1. glide安裝mysql
glide 的安裝很簡單,mac環境下直接 brew install glide 就能夠的。裝完以後,那麼直接使用 glide init 或者 glide create 便可,而後你就會發現你的目錄下會有一個新的 glide.yaml 的 YAML 文件,裏面描述了 package 的信息,可是隻是依賴信息,並無版本信息。github
2. 初始化golang
glide init (參考輸出以下,執行後生成:glide.yaml 文件)sql
1 [INFO] Generating a YAML configuration file and guessing the dependencies 2 [INFO] Attempting to import from other package managers (use --skip-import to skip) 3 [INFO] Scanning code to look for dependencies 4 [INFO] --> Found reference to github.com/astaxie/beego 5 [INFO] --> Adding sub-package cache to github.com/astaxie/beego 6 [INFO] --> Adding sub-package context to github.com/astaxie/beego 7 [INFO] --> Adding sub-package httplib to github.com/astaxie/beego 8 [INFO] --> Adding sub-package logs to github.com/astaxie/beego 9 [INFO] --> Adding sub-package orm to github.com/astaxie/beego 10 [INFO] --> Found reference to github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql 11 [INFO] --> Found reference to github.com/qiniu/api.v7/auth/qbox 12 [INFO] --> Adding sub-package storage to github.com/qiniu/api.v7 13 [INFO] --> Found reference to github.com/russross/blackfriday 14 [INFO] --> Found reference to github.com/xormplus/xorm 15 [INFO] --> Found test reference to github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey 16 [INFO] Writing configuration file (glide.yaml) 17 [INFO] Would you like Glide to help you find ways to improve your glide.yaml configuration? 18 [INFO] If you want to revisit this step you can use the config-wizard command at any time. 19 [INFO] Yes (Y) or No (N)? 20 Y 21 [INFO] Looking for dependencies to make suggestions on 22 [INFO] --> Scanning for dependencies not using version ranges 23 [INFO] --> Scanning for dependencies using commit ids 24 [INFO] Gathering information on each dependency 25 [INFO] --> This may take a moment. Especially on a codebase with many dependencies 26 [INFO] --> Gathering release information for dependencies 27 [INFO] --> Looking for dependency imports where versions are commit ids 28 29 [INFO] Here are some suggestions... 30 [INFO] The package github.com/astaxie/beego appears to have Semantic Version releases (http://semver.org). 31 [INFO] The latest release is v1.9.2. You are currently not using a release. Would you like 32 [INFO] to use this release? Yes (Y) or No (N) 33 Y 34 [INFO] Would you like to remember the previous decision and apply it to future 35 [INFO] dependencies? Yes (Y) or No (N) 36 Y 37 [INFO] Updating github.com/astaxie/beego to use the release v1.9.2 instead of no release 38 [INFO] The package github.com/astaxie/beego appears to use semantic versions (http://semver.org). 39 [INFO] Would you like to track the latest minor or patch releases (major.minor.patch)? 40 [INFO] The choices are: 41 [INFO] - Tracking minor version releases would use '>= 1.9.2, < 2.0.0' ('^1.9.2') 42 [INFO] - Tracking patch version releases would use '>= 1.9.2, < 1.10.0' ('~1.9.2') 43 [INFO] - Skip using ranges 44 [INFO] For more information on Glide versions and ranges see https://glide.sh/docs/versions 45 [INFO] Minor (M), Patch (P), or Skip Ranges (S)? 46 P 47 [INFO] Would you like to remember the previous decision and apply it to future 48 [INFO] dependencies? Yes (Y) or No (N) 49 Y 50 [INFO] Updating github.com/astaxie/beego to use the range ~1.9.2 instead of commit id v1.9.2 51 [INFO] Updating github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql to use the release v1.3 instead of no release 52 [INFO] Updating github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql to use the range ~1.3.0 instead of commit id v1.3 53 [INFO] Updating github.com/qiniu/api.v7 to use the release v7.2.3 instead of no release 54 [INFO] Updating github.com/qiniu/api.v7 to use the range ~7.2.3 instead of commit id v7.2.3 55 [INFO] Updating github.com/russross/blackfriday to use the release v2.0.0 instead of no release 56 [INFO] Updating github.com/russross/blackfriday to use the range ~2.0.0 instead of commit id v2.0.0 57 [INFO] Updating github.com/smartystreets/goconvey to use the release 1.6.3 instead of no release 58 [INFO] Updating github.com/smartystreets/goconvey to use the range ~1.6.3 instead of commit id 1.6.3 59 [INFO] Configuration changes have been made. Would you like to write these 60 [INFO] changes to your configuration file? Yes (Y) or No (N) 61 Y 62 [INFO] Writing updates to configuration file (glide.yaml) 63 [INFO] You can now edit the glide.yaml file.: 64 [INFO] --> For more information on versions and ranges see https://glide.sh/docs/versions/ 65 [INFO] --> For details on additional metadata see https://glide.sh/docs/glide.yaml/
3. 安裝依賴api
glide install (會生成glide.lock文件,鎖定安裝包的版本)app
4. glide報錯及解決集:ide
Q:[ERROR] Error scanning google.golang.org/appengine/cloudsql: cannot find package "." in: /Users/hezhixiong/.glide/cache/src/https-google.golang.org-appengine-cloudsql A: 在glide.yaml最下方添加以下: - package: google.golang.org/appengine repo: https://github.com/golang/appengine vcs: git subpackages: - cloudsql Q: [ERROR] Update failed for golang.org/x/crypto: Cannot detect VCS A: 在glide.yaml最下方添加以下: - package: golang.org/x/crypto repo: https://github.com/golang/crypto Q: [ERROR] Failed to set version on golang.org/x/sys/unix to : Cannot detect VCS A: 在glide.yaml最下方添加以下: - package: golang.org/x/sys repo: https://github.com/golang/sys vcs: git subpackages: - unix
5. 參考資料工具