Synology Volume 卷使用率一直是100%

經過SMB即windows共享訪問Synology NAS很是慢,到全部文件顯示要幾分鐘時間,同時文件上傳也變慢,打開Resource Monitor顯示Volume Utilization幾乎一直處於100%的狀態,網絡多方查找無解,問了Synology Support,他們說這個高使用率只說明機器一直有讀寫而不表明影響性能。node

Synology Volume 卷使用率一直是100%

Why is volume utilization always so high in Resource Monitor?linux

A high percentage of volume utilization does not necessarily represent a problem. The value refers to the percentage of access rate within a designated time

For instance, if a volume is accessed for five seconds within 10 seconds, its volume utilization would be 50%. If it is accessed throughout the entire 10 seconds, the percentage would be 100%.服務器

This simply indicates processing data I/O rather than heavy loading on your Synology NAS.網絡

本身悶着頭查了幾天,看到27TB的磁盤容量也只用了不到4T而已,而後腦子閃過一個場面:莫非跟以前linux服務器同樣,是由於小文件太多致使 inode空間不足繼而使服務器運行變慢?目前NAS的存儲的小文件達到千萬級別,再聯繫這個NAS後臺也是Linux,我估計極有可能,因而嘗試將文件轉移,花了幾天時間,而後再觀察這個volume utilization, 終於變回正常了。看來對個人狀況,磁盤空間不是問題,小文件數量巨大才是問題,所以須要把文件存儲方式作出修改,我須要把讀寫分離才行。ide

Synology Volume 卷使用率一直是100%
