【海外職位】全球算法博士全獎職位--2020.08上半月 - 知乎


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關於歐洲博士(後)具體工資狀況,參見:彙總 | 全球學術界博士(後)、教職工資福利大PKapp


  • PhD position in Optimization (David de Laat)(荷蘭)
  • Postdoc position in Algorithms and Complexity at Oxford (Standa Zivny)(英國)
  • Ph.D Positions in Algorithms, University of Augsburg (Tobias Moemke)(德國)
  • Postdoctoral Researcher in TCS at the University of Leeds (Sebastian Ordyniak)(英國)

PhD position in Optimization (David de Laat)(荷蘭)

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), in Delft, The Netherlands, is offering a 4-year PhD position in the context of the project "Semidefinite programming hierarchies for point configurations". As a PhD student you will be part of the optimization group with daily adviser David de Laat.post

In this project we use optimization in combination with techniques from harmonic analysis and algebra to tackle difficult problems in discrete geometry and related areas. We are looking for candidates with a solid background in mathematics, and who are interested in learning more about optimization, harmonic analysis, and representation theory.flex

The position is fully funded for a period of 4 years and offers a competitive salary; there are also generous funds for traveling and the opportunity to take part in graduate courses. The teaching load is 15%.ui

Informal inquiries about this position can be sent directly to me:d.delaat@tudelft.nl.this

The closing date is 1 October 2020. To apply for this position, please visit the job call at:url


David de Laat


Postdoc position in Algorithms and Complexity at Oxford (Standa Zivny)(英國)

A postdoc position is available in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford as part of the ERC Starting Grant Power of Algorithms in Discrete Optimisation (PowAlgDO) led by Standa Zivny. The project focuses on establishing the power of convex relaxations (such as linear and semidefinite programming) for various classes of constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) and on exact and approximate counting complexity of CSPs and related problems (such as holant problems). Strong candidates with any background in maths or theoretical computer science will considered.

The initial appointment is for one year, with the possibility of an extension until December 2021. The starting date is flexible. The position comes with a travel support and no teaching duties. The postholder will be a member of Oxford's Algorithms and Complexity Theory Group. Salary 41,526 49,553 p.a.

The closing date is 12 noon on Monday 31 August UK time.

More details can be found at http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/news/1836-full.html

Ph.D Positions in Algorithms, University of Augsburg (Tobias Moemke)(德國)

The Faculty of Applied Computer Science of Augsburg University (Prof.Dr. Tobias Moemke) is inviting applications for two PhD positions

starting at the earliest possible date. The contracts will initially be restricted to one year. Given the respective preconditions, an extension is planned. Part-time employment is possible. The salary is based on personal and collectively agreed conditions up to Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L.


- Scientific research on algorithms

- Participation in teaching and student supervision

- Pursuit of further scientific qualification (e.g., doctorate)

We Offer

- Collaboration in research on up-to-date scientific questions, in particular within Approximation Algorithms, Online Algorithms and Algorithms for Big Data

- Active support for work on individual research questions

- Possibility to attend workshops, conferences and summer schools

We Expect

- A finished Master’s degree (or equivalent) with very good grades in Computer Science, Mathematics or another related field (e.g., Physics)

- Fun pursuing mathematical scientific work and knowledge transfer

- Ability to work self-sufficiently and good communication skills

The required qualification should be part of the application documents in form of transcripts.

Since most of the teaching is done in German language, non-German speakers should give believable evidence that they are able to learn German within a short time frame.

The University of Augsburg promotes gender equality at work. Women are expressly asked to apply. The University of Augsburg particularly supports the compatibility of family and work. For further information, please contact the women's representative of the Faculty of Applied Computer Science. Disabled candidates with otherwise equal suitability, ability and subject-specific performance will be preferred.

Please compile your application composed of the habitual documents (CV, transcripts of grades, description of scientific interests, name and contact details of one or two references) to a single pdf file and e-mail it to Prof. Dr. Tobias M?mke (moemke@informatik.uni-augsburg.de)

until 15 September 2020.

Inquiries can be directed to Prof. Dr. Tobias Moemke


Postdoctoral Researcher in TCS at the University of Leeds (Sebastian Ordyniak)(英國)

We are happy to invite applications for a 2-year postdoctoral research position (salary: ?31,866 per annum at grade 7) within the School of Computing at the University of Leeds. The position is part of the EPSRC funded project (EP/V00252X/1) on the "Next Generation of Algorithms for

Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP)" led by Dr. Sebastian Ordyniak.

The project focuses on the development of novel algorithms and algorithmic lower bounds for MILP based on the principles of parameterized complexity (PC). Towards this aim we will develop novel ways to measure and exploit the structure of MILP instances based on decompositional,backdoor, and hybrid approaches. We will also explore how the novel algorithmic lower bounds and upper bounds can best be exploited for various problems in TCS, AI, and ML.

The project comes with a generous travel budget, which will allow us to closely collaborate with the leading research groups within PC and the complexity of MILP such as the algorithms and complexity groups at Charles University in Prague, TU Vienna, University of Warwick, Royal Holloway University of London, and the University of Bergen.

Candidates interested in the position should have:

- a PhD degree (or be close to completion) in Computer Science or Mathematics

- a strong background in algorithms and complexity, more specifically, in parameterized complexity and/or the computational complexity of MILP

- very good scientific writing and communication skills

Participation and presentations at scientific conferences are expected and will be funded.

If you are interested in working in an internationally connected,world-leading research team within the Algorithms research group at the University of Leeds, please send the following documents:

- motivation letter

- detailed CV

- list of publications

to sordyniak@gmail.com. Informal inquiries are also welcome.

The earliest starting date for the position is the 01.10.2020 but applications will be considered until the position is filled.

