this tutorial begins where Tutorial 1 left off.We'll setup the database, create your first model, and get a quick introduction to Django's automatically-generated admin site.
if you wish yo use another databse install the approprite database bindings ans change the following keys in DATABASE 'default itemto match your database connection setting:web
ENGINE : django.db.backends.mysqlsql
NAME : The name of your database.數據庫
The migrate command looks at the INSTALLED_APPS setting and creates any nessary database tables according to the database setings in your mysite/ fiel and database migrations shipped with the app. You'll see a message for each migration it applies. If you're interested, run the commadn-line client for your database ans typedjango
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a model is a single, definitive source of truth about your data.It contains the essential fields ans behaviors of the data you're storing.ui