os: ubuntu 16.04
zabbix: 3.4node
ip 規劃 node1 pgsql 9.6 master node2 pgsql 9.6 slave node3 zabbix proxy node4 zabbix serverweb
本篇blog介紹在 node一、node2 節點上使用 UserParameter 監控 postgresql的具體過程。sql
# egrep ^[A-Z] /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf |grep -i include
# vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/manual_postgresql96.conf
#postgresql version
UserParameter=manual_postgresql96.version,su - postgres -c "psql --version|head -n1"
#postgres isalive
UserParameter=manual_postgresql96.isalive,su - postgres -c "psql -U zabbix postgres -Atqc 'select 1'"
#postgresql connection count
UserParameter=manual_postgresql96.server_processes,su - postgres -c "psql -U zabbix postgres -Atqc 'select sum(numbackends) from pg_stat_database'"
#postgresql commited transactions
UserParameter=manual_postgresql96.tx_commited,su - postgres -c "psql -U zabbix postgres -Atqc 'select sum(xact_commit) from pg_stat_database'"
#postgresql rolled back transactions
UserParameter=manual_postgresql96.tx_rolledback,su - postgres -c "psql -U zabbix postgres -Atqc 'select sum(xact_rollback) from pg_stat_database'"
# zabbix_agentd -t manual_postgresql96.version
# zabbix_agentd -t manual_postgresql96.isalive
# zabbix_agentd -t manual_postgresql96.server_processes
# zabbix_agentd -t manual_postgresql96.tx_commited
# zabbix_agentd -t manual_postgresql96.tx_rolledback
就是手動建立一個符合規範的模版文件 Template_Manual_PostgreSQL96.xml
zabbix web 頁面操做ubuntu
Configuration -> Templates -> Importruby
能夠看到模版 Template_Manual_PostgreSQL96.xml app
zabbix web 頁面操做tcp
Configuration -> Hostside
點擊某臺機器,進去選擇 Templates,
點擊Select,選中 Template DB Manual PostgreSQL96 ,點擊頁下面的 Select
點擊 Add
點擊 Update
須要注意的是模版文件的 value_type 須要和 manual_postgresql96.conf 對應之類型一致,不然會報錯。
value_type integer
0 - 浮點數
1 - 字符
2 - 日誌
3 - 數字(無正負)
4 - 文本
下面這個錯誤描述的是模版定義的是 「Numeric (unsigned)」 類型,可是實際執行返回的值是 「string」
1640:20180906:090855.099 item "node1:manual_postgresql96.isalive" became not supported: Value "su: must be run from a terminal" of type "string" is not suitable for value type "Numeric (unsigned)"
1640:20180906:090855.099 item "node1:manual_postgresql96.server_processes" became not supported: Value "su: must be run from a terminal" of type "string" is not suitable for value type "Numeric (unsigned)"
1640:20180906:090855.099 item "node1:manual_postgresql96.tx_commited" became not supported: Value "su: must be run from a terminal" of type "string" is not suitable for value type "Numeric (unsigned)"
1640:20180906:090855.100 item "node1:manual_postgresql96.tx_rolledback" became not supported: Value "su: must be run from a terminal" of type "string" is not suitable for value type "Numeric (unsigned)"
這是是須要修改 AllowRoot=1
# vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
# /etc/init.d/zabbix-agent restart
而後在 zabbix server 的日誌能夠看到以下信息。
# tail -f /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log
1639:20180906:095615.954 item "node1:manual_postgresql96.isalive" became supported
1637:20180906:095625.966 item "node1:manual_postgresql96.server_processes" became supported
1637:20180906:095625.967 item "node1:manual_postgresql96.tx_commited" became supported
1637:20180906:095625.967 item "node1:manual_postgresql96.tx_rolledback" became supported
本次是經過 UserParameter 實現了監控 postgresql 的幾個指標,應該是做爲一個實現的樣例。
Template_Manual_PostgreSQL96.xml 的具體內容
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<template>Template DB Manual PostgreSQL96</template>
<name>Template DB Manual PostgreSQL96</name>
<name>Manual PostgreSQL Status</name>
<name>Manual PostgreSQL Version</name>
<name>Manual PostgreSQL IsAlive</name>
<name>Manual PostgreSQL Server Processes</name>
<name>Manual PostgreSQL Tx Commited</name>
<name>Manual PostgreSQL Tx Rollback</name>
<expression>{Template DB Manual PostgreSQL96:net.tcp.listen[5432].last()}=0</expression>
<name>PostgreSQL is down</name>
<name>Manual PostgreSQL Status</name>
<host>Template DB Manual PostgreSQL96</host>
<name>Manual PostgreSQL Server Processes</name>
<host>Template DB Manual PostgreSQL96</host>
<name>Manual PostgreSQL Tx</name>
<host>Template DB Manual PostgreSQL96</host>
<host>Template DB Manual PostgreSQL96</host>