Given a pair of positive integers, for example, 6 and 110, can this equation 6 = 110 be true? The answer is "yes", if 6 is a decimal number and 110 is a binary number.ios
Now for any pair of positive integers N1 and N2, your task is to find the radix of one number while that of the other is given.c++
Input Specification:git
Each input file contains one test case. Each case occupies a line which contains 4 positive integers:
N1 N2 tag radix
Here N1 and N2 each has no more than 10 digits. A digit is less than its radix and is chosen from the set {0-9, a-z} where 0-9 represent the decimal numbers 0-9, and a-z represent the decimal numbers 10-35. The last number "radix" is the radix of N1 if "tag" is 1, or of N2 if "tag" is 2.less
Output Specification:this
For each test case, print in one line the radix of the other number so that the equation N1 = N2 is true. If the equation is impossible, print "Impossible". If the solution is not unique, output the smallest possible
Sample Input 1:code
6 110 1 10
Sample Output 1:blog
Sample Input 2:ci
1 ab 1 2
Sample Output 2:input
1 // hahaha.cpp : 定義控制檯應用程序的入口點。 2 // 3 4 #include <stdafx.h> 5 #include <stdio.h> 6 #include <iostream> 7 #include <vector> 8 #include <map> 9 #include <string> 10 #include <cstdio> 11 #include <set> 12 #include <algorithm> 13 #include <string.h> 14 #include <string.h> 15 using namespace std; 16 17 typedef long long LL; 18 19 LL mp[256]; 20 LL inf=(1LL << 63)-1; 21 void init() 22 { 23 for(char c='0';c<='9';c++) 24 { 25 mp[c]=c-'0'; 26 } 27 for(char c='a';c<='z';c++) 28 { 29 mp[c]=c-'a'+10; 30 } 31 } 32 33 LL cvtNum10(char a[],LL radix,LL t) 34 { 35 LL ans=0; 36 int len=strlen(a); 37 for(int i=0;i<len;i++) 38 { 39 ans=ans*radix+mp[a[i]]; 40 if(ans<0||ans>t)return -1; 41 } 42 return ans; 43 } 44 45 LL findmax(char n2[]) 46 { 47 LL ans=-1,len=strlen(n2); 48 for(int i=0;i<len;i++) 49 { 50 if(mp[n2[i]]>ans) 51 { 52 ans=mp[n2[i]]; 53 } 54 } 55 return ans+1; 56 } 57 58 int cmp(char a[],LL radix,LL t) 59 { 60 int len=strlen(a); 61 LL num=cvtNum10(a,radix,t); 62 if(num<0)return 1; 63 if(t>num)return -1; 64 else if(num==t)return 0; 65 else return 1; 66 } 67 68 69 LL bsch(char n2[],LL left,LL right,LL t) 70 { 71 LL mid; 72 while(left<=right) 73 { 74 mid=(left+right)/2; 75 int flag=cmp(n2,mid,t); 76 if(flag==0) return mid; 77 else if (flag==-1)left=mid+1; 78 else right=mid-1; 79 } 80 return -1; 81 } 82 83 84 85 86 char n1[20] ,n2[20],tmp[20]; 87 int tag,radix; 88 89 int main() 90 { 91 init(); 92 scanf("%s %s %d %d",n1,n2,&tag,&radix); 93 if(tag==2) 94 { 95 strcpy(tmp,n1); 96 strcpy(n1,n2); 97 strcpy(n2,tmp); 98 } 99 LL t=cvtNum10(n1,radix,inf); 100 LL low=findmax(n2); 101 LL high=max(low,t)+1; 102 LL ans=bsch(n2,low,high,t); 103 if(ans==-1)printf("Impossible"); 104 else printf("%lld\n",ans); 105 return 0; 106 }