SELECT [t0].[RealName] AS [真實名字], [t0].[Introduce] AS [自我介紹] FROM [Blog_UserInfo] AS [t0]
Linq to sqlspa
from a in Blog_UserInfo select new { 真實名字=a.RealName, 自我介紹=a.Introduce }
Blog_UserInfo .Select ( a => new { 真實名字 = a.RealName, 自我介紹 = a.Introduce } )
-- Region Parameters DECLARE @p0 NVarChar(1000) = '%Friend%' -- EndRegion SELECT [t0].[UserId], [t0].[NickName], [t0].[CreateTime] FROM [Blog_User] AS [t0] WHERE [t0].[NickName] LIKE @p0 ORDER BY [t0].[UserId], [t0].[CreateTime] DESC
Linq to sqlstring
from a in Blog_Users where a.NickName.Contains("Friend") orderby a.UserId ascending, a.CreateTime descending select a --或者 from a in Blog_Users where a.NickName.Contains("Friend") orderby a.UserId,a.CreateTime select a
Blog_Users .Where (a => a.NickName.Contains ("Friend")) .OrderBy (a => a.UserId) .ThenByDescending (a => a.CreateTime)
-- Region Parameters DECLARE @p0 Int = 2 DECLARE @p1 Int = 2 -- EndRegion SELECT [t1].[ID], [t1].[ReceiverId], [t1].[LeaverId], [t1].[CreateTime], [t1].[Content] FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [t0].[ID], [t0].[ReceiverId], [t0].[LeaverId], [t0].[CreateTime], [t0].[Content]) AS [ROW_NUMBER], [t0].[ID], [t0].[ReceiverId], [t0].[LeaverId], [t0].[CreateTime], [t0].[Content] FROM [Blog_LeaveMsg] AS [t0] ) AS [t1] WHERE [t1].[ROW_NUMBER] BETWEEN @p0 + 1 AND @p0 + @p1 ORDER BY [t1].[ROW_NUMBER]
Linq to sqlselect
(from a in Blog_LeaveMsgs select a).Skip(2).Take(2)
Blog_LeaveMsgs .Select (a => a) .Skip (2) .Take (2)
-- Region Parameters DECLARE @p0 Int = 3 -- EndRegion SELECT [t1].[LeaverId] AS [朋友ID], [t1].[value2] AS [留言數] FROM ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS [value], COUNT(*) AS [value2], [t0].[LeaverId] FROM [Blog_LeaveMsg] AS [t0] GROUP BY [t0].[LeaverId] ) AS [t1] WHERE [t1].[value] >= @p0
Linq to sql
from a in Blog_LeaveMsgs group a by a.LeaverId into b where b.Count() >=3 select new { 朋友ID = b.Key, 留言數 = b.Count() }
SELECT [t0].[ReceiverId] AS [接收人ID], [t0].[LeaverId] AS [留言人ID] FROM [Blog_LeaveMsg] AS [t0] GROUP BY [t0].[ReceiverId], [t0].[LeaverId]
Linq to sql
from a in Blog_LeaveMsgs group a by new{a.ReceiverId,a.LeaverId} into b select new { 接收人ID=b.Key.ReceiverId, 留言人ID=b.Key.LeaverId }
Blog_LeaveMsgs .GroupBy ( a => new { ReceiverId = a.ReceiverId, LeaverId = a.LeaverId } ) .Select ( b => new { 接收人ID = b.Key.ReceiverId, 留言人ID = b.Key.LeaverId } )
SELECT DISTINCT [t0].[LeaverId] FROM [Blog_LeaveMsg] AS [t0]
Linq to sql
(from a in Blog_LeaveMsgs select a.LeaverId) .Distinct()
Blog_LeaveMsgs .Select (a => a.LeaverId) .Distinct ()
-- Region Parameters DECLARE @p0 Int = 4 -- EndRegion SELECT [t0].[UserId], [t0].[NickName], [t0].[CreateTime] FROM [Blog_User] AS [t0] WHERE EXISTS( SELECT NULL AS [EMPTY] FROM ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS [value], [t1].[LeaverId] FROM [Blog_LeaveMsg] AS [t1] GROUP BY [t1].[LeaverId] ) AS [t2] WHERE ([t2].[LeaverId] = ([t0].[UserId])) AND ([t2].[value] >= @p0) )
Linq to sql
from a in Blog_Users where (from b in Blog_LeaveMsgs group b by b.LeaverId into b where b.Count()>=4 select b.Key).Contains(a.UserId) select a
Blog_Users .Where ( a => Blog_LeaveMsgs .GroupBy (b => b.LeaverId) .Where (b => (b.Count () >= 4)) .Select (b => b.Key) .Contains ((Int32?)(a.UserId)) )
-- Region Parameters DECLARE @p0 NVarChar(1000) = 'Kimisme' DECLARE @p1 NVarChar(1000) = 'FriendLee' -- EndRegion SELECT [t0].[UserId], [t0].[NickName], [t0].[CreateTime] FROM [Blog_User] AS [t0] WHERE [t0].[NickName] IN (@p0, @p1)
Linq to sql
from a in Blog_Users where new string[]{"Kimisme","FriendLee"} .Contains(a.NickName) select a
Blog_Users .Where (a => new String[] { "Kimisme", "FriendLee" } .Contains (a.NickName))
-- Region Parameters DECLARE @p0 NVarChar(1000) = '%Lee%' DECLARE @p1 NVarChar(1000) = '%Friend%' -- EndRegion SELECT [t2].[UserId], [t2].[NickName], [t2].[CreateTime] FROM ( SELECT [t0].[UserId], [t0].[NickName], [t0].[CreateTime] FROM [Blog_User] AS [t0] WHERE [t0].[NickName] LIKE @p0 UNION SELECT [t1].[UserId], [t1].[NickName], [t1].[CreateTime] FROM [Blog_User] AS [t1] WHERE [t1].[NickName] LIKE @p1 ) AS [t2]
Linq to sql
(from a in Blog_Users where a.NickName.Contains("Lee") select a) .Union (from a in Blog_Users where a.NickName.Contains("Friend") select a)
Blog_Users .Where (a => a.NickName.Contains ("Lee")) .Union ( Blog_Users .Where (a => a.NickName.Contains ("Friend")) )
-- Region Parameters DECLARE @p0 NVarChar(1000) = '%Friend%' DECLARE @p1 NVarChar(1000) = '%Lee%' -- EndRegion SELECT [t2].[UserId], [t2].[NickName], [t2].[CreateTime] FROM ( SELECT [t0].[UserId], [t0].[NickName], [t0].[CreateTime] FROM [Blog_User] AS [t0] WHERE [t0].[NickName] LIKE @p0 UNION ALL SELECT [t1].[UserId], [t1].[NickName], [t1].[CreateTime] FROM [Blog_User] AS [t1] WHERE [t1].[NickName] LIKE @p1 ) AS [t2]
Linq to sql
(from a in Blog_Users where a.NickName.Contains("Friend") select a) .Concat (from a in Blog_Users where a.NickName.Contains("Lee") select a)
Blog_Users .Where (a => a.NickName.Contains ("Friend")) .Concat ( Blog_Users .Where (a => a.NickName.Contains ("Lee")) )
-- Region Parameters DECLARE @p0 NVarChar(1000) = '%Lee%' DECLARE @p1 NVarChar(1000) = '%Friend%' -- EndRegion SELECT DISTINCT [t0].[UserId], [t0].[NickName], [t0].[CreateTime] FROM [Blog_User] AS [t0] WHERE (EXISTS( SELECT NULL AS [EMPTY] FROM [Blog_User] AS [t1] WHERE ([t0].[UserId] = [t1].[UserId]) AND ([t1].[NickName] LIKE @p0) )) AND ([t0].[NickName] LIKE @p1)
Linq to sql
(from a in Blog_Users where a.NickName.Contains("Friend") select a) .Intersect (from a in Blog_Users where a.NickName.Contains("Lee") select a)
Blog_Users .Where (a => a.NickName.Contains ("Friend")) .Intersect ( Blog_Users .Where (a => a.NickName.Contains ("Lee")) )
-- Region Parameters DECLARE @p0 NVarChar(1000) = '%Zhao%' DECLARE @p1 NVarChar(1000) = '%Friend%' -- EndRegion SELECT DISTINCT [t0].[UserId], [t0].[NickName], [t0].[CreateTime] FROM [Blog_User] AS [t0] WHERE (NOT (EXISTS( SELECT NULL AS [EMPTY] FROM [Blog_User] AS [t1] WHERE ([t0].[UserId] = [t1].[UserId]) AND ([t1].[NickName] LIKE @p0) ))) AND ([t0].[NickName] LIKE @p1)
Linq to sql
(from a in Blog_Users where a.NickName.Contains("Friend") select a) .Except (from a in Blog_Users where a.NickName.Contains("Zhao") select a)
Blog_Users .Where (a => a.NickName.Contains ("Friend")) .Except ( Blog_Users .Where (a => a.NickName.Contains ("Zhao")) )
SELECT [t0].[NickName] AS [暱稱], [t1].[RealName] AS [真實名] FROM [Blog_User] AS [t0] INNER JOIN [Blog_UserInfo] AS [t1] ON ([t0].[UserId]) = [t1].[ID]
Linq to sql
from a in Blog_Users join b in Blog_UserInfo on a.UserId equals b.ID select new { 暱稱=a.NickName, 真實名=b.RealName }
Blog_Users .Join ( Blog_UserInfo, a => (Int32?)(a.UserId), b => b.ID, (a, b) => new { 暱稱 = a.NickName, 真實名 = b.RealName } )
SELECT [t0].[NickName] AS [暱稱], [t1].[RealName] AS [真實名] FROM [Blog_User] AS [t0] LEFT OUTER JOIN [Blog_UserInfo] AS [t1] ON ([t0].[UserId]) = [t1].[ID]
Linq to sql
from a in Blog_Users join b in Blog_UserInfo on a.UserId equals b.ID into ab from c in ab.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { 暱稱=a.NickName, 真實名=c.RealName }
Blog_Users .GroupJoin ( Blog_UserInfo, a => (Int32?)(a.UserId), b => b.ID, (a, ab) => new { a = a, ab = ab } ) .SelectMany ( temp0 => temp0.ab.DefaultIfEmpty (), (temp0, c) => new { 暱稱 = temp0.a.NickName, 真實名 = c.RealName } )