SoftwareTest lab2 homework

1. Install the Selenium IDE for the firefox browser.git

  To begin with, I install the firfox(V42.0). Then, the selenium IDE for firfoxe can be found in the marketplace, so all I have do is install it according to the indication.github

2.Record and Export the test casefirefox


    When we open the IDE, we just need to click the red button at the top right-hand corner. Then, we can opperate on firefox and when we finish, click again the red button to stop recording.  code

    And we can click the green tringle to


  2). Export:ip


3. After exporting the test case as Java/ Junit4/ WebDriver, we can oppen it in the eclips. It's necessary to add some Libraries to make sure that the WebDriver can be run



4. The specific code of the Selenium Java WebDriver has been upload to github.selenium
