下載安裝 官方文檔 https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-toolkit/2.2/pt-query-digest.htmlshell
wget http://www.percona.com/get/pt-query-digestbash
yum -y install perl-Time-HiRestcp
chmod +x pt-query-digest工具
cp pt-query-digest /usr/bin/post
wget percona.com/get/percona-toolkit.rpm開發工具
rpm -ivh percona-toolkit-2.2.13-1.noarch.rpm
wget percona.com/get/percona-toolkit.tar.gz
tar -zxvf percona-toolkit-2.2.13.tar.gz
cd percona-toolkit-2.2.13
perl Makefile.PL
make && make install
MySQL 慢查詢日誌分析及可視化結果
pt-query-digest slow.log > slow_report.log
pt-query-digest --since=12h slow.log > slow_report2.log
pt-query-digest slow.log --since '2014-04-17 09:30:00' --until '2014-04-17 10:00:00'> > slow_report3.log
pt-query-digest--filter '$event->{fingerprint} =~ m/^select/i' slow.log> slow_report4.log
(5) 針對某個用戶的慢查詢
pt-query-digest--filter '($event->{user} || "") =~ m/^root/i' slow.log> slow_report5.log
(6) 查詢全部全部的全表掃描或full join的慢查詢
pt-query-digest--filter '(($event->{Full_scan} || "") eq "yes") ||(($event->{Full_join} || "") eq "yes")' slow.log> slow_report6.log
pt-query-digest --user=root –password=abc123 --review h=localhost,D=test,t=query_review--create-review-table slow.log
pt-query-digest --user=root –password=abc123 --review h=localhost,D=test,t=query_ history--create-review-table slow.log_20140401
pt-query-digest --user=root –password=abc123--review h=localhost,D=test,t=query_history--create-review-table slow.log_20140402
tcpdump -s 65535 -x -nn -q -tttt -i any -c 1000 port 3306 > mysql.tcp.txt
pt-query-digest --type tcpdump mysql.tcp.txt> slow_report9.log
mysqlbinlog mysql-bin.000093 > mysql-bin000093.sql
pt-query-digest --type=binlog mysql-bin000093.sql > slow_report10.log
(11)分析general log
pt-query-digest --type=genlog localhost.log > slow_report11.log
tcpdump抓取mysql sql語句腳本
#!/bin/bash #this script used montor mysql network traffic.echo sql tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -l -w - dst port 3306 | strings | perl -e ' while(<>) { chomp; next if /^[^ ]+[ ]*$/; if(/^(SELECT|UPDATE|DELETE|INSERT|SET|COMMIT|ROLLBACK|CREATE|DROP|ALTER|CALL)/i) { if (defined $q) { print "$q\n"; } $q=$_; } else { $_ =~ s/^[ \t]+//; $q.=" $_"; } }
例 pt-query-digest slowquery.log
# 15s user time, 40ms system time, 28.67M rss, 180.19M vsz # Current date: Tue Dec 29 17:17:10 2015 # Hostname: owl1 # Files: slowquery.log # Overall: 41.77k total, 282 unique, 0.12 QPS, 0.72x concurrency _________ # Time range: 2015-12-25 18:20:35 to 2015-12-29 17:17:01 # Attribute total min max avg 95% stddev median 屬性 總計 最小 最大 平均 標準 中等 # ============ ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= # Exec time 244824s 76us 9300s 6s 490us 189s 204us 語句執行時間 # Lock time 15s 0 1s 351us 214us 9ms 89us # Rows sent 9.59M 0 728.56k 240.74 0.99 10.85k 0.99 發送到客戶端行數 # Rows examine 35.91M 0 1.42M 901.56 51.63 23.34k 2.90 掃描行數 # Query size 11.09M 6 1.03k 278.45 621.67 170.03 192.76 # Profile # Rank Query ID Response time Calls R/Call V/M =>響應時間Variance-to-mean的比率 排名 語句ID 響應時間 次數 平均響應時間 Item =>查詢語句一部分 # ==== ================== ================= ===== ========= ===== ======== # 1 0x813031B8BBC3B329 244241.8160 99.8% 188 1299.1586 49... COMMIT # 2 0x9C487FF1619D928A 145.4454 0.1% 83 1.7524 0.25 SELECT t_media # 3 0xA2C6AEC11CD4CE59 119.4845 0.0% 72 1.6595 0.21 SELECT t_activity_live # 4 0x2AF153117E450C55 91.8681 0.0% 66 1.3919 0.20 SELECT t_relation # 5 0x03096D125987A35D 78.8235 0.0% 58 1.3590 0.18 SELECT t_activity_record # 8 0xB7E1D1E378B827B7 14.2656 0.0% 12 1.1888 0.15 SELECT t_user_record # MISC 0xMISC 132.7931 0.1% 41291 0.0032 0.0 <276 ITEMS> 每條查詢語句分析 pct指的是該項佔概要報告中的百分比 # Query 1: 0.01 QPS, 0.01x concurrency, ID 0x9C487FF1619D928A at byte 272548 # Scores: V/M = 0.25 # Time range: 2015-12-25 18:20:35 to 22:40:37 # Attribute pct total min max avg 95% stddev median # ============ === ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= # Count 0 83 # Exec time 0 145s 541ms 3s 2s 3s 662ms 2s # Lock time 0 14ms 79us 502us 163us 273us 71us 144us # Rows sent 0 83 1 1 1 1 0 1 # Rows examine 0 83 1 1 1 1 0 1 # Query size 0 85.27k 1.03k 1.03k 1.03k 1.03k 0 1.03k # String: # Hosts owl-test # Users owluser # Query_time distribution # 1us # 10us # 100us # 1ms # 10ms # 100ms ######## # 1s ################################################################ # 10s+ # Tables # SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 't_media'\G # SHOW CREATE TABLE `t_media`\G # EXPLAIN /*!50100 PARTITIONS*/ select mediaasset0_.id as id1_16_0_, mediaasset0_.begin_time as begin_ti2_16_0_, mediaasset0_.channel_id as channel_3_16_0_, mediaasset0_.chat_url as chat_url4_16_0_, mediaasset0_.create_time as create_t5_16_0_, mediaasset0_.owl_id as owl_id6_16_0_, mediaasset0_.duration as duration7_16_0_, mediaasset0_.end_time as end_time8_16_0_, mediaasset0_.locat_desc as locat_de9_16_0_, mediaasset0_.location as locatio10_16_0_, mediaasset0_.media_type as media_t11_16_0_, mediaasset0_.origin_type as origi n_12_16_0_, mediaasset0_.play_state as play_st13_16_0_, mediaasset0_.player as player14_16_0_, mediaasset0_.large_poster as large_p15_16_0_, mediaasset0_.medium_po ster as medium_16_16_0_, mediaasset0_.small_poster as small_p17_16_0_, mediaasset0_.price as price18_16_0_, mediaasset0_.rank as rank19_16_0_, mediaasset0_.real_ti me as real_ti20_16_0_, mediaasset0_.short_url as short_u21_16_0_, mediaasset0_.status as status22_16_0_, mediaasset0_.tags as tags23_16_0_, mediaasset0_.title as t itle24_16_0_ from t_media mediaasset0_ where mediaasset0_.id=82154\G