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這個Principle of Computing 是Rice U在coursera上的Python課系列的第二門課。這個課的每一個mini-project都是有一些小小的挑戰的。
第一個mini project是實現遊戲2048。
1 合併的時候每一個數字只能參加一次合併。
好比,圖1使用了」—>「右方向鍵獲得圖2. 注意結果不是8,是4,4。
A given tile can only merge once on any given turn
You can slide the tiles in any direction (left, right, up, or down) to move them. When you do so, if two tiles of the same number end up next to each other, they combine to form a new tile with twice the value.
圖1 圖2ui
2 準備工做
2.1. 矩陣
3 test模塊
3.1 學校提供的簡單的UnitTest模塊poc_simpletest http://www.codeskulptor.org/#poc_simpletest.py
3.2 demo,經過poc_simpletest 測試模塊去測試StopWatch
4 import
4.1 使用import https://class.coursera.org/principlescomputing-001/wiki/view?page=imports
5 個人代碼url
""" Clone of 2048 game. """ import poc_2048_gui import random # Directions, DO NOT MODIFY UP = 1 DOWN = 2 LEFT = 3 RIGHT = 4 # Offsets for computing tile indices in each direction. # DO NOT MODIFY this dictionary. OFFSETS = {UP: (1, 0), DOWN: (-1, 0), LEFT: (0, 1), RIGHT: (0, -1)} def merge(line): """ Helper function that merges a single row or column in 2048 """ list_res = [0] * len(line) bool_res = [1] * len(line) var_j = 0 for var_i in range(len(line)): if line[var_i] != 0: if list_res[var_j-1] == line[var_i] and bool_res[var_j-1] == 1: list_res[var_j-1] +=line[var_i] bool_res[var_j-1] = 0; else: list_res[var_j] = line[var_i] var_j += 1 return list_res class TwentyFortyEight: """ Class to run the game logic. """ def __init__(self, grid_height, grid_width): self._grid_height = grid_height self._grid_width = grid_width self._grid = [[ 0 for dummy_i in range(self._grid_width)] for dummy_j in range(self._grid_height)] #2D矩陣初始化 self._intial_tiles = { UP: [ (0, i) for i in range(grid_width) ], DOWN: [ (grid_height-1, i) for i in range(grid_width) ], LEFT: [ (i, 0) for i in range(grid_height) ], RIGHT: [ (i, grid_width-1) for i in range(grid_height) ], } self._move_helper_func = { UP:self.helper_merge_up, DOWN: self.helper_merge_down, LEFT: self.helper_merge_left, RIGHT: self.helper_merge_right, } self._flag_changed = False; self.reset() def reset(self): """ Reset the game so the grid is empty. """ for var_i in range(self._grid_height): for var_j in range(self._grid_width): self._grid[var_i][var_j]=0; def __str__(self): """ Return a string representation of the grid for debugging. """ res_str = "[\n" for var_i in range(self._grid_height): res_str += "[" for var_j in range(self._grid_width): res_str += str(self._grid[var_i][var_j]) + ", " res_str += "]\n" res_str += "]" return res_str def get_grid_height(self): """ Get the height of the board. """ return self._grid_height; def get_grid_width(self): """ Get the width of the board. """ return self._grid_width; def helper_merge_up(self,temp_list_new,ele): """ Move the merged list to the original grid, UP direction """ for var_i in range(self.get_grid_height()): if self._flag_changed == False and self._grid[var_i][ele[1]] != temp_list_new[var_i]: self._flag_changed = True; self.set_tile(var_i,ele[1],temp_list_new[var_i]) def helper_merge_down(self,temp_list_new,ele): """ Move the merged list to the original grid, DOWN direction """ for var_i in range(self.get_grid_height()): if self._flag_changed == False and self._grid[self.get_grid_height()-var_i-1][ele[1]] != temp_list_new[var_i]: self._flag_changed = True; self.set_tile(self.get_grid_height()-var_i-1, ele[1], temp_list_new[var_i]) def helper_merge_left(self,temp_list_new,ele): """ Move the merged list to the original grid, LEFT direction """ for var_i in range(self.get_grid_width()): if self._flag_changed == False and self._grid[ele[0]][var_i] != temp_list_new[var_i]: self._flag_changed = True; self.set_tile(ele[0],var_i,temp_list_new[var_i]) def helper_merge_right(self,temp_list_new,ele): """ Move the merged list to the original grid, RIGHT direction """ for var_i in range(self.get_grid_width()): if self._flag_changed == False and self._grid[ele[0]][self.get_grid_width()-var_i-1] != temp_list_new[var_i]: self._flag_changed = True; self.set_tile(ele[0], self.get_grid_width()-var_i-1, temp_list_new[var_i]) def move(self, direction): """ Move all tiles in the given direction and add a new tile if any tiles moved. """ self._flag_changed = False; for ele in self._intial_tiles[direction]: temp_index_list = [] temp_list = [] temp_index_list.append(ele); while temp_index_list[-1][0]>=0 and temp_index_list[-1][0]<self.get_grid_height() and temp_index_list[-1][1]>=0 and temp_index_list[-1][1]<self.get_grid_width(): temp_list.append(self.get_tile(temp_index_list[-1][0],temp_index_list[-1][1])) temp_index_list.append((temp_index_list[-1][0]+OFFSETS[direction][0],temp_index_list[-1][1]+OFFSETS[direction][1])); temp_list_new = merge(temp_list) self._move_helper_func[direction](temp_list_new,ele) if self._flag_changed : self.new_tile() def new_tile(self): """ Create a new tile in a randomly selected empty square. The tile should be 2 90% of the time and 4 10% of the time. """ non_zero_count = 0; for var_i in range(self._grid_height): for var_j in range(self._grid_width): if self._grid[var_i][var_j] == 0: non_zero_count +=1; random_choice = random.randrange(0,non_zero_count); var_k = 0 generated_new_tile = False for var_i in range(self._grid_height): for var_j in range(self._grid_width): if generated_new_tile==False and self._grid[var_i][var_j] == 0: if var_k != random_choice: var_k += 1 else: random_2_4 = random.randrange(0,100) if random_2_4 <10: self.set_tile(var_i,var_j,4) else: self.set_tile(var_i,var_j,2) generated_new_tile = True; def set_tile(self, row, col, value): """ Set the tile at position row, col to have the given value. """ self._grid[row][col] = value; def get_tile(self, row, col): """ Return the value of the tile at position row, col. """ return self._grid[row][col]; poc_2048_gui.run_gui(TwentyFortyEight(4, 9))