Leveling Up With React: React Router

Leveling Up With React: React Router

Link: https://css-tricks.com/learni...javascript

When I was first learning, I found lots of beginner guides (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4) that showed how to make single components and render them to the DOM. They did a fine job of teaching the basics like JSX and props, but I struggled with figuring out how React works in the bigger picture -- like a real-world Single Page Application (SPA). Since this series covers a lot of material, it will not cover the absolute beginner concepts. Instead, it will start with the assumption that you already understand how to create and render at least one component.css


For what it's worth, here are some other great guides that aim at beginner:java

Series Code

This series also comes with some code to play with at GitHub. Throughout the series, we'll be building a basic SPA focused around users and widgets.github


To keep things simple and brief, the examples in this series will start by assuming that React and React Router are retrieved from a CDN. So you won't see require() or import in the immediate example below. Towards the end of this tutorial though, we'll introduce Webpack and Babel for the GitHub guides. at that point, it's all ES6!後端

簡潔起見,我們這系列的範例代碼是假設你的React和React Router是經過CDN獲取的,因此,在接下來的範例代碼中,你看不到require()或import這樣的語句。在本教程結束的時候,咱們將會結束Webpack和Babel的GitHub指南。到那時,都用ES6語法來寫。


React isn't a framework, it's a library. Therefore, it doesn't solve all an application's needs. It does a great job at creating components and providing a system for managing state, but creating a more complex SPA will require a supporting cast. The first that we'll look at is React Router.

大夥們都知道,React不是一個框架,只是一個工具庫。所以,它沒辦法解決一個應用的全部需求。React能夠很好地構建組件和管理狀態,但若是要構建一個較複雜SPA,咱們須要一些「外援」。第一個咱們將要介紹的是React Router

If you've used any front-end router before, many of these concepts will be familiar. But unlike any other router I've used before, React Router uses JSX, which might look a little strange at first.

若是你之前用過其它的前端路由工具,那這裏的不少概念你都不會陌生。但跟我之前用過的其它路由工具不一樣的是,React Router使用JSX,一開始看上去可能有一點點怪。

As a primer, this is what it's like to render a single component:


var Home = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return (<h1>Welcome to the Home Page</h1>);

    <Home />
), document.getElementById('root'));

Here's how the Home component would be rendered with React Router:

但若是用React Router來渲染這個Home組件,應該是下面這樣的:


        <Route path="/" component={Home} />
), document.getElementById('root'));

Note that <Router> and <Route> are tow different things. They are technically React components, but they don't actually create DOM themselves. While it may look the <Router> itself is being rendered to the 'root', we're actually just defining rules about how our application works. Moving forward, you'll see ths concept often: components sometimes exist not to create DOM themselves, but to coordinate other components that do.


In the example, the <Route> defines a rule where visiting the home page / will render the Home component into the 'root'.


Multiple Routes

In the previous example, the single route is very simple. It doesn't give us much value since we already had the ability to render the Home component without the router being involved.


React Router's power comes in when we use multiple routes to define which component should render based on which path is currently active:

React Router的做用在於咱們能夠經過多個route實現瀏覽器根據當前的url路徑,渲染對應的組件:

        <Route path="/" component={Home} />
        <Route path="/users" component={Users} />
        <Route path="/widgets" component={Widgets} />
), document.getElementById('root'));

Each <Route> will render its respective component when its path matches the URL. Only one of these three components will be rendered into the 'root' at any given time. With this strategy, we mount the router to the DOM 'root' once, then the router swap components in and out with route changes.


It's also worth noting that the router will switch routes without making requests to the server, so imagine that each component could be a whole new page.


Re-usable Layout

We're starting to see the humble beginnings of a Single Page Application. However, it still doesn't solve real-world problems. Sure, we could build the three components to be full HTML pages, but what about code re-use? Chances are, these three components share common assets like a header and sidebar, so how do we prevent HTML repetition in each component?


Let's imagine we were building a web app that resembled this mockup:



When you start to think about how this mockup can be broken down into reusable section, you might end up with this idea:



Thinking in terms of nestable components and layouts will allow us to create resuable parts.


Suddenly, the art department lets you know that the app needs a pager for searching widgets which resembles the page for searching users. With User List and Widget List both requiring the same "look" for their search page, the idea to have Search Layout as a separate component makes even more sense now:



Search Layout can be a parent template for all kinds of search pages now. And while some pages might need Search Layout, others can directly use Main Layout without it:



