如何將ImagXpress對象的圖像數據轉移到Barcode Xpress對象上呢?在Barcode Xpress組件中,你也能夠使用下面這個方法輕鬆的實現複製或是轉移ImagXpress對象的圖像數據到Barcode Xpress對象上。 html
示例: code
// Create the BarcodeXpress component
BarcodeXpress barcodeXpress1 = new BarcodeXpress();
// The SetSolutionName, SetSolutionKey and possibly the SetOEMLicenseKey method must be
// called to distribute the runtime. Note that the SolutionName, SolutionKey, and
// OEMLicenseKey values shown below are only examples.
barcodeXpress1.Licensing.SetSolutionKey(12345, 12345, 12345, 12345);
// Set barcode types for which to search
barcodeXpress1.reader.BarcodeTypes = SetBarcodeType();
// Call Analyze to detect barcodes in image.
// All detected barcodes will be returned to the array of Result objects.
Result[] results = barcodeXpress1.reader.Analyze(imageXView1.Image);
// See if we returned any results
if (results.Length > 0)
// Display the results
string strResult;
strResult = "";
for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++) component
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