windows10鼠標指針_如何在Windows 10上更改鼠標指針的顏色和大小



Windows 10 mouse pointer size and color options.

Windows 10 now lets you increase the mouse cursor’s size and change its color. Want a black mouse cursor instead? You can choose that! Want a huge red cursor that’s easier to see? You can choose that, too!

Windows 10現在允許您增加鼠標光標的大小並更改其顏色。 想要黑色的鼠標光標嗎? 您可以選擇! 想要一個易於查看的巨大紅色光標? 您也可以選擇!

This feature was added to Windows in the May 2019 Update. It was always possible to customize the mouse cursor theme, but now you can do so without installing custom pointer themes.

此功能已在2019年5月更新中添加到Windows中。 始終可以自定義鼠標光標主題 ,但是現在您無需安裝自定義指針主題即可。

To find this option, head to Settings > Ease of Access > Cursor & Pointer. (You can press Windows+I to open the Settings application quickly.)

要找到此選項,請轉到設置>輕鬆訪問>光標和指針。 (您可以按Windows + I快速打開「設置」應用程序。)

To change the pointer’s size, drag the slider under 「Change the Pointer Size.」 By default, the mouse pointer is set to 1—the smallest size. You can choose a size from 1 to 15 (which is very large).

要更改指針的大小,請拖動「更改指針大小」下的滑塊。 默認情況下,鼠標指針設置爲1(最小尺寸)。 您可以選擇1到15( 非常大)的大小。

The "Cursor and Pointer" menu in the Windows 10 Settings app.

Choose a new color in the 「Change Pointer Color」 section. There are four options here: white with a black border (the default), black with a white border, inverted (for example, black on a white background or white on a black background), or your selected color with a black border.

在「更改指針顏色」部分中選擇一種新顏色。 此處有四個選項:帶有黑色邊框的白色(默認設置),帶有白色邊框的黑色,倒置的(例如,白色背景上的黑色或黑色背景上的白色),或您選擇的帶有黑色邊框的顏色。

If you choose the color option, a lime green cursor is the default. However, you can choose any color you like. From the 「Suggested Pointer Colors」 panel that appears, select 「Pick a Custom Pointer Color,」 and then choose the one you want.

如果選擇顏色選項,則默認爲檸檬綠色光標。 但是,您可以選擇任何喜歡的顏色。 在出現的「建議的指針顏色」面板中,選擇「選擇自定義指針顏色」,然後選擇所需的一種。

Custom mouse pointer color selection in Windows 10's Settings app with the green cursor selected.

That’s it! If you ever want to tweak your mouse cursor again, just come back here.

而已! 如果您想再次調整鼠標光標,請回到這裏。

From this Settings pane, you can also make the text entry cursor thicker so that it’s easier to see when typing. If you have a PC with a touch screen, you can also control the visual touch feedback that appears when you tap the screen.

在此「設置」窗格中,您還可以使文本輸入光標變粗,以便在鍵入時更易於查看。 如果您的PC帶有觸摸屏,則還可以控制點擊屏幕時出現的視覺觸摸反饋。

