- 本文首發於 https://github.com/suhanyujie...*
- 做者:suhanyujie
- 基於 PHP 7.3.3
// 方法1 implode ( string $glue , array $pieces ) : string // 方法2 implode ( array $pieces ) : string
$pieces = [ 123, ',是一個', 'number!', ]; $str1 = implode($pieces); $str2 = implode('', $pieces); var_dump($str1, $str2); /* string(20) "123,是一個number!" string(20) "123,是一個number!" */
能夠找到,該函數定義於 \ext\standard\string.c
文件中的 1288 行 if (arg2 == NULL) { if (Z_TYPE_P(arg1) != IS_ARRAY) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Argument must be an array"); return; } glue = ZSTR_EMPTY_ALLOC(); tmp_glue = NULL; pieces = arg1; } else { if (Z_TYPE_P(arg1) == IS_ARRAY) { glue = zval_get_tmp_string(arg2, &tmp_glue); pieces = arg1; } else if (Z_TYPE_P(arg2) == IS_ARRAY) { glue = zval_get_tmp_string(arg1, &tmp_glue); pieces = arg2; } else { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Invalid arguments passed"); return; } }
arg2 == NULL
,主要是對參數的一些處理php_implode(glue, pieces, return_value);
PHP源碼中 return_value
來聲明的。而 PHP_FUNCTION 的定義是:#define PHP_FUNCTION ZEND_FUNCTION // 對應的 ZEND_FUNCTION 定義以下 #define ZEND_FUNCTION(name) ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(ZEND_FN(name)) // 對應的 ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION 定義以下 #define ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(name) void ZEND_FASTCALL name(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS) // 對應的 ZEND_FN 定義以下 #define ZEND_FN(name) zif_##name // 對應的 ZEND_FASTCALL 定義以下 # define ZEND_FASTCALL __attribute__((fastcall))
void zif_implode(int ht, zval *return_value, zval **return_value_ptr, zval *this_ptr, int return_value_used TSRMLS_DC)
進行標識,若是申請內存,則申請的是堆內存numelems = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(pieces));
獲取 pieces 參數的單元數量,若是是空數組,則直接返回空字符串ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(zend_array), tmp) { // ... } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END();
struct { zend_string *str; zend_long lval; } *strings, *ptr;
// tmp 是循環中的單元值 ptr->str = Z_STR_P(tmp); len += ZSTR_LEN(ptr->str); ptr->lval = 0; ptr++;
len += ZSTR_LEN(ptr->str);
Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG
。一旦知道當前的數據類型是 zend_long,則將其賦值給 ptr 的 lval 結構體成員。而後 ptr 指針後移一個單位長度。len += ZSTR_LEN(val);
的方式獲取其字符長度。對於 zend_long,有什麼好的方法呢?while (val) { val /= 10; len++; }
if (val <= 0) { len++; }
str = zend_string_safe_alloc(numelems - 1, ZSTR_LEN(glue), len, 0);
,用於存放單元字符串總長度加上鍊接字符的總長度,即 (n-1)glue + len
。由於 n 個數組單元,只須要 n-1 個 glue 字符串。而後,將這段內存的尾地址,賦值給 cptr,爲何要指向尾部呢?看下一部分,你就會明白了。ptr--;
,而後針對 ptr->str 的判斷 if (EXPECTED(ptr->str))
,看了一下此處的 EXPECTED 的做用,能夠參考這裏。能夠簡單的將其理解一種彙編層面的優化,當實際執行的狀況更偏向於當前條件下的分支而非 else 的分支時,就用 EXPECTED 宏將其包裝起來:EXPECTED(ptr->str)
。我敢說,當你調用 implode 傳遞的數組中都是數字而非字符串,那麼這裏的 EXPECTED 做用就會失效。cptr -= ZSTR_LEN(ptr->str); memcpy(cptr, ZSTR_VAL(ptr->str), ZSTR_LEN(ptr->str));
(某數組單元的值)經過 c 標準庫函數 memcpy 拷貝到 cptr 內存空間中。ptr == strings
知足時,意味着 ptr 再也不有可被複制的字符串/數字。由於 strings 是 ptr 所在區域的首地址。ptr->str
同樣處理 glue 便可。至少源碼中是這麼作的。*cptr = 0
,它的做用至關於賦值空字符串。free_alloca(strings, use_heap); RETURN_NEW_STR(str);
free_alloca(strings, use_heap);
會將最終的返回值寫入 return_value 中debug/implode
,可自行下載運行,看看效果。static void su_php_implode(const zend_string *glue, zval *pieces, zval *return_value) { // 源碼內容省略 }
PHP_FUNCTION(su_test) { zval tmp; zend_string *str, *glue, *tmp_glue; zval *arg1, *arg2 = NULL, *pieces; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 2) Z_PARAM_ZVAL(arg1) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_ZVAL(arg2) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); glue = zval_get_tmp_string(arg1, &tmp_glue); pieces = arg2; su_php_implode(glue, pieces, return_value); }
// t1.php $res = su_test('-', [ 2019, '01', '01', ]); var_dump($res);
string(10) "2019-01-01"
,這意味着,你已經成功編寫了一個擴展函數。別急,這只是邁出了第一步,別忘記咱們的目標:經過調試來學習 implode 源碼。gdb php b zval_get_tmp_string r t1.php
即 break,表示打一個斷點r
即 run,表示運行腳本s
即 step,表示一步一步調試,遇到方法調用,會進入方法內部單步調試n
即 next,表示一行一行調試。遇到方法,則調試直接略過直接執行返回,調試不會進入其內部。p
即 print,表示打印當前做用域中的一個變量r t1.php
,則會定位到第一個斷點對應的行,顯示以下:Breakpoint 1, zif_su_test (execute_data=0x7ffff1a1d0c0, return_value=0x7ffff1a1d090) at /home/www/clang/php-7.3.3/ext/su_dd/su_dd.c:179 179 glue = zval_get_tmp_string(arg1, &tmp_glue);
,顯示以下:184 su_php_implode(glue, pieces, return_value);
的值。先使用命令:p pieces
,此時在終端會顯示相似於以下內容:$1 = (zval *) 0x7ffff1a1d120
是一個 zval 類型的指針,0x7ffff1a1d120
去打印存儲於改地址的變量內容:p *$1
是取值運算符。運行完後,此時顯示以下:(gdb) p *$1 $2 = {value = {lval = 140737247576960, dval = 6.9533439118030153e-310, counted = 0x7ffff1a60380, str = 0x7ffff1a60380, arr = 0x7ffff1a60380, obj = 0x7ffff1a60380, res = 0x7ffff1a60380, ref = 0x7ffff1a60380, ast = 0x7ffff1a60380, zv = 0x7ffff1a60380, ptr = 0x7ffff1a60380, ce = 0x7ffff1a60380, func = 0x7ffff1a60380, ww = {w1 = 4054188928, w2 = 32767}}, u1 = {v = {type = 7 '\a', type_flags = 1 '\001', u = { call_info = 0, extra = 0}}, type_info = 263}, u2 = {next = 0, cache_slot = 0, opline_num = 0, lineno = 0, num_args = 0, fe_pos = 0, fe_iter_idx = 0, access_flags = 0, property_guard = 0, constant_flags = 0, extra = 0}}
struct _zval_struct { zend_value value; /* value */ union { struct { ZEND_ENDIAN_LOHI_3( zend_uchar type, /* active type */ zend_uchar type_flags, union { uint16_t call_info; /* call info for EX(This) */ uint16_t extra; /* not further specified */ } u) } v; uint32_t type_info; } u1; union { uint32_t next; /* hash collision chain */ uint32_t cache_slot; /* cache slot (for RECV_INIT) */ uint32_t opline_num; /* opline number (for FAST_CALL) */ uint32_t lineno; /* line number (for ast nodes) */ uint32_t num_args; /* arguments number for EX(This) */ uint32_t fe_pos; /* foreach position */ uint32_t fe_iter_idx; /* foreach iterator index */ uint32_t access_flags; /* class constant access flags */ uint32_t property_guard; /* single property guard */ uint32_t constant_flags; /* constant flags */ uint32_t extra; /* not further specified */ } u2; };
,打印一下其中的內容。打印結構體成員可使用 .
運算符,例如:p $2.value
,運行這個命令,顯示以下:(gdb) p $2.value $3 = {lval = 140737247576960, dval = 6.9533439118030153e-310, counted = 0x7ffff1a60380, str = 0x7ffff1a60380, arr = 0x7ffff1a60380, obj = 0x7ffff1a60380, res = 0x7ffff1a60380, ref = 0x7ffff1a60380, ast = 0x7ffff1a60380, zv = 0x7ffff1a60380, ptr = 0x7ffff1a60380, ce = 0x7ffff1a60380, func = 0x7ffff1a60380, ww = {w1 = 4054188928, w2 = 32767}}
typedef union _zend_value { zend_long lval; /* long value */ double dval; /* double value */ zend_refcounted *counted; zend_string *str; zend_array *arr; zend_object *obj; zend_resource *res; zend_reference *ref; zend_ast_ref *ast; zval *zv; void *ptr; zend_class_entry *ce; zend_function *func; struct { uint32_t w1; uint32_t w2; } ww; } zend_value;
成員,它外表看起來就是一個指針,所以打印其內容,須要使用 *
運算符(gdb) p *$3.arr $4 = {gc = {refcount = 2, u = {type_info = 23}}, u = {v = {flags = 28 '\034', _unused = 0 '\000', nIteratorsCount = 0 '\000', _unused2 = 0 '\000'}, flags = 28}, nTableMask = 4294967294, arData = 0x7ffff1a67648, nNumUsed = 3, nNumOfElements = 3, nTableSize = 8, nInternalPointer = 0, nNextFreeElement = 3, pDestructor = 0x555555b6e200 <zval_ptr_dtor>}
的類型是 zend_array:struct _zend_array { zend_refcounted_h gc; union { struct { ZEND_ENDIAN_LOHI_4( zend_uchar flags, zend_uchar _unused, zend_uchar nIteratorsCount, zend_uchar _unused2) } v; uint32_t flags; } u; uint32_t nTableMask; Bucket *arData; uint32_t nNumUsed; uint32_t nNumOfElements; uint32_t nTableSize; uint32_t nInternalPointer; zend_long nNextFreeElement; dtor_func_t pDestructor; };
,使用:p *$4.arDaa
:(gdb) p *$4.arData $5 = {val = {value = {lval = 2019, dval = 9.9751853895347677e-321, counted = 0x7e3, str = 0x7e3, arr = 0x7e3, obj = 0x7e3, res = 0x7e3, ref = 0x7e3, ast = 0x7e3, zv = 0x7e3, ptr = 0x7e3, ce = 0x7e3, func = 0x7e3, ww = {w1 = 2019, w2 = 0}}, u1 = {v = {type = 4 '\004', type_flags = 0 '\000', u = {call_info = 0, extra = 0}}, type_info = 4}, u2 = {next = 0, cache_slot = 0, opline_num = 0, lineno = 0, num_args = 0, fe_pos = 0, fe_iter_idx = 0, access_flags = 0, property_guard = 0, constant_flags = 0, extra = 0}}, h = 0, key = 0x0}
lval = 2019
。$res = implode('-', [ 2019, '01', '01', [1,2] ]); var_dump($res);
PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /path/to/t2.php on line 3 PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /path/to/t2.php on line 3 string(16) "2019-01-01-Array"
PHPAPI void php_implode(const zend_string *glue, zval *pieces, zval *return_value) { zval *tmp; int numelems; zend_string *str; char *cptr; size_t len = 0; struct { zend_string *str; zend_long lval; } *strings, *ptr; ALLOCA_FLAG(use_heap) numelems = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(pieces)); if (numelems == 0) { RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } else if (numelems == 1) { /* loop to search the first not undefined element... */ ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(pieces), tmp) { RETURN_STR(zval_get_string(tmp)); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } ptr = strings = do_alloca((sizeof(*strings)) * numelems, use_heap); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(pieces), tmp) { if (EXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING)) { ptr->str = Z_STR_P(tmp); len += ZSTR_LEN(ptr->str); ptr->lval = 0; ptr++; } else if (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG)) { zend_long val = Z_LVAL_P(tmp); ptr->str = NULL; ptr->lval = val; ptr++; if (val <= 0) { len++; } while (val) { val /= 10; len++; } } else { ptr->str = zval_get_string_func(tmp); len += ZSTR_LEN(ptr->str); ptr->lval = 1; ptr++; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); /* numelems can not be 0, we checked above */ str = zend_string_safe_alloc(numelems - 1, ZSTR_LEN(glue), len, 0); cptr = ZSTR_VAL(str) + ZSTR_LEN(str); *cptr = 0; while (1) { ptr--; if (EXPECTED(ptr->str)) { cptr -= ZSTR_LEN(ptr->str); memcpy(cptr, ZSTR_VAL(ptr->str), ZSTR_LEN(ptr->str)); if (ptr->lval) { zend_string_release_ex(ptr->str, 0); } } else { char *oldPtr = cptr; char oldVal = *cptr; cptr = zend_print_long_to_buf(cptr, ptr->lval); *oldPtr = oldVal; } if (ptr == strings) { break; } cptr -= ZSTR_LEN(glue); memcpy(cptr, ZSTR_VAL(glue), ZSTR_LEN(glue)); } free_alloca(strings, use_heap); RETURN_NEW_STR(str); }
static void su_php_implode(const zend_string *glue, zval *pieces, zval *return_value)
ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(pieces), tmp) { if (EXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING)) { // ... } else if (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG)) { // ... } else { // ... } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END();
else if (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_ARRAY))
,其具體內容以下:ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(pieces), tmp) { if (EXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING)) { // ... } else if (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG)) { // ... } else if (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_ARRAY)) { // 若是值是數組,則調用 php_implode,將其使用 glue 鏈接成字符串 cptr = ZSTR_VAL(ptr->str); zend_string* str2 = origin_php_implode(glue, tmp, tmp_val); ptr->str = str2; // 此時,要拿到拼接後的字符串長度 len += ZSTR_LEN(str2); ptr++; } else { // ... } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END();
:static zend_string* origin_php_implode(const zend_string *glue, zval *pieces, zval *return_value) { zval *tmp; int numelems; zend_string *str; char *cptr; size_t len = 0; struct { zend_string *str; zend_long lval; } *strings, *ptr; ALLOCA_FLAG(use_heap) numelems = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(pieces)); if (numelems == 0) { RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } else if (numelems == 1) { /* loop to search the first not undefined element... */ ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(pieces), tmp) { RETURN_STR(zval_get_string(tmp)); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } ptr = strings = do_alloca((sizeof(*strings)) * numelems, use_heap); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(pieces), tmp) { if (EXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING)) { ptr->str = Z_STR_P(tmp); len += ZSTR_LEN(ptr->str); ptr->lval = 0; ptr++; } else if (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG)) { zend_long val = Z_LVAL_P(tmp); ptr->str = NULL; ptr->lval = val; ptr++; if (val <= 0) { len++; } while (val) { val /= 10; len++; } } else { ptr->str = zval_get_string_func(tmp); len += ZSTR_LEN(ptr->str); ptr->lval = 1; ptr++; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); /* numelems can not be 0, we checked above */ str = zend_string_safe_alloc(numelems - 1, ZSTR_LEN(glue), len, 0); cptr = ZSTR_VAL(str) + ZSTR_LEN(str); *cptr = 0; while (1) { ptr--; if (EXPECTED(ptr->str)) { cptr -= ZSTR_LEN(ptr->str); memcpy(cptr, ZSTR_VAL(ptr->str), ZSTR_LEN(ptr->str)); if (ptr->lval) { zend_string_release_ex(ptr->str, 0); } } else { char *oldPtr = cptr; char oldVal = *cptr; cptr = zend_print_long_to_buf(cptr, ptr->lval); *oldPtr = oldVal; } if (ptr == strings) { break; } cptr -= ZSTR_LEN(glue); memcpy(cptr, ZSTR_VAL(glue), ZSTR_LEN(glue)); } free_alloca(strings, use_heap); // RETURN_NEW_STR(str); return str; }
,功能實現的差很少了。咱們去編譯看看:./configure sudo make sudo make install
$res = su_test('-', [ 2019, '01', '01', ['1', '2',], ]); var_dump($res);
string(14) "2019-01-01-1-2"