設計模式 Swift 實踐 - (Part 1. 行爲型模式)

行爲型模式 | 建立型模式 | 結構型模式javascript


在軟件工程中, 行爲型模式爲設計模式的一種類型,用來識別對象之間的經常使用交流模式並加以實現。如此,可在進行這些交流活動時加強彈性。java

來源: 維基百科git

責任鏈(Chain Of Responsibility)



final class MoneyPile {

    let value: Int
    var quantity: Int
    var nextPile: MoneyPile?

    init(value: Int, quantity: Int, nextPile: MoneyPile?) {
        self.value = value
        self.quantity = quantity
        self.nextPile = nextPile

    func canWithdraw(amount: Int) -> Bool {

        var amount = amount

        func canTakeSomeBill(want: Int) -> Bool {
            return (want / self.value) > 0

        var quantity = self.quantity

        while canTakeSomeBill(want: amount) {

            if quantity == 0 {

            amount -= self.value
            quantity -= 1

        guard amount > 0 else {
            return true

        if let next = self.nextPile {
            return next.canWithdraw(amount: amount)

        return false

final class ATM {
    private var hundred: MoneyPile
    private var fifty: MoneyPile
    private var twenty: MoneyPile
    private var ten: MoneyPile

    private var startPile: MoneyPile {
        return self.hundred

    init(hundred: MoneyPile,
         fifty: MoneyPile,
         twenty: MoneyPile,
         ten: MoneyPile) {

        self.hundred = hundred
        self.fifty = fifty
        self.twenty = twenty
        self.ten = ten

    func canWithdraw(amount: Int) -> String {
        return "可否取現:\(self.startPile.canWithdraw(amount: amount))"


// 建立一系列的錢堆,並將其連接起來:10<20<50<100
let ten = MoneyPile(value: 10, quantity: 6, nextPile: nil)
let twenty = MoneyPile(value: 20, quantity: 2, nextPile: ten)
let fifty = MoneyPile(value: 50, quantity: 2, nextPile: twenty)
let hundred = MoneyPile(value: 100, quantity: 1, nextPile: fifty)

// 建立 ATM 實例
var atm = ATM(hundred: hundred, fifty: fifty, twenty: twenty, ten: ten)
atm.canWithdraw(amount: 310)
atm.canWithdraw(amount: 100)
atm.canWithdraw(amount: 165)
atm.canWithdraw(amount: 30)複製代碼

更多示例:Design Patterns in Swift算法


命令模式是一種設計模式,它嘗試以對象來表明實際行動。命令對象能夠把行動(action) 及其參數封裝起來,因而這些行動能夠被:express

  • 重複屢次
  • 取消(若是該對象有實現的話)
  • 取消後又再重作


protocol DoorCommand {
    func execute() -> String

class OpenCommand: DoorCommand {
    let doors: String

    required init(doors: String) {
        self.doors = doors

    func execute() -> String {
        return "\(doors)打開了"

class CloseCommand: DoorCommand {
    let doors: String

    required init(doors: String) {
        self.doors = doors

    func execute() -> String {
        return "\(doors)關閉了"

class ZhimaDoorsOperations {
    let openCommand: DoorCommand
    let closeCommand: DoorCommand

    init(doors: String) {
        self.openCommand = OpenCommand(doors: doors)
        self.closeCommand = CloseCommand(doors: doors)

    func close() -> String {
        return closeCommand.execute()

    func open() -> String {
        return openCommand.execute()


let zhimaDoors = "芝麻門"
let doorModule = ZhimaDoorsOperations(doors: zhimaDoors)





protocol IntegerExpression {
    func evaluate(_ context: IntegerContext) -> Int
    func replace(character: Character, integerExpression: IntegerExpression) -> IntegerExpression
    func copied() -> IntegerExpression

final class IntegerContext {
    private var data: [Character: Int] = [:]

    func lookup(name: Character) -> Int {
        return self.data[name]!

    func assign(expression: IntegerVariableExpression, value: Int)  {
        self.data[expression.name] = value

final class IntegerVariableExpression: IntegerExpression {
    let name: Character

    init(name: Character) {
        self.name = name

    func evaluate(_ context: IntegerContext) -> Int {
        return context.lookup(name: self.name)

    func replace(character name: Character, integerExpression: IntegerExpression) -> IntegerExpression {
        if name == self.name {
            return integerExpression.copied()
        } else {
            return IntegerVariableExpression(name: self.name)

    func copied() -> IntegerExpression {
        return IntegerVariableExpression(name: self.name)

final class AddExpression: IntegerExpression {
    private var operand1: IntegerExpression
    private var operand2: IntegerExpression

    init(op1: IntegerExpression, op2: IntegerExpression) {
        self.operand1 = op1
        self.operand2 = op2

    func evaluate(_ context: IntegerContext) -> Int {
        return self.operand1.evaluate(context) + self.operand2.evaluate(context)

    func replace(character: Character, integerExpression: IntegerExpression) -> IntegerExpression {
        return AddExpression(op1: operand1.replace(character: character, integerExpression: integerExpression), op2: operand2.replace(character: character, integerExpression: integerExpression))

    func copied() -> IntegerExpression {
        return AddExpression(op1: self.operand1, op2: self.operand2)


var context = IntegerContext()

var a = IntegerVariableExpression(name: "A")
var b = IntegerVariableExpression(name: "B")
var c = IntegerVariableExpression(name: "C")

var expression = AddExpression(op1: a, op2: AddExpression(op1: b, op2: c))

context.assign(expression: a, value: 2)
context.assign(expression: b, value: 1)
context.assign(expression: c, value: 3)

var result = expression.evaluate(context)複製代碼

更多示例:Design Patterns in Swift設計模式




struct Novella {
    let name: String

struct Novellas {
    let novellas: [Novella]

struct NovellasIterator: IteratorProtocol {

    private var current = 0
    private let novellas: [Novella]

    init(novellas: [Novella]) {
        self.novellas = novellas

    mutating func next() -> Novella? {
        defer { current += 1 }
        return novellas.count > current ? novellas[current] : nil

extension Novellas: Sequence {
    func makeIterator() -> NovellasIterator {
        return NovellasIterator(novellas: novellas)


let greatNovellas = Novellas(novellas: [Novella(name:"紅樓夢")])
for novella in greatNovellas {




struct Programmer {
    let name: String

    init(name: String) {
        self.name = name

    func receive(message: String) {
        print("\(name) 收到消息:\(message)")

protocol MessageSending {
    func send(message: String)

final class MessageMediator: MessageSending {

    private var recipients: [Programmer] = []

    func add(recipient: Programmer) {

    func send(message: String) {
        for recipient in recipients {
            recipient.receive(message: message)


func spamMonster(message: String, worker: MessageSending) {
    worker.send(message: message)

let messagesMediator = MessageMediator()

let user0 = Programmer(name: "Linus Torvalds")
let user1 = Programmer(name: "Dylan Wang")
messagesMediator.add(recipient: user0)
messagesMediator.add(recipient: user1)

spamMonster(message: "我但願添加您到個人職業網絡", worker: messagesMediator)複製代碼

更多示例:Design Patterns in Swift




typealias Memento = NSDictionary
// 發起人(Originator)
protocol MementoConvertible {
    var memento: Memento { get }
    init?(memento: Memento)

struct GameState: MementoConvertible {

    private struct Keys {
        static let chapter = "com.valve.halflife.chapter"
        static let weapon = "com.valve.halflife.weapon"

    var chapter: String
    var weapon: String

    init(chapter: String, weapon: String) {
        self.chapter = chapter
        self.weapon = chapter

    init?(memento: Memento) {
        guard let mementoChapter = memento[Keys.chapter] as? String,
        let mementoWeapon = memento[Keys.weapon] as? String else {
            return nil

        self.chapter = mementoChapter
        self.weapon = mementoWeapon

    var memento: Memento {
        return [Keys.chapter: chapter,
                Keys.weapon: weapon]
// 管理者(Caretaker)
enum CheckPoint {
    static func save(_ state: MementoConvertible, saveName: String) {
        let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
        defaults.set(state.memento, forKey: saveName)

    static func restore(saveName: String) -> Memento? {
        let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
        return defaults.object(forKey: saveName) as? Memento


var gameState = GameState(chapter: "Black Mesa Inbound", weapon: "Crowbar")

gameState.chapter = "Anomalous Materials"
gameState.weapon = "Glock 17"
CheckPoint.save(gameState, saveName: "gameState1")

gameState.chapter = "Unforeseen Consequences"
gameState.weapon = "MP5"
CheckPoint.save(gameState, saveName: "gameState2")

gameState.chapter = "Office Complex"
gameState.weapon = "Crossbow"
CheckPoint.save(gameState, saveName: "gameState3")

if let memento = CheckPoint.restore(saveName: "gameState1") {
    let finalState = GameState(memento: memento)




protocol PropertyObserver: class {
    func willChange(propertyName: String, newPropertyValue: Any?)
    func didChange(propertyName: String, oldPropertyValue: Any?)

final class TestChambers {

    weak var observer: PropertyObserver?

    private let testChamberNumberName = "testChamberNumber"

    var testChamberNumber: Int = 0 {
        willSet(newValue) {
            observer?.willChange(propertyName: testChamberNumberName, newPropertyValue: newValue)
        didSet {
            observer?.didChange(propertyName: testChamberNumberName, oldPropertyValue: oldValue)

final class Observer: PropertyObserver {
    func willChange(propertyName: String, newPropertyValue: Any?) {
        if newPropertyValue as? Int == 1{
            print("Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret.")
    func didChange(propertyName: String, oldPropertyValue: Any?) {
        if oldPropertyValue as? Int == 0 {
            print("Sorry about the mess. I've really let the place go since you killed me.")


var observer = Observer()
var testChambers = TestChambers()
testChambers.observer = observer
testChambers.testChamberNumber += 1複製代碼

更多示例:Design Patterns in Swift




final class Context {
    private var state: State = UnauthorizedState()

    var isAuthorized: Bool {
        get {
            return state.isAuthorized(context: self)

    var userId: String? {
        get {
            return state.userId(context: self)

    func changeStateToAuthorized(userId: String) {
        state = AuthorizedState(userId: userId)

    func changeStateToUnauthorized() {
        state = UnauthorizedState()

protocol State {
    func isAuthorized(context: Context) -> Bool
    func userId(context: Context) -> String?

class UnauthorizedState: State {
    func isAuthorized(context: Context) -> Bool { return false }

    func userId(context: Context) -> String? { return nil }

class AuthorizedState: State {
    let userId: String

    init(userId: String) { self.userId = userId }

    func isAuthorized(context: Context) -> Bool { return true }

    func userId(context: Context) -> String? { return userId }


let userContext = Context()
(userContext.isAuthorized, userContext.userId)
userContext.changeStateToAuthorized(userId: "admin")
(userContext.isAuthorized, userContext.userId) // now logged in as "admin"
(userContext.isAuthorized, userContext.userId)複製代碼

更多示例:Design Patterns in Swift



  • 定義了一族算法(業務規則);
  • 封裝了每一個算法;
  • 這族的算法可互換代替(interchangeable)。


protocol PrintStrategy {
    func print(_ string: String) -> String

final class Printer {

    private let strategy: PrintStrategy

    init(strategy: PrintStrategy) {
        self.strategy = strategy

    func print(_ string: String) -> String {
        return self.strategy.print(string)

final class UpperCaseStrategy: PrintStrategy {
    func print(_ string: String) -> String {
        return string.uppercased()

final class LowerCaseStrategy: PrintStrategy {
    func print(_ string: String) -> String {
        return string.lowercased()


var lower = Printer(strategy: LowerCaseStrategy())
lower.print("0 tempora, o mores")

var upper = Printer(strategy: UpperCaseStrategy())
upper.print("0 tempora, o mores")複製代碼

更多示例:Design Patterns in Swift




protocol PlanetVisitor {
    func visit(planet: PlanetAlderaan)
    func visit(planet: PlanetCoruscant)
    func visit(planet: PlanetTatooine)
    func visit(planet: MoonJedah)

protocol Planet {
    func accept(visitor: PlanetVisitor)

class MoonJedah: Planet {
    func accept(visitor: PlanetVisitor) { visitor.visit(planet: self) }

class PlanetAlderaan: Planet {
    func accept(visitor: PlanetVisitor) { visitor.visit(planet: self) }

class PlanetCoruscant: Planet {
    func accept(visitor: PlanetVisitor) { visitor.visit(planet: self) }

class PlanetTatooine: Planet {
    func accept(visitor: PlanetVisitor) { visitor.visit(planet: self) }

class NameVisitor: PlanetVisitor {
    var name = ""

    func visit(planet: PlanetAlderaan)  { name = "Alderaan" }
    func visit(planet: PlanetCoruscant) { name = "Coruscant" }
    func visit(planet: PlanetTatooine)  { name = "Tatooine" }
    func visit(planet: MoonJedah)         { name = "Jedah" }


let planets: [Planet] = [PlanetAlderaan(), PlanetCoruscant(), PlanetTatooine(), MoonJedah()]

let names = planets.map { (planet: Planet) -> String in
    let visitor = NameVisitor()
    planet.accept(visitor: visitor)
    return visitor.name


更多示例:Design Patterns in Swift


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