環境要求:PHP7.1 PDO Extension
<?php /** * PDO FOR MySQL Extension * Author 空城 <694623056@qq.com> * Copyright 2017 空城 * CreateDate 2017-12-14 */ class mysql_pdo { // Host address public static $host = ''; // Host port public static $port = 3306; // Username public static $user = 'root'; // Password public static $pwd = 'root'; // Database public static $db = ''; // Character set public static $charset = 'utf8mb4'; // Persistent connection public static $pconnect = true; // Connection object public static $conn = null; // Table name public static $table = ''; // Core container public static $data = ''; public static $field = '*'; public static $where = ''; public static $order = ''; public static $group = ''; public static $limit = ''; public static $join = ''; public static $bind = []; public static $sql = ''; // Initialization public static function init(array $conf = array(), bool $reconnect = false):void { class_exists('PDO') or exit("PDO: class not exists."); empty($conf['host']) or self::$host = $conf['host']; empty($conf['port']) or self::$port = $conf['port']; empty($conf['user']) or self::$user = $conf['user']; empty($conf['pwd']) or self::$pwd = $conf['pwd']; empty($conf['db']) or self::$db = $conf['db']; empty($conf['table']) or self::$table = $conf['table']; if (is_null(self::$conn) || $reconnect) self::$conn = self::_connect(); } // Query or Exec public static function do(string $sql = '', bool $flag = false) { empty($sql) or self::$sql = $sql; $preg = 'INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE|REPLACE|CREATE|DROP|LOAD DATA|SELECT .* INTO|COPY|ALTER|GRANT|REVOKE|LOCK|UNLOCK'; if (preg_match('/^\s*"?(' . $preg . ')\s+/i', self::$sql)) return self::exec('', $flag); else return self::query('', self::$sql); } // Query public static function query(string $sql = '', bool $flag = false):array { $statm = self::_start($sql); $result = $statm->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $flag ? $result[0] : $result; } // Exec public static function exec(string $sql = '', bool $flag = false):int { $statm = self::_start($sql); $row = $statm->rowCount(); return $flag ? self::$conn->lastInsertId() : $row; } // Insert public static function insert(string $table = '', array $data = [], bool $flag = false):int { $table = !empty($data) ? $table : self::$table; $data = !empty($data) ? $data : self::$data; $insertData = []; if ( count($data) == count($data, 1) ) $insertData[0] = $data; else $insertData = $data; $lastId = 0; $row = 0; foreach ($insertData as $key => $data) { $data = self::_format($table, $data); $vals = []; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $vals[] = self::_setBind(str_replace('`', '', $key), $value); } $keys = array_keys($data); self::$sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . trim($table) . '` (' . implode(',', $keys) . ') VALUES(' . implode(',', $vals) . ')'; self::exec() && $flag && $row += 1; } $lastId = self::$conn->lastInsertId(); unset($insertData,$data); return $flag ? $row : $lastId; } // Delete public static function del(string $table = '', array $where = []):int { $table = !empty($data) ? $table : self::$table; $where = !empty($where) ? self::_where($where) : self::_where(self::$where); if ('' === $where) return 0; self::$sql = 'DELETE FROM `'.trim($table).'` '.$where; unset($table, $where); return self::exec(); } // Update public static function save(string $table = '', array $data = [], $where = []):int { $table = !empty($table) ? $table : self::$table; $data = !empty($data) ? $data : self::$data; $where = !empty($where) ? $where : self::$where; if (false == $where) { $key = self::_tbKey($table); $where = []; foreach ($key as $k => $v) { empty($data[$k]) or $where[$k] = $data[$k]; } $where = self::_where($where); } else $where = self::_where($where); $data = self::_format($table, $data); $kv = []; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $k = str_replace('`', '', $key); $k = self::_setBind($k, $value); $kv[] = $key.'='.$k; } $kv_str = implode(',', $kv); self::$sql = 'UPDATE `'.trim($table).'` SET '.trim($kv_str).' '.trim($where); unset($kv_str, $data, $kv, $table); if ('' === $where) return 0; return self::exec(); } // Select public static function select(string $table = '', array $opt = []):array { $opt = self::_condition($table, $opt); $field = $opt['field'] = !empty($opt['field']) ? $opt['field'] : self::$field; if (is_array($field)) { foreach ($field as $key => $value) $field[$key] = self::_avoidKey($value); $field = implode(',', $field); } elseif(is_string($field) && $field != ''); else $field = '*'; self::$sql = 'SELECT '.$field.' FROM `'.$opt['table'].'` '.$opt['join'].$opt['where'].$opt['group'].$opt['order'].$opt['limit']; unset($opt); return self::query(); } // Get a line public static function first(string $table = '', array $opt = []):array { self::$limit = '1'; $result = self::select($table, $opt); return $result[0]; } // Count public static function count(string $table = '', array $opt = []):array { $option = self::_condition($table,$opt); return self::_common($option, 'count'); } // Avg public static function avg(string $table = '', array $opt = []):array { $option = self::_condition($table,$opt); return self::_common($option, 'avg'); } // Sum public static function sum(string $table = '', array $opt = []):array { $option = self::_condition($table,$opt); return self::_common($option, 'sum'); } // Min public static function min(string $table = '', array $opt = []):array { $option = self::_condition($table,$opt); return self::_common($option, 'min'); } // Max public static function max(string $table = '', array $opt = []):array { $option = self::_condition($table,$opt); return self::_common($option, 'max'); } // Dec public static function dec(string $table = '', $data = [], $where = []):int { return self::_setCol($table, $data, $where,'-'); } // Inc public static function inc(string $table = '', $data = [], $where = []):int { return self::_setCol($table, $data, $where,'+'); } // Clear public static function clear():void { self::$data = ''; self::$field = '*'; self::$where = ''; self::$order = ''; self::$group = ''; self::$limit = ''; self::$bind = []; } // SetAttribute public static function setAttr($key, $val):bool { !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); return self::$conn->setAttribute($key, $val); } // BeginTransaction public static function begin():bool { !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); return self::$conn->beginTransaction(); } // Commit public static function commit():bool { !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); return self::$conn->commit(); } // RollBack public static function rollBack():bool { !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); return self::$conn->rollBack(); } // Connect protected static function _connect():void { $dsn = 'mysql:host='.self::$host.';port='.self::$port.';dbname='.self::$db; $options = [ \PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES ' . self::$charset, \PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => (bool)self::$pconnect ]; try { $dbh = new \PDO($dsn, self::$user, self::$pwd, $options); $dbh->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $dbh->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); $dbh->exec('SET NAMES ' . self::$charset); } catch (PDOException $e) { exit('Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); } self::$conn = $dbh; unset($dsn, $dbh, $options); } // Mosaic SQL protected static function _condition(string $table, array $opt):array { $option = []; $option['table'] = !empty($table) ? $table : self::$table; $option['field'] = !empty($opt['field']) ? $opt['field'] : self::$field; $option['join'] = !empty($opt['join']) ? self::_join($opt['join']) :self::_join(self::$join); $option['where'] = !empty($opt['where']) ? self::_where($opt['where']) : self::_where(self::$where); $option['order'] = !empty($opt['order']) ? self::_order($opt['order']) : self::_order(self::$order); $option['group'] = !empty($opt['group']) ? self::_group($opt['group']) : self::_group(self::$group); $option['limit'] = !empty($opt['limit']) ? self::_limit($opt['limit']) : self::_limit(self::$limit); return $option; } // Exec SQL common function protected static function _start(string $sql = '') { empty($sql) or self::$sql = $sql; !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); $statm = self::$conn->prepare(self::$sql); $statm->execute(self::$bind); self::clear(); return $statm; } // Common protected static function _common(array $opt, string $func):array { if (is_string($opt['field']) && $opt['field'] != "") { $strField = $opt['field']; $fieldArr = explode(",", $strField); $strField = '_'.implode("_,_", $fieldArr).'_'; } elseif (is_array($opt['field'])) { $fieldArr = $opt['field']; $strField = '_'.implode("_,_", $opt['field']).'_'; } else return false; foreach ($fieldArr as $v) { $val = self::_avoidKey($v); $alias = str_replace('.', '_', $val); $alias = ' AS '.(false === strpos($val, '*') ? $alias : '`'. $alias .'`'); $strField = str_replace('_'.$v.'_', $func . '(' . $val . ') '.$alias, $strField); } self::$sql = 'SELECT '.$strField.' FROM `'.$opt['table'].'` '.$opt['join'].$opt['where'].$opt['group'].$opt['order'].$opt['limit']; unset($opt, $func, $fieldArr, $strField, $alias); $result = self::query(); return count($result) == 1 && !empty($result[0]) ? $result[0] : $result; } // Set field protected static function _setCol(string $table = '', $data = '', $where = [], string $type):int { $table = !empty($table) ? $table : self::$table; $data = !empty($data) ? $data : self::$data; $where = !empty($where) ? self::_where($where) : self::_where(self::$where); if (is_array($data)) { $new_data = []; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_string($key)) $new_data[$key] = $key.$type.abs($value); else $new_data[$value] = $value.$type.'1'; } } elseif (is_string($data)) $new_data[$data] = $data.$type.'1'; $kv = []; foreach ($new_data as $key => $value) { $kv[] = self::_avoidKey($key).'='.$value; } $kv_str = implode(',', $kv); self::$sql = 'UPDATE `'.trim($table).'` SET '.trim($kv_str).' '.trim($where); unset($data); if ('' === $where) return 0; return self::exec(); } // Preprocessing protected static function _setBind(string $key, $value):string { if (empty(self::$bind[':'.$key])) { $k = ':'.$key; self::$bind[$k] = $value; } else { $k = ':'.$key.'_'.mt_rand(1,9999); while (!empty(self::$bind[':'.$k])) { $k = ':'.$key.'_'.mt_rand(1,9999); } self::$bind[$k] = $value; } unset($key, $value); return $k; } // Join protected static function _join($opt):string { $join = ''; if (is_string($opt) && '' !== trim($opt)) return $opt; elseif (is_array($opt)) { foreach($opt as $key => $value) { $mode = 'INNER'; if (is_array($value)) { if (!empty($value[2]) && 0 === strcasecmp($value[2], 'LEFT')) $mode = 'LEFT'; elseif (!empty($value[2]) && 0 === strcasecmp($value[2], 'RIGHT')) $mode = 'RIGHT'; $relative = !empty($value[3]) ? $value[3] : '='; $condition = ' '.$mode.' JOIN '.$key.' ON '.self::_avoidKey($value[0]).$relative.self::_avoidKey($value[1]).' '; } else { $condition = ' '.$mode.' JOIN '.$key.' ON '.$value.' '; } $join .= $condition; } } unset($opt); return $join; } // Where protected static function _where($opt):string { $where = ''; if (is_string($opt) && '' !== trim($opt)) return ' WHERE '.$opt; elseif (is_array($opt)) { foreach($opt as $key => $value) { $k = self::_avoidKey($key); if (is_array($value)) { $key = self::_setBind($key,$value[0]); $relative = !empty($value[1]) ? $value[1] : '='; $link = !empty($value[2]) ? $value[2] : 'AND'; $condition = ' ('.$k.' '.$relative.' '.$key.') '; } else { $key = self::_setBind($key,$value); $link = 'AND'; $condition = ' ('.$k.'='.$key.') '; } $where .= $where !== '' ? $link.$condition : ' WHERE '.$condition; } } unset($opt); return $where; } // Order protected static function _order($opt):string { $order = ''; if (is_string($opt) && '' !== trim($opt)) return ' ORDER BY '._avoidKey($opt); elseif (is_array($opt)) { foreach($opt as $key => $value) { $link = ','; if (is_string($key)) { if (0 === strcasecmp($value, 'DESC')) $condition = ' '.self::_avoidKey($key).' DESC '; else $condition = ' '.self::_avoidKey($key).' ASC '; } else $condition = ' '.self::_avoidKey($value).' ASC '; $order .= $order !== '' ? $link.addslashes($condition) : ' ORDER BY '.addslashes($condition); } } unset($opt); return $order; } // Limit protected static function _limit($opt):string { $limit = ''; if (is_string($opt) && '' !== trim($opt)) return ' LIMIT '.$opt; elseif (is_array($opt) && 2 == count($opt)) $limit = ' LIMIT '.(int)$opt[0].','.(int)$opt[1]; elseif (is_array($opt) && 1 == count($opt)) $limit = ' LIMIT '.(int)$opt[0]; unset($opt); return $limit; } // Group protected static function _group($opt):string { $group = ''; if (is_string($opt) && '' !== trim($opt)) return ' GROUP BY '._avoidKey($opt); elseif (is_array($opt)) { foreach($opt as $key => $value) { $link = ','; $condition = ' '.self::_avoidKey($value).' '; $group .= $group !== '' ? $link.addslashes($condition) : ' GROUP BY '.addslashes($condition); } } unset($opt); return $group; } // Format data protected static function _format(string $table, $data):array { if (!is_array($data)) return array(); $tbColumn = self::_tbInfo($table); $res = []; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if (!is_scalar($val)) continue; if (!empty($tbColumn[$key])) { $key = self::_avoidKey($key); if (is_int($val)) $val = intval($val); elseif (is_float($val)) $val = floatval($val); elseif (preg_match('/^\(\w*(\+|\-|\*|\/)?\w*\)$/i', $val)) $val = $val; elseif (is_string($val)) $val = addslashes($val); $res[$key] = $val; } } unset($data); return $res; } // Table info protected static function _tbInfo(string $table = ''):array { $table = !empty($table) ? $table : self::$table; $sql = 'SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME="'.$table.'" AND TABLE_SCHEMA="'.self::$db.'"'; !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); $statm = self::$conn->prepare($sql); $statm->execute(); $result = $statm->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $res = []; foreach ($result as $key=>$value) { $res[$value['COLUMN_NAME']] = 1; } // unset($result, $statm); return $res; } // Get primary key protected static function _tbKey(string $table):array { $sql = 'SELECT k.column_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints t JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage k USING (constraint_name,table_schema,table_name) WHERE t.constraint_type="PRIMARY KEY" AND t.table_schema="'.self::$db.'" AND t.table_name="'.$table.'"'; !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); $statm = self::$conn->prepare($sql); $statm->execute(); $result = $statm->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $res = []; foreach ($result as $key=>$value) { $res[$value['column_name']] = 1; } unset($result, $statm); return $res; } // Avoid mistakes protected static function _avoidKey(string $value):string { if ('*' == $value || false !== strpos($value,'(') || false !== strpos($value,'.')); elseif (false === strpos($value,'`')) $value = '`'.trim($value).'`'; return $value; } }
// step_1:引入文件 require_once 'mysql.php'; // 取別名(可省略) use mysql_pdo as db; // 鏈接信息(可省略,可在文件內寫好配置) db::$host = ''; db::$user = 'root'; db::$pwd = 'root'; db::$db = 'test'; // step_2:綁定操做信息 db::$tbale = 'tablename'; // step_3:開始使用 db::select(); // 該操做最終執行的語句是:SELECT * FROM `tablename`
// 綁定操做表 db::$table = 'tablename'; // 綁定數據,如需插入多行數據,構建的數據爲二維數組便可 db::$data = [ 'col_1' => 'value_1', 'col_2' => 'value_2', 'col_3' => 'value_3', 'col_4' => 'value_4' ]; // 執行 db::insert(); // 返回值爲最後插入的ID,若是要獲取插入的行數請使用傳參寫法 db::insert('tablename',$data,true) 參數形式無須綁定參數
// 操做表,若是每次都對同一張表進行操做,則不須要從新綁定 db::$table = 'tablename'; // 綁定where條件,防止刪表操做,在沒有where條件下不會執行delete操做 db::$where = ['id' => 1] // 數組形式一 最終解析:[AND] `id` = 1 默認對比關係爲 =,邏輯 AND db::$where = ['id' => ['1','>','AND']] // 數組形式二 最終解析:[AND] `id` > 1 db::$where = 'id = 1' //字符串形式 最終解析爲: WHERE id = 1 // 執行 db::del();
// 在綁定表的基礎上綁定數據便可 db::$data = [ 'col_1' => 'value_1', 'col_2' => 'update_2', 'col_3' => 'update_3', 'col_4' => 'update_4' ]; // 當上述上中col_1爲主鍵時,value_1,將自動當WHERE條件,解析爲: WHERE `col_1` = value_1,至少要存在一個主鍵 // 更新 db::save(); // 若是綁定$where條件,則上述主鍵效果將消失 db::$where = [opt...]; // 值的寫法同上
// join表,綁定操做表與where綁定再也不演示 db::$join = ['table_b'=>['table_a.id','table_b.aid','INNER','=']]; // 一維數組中的鍵名爲鏈接表的表名,二維數組中前兩個值爲鏈接條件-必填項,第三個默認爲INNER,第四個默認爲= db::$join = ['table_b'=>'LEFT JOIN table_b ON table_a.id=table_b.aid']; //當值爲一個字符串時,將直接拼接 // 分組查詢 db::$group = ['sex','age']; // 值爲要分組的列名字便可 db::$group = 'sex' // 值爲字符串時直接拼接爲 GROUP BY sex // 排序 db::$order = ['id' => 'DESC']; // 關聯數組將解析成 ORDER BY `id` DESC db::$order = ['id']; // 索引數組將解析成 ORDER BY `id` ASC,默認爲ASC排序 db::$order = 'id'; // 字符串將解析成 ORDER BY id 自動拼接 // 分頁 db::$limit = [0,10] // 存在兩個值時將解析爲 LIMIT 0,10; db::$limit = [1] // 存在一個值時將解析爲 LIMIT 1; db::$limit = '0,20' // 字符串將解析爲 LIMIT 0,20; // 查詢 db::select(); // 多條 db::first(); // 第一條
db::count(); // count db::sum(); // sum db::avg(); // avg db::min(); // min db::max(); // max
db::begin(); // 開啓事務 db::commit(); // 提交事務 db::rollBack(); // 回滾事務 db::setAttr($key, $val); // 設置PDO屬性 db::dec(); // 字段自增,需綁定數據 db::$data = ['age'=>2]該自增步長爲2,省略則默認爲1 db::inc(); // 字段自增,需綁定數據 db::$data = ['age'=>2]該自減步長爲2,省略則默認爲1 db::do($sql, [$flag]); //執行一條SQL語句,不分查詢仍是執行,自動分配.第二個參數同下 db::query($sql,[$flag]); //執行一條有結果集的SQL語句, $flag 默認爲false,爲true是返回一條記錄 db::exec($sql, [$flag]); //執行一條無結果集的SQL語句, $flag 默認爲false,爲true時返回insert語句的插入的ID,其餘語句無效 // 執行拼接SQL可以使用預處理綁定參數形式,而後綁定$bind便可 $sql = 'UPDATE `tablename` SET col_a=:col_a WHERE id=:id'; db::$bind = [':col_a' => 'update_a',':id'=>1]; db::do($sql); //或者 db::exec($sql); db::clear() // 該方法將重置$data,$field,$where,$order,$group,$limit,$join,$bind數據,默認每執行一次語句將自動重置 db::init([conf...], $reconnect = false); // conf數組的值可爲數據庫基本配置(host,user,pwd等) $reconnext爲true是將從新鏈接mysql
// insert db::inster('tablename',[data...],$where); // delete db::del('tablename', $where); // update db::save('tablename', [data...], $where); // select db::select('tablename',[opt..]); //opt參數可傳入field,where,join,order,group,limit等信息 // first db::first('tablename',[opt..]); //opt參數同上 // avg db::avg('tablename',[opt..]); //opt參數同上 // count db::count('tablename',[opt..]); //opt參數同上 // sum db::sum('tablename',[opt..]); //opt參數同上 // min db::min('tablename',[opt..]); //opt參數同上 // max db::max('tablename',[opt..]); //opt參數同上 // dec db::dec('tablename',[data..],$where); //參數說明同綁定參數 // inc db::inc('tablename',[data..],$where); //參數說明同綁定參數
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