工做中一直在用Oracle 的中間件Oracle GondenGate 是如何保證消息的有序和不丟失呢?數據庫
首先,先看一下Oracle GoldenGate 的邏輯架構:網絡
官方關於 trail文件的說明以下:oracle
To support the continuous extraction and replication of database changes, Oracle GoldenGate stores records of the captured changes temporarily on disk in a series of files called a trail. A trail can exist on the source system, an intermediary system, the target system, or any combination of those systems, depending on how you configure Oracle GoldenGate. On the local system it is known as an extract trail (or local trail). On a remote system it is known as a remote trail.app
By using a trail for storage, Oracle GoldenGate supports data accuracy and fault tolerance (see Section 1.2.6, "Overview of Checkpoints"). The use of a trail also allows extraction and replication activities to occur independently of each other. With these processes separated, you have more choices for how data is processed and delivered. For example, instead of extracting and replicating changes continuously, you could extract changes continuously but store them in the trail for replication to the target later, whenever the target application needs them.spa
即trail 中保存的是數據庫中的變化數據。Oracle GoldenGate用trail 作存儲,確保數據的準確性和容錯性。它也容許extract進程和replicat進程能夠獨立存在,相似於消息中間件的做用。線程
下面看一下官方給出的checkpoint 的案例(原本想用項目的真實checkpoint信息,爲避免沒必要要的麻煩,做罷):3d
注意這個是Oracle RAC模式下checkpoint信息。日誌
查看extract進程checkpoint信息命令:INFO EXTRACT JC108XT,SHOWCHcode
extract 進程checkpoint信息以下:
EXTRACT JC108XT Last Started 2011-01-01 14:15 Status ABENDED
Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:01 ago) Log Read Checkpoint File /orarac/oradata/racq/redo01.log 2011-01-01 14:16:45 Thread 1, Seqno 47, RBA 68748800 Log Read Checkpoint File /orarac/oradata/racq/redo04.log 2011-01-01 14:16:19 Thread 2, Seqno 24, RBA 65657408 Current Checkpoint Detail: Read Checkpoint #1 Oracle RAC Redo Log Startup Checkpoint (starting position in data source): Thread #: 1 Sequence #: 47 RBA: 68548112 Timestamp: 2011-01-01 13:37:51.000000 SCN: 0.8439720 Redo File: /orarac/oradata/racq/redo01.log Recovery Checkpoint (position of oldest unprocessed transaction in data source): Thread #: 1 Sequence #: 47 RBA: 68748304 Timestamp: 2011-01-01 14:16:45.000000 SCN: 0.8440969 Redo File: /orarac/oradata/racq/redo01.log Current Checkpoint (position of last record read in the data source): Thread #: 1 Sequence #: 47 RBA: 68748800 Timestamp: 2011-01-01 14:16:45.000000 SCN: 0.8440969 Redo File: /orarac/oradata/racq/redo01.log Read Checkpoint #2 Oracle RAC Redo Log Startup Checkpoint(starting position in data source): Sequence #: 24 RBA: 60607504 Timestamp: 2011-01-01 13:37:50.000000 SCN: 0.8439719 Redo File: /orarac/oradata/racq/redo04.log Recovery Checkpoint (position of oldest unprocessed transaction in data source): Thread #: 2 Sequence #: 24 RBA: 65657408 Timestamp: 2011-01-01 14:16:19.000000 SCN: 0.8440613 Redo File: /orarac/oradata/racq/redo04.log Current Checkpoint (position of last record read in the data source): Thread #: 2 Sequence #: 24 RBA: 65657408 Timestamp: 2011-01-01 14:16:19.000000 SCN: 0.8440613 Redo File: /orarac/oradata/racq/redo04.log Write Checkpoint #1 GGS Log Trail Current Checkpoint (current write position): Sequence #: 2 RBA: 2142224 Timestamp: 2011-01-01 14:16:50.567638 Extract Trail: ./dirdat/eh Header: Version = 2 Record Source = A Type = 6 # Input Checkpoints = 2 # Output Checkpoints = 1 File Information: Block Size = 2048 Max Blocks = 100 Record Length = 2048 Current Offset = 0 Configuration: Data Source = 3 Transaction Integrity = 1 Task Type = 0 Status: Start Time = 2011-01-01 14:15:14 Last Update Time = 2011-01-01 14:16:50 Stop Status = A Last Result = 400
1. extract將read checkpoints放置在數據源中。若是數據源是Oracle,則檢查點是放在Oracle的日誌中。
2. Startup checkpoint:啓動檢查點是進程啓動時在數據源中建立的第一個檢查點。
Thread #
: 建立檢查點的線程數,只有Oracle的RAC模式纔會有
Sequence #
: 建立檢查點的事務日誌的序列號
: RBA是relative byte address的簡寫,表示建立檢查點的記錄的相對字節地址
: 表示建立檢查點的記錄的時間戳
: SCN是system change number的簡寫,表示系統更改檢查點所在記錄的編號
Redo File
: 包含建立檢查點的記錄的事務日誌的路徑名
3. Recovery checkpoint:恢復檢查點表示extract未處理的最先的事務日誌的位置信息。
4. Current checkpoint:表示extract在數據源中讀的最近的(注意:此時尚未寫成功)記錄的位置信息。它應該和 Log Read Checkpoint
extract進程將 current checkpoint 放在trail 文件中。current checkpoint 是指extract 正在寫的trail的位置。
Sequence #
: 寫入檢查點的trail文件的序列號
: 建立檢查點的記錄的時間戳
Extract trail
: trail文件的相對路徑名稱
Trail Type
: 其中在相似於NFS服務上的被認爲是local
查看 replicat 進程 checkpoint 信息命令:INFO REPLICAT JC108RP, SHOWCH
replicat 進程checkpoint 信息以下:
REPLICAT JC108RP Last Started 2011-01-12 13:10 Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 111:46:54 ago) Log Read Checkpoint File ./dirdat/eh000000 First Record RBA 3702915 Current Checkpoint Detail: Read Checkpoint #1 GGS Log Trail Startup Checkpoint(starting position in data source): Sequence #: 0 RBA: 3702915 Timestamp: Not Available Extract Trail: ./dirdat/eh Current Checkpoint (position of last record read in the data source): Sequence #: 0 RBA: 3702915 Timestamp: Not Available Extract Trail: ./dirdat/eh Header: Version = 2 Record Source = A Type = 1 # Input Checkpoints = 1 # Output Checkpoints = 0 File Information: Block Size = 2048 Max Blocks = 100 Record Length = 2048 Current Offset = 0 Configuration: Data Source = 0 Transaction Integrity = -1 Task Type = 0 Status: Start Time = 2011-01-12 13:10:13 Last Update Time = 2011-01-12 21:23:31 Stop Status = A Last Result = 400
1. Startup Checkpoint
Sequence #:
Extract Trail:
trail 文件的相對地址
2. Current Checkpoint:current checkpoint 是指replicat 進程讀取trail文件的最近的記錄的位置。
Oracle GoldenGate的日誌格式是snapshot格式的,試想一下,假設我一條記錄的某個字段 作累加操做,Oracle GoldenGate給咱們的數據是增量數據,在at-least-once語義之上,進行屢次傳輸,那麼數據最終會出問題。而snapshot數據,只須要根據主鍵不斷覆蓋便可。這種數據是支持冪等性操做的。
Oracle GoldenGate文檔庫:https://docs.oracle.com/goldengate/1212/gg-winux/GWUAD/wu_about_gg.htm#GWUAD117
Oracle官方對 Checkpoint 的術語的解釋:https://docs.oracle.com/goldengate/1212/gg-winux/GWUAD/wu_ogg_checkpts.htm#GWUAD965