The snapshot and restore module allows to create snapshots of individual indices or an entire cluster into a remote repository like shared file system, S3, or HDFS. These snapshots are great for backups because they can be restored relatively quickly but they are not archival because they can only be restored to versions of Elasticsearch that can read the index.python
簡而言之,是個對ES集羣的鏡像化以及快速回復的工具。不知足本次需求的針對某個字段輸出的要求,因此再也不繼續看。感興趣的同窗能夠查看 linux
雖然說Java大法是我用的最多的編程語言,可是linux上運行Java腳本實在麻煩。拋出一個Java ES導出文件的連接,感興趣的同窗請自便:elasticsearch使用Java API批量數據導入和導出git
#!/usr/bin/python #coding:utf-8 ''' Export and Import ElasticSearch Data. Simple Example At __main__ @author: wgzh159@163.com @modifier: lzkhit@163.com @note: uncheck consistency of data, please do it by self ''' import json import os import sys import time import urllib2 reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') class exportEsData(): size = 10000 def __init__(self, url,index,type,target_index): self.url = url+"/"+index+"/"+type+"/_search" self.index = index self.type = type self.target_index = target_index #替換原有的index self.file_name = self.target_index+"_"+self.type+".json" def exportData(self): print("export data begin...\n") begin = time.time() try: os.remove(self.file_name) except: os.mknod(self.file_name) msg = urllib2.urlopen(self.url).read() #print(msg) obj = json.loads(msg) num = obj["hits"]["total"] start = 0 end = num/self.size+1 # read size data one bulk while(start<end): try: msg = urllib2.urlopen(self.url+"?from="+str(start*self.size)+"&size="+str(self.size)).read() self.writeFile(msg) start=start+1 except urllib2.HTTPError, e: print 'There was an error with the request' print e break print(start) print("export data end!!!\n total consuming time:"+str(time.time()-begin)+"s") def writeFile(self,msg): obj = json.loads(msg) vals = obj["hits"]["hits"] try: cnt = 0 f = open(self.file_name,"a") for val in vals: val_json = val["_source"]["content"] f.write(str(val_json)+"\n") cnt += 1 finally: print(cnt) f.flush() f.close() class importEsData(): def __init__(self,url,index,type): self.url = url self.index = index self.type = type self.file_name = self.index+"_"+self.type+".json" def importData(self): print("import data begin...\n") begin = time.time() try: s = os.path.getsize(self.file_name) f = open(self.file_name,"r") data = f.read(s) #此處有坑: 注意bulk操做須要的格式(以\n換行) self.post(data) finally: f.close() print("import data end!!!\n total consuming time:"+str(time.time()-begin)+"s") def post(self,data): print data print self.url req = urllib2.Request(self.url,data) r = urllib2.urlopen(req) response = r.read() print response r.close() if __name__ == '__main__': ''' Export Data e.g. URL index type exportEsData("","watchdog","mexception").exportData() export file name: watchdog_mexception.json ''' exportEsData("","mtnews","articles","corpus").exportData() ''' Import Data *import file name:watchdog_test.json (important) "_" front part represents the elasticsearch index "_" after part represents the elasticsearch type e.g. URL index type mportEsData("","watchdog","test").importData() ''' #importEsData("","watchdog","test").importData() #importEsData("","chat","CHAT").importData() #importEsData("","chat","TOPIC").importData()
萬事俱備,python run代碼後,出現了問題:編程
"urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error"
並且根據程序中的doc count計數信息,發現不論bulk size如何變(嘗試了10/50/100/500/1000/5000/10000),老是卡在了第10000篇文檔,而後urllib就拋異常。json
首先,經過在while循環裏面增長sleep語句並減小bulk size,下降ES的TPS,可是仍然在10000篇文檔導出的時候出現了 HTTP STATUS 500 的錯誤,此法不通。服務器
Caused by: QueryPhaseExecutionException[Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [10000] but was [11000].
See the scroll api for a more efficient way to request lar ge data sets. This limit can be set by changing the [index.max_result_window]
index level parameter.]
正如 urllib2中HTTP狀態碼含義 一文中的
「5XX 迴應代碼以「5」開頭的狀態碼錶示服務器端發現本身出現錯誤,不能繼續執行請求」
言歸正傳,這個問題既然定位了,那麼解決方法確定是有的,參考 ES報錯Result window is too large問題處理
curl -XPUT -d '{ "index" : { "max_result_window" : 10000000}}'
對log中提示的 index.max_result_window 字段進行修改(默認的爲10000)