本文主要研究一下eureka server的response cachejava
/** * Gets information about a particular {@link com.netflix.discovery.shared.Application}. * * @param version * the version of the request. * @param acceptHeader * the accept header of the request to indicate whether to serve * JSON or XML data. * @return the response containing information about a particular * application. */ @GET public Response getApplication(@PathParam("version") String version, @HeaderParam("Accept") final String acceptHeader, @HeaderParam(EurekaAccept.HTTP_X_EUREKA_ACCEPT) String eurekaAccept) { if (!registry.shouldAllowAccess(false)) { return Response.status(Status.FORBIDDEN).build(); } EurekaMonitors.GET_APPLICATION.increment(); CurrentRequestVersion.set(Version.toEnum(version)); KeyType keyType = Key.KeyType.JSON; if (acceptHeader == null || !acceptHeader.contains("json")) { keyType = Key.KeyType.XML; } Key cacheKey = new Key( Key.EntityType.Application, appName, keyType, CurrentRequestVersion.get(), EurekaAccept.fromString(eurekaAccept) ); String payLoad = responseCache.get(cacheKey); if (payLoad != null) { logger.debug("Found: {}", appName); return Response.ok(payLoad).build(); } else { logger.debug("Not Found: {}", appName); return Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build(); } }
/** * Get the cached information about applications. * * <p> * If the cached information is not available it is generated on the first * request. After the first request, the information is then updated * periodically by a background thread. * </p> * * @param key the key for which the cached information needs to be obtained. * @return payload which contains information about the applications. */ public String get(final Key key) { return get(key, shouldUseReadOnlyResponseCache); } @VisibleForTesting String get(final Key key, boolean useReadOnlyCache) { Value payload = getValue(key, useReadOnlyCache); if (payload == null || payload.getPayload().equals(EMPTY_PAYLOAD)) { return null; } else { return payload.getPayload(); } } @VisibleForTesting Value getValue(final Key key, boolean useReadOnlyCache) { Value payload = null; try { if (useReadOnlyCache) { final Value currentPayload = readOnlyCacheMap.get(key); if (currentPayload != null) { payload = currentPayload; } else { payload = readWriteCacheMap.get(key); readOnlyCacheMap.put(key, payload); } } else { payload = readWriteCacheMap.get(key); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Cannot get value for key : {}", key, t); } return payload; }
/** * The class that is responsible for caching registry information that will be * queried by the clients. * * <p> * The cache is maintained in compressed and non-compressed form for three * categories of requests - all applications, delta changes and for individual * applications. The compressed form is probably the most efficient in terms of * network traffic especially when querying all applications. * * The cache also maintains separate pay load for <em>JSON</em> and <em>XML</em> * formats and for multiple versions too. * </p> * * @author Karthik Ranganathan, Greg Kim */ public class ResponseCacheImpl implements ResponseCache { //...... private final ConcurrentMap<Key, Value> readOnlyCacheMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Key, Value>(); private final LoadingCache<Key, Value> readWriteCacheMap; ResponseCacheImpl(EurekaServerConfig serverConfig, ServerCodecs serverCodecs, AbstractInstanceRegistry registry) { this.serverConfig = serverConfig; this.serverCodecs = serverCodecs; this.shouldUseReadOnlyResponseCache = serverConfig.shouldUseReadOnlyResponseCache(); this.registry = registry; long responseCacheUpdateIntervalMs = serverConfig.getResponseCacheUpdateIntervalMs(); this.readWriteCacheMap = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().initialCapacity(1000) .expireAfterWrite(serverConfig.getResponseCacheAutoExpirationInSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS) .removalListener(new RemovalListener<Key, Value>() { @Override public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<Key, Value> notification) { Key removedKey = notification.getKey(); if (removedKey.hasRegions()) { Key cloneWithNoRegions = removedKey.cloneWithoutRegions(); regionSpecificKeys.remove(cloneWithNoRegions, removedKey); } } }) .build(new CacheLoader<Key, Value>() { @Override public Value load(Key key) throws Exception { if (key.hasRegions()) { Key cloneWithNoRegions = key.cloneWithoutRegions(); regionSpecificKeys.put(cloneWithNoRegions, key); } Value value = generatePayload(key); return value; } }); if (shouldUseReadOnlyResponseCache) { timer.schedule(getCacheUpdateTask(), new Date(((System.currentTimeMillis() / responseCacheUpdateIntervalMs) * responseCacheUpdateIntervalMs) + responseCacheUpdateIntervalMs), responseCacheUpdateIntervalMs); } try { Monitors.registerObject(this); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warn("Cannot register the JMX monitor for the InstanceRegistry", e); } } }
/* * Generate pay load for the given key. */ private Value generatePayload(Key key) { Stopwatch tracer = null; try { String payload; switch (key.getEntityType()) { case Application: boolean isRemoteRegionRequested = key.hasRegions(); if (ALL_APPS.equals(key.getName())) { if (isRemoteRegionRequested) { tracer = serializeAllAppsWithRemoteRegionTimer.start(); payload = getPayLoad(key, registry.getApplicationsFromMultipleRegions(key.getRegions())); } else { tracer = serializeAllAppsTimer.start(); payload = getPayLoad(key, registry.getApplications()); } } else if (ALL_APPS_DELTA.equals(key.getName())) { if (isRemoteRegionRequested) { tracer = serializeDeltaAppsWithRemoteRegionTimer.start(); versionDeltaWithRegions.incrementAndGet(); versionDeltaWithRegionsLegacy.incrementAndGet(); payload = getPayLoad(key, registry.getApplicationDeltasFromMultipleRegions(key.getRegions())); } else { tracer = serializeDeltaAppsTimer.start(); versionDelta.incrementAndGet(); versionDeltaLegacy.incrementAndGet(); payload = getPayLoad(key, registry.getApplicationDeltas()); } } else { tracer = serializeOneApptimer.start(); payload = getPayLoad(key, registry.getApplication(key.getName())); } break; case VIP: case SVIP: tracer = serializeViptimer.start(); payload = getPayLoad(key, getApplicationsForVip(key, registry)); break; default: logger.error("Unidentified entity type: {} found in the cache key.", key.getEntityType()); payload = ""; break; } return new Value(payload); } finally { if (tracer != null) { tracer.stop(); } } }
private TimerTask getCacheUpdateTask() { return new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { logger.debug("Updating the client cache from response cache"); for (Key key : readOnlyCacheMap.keySet()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Updating the client cache from response cache for key : {} {} {} {}", key.getEntityType(), key.getName(), key.getVersion(), key.getType()); } try { CurrentRequestVersion.set(key.getVersion()); Value cacheValue = readWriteCacheMap.get(key); Value currentCacheValue = readOnlyCacheMap.get(key); if (cacheValue != currentCacheValue) { readOnlyCacheMap.put(key, cacheValue); } } catch (Throwable th) { logger.error("Error while updating the client cache from response cache for key {}", key.toStringCompact(), th); } } } }; }
eureka server對rest api提供了多級緩存,第一層是readOnlyCacheMap,而後是readWriteCacheMap,最後若是readWriteCacheMap讀取不到,而後就從registry進行讀取。其中readOnlyCacheMap會定時從readWriteCacheMap更新數據,而readWriteCacheMap有本身的過時時間,過時後自動從loader加載新數據。.net