三、能夠用 help COMMAND 獲取該命令的幫助
[root@node1 corosync]# crm crm(live)# help # 獲取當前可用命令 Available commands: cib manage shadow CIBs #cib管理模塊 resource resources management #全部的資源都在這個子命令後定義 configure CRM cluster configuration # 編輯集羣配置信息 node nodes management #集羣節點管理子命令 options user preferences #用戶優先級 history CRM cluster history#CRM歷史 site Geo-cluster support#地理集羣支持 ra resource agents information center #資源代理子命令(全部與資源代理相關的程都在此命令之下) status show cluster status #顯示當前集羣的狀態信息 help,? show help (help topics for list of topics)#查看當前區域可能的命令 end,cd,up go back one level #返回第一級crm(live)# quit,bye,exit exit the program #退出crm(live)交互模式
1.resource子命令 #定義全部資源的狀態
crm(live)resource# help vailable commands: status show status of resources #顯示資源狀態信息 start start a resource #啓動一個資源 stop stop a resource #中止一個資源 restart restart a resource #重啓一個資源 promote promote a master-slave resource #提高一個主從資源 demote demote a master-slave resource #降級一個主從資源 manage put a resource into managed mode unmanage put a resource into unmanaged mode migrate migrate a resource to another node #將資源遷移到另外一個節點 unmigrate unmigrate a resource to another node param manage a parameter of a resource #管理資源的參數 secret manage sensitive parameters #管理敏感參數 meta manage a meta attribute #管理源屬性 utilization manage a utilization attribute failcount manage failcounts #管理失效計數器 cleanup cleanup resource status #清理資源狀態 refresh refresh CIB from the LRM status #從LRM(LRM本地資源管理)更新CIB(集羣信息庫) reprobe probe for resources not started by the CRM #探測在CRM中沒有啓動的資源 trace start RA tracing #啓用資源代理(RA)追蹤 untrace stop RA tracing #禁用資源代理(RA)追蹤 help show help (help topics for list of topics) #顯示幫助 end go back one level #返回一級(crm(live)#) quit exit the program #退出交互式程序
2.configure子命令 #資源粘性、資源類型、資源約束
crm(live)configure# help Available commands: node define a cluster node #定義一個集羣節點 primitive define a resource #定義資源 monitor add monitor operation to a primitive #對一個資源添加監控選項(如超時時間,啓動失敗後的操做) group define a group #定義一個組類型(將多個資源整合在一塊兒) clone define a clone #定義一個克隆類型(能夠設置總的克隆數,每個節點上能夠運行幾個克隆) ms define a master-slave resource #定義一個主從類型(集羣內的節點只能有一個運行主資源,其它從的作備用) rsc_template define a resource template #定義一個資源模板 location a location preference # 定義位置約束優先級(默認運行於那一個節點(若是位置約束值相同,默認傾向性哪個高,就在哪個節點上運行)) colocation colocate resources #排列約束資源(多個資源在一塊兒的可能性) order order resources #資源的啓動的前後順序 rsc_ticket resources ticket dependency# property set a cluster property #設置集羣屬性 rsc_defaults set resource defaults #設置資源默認屬性(粘性) fencing_topology node fencing order #隔離節點順序 role define role access rights #定義角色的訪問權限 user define user access rights #定義用用戶訪問權限 op_defaults set resource operations defaults #設置資源默認選項 schema set or display current CIB RNG schema show display CIB objects #顯示集羣信息庫對 edit edit CIB objects #編輯集羣信息庫對象(vim模式下編輯) filter filter CIB objects #過濾CIB對象 delete delete CIB objects #刪除CIB對象 default-timeouts set timeouts for operations to minimums from the meta-data rename rename a CIB object #重命名CIB對象 modgroup modify group #改變資源組 refresh refresh from CIB #從新讀取CIB信息 erase erase the CIB #清除CIB信息 ptest show cluster actions if changes were committed rsctest test resources as currently configured cib CIB shadow management cibstatus CIB status management and editing template edit and import a configuration from a template commit commit the changes to the CIB #將更改後的信息提交寫入CIB verify verify the CIB with crm_verify #CIB語法驗證 upgrade upgrade the CIB to version 1.0 save save the CIB to a file #將當前CIB導出到一個文件中(導出的文件存於切換crm 以前的目錄) load import the CIB from a file #從文件內容載入CIB graph generate a directed graph xml raw xml help show help (help topics for list of topics) #顯示幫助信息 end go back one level #回到第一級(crm(live)#)
3.node子命令 #節點管理和狀態
crm(live)# node crm(live)node# help Node management and status commands. Available commands: status show nodes status as XML #以xml格式顯示節點狀態信息 show show node #命令行格式顯示節點狀態信息 standby put node into standby #模擬指定節點離線(standby在後面必須的FQDN) online set node online #節點從新上線 maintenance put node into maintenance mode ready put node into ready mode fence fence node #隔離節點 clearstate Clear node state #清理節點狀態信息 delete delete node #刪除 一個節點 attribute manage attributes utilization manage utilization attributes status-attr manage status attributes help show help (help topics for list of topics) end go back one level quit exit the program
4.ra子命令 #資源代理類別都在此處
crm(live)# ra crm(live)ra# help Available commands: classes list classes and providers# 爲資源代理分類 list list RA for a class (and provider)# 顯示一個類別中的提供的資源 meta show meta data for a RA # 顯示一個資源代理序的可用參數(如meta ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2) providers show providers for a RA and a class help show help (help topics for list of topics) end go back one level quit exit the program xml 顯示完整的xml格式信息
crm(live)configure# show node node #當前集羣共有2個節點 property cib-bootstrap-options: \ dc-version=1.1.11-97629de \ #DC的版本 cluster-infrastructure="classic openais (with plugin)" \ #底層基礎架構(經典的openais,使用plugin方式來運行) expected-quorum-votes=2 \ #當前節點一共有兩票 stonith-enabled=false #stonith 設備已被禁用
configure crm(live)configure# property stonith-enabled=false crm(live)configure# commit crm_verify -L -V #此時再檢查就不會檢查stoith設備了;