 等. Default; /usr/local on Unix. Linux, etc. --exec-prefix=<EPREFIX> 架構獨立文件安裝目錄 Install architecture dependent files here. 默認; <PREFIX> Default; <PREFIX> --libdir=<DIR> 庫文件安裝目錄. Install library files here. 默認; <EPREFIX>/lib Default; <EPREFIX>/lib --includedir=<HDRDIR> 頭文件安裝目錄. Install header files here. 默認; <PREFIX>/include Default; <PREFIX>/include stage 編譯和安裝 已編譯庫文件到 Build and install only compiled library files to the ===== stage目錄. stage directory. --stagedir=<STAGEDIR> 庫文件安裝目錄 Install library files here Default; ./stage Default; ./stage options: --build-type=<type> 編譯指定預約義variant集的庫. Build the specified pre-defined set of variations of 注意,在編譯時使用哪些variant the libraries. Note, that which variants get built 取決於每一個庫支持什麼. depends on what each library supports. -- minimal -- (默認) 編譯variant最小集. -- minimal -- (default) Builds a minimal set of 在Windows上, 它們是使用共享運行庫的 variants. On Windows, these are static debug和release靜態多線程庫. multithreaded libraries in debug and release 在Linux上,它們是 modes, using shared runtime. On Linux, these are release靜態和共享多線程庫 static and shared multithreaded libraries in release mode. -- complete -- 編譯全部可用variant. -- complete -- Build all possible variations. --build-dir=DIR 編譯在此目錄,而不是編譯在 Build in this location instead of building within 代碼目錄。推薦! the distribution tree. Recommended! --show-libraries 顯示須要編譯的Boost庫列表 Display the list of Boost libraries that require 和安裝步驟,而後退出 build and installation steps, and then exit. --layout=<layout> 肯定是否選擇庫名和頭位置 Determine whether to choose library names and header 這樣能在同一個系統中 locations such that multiple versions of Boost or 使用多版本Boost庫和多編譯器 multiple compilers can be used on the same system. -- versioned -- Boost二進制文件名稱包括 -- versioned -- Names of boost binaries include Boost版本號、編譯器名稱和版本 the Boost version number, name and version of 和編碼生成屬性。 the compiler and encoded build properties. Boost Boost頭文件安裝在<HDRDIR>子目錄 headers are installed in a subdirectory of <HDRDIR>的名字包含Boost版本號。 whose name contains the Boost version number. -- tagged -- Boost二進制文件名稱包括 -- tagged -- Names of boost binaries include the 編碼生成屬性如variant和多線程, encoded build properties such as variant and 可是不包括編譯器名稱和版本 threading, but do not including compiler name 或Boost版本。這個選項在 and version, or Boost version. This option is 你用相同編譯器編譯幾個不一樣variant的Boost useful if you build several variants of Boost, 時有用 using the same compiler. -- system -- 二進制文件名不包括 -- system -- Binaries names do not include the Boost版本號或編譯器名稱和版本 Boost version number or the name and version Boost頭文件 number of the compiler. Boost headers are 安裝在<HDRDIR>子目錄,這個選項 installed directly into <HDRDIR>. This option is 用於在發佈系統集成包 intended for system integrators building distribution packages. 默認值,在Windows下爲'versioned' The default value is 'versioned' on Windows, and 在Unix下爲'system' 'system' on Unix. --buildid=ID 爲生成庫名添加指定ID Add the specified ID to the name of built libraries. 默認不添加 The default is to not add anything. --python-buildid=ID 爲生成依賴於Python的庫名添加指定ID Add the specified ID to the name of built libraries 默認不添加 that depend on Python. The default is to not add 本ID在--buildid的基礎上添加 anything. This ID is added in addition to --buildid. --help 顯示幫助 This message. --with-<library> 編譯和安裝指定<library> Build and install the specified <library>. If this 若是使用本選項, option is used, only libraries specified using this 只會編譯指定庫 option will be built. --without-<library> 不進行編譯,stage,或安裝指定<library> Do not build, stage, or install the specified 默認編譯全部庫 <library>. By default, all libraries are built. Properties: toolset=toolset 指定構建工具集 Indicate the toolset to build with. variant=debug|release 選擇編譯選項 Select the build variant link=static|shared 生成靜態仍是共享庫 Whether to build static or shared libraries threading=single|multi 生成單線程仍是多線程庫 Whether to build single or multithreaded binaries runtime-link=static|shared 靜態仍是動態連接C和C++運行時。 Whether to link to static or shared C and C++ runtime.