golang在http.Request中提供了一個Context用於存儲kv對,咱們能夠經過這個來存儲請求相關的數據。在請求入口,咱們把惟一的requstID存儲到context中,在後續須要調用的地方把值取出來打印。若是日誌是在controller中打印,這個很好處理,http.Request是做爲入參的。但若是是在更底層呢?好比說是在model甚至是一些工具類中。咱們固然能夠給每一個方法都提供一個參數,由調用方把context一層一層傳下來,但這種方式明顯不夠優雅。想一想java裏面是怎麼作的--ThreadLocal。雖然golang官方不太承認這種方式,可是咱們今天就是要基於goroutine id實現它。java
We wouldn't even be having this discussion if thread local storage wasn't useful. But every feature comes at a cost, and in my opinion the cost of threadlocals far outweighs their benefits. They're just not a good fit for Go.
1.修改 $GOROOT/src/runtime/proc.go 文件,添加 GetGoroutineId() 函數bash
func GetGoroutineId() int64 { return getg().goid }
cd ~/go/src GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP='/Users/qiuxudong/go1.9' ./all.bash
package goroutine_local import ( "sync" "runtime" ) type goroutineLocal struct { initfun func() interface{} m *sync.Map } func NewGoroutineLocal(initfun func() interface{}) *goroutineLocal { return &goroutineLocal{initfun:initfun, m:&sync.Map{}} } func (gl *goroutineLocal)Get() interface{} { value, ok := gl.m.Load(runtime.GetGoroutineId()) if !ok && gl.initfun != nil { value = gl.initfun() } return value } func (gl *goroutineLocal)Set(v interface{}) { gl.m.Store(runtime.GetGoroutineId(), v) } func (gl *goroutineLocal)Remove() { gl.m.Delete(runtime.GetGoroutineId()) }
package goroutine_local import ( "testing" "fmt" "time" "runtime" ) var gl = NewGoroutineLocal(func() interface{} { return "default" }) func TestGoroutineLocal(t *testing.T) { gl.Set("test0") fmt.Println(runtime.GetGoroutineId(), gl.Get()) go func() { gl.Set("test1") fmt.Println(runtime.GetGoroutineId(), gl.Get()) gl.Remove() fmt.Println(runtime.GetGoroutineId(), gl.Get()) }() time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) }
5 test0 6 test1 6 default