react-router 學習






Rendering a Routereact


You should get the same screen as before, but this time with some junk in the URL. We're using hashHistory--it manages the routing history with the hash portion of the url. It's got that extra junk to shim some behavior the browser has natively when using real urls. We'll change this to use real urls later and lose the junk, but for now, this works great because it doesn't require any server-side configuration.webpack



Navigating with Linkgit


Perhaps the most used component in your app is Link.github

說明: Link. 也是一個組件,經過他方便咱們找到路由其餘部分web

import { Link } from 'react-router'
<li><Link to="/about">About</Link></li>



Nested UI and Nested URLsexpress

Have you ever noticed your app is just a series of boxes inside boxes inside boxes? Have you also noticed your URLs tend to be coupled to that nesting? For example given this url, /repos/123, our components would probably look like this:

<App>       {/*  /          */}
  <Repos>   {/*  /repos     */}
    <Repo/> {/*  /repos/123 */}

And our UI something like:

         | Home Repos About                    | <- App
         |      |                              |
Repos -> | repo |  Repo 1                      |
         |      |                              |
         | repo |  Boxes inside boxes          |
         |      |  inside boxes ...            | <- Repo
         | repo |                              |
         |      |                              |
         | repo |                              |
         |      |                              |

React Router embraces this by letting you nest your routes, which automatically becomes nested UI.


<Route path="/" component={App}>
      {/* make them children of `App` */}
      <Route path="/repos" component={Repos}/>
      <Route path="/about" component={About}/>

Next, render children inside of App.

// modules/App.js
// ...
  render() {
    return (
        <h1>React Router Tutorial</h1>
        <ul role="nav">
          <li><Link to="/about">About</Link></li>
          <li><Link to="/repos">Repos</Link></li>

        {/* add this */}

// ...

Alright, now go click the links and notice that the App component continues to render while the child route's component gets swapped around as this.props.children :)




好比 http://localhost:8080/,應用找的是app這個組件,而後根據這個組件的route,呈現本身的層級關係。


The best way to build large things is to stitch small things together.大而化小,化繁爲簡。

What happens if you move the About route outside of App?,若是將about放回原處。


Active Links


Active Styles

<li><Link to="/about" activeStyle={{ color: 'red' }}>About</Link></li>


<li><Link to="/about" activeStyle={{color:'red',fontSize:'30px'}}>About</Link></li>


<li><Link to="/about" activeStyle={{"color":'red',"font-size":'30px'}}>About</Link></li>


Active Class Name

<li><Link to="/about" activeClassName="active">About</Link></li>

Nav Link Wrappers



// modules/NavLink.js
import React from 'react'
import { Link } from 'react-router'

export default React.createClass({
  render() {
    return <Link {...this.props} activeClassName="active"/>

Now you can go change your links to NavLinks.

// modules/App.js
import NavLink from './NavLink'

// ...

<li><NavLink to="/about">About</NavLink></li>
<li><NavLink to="/repos">Repos</NavLink></li>



URL Params

These URLs would match a route path like this:


說明:The parts that start with : are URL parameters whose values will be parsed out and made available to route components onthis.props.params[name].

經過this.props.params[name].取得參數。例如應用中配置的 <Route path="/repos/:userName/:repoName" component={Repo}/>那麼能夠根據{this.props.params.repoName}找到對應的repoName,例如


More Nesting


nest the Repo route under the Repos route. Then go render this.props.children in Repos.

// index.js
// ...
<Route path="/repos" component={Repos}>
  <Route path="/repos/:userName/:repoName" component={Repo}/>
// Repos.js
// ...
    <li><Link to="/repos/reactjs/react-router">React Router</Link></li>
    <li><Link to="/repos/facebook/react">React</Link></li>
  {/* will render `Repo.js` when at /repos/:userName/:repoName */}


Active Links

Notice how both the /repos link up top and the individual repo links are both active? When child routes are active, so are the parents.


Index Routes


When we visit / in this app it's just our navigation and a blank page. 

 if we have any children in App, and if not, render Home:

說明:根目錄 / 指定。

// modules/App.js
import Home from './Home'

// ...
  {/* ... */}
  {this.props.children || <Home/>}


url:http://localhost:8080/#/?_k=sn17mk   爲根目錄,後面沒有帶hash,那麼顯示的內容爲




<Route path="/" component={App}>
      {/* add it here, as a child of `/` */}
      <IndexRoute component={Home}/>
      <Route path="/about" component={About}/>

Index Links



<li><NavLink to="/">Home</NavLink></li>



// App.js
import { IndexLink } from 'react-router'

// ...
<li><IndexLink to="/" activeClassName="active">Home</IndexLink></li>

使用這個IndexLink標籤而不是使用自定義的NavLink標籤是爲了防止activeClass 找父route的時候對/根目錄都active了。



<li><Link to="/" activeClassName="active" onlyActiveOnIndex={true}>Home</Link></li>




The URLs in our app right now are built on a hack: the hash. It's the default because it will always work, but there's a better way.

Modern browsers let JavaScript manipulate the URL without making an http request, so we don't need to rely on the hash (#) portion of the url to do routing, but there's a catch (we'll get to it later).


Configuring Browser History


Open up index.js and import browserHistory instead of hashHistory.

// index.js
// ...
// bring in `browserHistory` instead of `hashHistory`
import { Router, Route, browserHistory, IndexRoute } from 'react-router'

  <Router history={browserHistory}>
    {/* ... */}
), document.getElementById('app'))

利用 browserHistory instead of hashHistory.來指定頁面跳轉




Configuring Your Server

Your server needs to deliver your app no matter what URL comes in, because your app, in the browser, is manipulating the URL. Our current server doesn't know how to handle the URL.

The Webpack Dev Server has an option to enable this. Open up package.json and add --history-api-fallback.

"start": "webpack-dev-server --inline --content-base . --history-api-fallback"

We also need to change our relative paths to absolute paths in index.html since the URLs will be at deep paths and the app, if it starts at a deep path, won't be able to find the files.

<!-- index.html -->
<!-- index.css -> /index.css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/index.css">

<!-- bundle.js -> /bundle.js -->
<script src="/bundle.js"></script>

Stop your server if it's running, then npm start again. Look at those clean URLs :)




Production-ish Server

None of this has anything to do with React Router

react router與服務器無關。爲了更接近實際,



注意,這裏配置運行環境的時候window要使用cmd命令窗口,不能使用powershell,或者使用類unix的bash環境(好比git bash),就能夠直接使用命令了。

NODE_ENV=production npm start
# For Windows users:
# SET "NODE_ENV=production" && npm start





Navigating Programatically

While most navigation happens with Link, you can programmatically navigate around an application in response to form submissions, button clicks, etc.


1.使用 browserHistory


這種方式有個弊端就是連接必須是history認識的,否則沒有辦法做用。好比在demo中輸入了userName:2,pwd:3;url:http://localhost:8080/repos/2/3 url就沒有做用了。頁面跳轉,history找不到這個url。顯示爲空了。


You can also use the router that Router provides on "context". First, you ask for context in the component, and then you can use it:

export default React.createClass({

  // ask for `router` from context
  contextTypes: {
    router: React.PropTypes.object

  // ...

  handleSubmit(event) {
    // ...

  // ..



Server Rendering




Guides and API docs





Decoupling the UI from the URL


    <Route path="/" component={App}>
      {/* Show the dashboard at / */}
      <IndexRoute component={Dashboard} />
      <Route path="about" component={About} />
      <Route path="inbox" component={Inbox}>
        <Route path="messages/:id" component={Message} />



    <Route path="/" component={App}>
      <IndexRoute component={Dashboard} />
      <Route path="about" component={About} />
      <Route path="inbox" component={Inbox} />

      {/* Use /messages/:id instead of /inbox/messages/:id */}
      <Route component={Inbox}>
        <Route path="messages/:id" component={Message} />

這種方式訪問的話,就不能使用/inbox/messages/:id 訪問方式了,而是要使用/messages/123456,這樣的方式去訪問了。要解決這個問題,須要用到下面的Preserving urls

Preserving URLs


Wait a minute ... we just changed a URL! That's not cool. Now everyone who had a link to /inbox/messages/5 has a broken link. :(

Not to worry. We can use a <Redirect> to make sure that URL still works!


    <Route path="/" component={App}>
      <IndexRoute component={Dashboard} />
      <Route path="about" component={About} />

      <Route path="inbox" component={Inbox}>
        {/* Redirect /inbox/messages/:id to /messages/:id */}
        <Redirect from="messages/:id" to="/messages/:id" />

      <Route component={Inbox}>
        <Route path="messages/:id" component={Message} />

Now when someone clicks on that link to /inbox/messages/5 they'll automatically be redirected to /messages/5. 🙌


Enter and Leave Hooks

Routes may also define onEnter and onLeave hooks that are invoked once a transition has been confirmed. These hooks are useful for various things like requiring auth when a route is entered and saving stuff to persistent storage before a route unmounts.

During a transition, onLeave hooks run first on all routes we are leaving, starting with the leaf route on up to the first common ancestor route. Next, onEnter hooks run starting with the first parent route we're entering down to the leaf route.

Continuing with our example above, if a user clicked on a link to /about from /messages/5, the following hooks would run in this order:

  • onLeave on the /messages/:id route
  • onLeave on the /inbox route
  • onEnter on the /about route


Configuration with Plain Routes


const routes = {
  path: '/',
  component: App,
  indexRoute: { component: Dashboard },
  childRoutes: [
    { path: 'about', component: About },
      path: 'inbox',
      component: Inbox,
      childRoutes: [{
        path: 'messages/:id',
        onEnter: ({ params }, replace) => replace(`/messages/${}`)
      component: Inbox,
      childRoutes: [{
        path: 'messages/:id', component: Message

render(<Router routes={routes} />, document.body)

Route Matching


route has three attributes that determine whether or not it "matches" the URL:

  1. nesting and
  2. its path
  3. its precedence


React Router uses the concept of nested routes to let you declare nested sets of views that should be rendered when a given URL is invoked. Nested routes are arranged in a tree-like structure. To find a match, React Router traverses the route configdepth-first searching for a route that matches the URL.

Path Syntax

A route path is a string pattern that is used to match a URL (or a portion of one). Route paths are interpreted literally, except for the following special symbols:

  • :paramName – matches a URL segment up to the next /?, or #. The matched string is called a param
  • () – Wraps a portion of the URL that is optional
  • * – Matches all characters (non-greedy) up to the next character in the pattern, or to the end of the URL if there is none, and creates a splat param
  • ** - Matches all characters (greedy) until the next /?, or # and creates a splat param
<Route path="/hello/:name">         // matches /hello/michael and /hello/ryan
<Route path="/hello(/:name)">       // matches /hello, /hello/michael, and /hello/ryan
<Route path="/files/*.*">           // matches /files/hello.jpg and /files/hello.html
<Route path="/**/*.jpg">            // matches /files/hello.jpg and /files/path/to/file.jpg

If a route uses a relative path, it builds upon the accumulated path of its ancestors. Nested routes may opt-out of this behavior by using an absolute path.


Finally, the routing algorithm attempts to match routes in the order they are defined, top to bottom. So, when you have two sibling routes you should be sure the first doesn't match all possible paths that can be matched by the later sibling. For example, don't do this:

<Route path="/comments" ... />
<Redirect from="/comments" ... />



There are three types of histories you'll come across most often, but note that anyone can build a custom history implementation for consumption with React Router.

You import them from the React Router package:

// JavaScript module import
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'

Then pass them into your <Router>:

  <Router history={browserHistory} routes={routes} />,


Browser history is the recommended history for browser application with React Router. It uses the History API built into the browser to manipulate the URL, creating real URLs that look like



Configuring Your Server

Your server must be ready to handle real URLs. When the app first loads at / it will probably work, but as the user navigates around and then hits refresh at /accounts/23 your web server will get a request to /accounts/23. You will need it to handle that URL and include your JavaScript application in the response.

使用這種方式,點擊刷新的時候,由於刷新動做是客戶端向瀏覽器放鬆請求,須要server 響應,若是沒有配置server,那麼沒法響應,頁面要就沒法顯示了。

An express app might look like this:

const express = require('express')
const path = require('path')
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080
const app = express()

// serve static assets normally
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'))

// handle every other route with index.html, which will contain
// a script tag to your application's JavaScript file(s).
app.get('*', function (request, response){
  response.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname, 'public', 'index.html'))

console.log("server started on port " + port)

If you're using nginx, use the try_files directive:

server {
  location / {
    try_files $uri /index.html;

This lets nginx serve static asset files and serves your index.html file when another file isn't found on the server.

There is also a similar approach for Apache servers. Create an .htaccess file in your folder's root:

RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.html$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.html [L]

IE8, IE9 Support

We feature detect to see if we can use the browser's native window.history API. If not, any call to transition around the app will result in a full page reload, which allows you to build your app and have a better experience for newer browsers, but still support old ones.

You might wonder why we don't fall back to hash history; the problem is that URLs become non-deterministic. If a visitor on hash history shares a URL with a visitor on browser history, and then they share that back, we end up with a terrible cartesian product of infinite potential URLs.


Hash history uses the hash (#) portion of the URL, creating routes that look like

Should I use hashHistory?

Hash history works without configuring your server, so if you're just getting started, go ahead and use it. In general, though, production web applications should use browserHistory for the cleaner URLs, and for support for server-side rendering, which is impossible with hashHistory.

Additionally, as mentioned above, some older browsers do not support the HTML5 History API. If it's important to you to not use full page reloads for navigation on those older browsers, then you will also need to use hashHistory.

What is that ?_k=ckuvup junk in the URL?

When a history transitions around your app with push or replace, it can store "location state" that doesn't show up in the URL on the new location, think of it a little bit like post data in an HTML form.

The DOM API that hash history uses to transition around is simply window.location.hash = newHash, with no place to store location state. But, we want all histories to be able to use location state, so we shim it by creating a unique key for each location and then store that state in session storage. When the visitor clicks "back" and "forward" we now have a mechanism to restore the location state.



Memory history doesn't manipulate or read from the address bar. This is how we implement server rendering. It's also useful for testing and other rendering environments (like React Native).

It's a bit different than the other two histories because you have to create one, it is this way to facilitate testing:

const history = createMemoryHistory(location)

createMemoryHistory 主要用於測試,或者原生應用react native.

Customize your history further

If you'd like to further customize the history options or use other enhancers from history you can use useRouterHistory.

Be aware that useRouterHistory already pre-enhances your history factory with the useQueries and useBasename enhancers from history.


Index Routes and Index Links

Index Routes

  <Route path="/" component={App}>
    <IndexRoute component={Home}/>
    <Route path="accounts" component={Accounts}/>
    <Route path="statements" component={Statements}/>


Index Redirects

Suppose you want to redirect / to /welcome. To do this, you need to set up an index route that does the redirect. To do this, use the <IndexRedirect> component:

<Route path="/" component={App}>
  <IndexRedirect to="/welcome" />
  <Route path="welcome" component={Welcome} />
  <Route path="about" component={About} />

重定向 / to /welcome.使用 <IndexRedirect> 組件

This is equivalent to setting up an index route with just an onEnter hook that redirects the user. You would set this up with plain routes as:

const routes = [{
  path: '/',
  component: App,
  indexRoute: { onEnter: (nextState, replace) => replace('/welcome') },
  childRoutes: [
    { path: 'welcome', component: Welcome },
    { path: 'about', component: About }


Index Links

If you were to <Link to="/">Home</Link> in this app, it would always be active since every URL starts with /. This is a problem because we'd like to link to Home but only be active if Home is rendered.

To have a link to / that is only active when the Home route is rendered, use <IndexLink to="/">Home</IndexLink>.



React Router does all of its path matching and component fetching asynchronously, which allows you to not only load up the components lazily, but also lazily load the route configuration. You really only need one route definition in your initial bundle, the router can resolve the rest on demand.


Routes may define getChildRoutesgetIndexRoute, and getComponents methods. These are asynchronous and only called when needed. We call it "gradual matching". React Router will gradually match the URL and fetch only the amount of route configuration and components it needs to match the URL and render.

Coupled with a smart code splitting tool like webpack, a once tiresome architecture is now simple and declarative.

const CourseRoute = {
  path: 'course/:courseId',

  getChildRoutes(partialNextState, callback) {
    require.ensure([], function (require) {
      callback(null, [

  getIndexRoute(partialNextState, callback) {
    require.ensure([], function (require) {
      callback(null, {
        component: require('./components/Index'),

  getComponents(nextState, callback) {
    require.ensure([], function (require) {
      callback(null, require('./components/Course'))

Confirming Navigation

Confirming Navigation

You can prevent a transition from happening or prompt the user before leaving a route with a leave hook.

const Home = withRouter(

    componentDidMount() {
      this.props.router.setRouteLeaveHook(this.props.route, this.routerWillLeave)

    routerWillLeave(nextLocation) {
      // return false to prevent a transition w/o prompting the user,
      // or return a string to allow the user to decide:
      if (!this.state.isSaved)
        return 'Your work is not saved! Are you sure you want to leave?'

    // ...


Note that this example makes use of the withRouter higher-order component introduced in v2.4.0.


Server Rendering

Server Rendering

Server rendering is a bit different than in a client because you'll want to:

  • Send 500 responses for errors
  • Send 30x responses for redirects
  • Fetch data before rendering (and use the router to help you do it)

To facilitate these needs, you drop one level lower than the <Router> API with:

  • match to match the routes to a location without rendering
  • RouterContext for synchronous rendering of route components

Async Routes 



History Singletons

Because the server has no DOM available, the history singletons (browserHistory and hashHistory) do not function on the server. Instead, they will simply return undefined.

You should be sure to only use the history singletons in client code. For React Components, this means using them only in lifecycle functions like componentDidMount, but not in componentWillMount. Most events, such as clicks, can only happen in the client, as the server has no DOM available to trigger them. So, using the history singletons is a valid option in that case. Knowing what code should run on the server and on the client is important to using React in a universal app, so make sure you're familiar with these concepts even if you aren't using React Router.

And don't feel discouraged! History singletons are a great convenience method to navigate without setting up this.contextor when you're not inside of a React component. Simply take care to only use them in places the server will not try to touch.

history只能用於客戶端,不能用於服務端(服務端沒有dom api)

Component Lifecycle

Component Lifecycle

It's important to understand which lifecycle hooks are going to be called on your route components to implement lots of different functionality in your app. The most common thing is fetching data.

There is no difference in the lifecycle of a component in the router as just React itself. Let's peel away the idea of routes, and just think about the components being rendered at different URLs.



Navigating Outside of Components

Navigating Outside of Components

While you can use this.props.router from withRouter to navigate around, many apps want to be able to navigate outside of their components. They can do that with the history the app gives to Router.

// Your main file that renders a <Router>:
import { Router, browserHistory } from 'react-router'
import routes from './app/routes'

  <Router history={browserHistory} routes={routes} />,
// Somewhere like a Redux middleware or Flux action:
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'

// Go to /some/path.

// Go back to previous location.


Minimizing Bundle Size 

Minimizing Bundle Size

Instead, the bindings exported from react-router are also available in react-router/lib. When using CommonJS modules, you can import directly from react-router/lib to avoid pulling in unused modules.

Assuming you are transpiling ES2015 modules into CommonJS modules, instead of:

import { Link, Route, Router } from 'react-router'


import Link from 'react-router/lib/Link'
import Route from 'react-router/lib/Route'
import Router from 'react-router/lib/Router'

The public API available in this manner is defined as the set of imports available from the top-level react-router module. Anything not available through the top-level react-router module is a private API, and is subject to change without notice.



