describe("A suite", function() { it("contains spec with an expectation", function() { expect(true).toBe(true); }); }); describe("A suite is just a function", function() { var a; it("and so is a spec", function() { a = true; expect(a).toBe(true); }); }); describe("The 'toBe' matcher compares with ===", function() { it("and has a positive case ", function() { expect(true).toBe(true); }); it("and can have a negative case", function() { expect(false).not.toBe(true); }); }); describe("Included matchers:", function() { it("The 'toBe' matcher compares with ===", function() { var a = 12; var b = a; expect(a).toBe(b); expect(a).not.toBe(null); }); describe("The 'toEqual' matcher", function() { it("works for simple literals and variables", function() { var a = 12; expect(a).toEqual(12); }); it("should work for objects", function() { var foo = { a: 12, b: 34 }; var bar = { a: 12, b: 34 }; expect(foo).toEqual(bar); }); }); it("The 'toMatch' matcher is for regular expressions", function() { var message = 'foo bar baz'; expect(message).toMatch(/bar/); expect(message).toMatch('bar'); expect(message).not.toMatch(/quux/); }); it("The 'toBeDefined' matcher compares against `undefined`", function() { var a = { foo: 'foo' }; expect(; expect(; }); it("The `toBeUndefined` matcher compares against `undefined`", function() { var a = { foo: 'foo' }; expect(; expect(; }); it("The 'toBeNull' matcher compares against null", function() { var a = null; var foo = 'foo'; expect(null).toBeNull(); expect(a).toBeNull(); expect(foo).not.toBeNull(); }); it("The 'toBeTruthy' matcher is for boolean casting testing", function() { var a, foo = 'foo'; expect(foo).toBeTruthy(); expect(a).not.toBeTruthy(); }); it("The 'toBeFalsy' matcher is for boolean casting testing", function() { var a, foo = 'foo'; expect(a).toBeFalsy(); expect(foo).not.toBeFalsy(); }); it("The 'toContain' matcher is for finding an item in an Array", function() { var a = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']; expect(a).toContain('bar'); expect(a).not.toContain('quux'); }); it("The 'toBeLessThan' matcher is for mathematical comparisons", function() { var pi = 3.1415926, e = 2.78; expect(e).toBeLessThan(pi); expect(pi).not.toBeLessThan(e); }); it("The 'toBeGreaterThan' is for mathematical comparisons", function() { var pi = 3.1415926, e = 2.78; expect(pi).toBeGreaterThan(e); expect(e).not.toBeGreaterThan(pi); }); it("The 'toBeCloseTo' matcher is for precision math comparison", function() { var pi = 3.1415926, e = 2.78; expect(pi).not.toBeCloseTo(e, 2); expect(pi).toBeCloseTo(e, 0); }); it("The 'toThrow' matcher is for testing if a function throws an exception", function() { var foo = function() { return 1 + 2; }; var bar = function() { return a + 1; }; expect(foo).not.toThrow(); expect(bar).toThrow(); }); });
describe("A spec", function() { it("is just a function, so it can contain any code", function() { var foo = 0; foo += 1; expect(foo).toEqual(1); }); it("can have more than one expectation", function() { var foo = 0; foo += 1; expect(foo).toEqual(1); expect(true).toEqual(true); }); }); describe("A spec (with setup and tear-down)", function() { var foo; beforeEach(function() { foo = 0; foo += 1; }); afterEach(function() { foo = 0; }); it("is just a function, so it can contain any code", function() { expect(foo).toEqual(1); }); it("can have more than one expectation", function() { expect(foo).toEqual(1); expect(true).toEqual(true); }); }); describe("A spec", function() { var foo; beforeEach(function() { foo = 0; foo += 1; }); afterEach(function() { foo = 0; }); it("is just a function, so it can contain any code", function() { expect(foo).toEqual(1); }); it("can have more than one expectation", function() { expect(foo).toEqual(1); expect(true).toEqual(true); }); describe("nested inside a second describe", function() { var bar; beforeEach(function() { bar = 1; }); it("can reference both scopes as needed ", function() { expect(foo).toEqual(bar); }); }); });
xdescribe("A spec", function() { var foo; beforeEach(function() { foo = 0; foo += 1; }); xit("is just a function, so it can contain any code", function() { expect(foo).toEqual(1); }); });
describe("A spy", function() { var foo, bar = null; beforeEach(function() { foo = { setBar: function(value) { bar = value; } }; spyOn(foo, 'setBar'); foo.setBar(123); foo.setBar(456, 'another param'); }); it("tracks that the spy was called", function() { expect(foo.setBar).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("tracks its number of calls", function() { expect(foo.setBar.calls.length).toEqual(2); }); it("tracks all the arguments of its calls", function() { expect(foo.setBar).toHaveBeenCalledWith(123); expect(foo.setBar).toHaveBeenCalledWith(456, 'another param'); }); it("allows access to the most recent call", function() { expect(foo.setBar.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual(456); }); it("allows access to other calls", function() { expect(foo.setBar.calls[0].args[0]).toEqual(123); }); it("stops all execution on a function", function() { expect(bar).toBeNull(); }); }); describe("A spy, when configured to call through", function() { var foo, bar, fetchedBar; beforeEach(function() { foo = { setBar: function(value) { bar = value; }, getBar: function() { return bar; } }; spyOn(foo, 'getBar').andCallThrough(); foo.setBar(123); fetchedBar = foo.getBar(); }); it("tracks that the spy was called", function() { expect(foo.getBar).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should not effect other functions", function() { expect(bar).toEqual(123); }); it("when called returns the requested value", function() { expect(fetchedBar).toEqual(123); }); }); describe("A spy, when faking a return value", function() { var foo, bar, fetchedBar; beforeEach(function() { foo = { setBar: function(value) { bar = value; }, getBar: function() { return bar; } }; spyOn(foo, 'getBar').andReturn(745); foo.setBar(123); fetchedBar = foo.getBar(); }); it("tracks that the spy was called", function() { expect(foo.getBar).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should not effect other functions", function() { expect(bar).toEqual(123); }); it("when called returns the requested value", function() { expect(fetchedBar).toEqual(745); }); });
describe("A spy, when faking a return value", function() { var foo, bar, fetchedBar; beforeEach(function() { foo = { setBar: function(value) { bar = value; }, getBar: function() { return bar; } }; spyOn(foo, 'getBar').andCallFake(function() { return 1001; }); foo.setBar(123); fetchedBar = foo.getBar(); }); it("tracks that the spy was called", function() { expect(foo.getBar).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should not effect other functions", function() { expect(bar).toEqual(123); }); it("when called returns the requested value", function() { expect(fetchedBar).toEqual(1001); }); }); describe("A spy, when created manually", function() { var whatAmI; beforeEach(function() { whatAmI = jasmine.createSpy('whatAmI'); whatAmI("I", "am", "a", "spy"); }); it("is named, which helps in error reporting", function() { expect(whatAmI.identity).toEqual('whatAmI') }); it("tracks that the spy was called", function() { expect(whatAmI).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("tracks its number of calls", function() { expect(whatAmI.calls.length).toEqual(1); }); it("tracks all the arguments of its calls", function() { expect(whatAmI).toHaveBeenCalledWith("I", "am", "a", "spy"); }); it("allows access to the most recent call", function() { expect(whatAmI.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual("I"); }); }); describe("Multiple spies, when created manually", function() { var tape; beforeEach(function() { tape = jasmine.createSpyObj('tape', ['play', 'pause', 'stop', 'rewind']);; tape.pause(); tape.rewind(0); }); it("creates spies for each requested function", function() { expect(; expect(tape.pause).toBeDefined(); expect(tape.stop).toBeDefined(); expect(tape.rewind).toBeDefined(); }); it("tracks that the spies were called", function() { expect(; expect(tape.pause).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tape.rewind).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tape.stop).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("tracks all the arguments of its calls", function() { expect(tape.rewind).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0); }); }); describe("jasmine.any", function() { it("matches any value", function() { expect({}).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object)); expect(12).toEqual(jasmine.any(Number)); }); describe("when used with a spy", function() { it("is useful for comparing arguments", function() { var foo = jasmine.createSpy('foo'); foo(12, function() { return true }); expect(foo).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Number), jasmine.any(Function)); }); }); }); describe("Manually ticking the Jasmine Mock Clock", function() { var timerCallback; beforeEach(function() { timerCallback = jasmine.createSpy('timerCallback'); jasmine.Clock.useMock(); }); it("causes a timeout to be called synchronously", function() { setTimeout(function() { timerCallback(); }, 100); expect(timerCallback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); jasmine.Clock.tick(101); expect(timerCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("causes an interval to be called synchronously", function() { setInterval(function() { timerCallback(); }, 100); expect(timerCallback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); jasmine.Clock.tick(101); expect(timerCallback.callCount).toEqual(1); jasmine.Clock.tick(50); expect(timerCallback.callCount).toEqual(1); jasmine.Clock.tick(50); expect(timerCallback.callCount).toEqual(2); }); });
describe("Asynchronous specs", function() { var value, flag; it("should support async execution of test preparation and exepectations", function() { runs(function() { flag = false; value = 0; setTimeout(function() { flag = true; }, 500); }); waitsFor(function() { value++; return flag; }, "The Value should be incremented", 750); runs(function() { expect(value).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); }); }); (function() { var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv(); jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 250; var htmlReporter = new jasmine.HtmlReporter(); jasmineEnv.addReporter(htmlReporter); jasmineEnv.specFilter = function(spec) { return htmlReporter.specFilter(spec); }; var currentWindowOnload = window.onload; window.onload = function() { if (currentWindowOnload) { currentWindowOnload(); } document.querySelector('.version').innerHTML = jasmineEnv.versionString(); execJasmine(); }; function execJasmine() { jasmineEnv.execute(); } })();