namespace org.acme.shipping.perishable abstract participant Person identified by id { o String id o String name } participant Man extends Person { o Double account } transaction SetupDemo { } transaction P2P { o Double account /* 地址引用 引用傳遞:將修改的值更新到區塊鏈上,沒有操做的值不會更新到區塊鏈上 { "$class": "org.acme.shipping.perishable.P2P", "account": "12312", "a": "resource:org.acme.shipping.perishable.Man#1", "b": "resource:org.acme.shipping.perishable.Man#2" } */ -->Man a -->Man b /** 值傳遞方式:會將入參所有的更新到區塊鏈上 { "$class": "org.acme.shipping.perishable.P2P", "account": 0, "a": { "$class": "org.acme.shipping.perishable.Man", "account": 0, "id": "6520", "name": "" }, "b": { "$class": "org.acme.shipping.perishable.Man", "account": 0, "id": "6560", "name": "" } } */ // o Man a // o Man b }
/* global getParticipantRegistry getAssetRegistry getFactory */ /** * 執行一個轉帳的操做,沒有進行歷史留痕 * 注意: * 一、P2P交易中若是要進行參數傳遞,須要指定在cto的P2P定義中指定參數類型 * 好比:1)傳遞的是參與者Man,則要用"-->Man a"指定類型 * 2)轉帳的金額account,涉及到計算操做,Man、P2P中應該定義爲double類型 * 二、getParticipantRegistry中的update方法是將最新的值更新到對應的參與者數據中 * * Initialize some test assets and participants useful for running a demo. * @param {org.acme.shipping.perishable.P2P} p2p2 - the p2p transaction * @transaction */ async function p2p(p2p2){ const a = p2p2.a const b = p2p2.b const account = p2p2.account a.account = a.account - p2p2.account b.account = b.account + p2p2.account const growerRegistry = await getParticipantRegistry('org.acme.shipping.perishable.Man'); await growerRegistry.update(a) await growerRegistry.update(b) } /** * Initialize some test assets and participants useful for running a demo. * @param {org.acme.shipping.perishable.SetupDemo} setupDemo - the SetupDemo transaction * @transaction */ async function setupDemo(setupDemo) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars const factory = getFactory(); const NS = 'org.acme.shipping.perishable'; var manes = [] // const shipperRegistry = [10] debugger try { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var man = factory.newResource(NS, "Man", i+'') = "左龍龍" + i man.account = i +'' manes.push(man) } } catch (error) { console.error(error) } var shipperRegistry = await getParticipantRegistry(NS + '.Man'); await shipperRegistry.addAll(manes); }