# 建立組件 ng generate component my-new-component # 建立組件別名 ng g component my-new-component # using the alias # components support relative path generation # if in the directory src/app/feature/ and you run ng g component new-cmp # your component will be generated in src/app/feature/new-cmp # but if you were to run ng g component ../newer-cmp # your component will be generated in src/app/newer-cmp # if in the directory src/app you can also run ng g component feature/new-cmp # and your component will be generated in src/app/feature/new-cmp
Scaffold | Usage |
Component | ng g component my-new-component |
Directive | ng g directive my-new-directive |
Pipe | ng g pipe my-new-pipe |
Service | ng g service my-new-service |
Class | ng g class my-new-class |
Guard | ng g guard my-new-guard |
Interface | ng g interface my-new-interface |
Enum | ng g enum my-new-enum |
Module | ng g module my-module |
angular-cli will add reference to components
, directives
and pipes
automatically in the app.module.ts
. If you need to add this references to another custom module, follow this steps:git
ng g module new-module
to create a new moduleng g component new-module/new-component
This should add the new component
, directive
or pipe
reference to the new-module
you've created.github
SASS 是一款很是好用的 CSS 預編譯器,Bootstrap 官方從4.0開始已經切換到了 SASS。shell
若是想要在腳手架項目中使用 SASS 預處理器,咱們須要本身手動修改一些配置文件,請按照如下步驟依次修改:npm
當你後面再使用 ng g c ***
自動建立組件的時候,默認就會生成 .scss
改完以後,從新 ng serve
SASS 的 API 請參考官方網站 。sass
SASS 只是一個預編譯器,它支持全部 CSS 原生語法。利用 SASS 能夠提高你的 CSS 編碼效率,加強 CSS 代碼的可維護性,可是千萬不要幻想今後就能夠不用學習 CSS 基礎知識了。app
# 默認爲 npm ng set --global packageManager=npm # 將包管理器設置爲 yarn ng set --global packageManager=yarn # 將包管理器設置爲 cnpm ng set --global packageManager=cnpm