bind # 綁定主機ip port 7001 # 開啓的端口 daemonize yes # 是否後臺運行 pidfile /var/run/ # pid文件名稱 cluster-enabled yes # 開啓集羣 cluster-config-file nodes-7001.conf # 集羣節點文件 dbfilename dump-7001.rdb # 數據備份名稱
數據庫> cluster help 1) CLUSTER <subcommand> arg arg ... arg. Subcommands are: 2) ADDSLOTS <slot> [slot ...] -- Assign slots to current node. 3) BUMPEPOCH -- Advance the cluster config epoch. 4) COUNT-failure-reports <node-id> -- Return number of failure reports for <node-id>. 5) COUNTKEYSINSLOT <slot> - Return the number of keys in <slot>. 6) DELSLOTS <slot> [slot ...] -- Delete slots information from current node. 7) FAILOVER [force|takeover] -- Promote current replica node to being a master. 8) FORGET <node-id> -- Remove a node from the cluster. 9) GETKEYSINSLOT <slot> <count> -- Return key names stored by current node in a slot. 10) FLUSHSLOTS -- Delete current node own slots information. 11) INFO - Return onformation about the cluster. 12) KEYSLOT <key> -- Return the hash slot for <key>. 13) MEET <ip> <port> [bus-port] -- Connect nodes into a working cluster. 14) MYID -- Return the node id. 15) NODES -- Return cluster configuration seen by node. Output format: 16) <id> <ip:port> <flags> <master> <pings> <pongs> <epoch> <link> <slot> ... <slot> 17) REPLICATE <node-id> -- Configure current node as replica to <node-id>. 18) RESET [hard|soft] -- Reset current node (default: soft). 19) SET-config-epoch <epoch> - Set config epoch of current node. 20) SETSLOT <slot> (importing|migrating|stable|node <node-id>) -- Set slot state. 21) REPLICAS <node-id> -- Return <node-id> replicas. 22) SLOTS -- Return information about slots range mappings. Each range is made of: 23) start, end, master and replicas IP addresses, ports and ids
使用cluster meet 7002與7002實例創建握手鍊接:
Redis 5.0以上版本再也不使用redis-trib.rb,而是統一使用Cli進行集羣建立和配置