Curator源碼閱讀 - ConnectionState的管理與監聽

看看Curator框架 爲實現對 鏈接狀態ConnectionState的監聽,都是怎麼構造框架的。後面咱們也能夠應用到業務的各類監聽中。java


接口 Listener


public interface ConnectionStateListener
     * Called when there is a state change in the connection
     * @param client the client
     * @param newState the new state
    public void stateChanged(CuratorFramework client, ConnectionState newState);

接口 Listenable

 * Abstracts a listenable object
public interface Listenable<T>
     * Add the given listener. The listener will be executed in the containing instance's thread.
     * @param listener listener to add
    public void     addListener(T listener);

     * Add the given listener. The listener will be executed using the given
     * executor
     * @param listener listener to add
     * @param executor executor to run listener in
    public void     addListener(T listener, Executor executor);

    public void     removeListener(T listener);

抽象類 ListenerContainer<T> implements Listenable<T>

 * Abstracts an object that has listeners 裝Listener的容器
 * <T> Listener類型
public class ListenerContainer<T> implements Listenable<T>
    private final Map<T, ListenerEntry<T>> listeners = Maps.newConcurrentMap();

    public void addListener(T listener)
        addListener(listener, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor());

    public void addListener(T listener, Executor executor)
        listeners.put(listener, new ListenerEntry<T>(listener, executor));
     * 對 Listener 列表的遍歷進行封裝
     * Utility - apply the given function to each listener. 
     * @param function function to call for each listener
    public void forEach(final Function<T, Void> function)
        for ( final ListenerEntry<T> entry : listeners.values() )
                new Runnable()
                    public void run()
                        catch ( Throwable e )
                            log.error(String.format("Listener (%s) threw an exception", entry.listener), e);
    public void clear()

    public int size()
        return listeners.size();


// to manage connection state
public class ConnectionStateManager {
    // 又是隊列? 玩消息什麼的都是用隊列。如今是存放 ConnectionState
    BlockingQueue<ConnectionState> eventQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<ConnectionState>(QUEUE_SIZE);
    // 持有 ListenerContainer
    private final ListenerContainer<ConnectionStateListener> listeners = new ListenerContainer<ConnectionStateListener>();
     * Start the manager,起一個線程去執行 processEvents(),要是這線程掛了怎麼辦?異常怎麼處理的?框架怎麼處理的。。
    public void start()
                new Callable<Object>()
                    public Object call() throws Exception
                        return null;
    public void close()
        if ( state.compareAndSet(State.STARTED, State.CLOSED) )
    // 對不斷產生的 ConnectionState 進行處理,生產者?
     private void processEvents(){
        // 當 ConnectionStateManager 啓動完成
        while ( state.get() == State.STARTED )
            // 不斷從隊列拿 Conection 狀態
            final ConnectionState newState = eventQueue.take();
            // 對每一個 狀態監聽接口  應用 Function, 狀態監聽接口做爲 主語
            // forEach 是 listeners封裝的 遍歷全部 listener 的方法而已。。。
                new Function<ConnectionStateListener, Void>() {
                    // ConnectionStateListener是咱們本身要實現的接口,stateChanged是要實現的方法
                    public Void apply(ConnectionStateListener listener)
                        listener.stateChanged(client, newState);
                        return null;
            若是沒有封裝 Listener 到 ListenerContainer 的話, 全部 Listener 就是個 List列表,就直接調 Listener 的 stateChanged 方法了吧。
            for Listener {
                listener.stateChanged(client, newState);
            由於 封裝 Listener 到 ListenerContainer了, 上面的 forEach 方法內部就能夠有些內部實現,好比 對每一個 Listener 都是用對應的 executor 來執行。
    // 上面的方法是處理 ConnectionState 的,那 ConnectionState 是怎麼傳進來的呢? 生產者?
     * Post a state change. If the manager is already in that state the change
     * is ignored. Otherwise the change is queued for listeners.
     * @param newConnectionState new state
     * @return true if the state actually changed, false if it was already at that state
    public synchronized boolean addStateChange(ConnectionState newConnectionState)
        // 先判斷 ConnectionStateManager 是否已經啓動好, state 是內部 Enum
        if ( state.get() != State.STARTED )
            return false;

        ConnectionState previousState = currentConnectionState;
        if ( previousState == newConnectionState )
            return false;
        ConnectionState localState = newConnectionState;
        // !!!

        while ( !eventQueue.offer(state) )
            log.warn("ConnectionStateManager queue full - dropping events to make room");
        return true;



// 啓動 connectionStateManager,不斷檢測 connectionState 變化
connectionStateManager.start(); // must be called before client.start()
// 來個匿名默認的 ConnectionStateListener
final ConnectionStateListener listener = new ConnectionStateListener()
    public void stateChanged(CuratorFramework client, ConnectionState newState)
        if ( ConnectionState.CONNECTED == newState || ConnectionState.RECONNECTED == newState )

生產 ConnectionState,把zk那裏拿到的state轉一下,而後addStateChangeide

void validateConnection(Watcher.Event.KeeperState state)
    if ( state == Watcher.Event.KeeperState.Disconnected )
    else if ( state == Watcher.Event.KeeperState.Expired )
    else if ( state == Watcher.Event.KeeperState.SyncConnected )
    else if ( state == Watcher.Event.KeeperState.ConnectedReadOnly )


還有其餘各類Listener,均可以放到 ListenerContainerthis

private final ListenerContainer<CuratorListener> listeners;
private final ListenerContainer<UnhandledErrorListener> unhandledErrorListeners;

 * Receives notifications about errors and background events
public interface CuratorListener {
     * Called when a background task has completed or a watch has triggered
     * @param event the event
     * @throws Exception any errors
    public void eventReceived(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception;

public interface UnhandledErrorListener
     * Called when an exception is caught in a background thread, handler, etc. Before this
     * listener is called, the error will have been logged and a {@link ConnectionState#LOST}
     * event will have been queued for any {@link ConnectionStateListener}s.
     * @param message Source message
     * @param e exception
    public void     unhandledError(String message, Throwable e);


  1. ConnectionStateManager 就是個 生產者消費者模式的代碼,特色就是: public addStateChange() 暴露給外部用戶生產 ConnectionState,經過隊列eventQueue傳遞,private processEvents()在內部對ConnectionState進行消費。
  2. 直接new匿名類,對接口進行默認實現。
  3. Listener列表對象進行Container封裝,而後 封裝foreach方法,傳入Function接口 就是foreach每一個元素要執行的業務邏輯,方法體就能夠加一些其餘福利。