注意:當用一個鄰接表描述圖時,就已經肯定了該圖的遍歷順序,以上圖的鄰接表爲例,從 V0頂點開始遍歷時,不管是深度優先搜索 (DFS)仍是廣度優先搜索 (BFS),都會先找到 V1結點,而從左邊的圖來看,其實V1,V2,V3均可覺得下一個遍歷的結點。算法
typedef struct EdgeNode { int toAdjVex; // The index of vertex array which this edge points to. float weight; // The edge weight. struct EdgeNode *next; // The next edge, note that it only means the next edge also links to the vertex which this edge links to. } EdgeNode; typedef struct VertexNode { VERTEX_DATA_TYPE info; // The vertex info,. struct EdgeNode* firstEdge; // The first edge which the vertex points to. } VertexNode; typedef struct { VertexNode adjList[VERTEX_NUM]; // Adjacency list, which stores the all vertexes of the graph. int vertextNum; // The number of vertex. int edgeNum; // The number of edge. } AdjListGraph;
typedef struct { int number; VERTEX_DATA_TYPE info; } Vertex; typedef struct { float edges[VERTEX_NUM][VERTEX_NUM]; // The value of this two dimensional array is the weight of the edge. int vertextNum; // The number of vertex. int edgeNum; // The number of edge. Vertex vex[VERTEX_NUM]; // To store vertex. } MGraph;
void dfsRecursion(AdjListGraph* graph, int startVertexIndex, bool visit[]) { printf("%c ", (graph -> adjList[startVertexIndex]).info); visit[startVertexIndex] = true; EdgeNode* edgeIndex = (graph -> adjList[startVertexIndex]).firstEdge; while (edgeIndex != NULL) { if (visit[edgeIndex -> toAdjVex] == false) dfsRecursion(graph, edgeIndex -> toAdjVex, visit); edgeIndex = edgeIndex -> next; } }
void dfsNonRecursion(AdjListGraph* graph, int startVertextIndex, bool visit[]) { linked_stack* stack = NULL; init_stack(&stack); // Visit the start vertex. printf("%c ", (graph -> adjList[startVertextIndex]).info); visit[startVertextIndex] = true; EdgeNode* edgeNode = (graph -> adjList[startVertextIndex]).firstEdge; if (edgeNode != NULL) push(stack, edgeNode); while (!isEmptyStack(stack)) { edgeNode = ((EdgeNode*)pop(stack)) -> next; while (edgeNode != NULL && !visit[edgeNode -> toAdjVex]) { printf("%c ", (graph -> adjList[edgeNode -> toAdjVex]).info); visit[edgeNode -> toAdjVex] = true; push(stack, edgeNode); edgeNode = (graph -> adjList[edgeNode -> toAdjVex]).firstEdge; } } }
void bfs(AdjListGraph* graph, int startVertexIndex, bool visit[]) { // Loop queue initialization. LoopQueue loopQ; loopQ.front = 0; loopQ.rear = 0; LoopQueue* loopQueue = &loopQ; enqueue(loopQueue, &(graph -> adjList[startVertexIndex])); printf("%c ", (graph -> adjList[startVertexIndex]).info); visit[startVertexIndex] = true; while (!isEmpty(loopQueue)) { VertexNode* vertexNode = dequeue(loopQueue); EdgeNode* edgeNode = vertexNode -> firstEdge; while(edgeNode != NULL) { if (visit[edgeNode -> toAdjVex] == false) { printf("%c ", (graph -> adjList[edgeNode -> toAdjVex]).info); visit[edgeNode -> toAdjVex] = true; enqueue(loopQueue, &(graph -> adjList[edgeNode -> toAdjVex])); } edgeNode = edgeNode -> next; } } }
float prim(MGraph* graph, int startVertex) { float totalCost = 0; float lowCost[VERTEX_NUM]; // The value of lowCost[i] represents the minimum distance from vertex i to current spanning tree. bool treeSet[VERTEX_NUM]; // The value of treeSet[i] represents whether the vertex i has been merged into the spanning tree. // Initialization for (int i = 0; i < (graph -> vertextNum); i++) { lowCost[i] = graph -> edges[startVertex][i]; // Init all cost from i to startVertex. treeSet[i] = false; // No vertex is in the spanning tree set at first. } treeSet[startVertex] = true; // Merge the startVertex into the spanning tree set. printf("%c ", (graph -> vex[startVertex]).info); for (int i = 0; i < (graph -> vertextNum); i++) { int minCost = MAX_COST; // MAX_COST is a value greater than any other edge weight. int newVertex = startVertex; // Find the minimum cost vertex which is out of the spanning tree set. for (int j = 0; j < (graph -> vertextNum); j++) { if (!treeSet[j] && lowCost[j] < minCost) { minCost = lowCost[j]; newVertex = j; } } treeSet[newVertex] = true; // Merge the new vertex into the spanning tree set. /* Some ops, for example you can print the vertex so you will get the sequence of node of minimum spanning tree. */ if (newVertex != startVertex) { printf("%c ", (graph -> vex[newVertex]).info); totalCost += lowCost[newVertex]; } // Judge whether the cost is change between the new spanning tree and the remaining vertex. for (int j = 0; j < (graph -> vertextNum); j++) { if (!treeSet[j] && lowCost[j] > graph -> edges[newVertex][j]) lowCost[j] = graph -> edges[newVertex][j]; // Update the cost between the spanning tree and the vertex j. } } return totalCost; }
並查集能夠很容易判斷幾個不一樣的元素是否屬於同一個集合,正是由於這個特性,並查集是克魯斯卡爾算法( Kruskal's algorithm)的重要工具。
int findRootInSet(int array[], int x) { if (array[x] < 0) { // Find the root index. return x; } else { // Recursively find its parent until find the root, // then recursively update the children node so that they will point to the root. return array[x] = findRootInSet(array, array[x]); } } // For merging the one node into the other set. bool unionSet(int array[], int node1, int node2) { int root1 = findRootInSet(array, node1); int root2 = findRootInSet(array, node2); if (root1 == root2) { // It means they are in the same set return false; } // The value of array[root] is negative and the absolute value is its children numbers, // when merging two sets, we choose to merge the more children set into the less one. if (array[root1] > array[root2]) { array[root1] += array[root2]; array[root2] = root1; } else { array[root2] += array[root1]; array[root1] = root2; } return true; }
注意上面的 unionSet
void dijkstra(MGraph* graph, int startVertexIndex) { // For storing the minimum cost from the arbitrary node to the start vertex. float minCostToStart[VERTEX_NUM]; // For marking whether the node is in the set. bool set[VERTEX_NUM]; // Initialization for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++) { minCostToStart[i] = graph -> edges[i][startVertexIndex]; set[i] = false; } // Add the start vertex into the set. set[startVertexIndex] = true; int minNodeIndex = startVertexIndex; for (int count = 1; count < VERTEX_NUM; count++) { int minCost = MAX_COST; // Find the adjacent node which is nearest to the startVertexIndex. for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++) { if (!set[i] && minCostToStart[i] < minCost) { minCost = minCostToStart[minNodeIndex]; minNodeIndex = i; } } // Add the proper node into the set set[minNodeIndex] = true; // After the new node is added into the set, update the minimum cost of each node which is out of the set. for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++) { if (!set[i] && (graph -> edges[i][minNodeIndex]) < MAX_COST) { // The new cost of each node to source = the cost of new added node to source + the cost of node i to new added node. float newCost = minCostToStart[minNodeIndex] + graph -> edges[i][minNodeIndex]; if (newCost < minCostToStart[i]) minCostToStart[i] = newCost; } } } printf("The cost of %c to each node:\n", (graph -> vex[startVertexIndex]).info); for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++) { if (i != startVertexIndex) printf("-----> %c : %f\n", (graph -> vex[i]).info, minCostToStart[i]); } }
提示:迪傑斯特拉算法與普利姆算法十分相似,特別是步驟 2。迪傑斯特拉算法老是從 unvisited set裏選擇距離 源結點
最近的結點加入到 visited set裏,而普利姆算法老是從生成樹集合外,選擇一個距離 生成樹
的值。void floyd(MGraph* graph) { float minCost[VERTEX_NUM][VERTEX_NUM]; // Store the distance between any two nodes. int path[VERTEX_NUM][VERTEX_NUM]; // Store the intermediate node between the two nodes. int i, j, k; // Initialization for (i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++) { for (j = 0; j < VERTEX_NUM; j++) { minCost[i][j] = graph -> edges[i][j]; path[i][j] = -1; } } // Find if there is another k node, it makes the distance dis[i][k] + dis[k][j] < dis[i][j]; for (k = 0; k < VERTEX_NUM; k++) for (i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++) for (j = 0; j < VERTEX_NUM; j++) { if (minCost[i][j] > minCost[i][k] + minCost[k][j]) { minCost[i][j] = minCost[i][k] + minCost[k][j]; path[i][j] = k; } } for (i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++) for (j = 0; j < VERTEX_NUM; j++) { if (i != j && minCost[i][j] != MAX_COST) printf("%c ---> %c, the minimum cost is %f\n", (graph -> vex[i]).info, (graph -> vex[j]).info, minCost[i][j]); } }