mac os!reassign the copy/paste keyboard shortcuts!

I've been using mac for years, but prefer to do software development on windows. I'm really used to is using the folowing shortcuts on windows very much:

<CTRL>  + INSERT: Copyless

<SHIFT> + INSERT: Pasteide

<SHIFT> + DELETE: Cutspa

Of late, I've taken to doing even my development work on the Mac. However, as a matter of habit, I'm missing these shortcuts very much. Actually, I find these a lot more convenient than COMMAND + (C/V/X) combo.code

Is there a way to reassign these three shortcuts at least?three

I've look all over the internet and in the "Keyboards" system preferences but I did not find

PS: If you're wondering where I find the INSERT keys on a mac book pro, I use a wireless keyboard.ast


System Preferences: Keyboard: Modifier Keys...

Then swap the Command and Control keys. This will change everything globally for all keyboard commands system-wide.command
