SNMP指的是簡單網路管理協議(Simple Network Management Protocol),它主要包含三個部分:被管理的設備、代理、網絡管理站。一個被管理設備是具備SNMP代理的一個網絡節點,能夠是路由器、交換機、主機、打印機等設備,一般代理是設備內部的一個進程,網絡管理站經過此進程和設備通訊。node
MIB指的是管理信息庫(Management Information Base),就是代理進程所包含的的能被管理站查詢和設置的信息的集合,具體內容在RFC1213中定義。網絡
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public .
負載 1 minute Load: . 5 minute Load: . 15 minute Load: . CPU使用 percentage of user CPU time: . raw user cpu time: . percentages of system CPU time: . raw system cpu time: . percentages of idle CPU time: . raw idle cpu time: . raw nice cpu time: .
Total Swap Size: . Available Swap Space: . Total RAM in machine: . Total RAM used: . Total RAM Free: . Total RAM Shared: . Total RAM Buffered: . Total Cached Memory: .
要獲取硬盤信息,須要在snmpd.conf中加入如下信息(假設硬盤只有一個根分區(/)):Disk / 100000code
Path where the disk is mounted: . Path of the device for the partition: . Total size of the disk/partion (kBytes): . Available space on the disk: . Used space on the disk: . Percentage of space used on disk: . Percentage of inodes used on disk: . System Uptime: .