


1、 Recovery的三類服務:框架


         /* * The recovery tool communicates with the main system through /cache files. * /cache/recovery/command - INPUT - command line for tool, one arg per line * /cache/recovery/log - OUTPUT - combined log file from recovery run(s) * /cache/recovery/intent - OUTPUT - intent that was passed in * * The arguments which may be supplied in the recovery.command file: * --send_intent=anystring - write the text out to recovery.intent * --update_package=path - verify install an OTA package file * --wipe_data - erase user data (and cache), then reboot * --wipe_cache - wipe cache (but not user data), then reboot * --set_encrypted_filesystem=on|off - enables / diasables encrypted fs * * After completing, we remove /cache/recovery/command and reboot. * Arguments may also be supplied in the bootloader control block (BCB). * These important scenarios must be safely restartable at any point: * * FACTORY RESET * 1. user selects "factory reset" * 2. main system writes "--wipe_data" to /cache/recovery/command * 3. main system reboots into recovery * 4. get_args() writes BCB with "boot-recovery" and "--wipe_data" * -- after this, rebooting will restart the erase -- * 5. erase_volume() reformats /data * 6. erase_volume() reformats /cache * 7. finish_recovery() erases BCB * -- after this, rebooting will restart the main system -- * 8. main() calls reboot() to boot main system * * OTA INSTALL * 1. main system downloads OTA package to /cache/ * 2. main system writes "--update_package=/cache/" * 3. main system reboots into recovery * 4. get_args() writes BCB with "boot-recovery" and "--update_package=..." * -- after this, rebooting will attempt to reinstall the update -- * 5. install_package() attempts to install the update * NOTE: the package install must itself be restartable from any point * 6. finish_recovery() erases BCB * -- after this, rebooting will (try to) restart the main system -- * 7. ** if install failed ** * 7a. prompt_and_wait() shows an error icon and waits for the user * 7b; the user reboots (pulling the battery, etc) into the main system * 8. main() calls maybe_install_firmware_update() * ** if the update contained radio/hboot firmware **: * 8a. m_i_f_u() writes BCB with "boot-recovery" and "--wipe_cache" * -- after this, rebooting will reformat cache & restart main system -- * 8b. m_i_f_u() writes firmware image into raw cache partition * 8c. m_i_f_u() writes BCB with "update-radio/hboot" and "--wipe_cache" * -- after this, rebooting will attempt to reinstall firmware -- * 8d. bootloader tries to flash firmware * 8e. bootloader writes BCB with "boot-recovery" (keeping "--wipe_cache") * -- after this, rebooting will reformat cache & restart main system -- * 8f. erase_volume() reformats /cache * 8g. finish_recovery() erases BCB * -- after this, rebooting will (try to) restart the main system -- * 9. main() calls reboot() to boot main system * * SECURE FILE SYSTEMS ENABLE/DISABLE * 1. user selects "enable encrypted file systems" * 2. main system writes "--set_encrypted_filesystems=on|off" to * /cache/recovery/command * 3. main system reboots into recovery * 4. get_args() writes BCB with "boot-recovery" and * "--set_encrypted_filesystems=on|off" * -- after this, rebooting will restart the transition -- * 5. read_encrypted_fs_info() retrieves encrypted file systems settings from /data * Settings include: property to specify the Encrypted FS istatus and * FS encryption key if enabled (not yet implemented) * 6. erase_volume() reformats /data * 7. erase_volume() reformats /cache * 8. restore_encrypted_fs_info() writes required encrypted file systems settings to /data * Settings include: property to specify the Encrypted FS status and * FS encryption key if enabled (not yet implemented) * 9. finish_recovery() erases BCB * -- after this, rebooting will restart the main system -- * 10. main() calls reboot() to boot main system */


         FACTORY RESET,恢復出廠設置。加密

         OTA INSTALL,即咱們的update.zip包升級。spa

         ENCRYPTED FILE SYSTEM ENABLE/DISABLE,使能/關閉加密文件系統。具體的每一類服務的大概工做流程,註釋中都有,咱們在下文中會詳細講解OTA INSTALL的工做流程。這三類服務的大概的流程都是通用的,只是不一樣操做體現與不一樣的操做細節。下面咱們看Recovery服務的通用流程。命令行


        在這裏咱們以OTA INSTALL的流程爲例具體分析。並從相關函數的調用過程圖開始,以下圖:rest



          1.    ui_init():Recovery服務使用了一個基於framebuffer的簡單ui(miniui)系統。這個函數對其進行了簡單的初始化。在Recovery服務的過程當中主要用於顯示一個背景圖片(正在安裝或安裝失敗)和一個進度條(用於顯示進度)。另外還啓動了兩個線程,一個用於處理進度條的顯示(progress_thread),另外一個用於響應用戶的按鍵(input_thread)。

          2.    get_arg():這個函數主要作了上圖中get_arg()往右往下直到parse arg/v的工做。咱們對照着流程一個一個看。






          3.     parserargc/argv:解析咱們得到參數。註冊所解析的命令(register_update_command),在下面的操做中會根據這一步解析的值進行一步步的判斷,而後進行相應的操做。

          4.    if(update_package):判斷update_package是否有值,如有就表示須要升級更新包,此時就會調用install_package()(即圖中紅色的第二個階段)。在這一步中將要完成安裝實際的升級包。這是最爲複雜,也是升級update.zip包最爲核心的部分。咱們在下一節詳細分析這一過程。爲從宏觀上理解Recovery服務的框架,咱們將這一步先略過,假設已經安裝完成了。咱們接着往下走,看安裝完成後Recovery怎樣一步步結束服務,並重啓到新的主系統的。

          5.    if(wipe_data/wipe_cache):這一步判斷實際是兩步,在源碼中是先判斷是否擦除data分區(用戶數據部分)的,而後再判斷是否擦除cache分區。值得注意的是在擦除data分區的時候必須連帶擦除cache分區。在只擦除cache分區的情形下能夠不擦除data分區。

          6.    maybe_install_firmware_update():若是升級包中包含/radio/hboot firmware的更新,則會調用這個函數。查看源碼發現,在註釋中(OTA INSTALL)有這一個流程。可是main函數中並無顯示調用這個函數。目前還沒有發現究竟是在什麼地方處理。可是其流程仍是向上面的圖示同樣。即,① 先向BCB中寫入「boot-recovery」和「—wipe_cache」以後將cache分區格式化,而後將firmware image 寫入原始的cache分區中。②將命令「update-radio/hboot」和「—wipe_cache」寫入BCB中,而後開始從新安裝firmware並刷新firmware。③以後又會進入圖示中的末尾,即finish_recovery()。

          7.    prompt_and_wait():這個函數是在一個判斷中被調用的。其意義是若是安裝失敗(update.zip包錯誤或驗證簽名失敗),則等待用戶的輸入處理(如經過組合鍵reboot等)。

          8.    finish_recovery():這是Recovery關閉並進入Main System的必經之路。其大致流程以下:


                將intent(字符串)的內容做爲參數傳進finish_recovery中。若是有intent須要告知Main System,則將其寫入/cache/recovery/intent中。這個intent的做用尚不知有何用。

                將內存文件系統中的Recovery服務的日誌(/tmp/recovery.log)拷貝到cache(/cache/recovery/log)分區中,以便告知重啓後的Main System發生過什麼。



          9.    reboot():這是一個系統調用。在這一步Recovery完成其服務重啓並進入Main System。此次重啓和在主系統中重啓進入Recovery模式調用的函數是同樣的,可是其方向是不同的。因此參數也就不同。查看源碼發現,其重啓模式是RB_AUTOBOOT。這是一個系統的宏。



