IDEA 編輯快捷鍵

We have two exciting pieces of news for you today. app

First of all, IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 RC is now available for download, so you can try all the new features right away. By the way, this is the last chance to share your feedback before the release. ide

Second and probably more important (as you may have already guessed from the title), is that IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 introduces Sublime style multiple selections, the top voted editor feature in our tracker! this

Here is how they work: idea

  • Add/remove a selection: Alt + Shift + Mouse Click
  • Select/unselect the next occurrence: Alt + J / Shift + Alt + J (Ctrl + G / Shift + Ctrl +G) for Mac OS X)
  • Select all occurrences: Shift + Ctrl + Alt + J (Ctrl + Cmd + G for Mac OS X)
  • Clone caret above/below (the shortcuts are not mapped yet)
  • Remove all selections: Esc

Multiple selections work nicely together with IntelliJ IDEA features like Code completion,Select word at caretJoin linesCopy/paste, and the others. Here’s a little demo: spa

As cool as it is to use now, this feature still has a long way to go: its implementation remains to be refined, and some limitations need to be dealt with. So we would really appreciate your feedback about it. Share your thoughts in our discussion forum and submit bug reports to the issue tracker. Thanks! .net

Spread the word, and develop with pleasure! ip
