

"2.3.1 (created: 2010/04/07 18:56:53)
" vim: set ft=vimperator:
"whatis it look like
set titlestring=
set laststatus=0
set showmodevim

set hintchars=hjklasdf
set editor=urxvt\ -e\ vim
set complete=ls
set wildmode=list:longestsession

set hintchars=hjklasdfide

"about the control
let mapleader = ","
noremap <leader>q ZZ "save session and quit the browser
noremap <leader>r :restart<cr>
noremap <leader>b :tabopen baidu
noremap j 4j
noremap k 4k
noremap , <c-o>
noremap ; <c-i>
noremap s <C-c>
map <leader>h :set guioptions!=rBT<CR>
noremap [ [[
noremap ] ]]
set nextpattern+=\s*下一頁|下一張|下一篇|下一頁|下頁|後頁\s*
set previouspattern+=\s*上一頁|上一張|上一篇|上一頁|上頁|前頁\s*
"gh Go the homepage in the current tab.
"gH Go home open the homepage in a new tab
"gu Go to the parent directory
"gU Go to the root of the web site
"f open page in current Tab
"F open page in new Tab
"y/p copy/paste the url of the current page to the clipboard
"P open the url in new tab which in clipboard
" PassThrough gmail and greader,locationchange to exec command automatic
"autocmd LocationChange .* js modes.passAllKeys = /.*(mail\.google\.com|www\.google\.com\/reader).*/.test(buffer.URL)
"about the Tab
noremap h gT
noremap l <c-n>
noremap < g^
noremap > g$
"about yank paste
noremap <C-V> <C-v>
noremap <C-Z> <C-z>
noremap <C-c> <C-v><C-c>
noremap <C-a> <C-v><C-a>
cnoremap <C-c> <C-v><C-c>
cnoremap <C-v> <C-v><C-v>
cnoremap <C-x> <C-v><C-x>
inoremap <C-a> <C-v><C-a>
inoremap <C-c> <C-v><C-c>
inoremap <C-v> <C-v><C-v>
inoremap <C-x> <C-v><C-x>
inoremap <C-z> <C-v><C-z>
inoremap <C-y> <C-v><C-y> ui

"the shortcut for cmdline
cnoremap <C-A> <Home>
cnoremap <C-E> <End>
cnoremap <C-K> <C-U>
cnoremap <C-P> <Up>
cnoremap <C-N> <Down>
cnoremap <C-F> <Right>
cnoremap <C-B> <Left>
cnoremap <C-D> <del>
cnoremap <C-H> <backspace>google
