本文主要講行爲型模式,建立型模式和結構型模式能夠看博主的另外兩篇文章:Java經典設計模式之五大建立型模式(附實例和詳解)、 Java經典設計模式之七大結構型模式(附實例和詳解)。算法

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package com.model.behaviour; public interface ICalculator { public int calculate(String exp); } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public abstract class AbstractCalculator { public int [] split(String exp, String opt) { String array[] = exp.split(opt); int arrayInt[] = new int [ 2 ]; arrayInt[ 0 ] = Integer.parseInt(array[ 0 ]); arrayInt[ 1 ] = Integer.parseInt(array[ 1 ]); return arrayInt; } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Plus extends AbstractCalculator implements ICalculator { @Override public int calculate(String exp) { int arrayInt[] = split(exp, "\\+" ); return arrayInt[ 0 ] + arrayInt[ 1 ]; } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Minus extends AbstractCalculator implements ICalculator { @Override public int calculate(String exp) { int arrayInt[] = split(exp, "\\-" ); return arrayInt[ 0 ] - arrayInt[ 1 ]; } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Multiply extends AbstractCalculator implements ICalculator { @Override public int calculate(String exp) { int arrayInt[] = split(exp, "\\*" ); return arrayInt[ 0 ]*arrayInt[ 1 ]; } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class StrategyTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String exp = "8-2" ; ICalculator cal = new Minus(); int result = cal.calculate(exp); System.out.println(exp + "=" + result); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public abstract class AbstractCalculator { /*主方法,實現對本類其它方法的調用*/ public final int calculate(String exp,String opt){ int array[] = split(exp,opt); return calculate(array[0],array[1]); } /*被子類重寫的方法*/ abstract public int calculate( int num1, int num2); public int [] split(String exp,String opt){ String array[] = exp.split(opt); int arrayInt[] = new int [ 2 ]; arrayInt[ 0 ] = Integer.parseInt(array[ 0 ]); arrayInt[ 1 ] = Integer.parseInt(array[ 1 ]); return arrayInt; } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Plus extends AbstractCalculator { @Override public int calculate( int num1, int num2) { return num1 + num2; } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class StrategyTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String exp = "8+8" ; AbstractCalculator cal = new Plus(); int result = cal.calculate(exp, "\\+" ); System.out.println(result); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public interface Observer { public void update(); } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Observer1 implements Observer { @Override public void update() { System.out.println( "observer1 has received!" ); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Observer2 implements Observer { @Override public void update() { System.out.println( "observer2 has received!" ); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public interface Subject { /*增長觀察者*/ public void add(Observer observer); /*刪除觀察者*/ public void del(Observer observer); /*通知全部的觀察者*/ public void notifyObservers(); /*自身的操做*/ public void operation(); } |
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package com.model.behaviour; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; public abstract class AbstractSubject implements Subject { private Vector<Observer> vector = new Vector<Observer>(); @Override public void add(Observer observer) { vector.add(observer); } @Override public void del(Observer observer) { vector.remove(observer); } @Override public void notifyObservers() { Enumeration<Observer> enumo = vector.elements(); while (enumo.hasMoreElements()){ enumo.nextElement().update(); } } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class MySubject extends AbstractSubject { @Override public void operation() { System.out.println( "update self!" ); notifyObservers(); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class ObserverTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Subject sub = new MySubject(); sub.add( new Observer1()); sub.add( new Observer2()); sub.operation(); } } |
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update self! observer1 has received! observer2 has received! |
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package com.model.behaviour; public interface Collection { public Iterator iterator(); /* 取得集合元素 */ public Object get(int i); /* 取得集合大小 */ public int size(); } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public interface Iterator { // 前移 public Object previous(); // 後移 public Object next(); public boolean hasNext(); // 取得第一個元素 public Object first(); } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class MyCollection implements Collection { public String string[] = { "A" , "B" , "C" , "D" , "E" }; @Override public Iterator iterator() { return new MyIterator( this ); } @Override public Object get( int i) { return string[i]; } @Override public int size() { return string.length; } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class MyIterator implements Iterator { private Collection collection; private int pos = - 1 ; public MyIterator(Collection collection){ this .collection = collection; } @Override public Object previous() { if (pos > 0 ){ pos--; } return collection.get(pos); } @Override public Object next() { if (pos<collection.size()- 1 ){ pos++; } return collection.get(pos); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (pos<collection.size()- 1 ){ return true ; } else { return false ; } } @Override public Object first() { pos = 0 ; return collection.get(pos); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Collection collection = new MyCollection(); Iterator it = (Iterator) collection.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public interface Handler { public void operator(); } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public abstract class AbstractHandler { private Handler handler; public Handler getHandler() { return handler; } public void setHandler(Handler handler) { this .handler = handler; } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class MyHandler extends AbstractHandler implements Handler { private String name; public MyHandler(String name) { this .name = name; } @Override public void operator() { System.out.println(name + "deal!" ); if (getHandler() != null ) { getHandler().operator(); } } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { MyHandler h1 = new MyHandler( "h1" ); MyHandler h2 = new MyHandler( "h2" ); MyHandler h3 = new MyHandler( "h3" ); h1.setHandler(h2); h2.setHandler(h3); h1.operator(); } } |
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h1deal! h2deal! h3deal! |
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package com.model.behaviour; public interface Command { public void exe(); } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class MyCommand implements Command { private Receiver receiver; public MyCommand(Receiver receiver) { this .receiver = receiver; } @Override public void exe() { receiver.action(); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Invoker { private Command command; public Invoker(Command command) { this .command = command; } public void action() { command.exe(); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Receiver receiver = new Receiver(); Command cmd = new MyCommand(receiver); Invoker invoker = new Invoker(cmd); invoker.action(); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Original { private String value; public String getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(String value) { this .value = value; } public Original(String value) { this .value = value; } public Memento createMemento(){ return new Memento(value); } public void restoreMemento(Memento memento){ this .value = memento.getValue(); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Memento { private String value; public Memento(String value) { this .value = value; } public String getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(String value) { this .value = value; } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Storage { private Memento memento; public Storage(Memento memento) { this .memento = memento; } public Memento getMemento() { return memento; } public void setMemento(Memento memento) { this .memento = memento; } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // 建立原始類 Original origi = new Original( "egg" ); // 建立備忘錄 Storage storage = new Storage(origi.createMemento()); // 修改原始類的狀態 System.out.println( "初始化狀態爲:" + origi.getValue()); origi.setValue( "niu" ); System.out.println( "修改後的狀態爲:" + origi.getValue()); // 回覆原始類的狀態 origi.restoreMemento(storage.getMemento()); System.out.println( "恢復後的狀態爲:" + origi.getValue()); } } |
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初始化狀態爲:egg 修改後的狀態爲:niu 恢復後的狀態爲:egg |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class State { private String value; public String getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(String value) { this .value = value; } public void method1(){ System.out.println( "execute the first opt!" ); } public void method2(){ System.out.println( "execute the second opt!" ); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Context { private State state; public Context(State state) { this .state = state; } public State getState() { return state; } public void setState(State state) { this .state = state; } public void method() { System.out.println( "狀態爲:" + state.getValue()); if (state.getValue().equals( "state1" )) { state.method1(); } else if (state.getValue().equals( "state2" )) { state.method2(); } } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { State state = new State(); Context context = new Context(state); //設置第一種狀態 state.setValue( "state1" ); context.method(); //設置第二種狀態 state.setValue( "state2" ); context.method(); } } |
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狀態爲:state1 execute the first opt! 狀態爲:state2 execute the second opt! |
1.Visitor 抽象訪問者角色,爲該對象結構中具體元素角色聲明一個訪問操做接口。該操做接口的名字和參數標識了發送訪問請求給具體訪問者的具體元素角色,這樣訪問者就能夠經過該元素角色的特定接口直接訪問它。
3.Element 定義一個接受訪問操做(accept()),它以一個訪問者(Visitor)做爲參數。
4.ConcreteElement 具體元素,實現了抽象元素(Element)所定義的接受操做接口。
5.ObjectStructure 結構對象角色,這是使用訪問者模式必備的角色。它具有如下特性:能枚舉它的元素;能夠提供一個高層接口以容許訪問者訪問它的元素;若有須要,能夠設計成一個複合對象或者一個彙集(如一個列表或無序集合)。
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abstract class Element { public abstract void accept(IVisitor visitor); public abstract void doSomething(); } |
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class ConcreteElement1 extends Element{ public void doSomething(){ System.out.println( "這是元素1" ); } public void accept(IVisitor visitor){ visitor.visit( this ); } } |
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class ConcreteElement2 extends Element{ public void doSomething(){ System.out.println( "這是元素2" ); } public void accept(IVisitor visitor){ visitor.visit( this ); } } |
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interface IVisitor{ public void visit(ConcreteElement1el1); public void visit(ConcreteElement2el2); } |
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class Visitor implements IVisitor{ public void visit(ConcreteElement1 el1){ el1.doSomething(); } public void visit(ConcreteElement2 el2){ el2.doSomething(); } } |
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class ObjectStruture{ public static List<Element> getList(){ List<Element>list = new ArrayList<Element>(); Random ran = newRandom(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++){ int a=ran.nextInt( 100 ); if (a> 50 ){ list.add (newConcreteElement1()); } else { list.add (newConcreteElement2()); } } return list; } } |
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public class Client{ public static void main (String[]args){ List<Element> list = ObjectStruture.getList(); for (Elemente:list){ e.accept(newVisitor()); } } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public abstract class AbstractColleague { protected AbstractMediator mediator; /**既然有中介者,那麼每一個具體同事必然要與中介者有聯繫, * 不然就不必存在於 這個系統當中,這裏的構造函數至關 * 於向該系統中註冊一箇中介者,以取得聯繫 */ public AbstractColleague(AbstractMediator mediator) { this .mediator = mediator; } // 在抽象同事類中添加用於與中介者取得聯繫(即註冊)的方法 public void setMediator(AbstractMediator mediator) { this .mediator = mediator; } } |
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//具體同事A package com.model.behaviour; public class ColleagueA extends AbstractColleague { //每一個具體同事都經過父類構造函數與中介者取得聯繫 public ColleagueA(AbstractMediator mediator) { super (mediator); } //每一個具體同事必然有本身份內的事,不必與外界相關聯 public void self() { System.out.println( "同事A --> 作好本身份內的事情 ..." ); } //每一個具體同事總有須要與外界交互的操做,經過中介者來處理這些邏輯並安排工做 public void out() { System.out.println( "同事A --> 請求同事B作好份內工做 ..." ); super .mediator.execute( "ColleagueB" , "self" ); } } |
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//具體同事B package com.model.behaviour; public class ColleagueB extends AbstractColleague { public ColleagueB(AbstractMediator mediator) { super (mediator); } public void self() { System.out.println( "同事B --> 作好本身份內的事情 ..." ); } public void out() { System.out.println( "同事B --> 請求同事A作好份內工做 ..." ); super .mediator.execute( "ColleagueA" , "self" ); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public abstract class AbstractMediator { //中介者確定須要保持有若干同事的聯繫方式 protected Hashtable<String, AbstractColleague> colleagues = new Hashtable<String, AbstractColleague>(); //中介者能夠動態地與某個同事創建聯繫 public void addColleague(String name, AbstractColleague c) { this .colleagues.put(name, c); } //中介者也能夠動態地撤銷與某個同事的聯繫 public void deleteColleague(String name) { this .colleagues.remove(name); } //中介者必須具有在同事之間處理邏輯、分配任務、促進交流的操做 public abstract void execute(String name, String method); } |
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//具體中介者 package com.model.behaviour; public class Mediator extends AbstractMediator{ //中介者最重要的功能,來回奔波與各個同事之間 public void execute(String name, String method) { if ( "self" .equals(method)){ //各自作好份內事 if ( "ColleagueA" .equals(name)) { ColleagueA colleague = (ColleagueA) super .colleagues.get( "ColleagueA" ); colleague.self(); } else { ColleagueB colleague = (ColleagueB) super .colleagues.get( "ColleagueB" ); colleague.self(); } } else { //與其餘同事合做 if ( "ColleagueA" .equals(name)) { ColleagueA colleague = (ColleagueA) super .colleagues.get( "ColleagueA" ); colleague.out(); } else { ColleagueB colleague = (ColleagueB) super .colleagues.get( "ColleagueB" ); colleague.out(); } } } } |
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//測試類 package com.model.behaviour; public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { //建立一箇中介者 AbstractMediator mediator = new Mediator(); //建立兩個同事 ColleagueA colleagueA = new ColleagueA(mediator); ColleagueB colleagueB = new ColleagueB(mediator); //中介者分別與每一個同事創建聯繫 mediator.addColleague( "ColleagueA" , colleagueA); mediator.addColleague( "ColleagueB" , colleagueB); //同事們開始工做 colleagueA.self(); colleagueA.out(); System.out.println( "======================合做愉快,任務完成!\n" ); colleagueB.self(); colleagueB.out(); System.out.println( "======================合做愉快,任務完成!" ); } } |
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同事A --> 作好本身份內的事情 ... 同事A --> 請求同事B作好份內工做 ... 同事B --> 作好本身份內的事情 ... ======================合做愉快,任務完成! 同事B --> 作好本身份內的事情 ... 同事B --> 請求同事A作好份內工做 ... 同事A --> 作好本身份內的事情 ... ======================合做愉快,任務完成! |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Context { private int num1; private int num2; public Context( int num1, int num2) { this .num1 = num1; this .num2 = num2; } public int getNum1() { return num1; } public void setNum1( int num1) { this .num1 = num1; } public int getNum2() { return num2; } public void setNum2( int num2) { this .num2 = num2; } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public interface Expression { public int interpret(Context context); } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Minus implements Expression { @Override public int interpret(Context context) { return context.getNum1()-context.getNum2(); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Plus implements Expression { @Override public int interpret(Context context) { return context.getNum1()+context.getNum2(); } } |
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package com.model.behaviour; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // 計算9+2-8的值 int result = new Minus().interpret(( new Context( new Plus() .interpret( new Context( 9 , 2 )), 8 ))); System.out.println(result); } } |