WPF中的Generic.xaml, theme以及custom control

最近作的項目用了個漂亮的開源UI庫,結果項目臨近結尾發現要支持.Net 3.5, 然而那個UI庫卻最低支持4.0。欲哭無淚,最後決定拿掉那個庫,本身改改style得了。深入的教訓。程序員


「Generic.xaml」 早有耳聞,不清楚究竟有什麼做用。此次Google之,stackoverflow上早已有人發問。What is so special about Generic.xaml?ide


Every Control in WPF has a default Style that provides, among other things, the Control's default ControlTemplate. WPF looks for the default style in a special resource dictionary in the Themes folder in the same assembly as the control. The key for the default style is provided by the Control.DefaultStyleKey dependency property, the default value of which is overridden in each sub-class of Control.orm

The name of the resource dictionary depends on the current Windows theme e.g. on Vista using the Aero theme, the dictionary is called Aero.NormalColor.xaml, on XP using the default theme it is Luna.NormalColor.xaml. If the style is not found in the theme dictionary, it looks in Generic.xaml i.e for controls whose look doesn't depend on the theme.blog

This only applies to any custom controls you have defined i.e. classes derived from Control, directly or indirectly. You can change the default style for a standard control by deriving from it and calling DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata in the static constructor, but you then have to supply the full style including ControlTemplate.ci

Note that you can tell WPF to look in an external assembly for your default style by using the ThemeInfo attribute. The external assembly must be named <YourAssembly>.<ThemeName>.dll e.g. PresententationFramework.Aero.dll.資源

講解了Generic.xaml的前因後果。順便提了如何使用DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata 來改變WPF查找一個control的默認style時用的類型。還提到了 ThemeInfo.get

下面這篇文章,Structuring Your XAML Sources,代碼演示的很是清晰。經過它還能瞭解建立一個Custom Control的典型作法,頗有幫助。整體來講,Generic.xaml在UI Library中的好處就是,使用這個library的項目不用再引用library的resource dictionary,UI Library中定義的custom control也能自動地找到它的默認style。it

看文章附帶的源代碼,以及開源庫的代碼,發現它們都在AssemblyInfo.cs中有ThemeInfo. 這是必不可少的。

[assembly: ThemeInfo(ResourceDictionaryLocation.None, ResourceDictionaryLocation.SourceAssembly)]