The M Developer Preview gives you an advance look at the upcoming release for the Android platform, which offers new features for users and app developers. This document provides an introduction to the most notable
即將到來的Android平臺的釋放版本將會爲用戶以及App開發者提供新的功能特性,M Developer Preview則爲此提供一個預覽。本文檔將會向你們介紹大多數值得注意的APIs。git
The M Developer Preview is intended for developer early adopters and testers. If you are interested in influencing the direction of the Android framework, give the M Developer Preview a try and send us your feedback!github
M Developer Preview面向前期的開發人員和測試人員。若是你有意直接做用於Android frameword,不妨嘗試下M Developer Preview,並向咱們發送你的反饋!web
Caution: Do not publish apps that use the M Developer Preview to the Google Play
警告:不要推送那些使用了M Developer Preview的應用到谷歌應用商店上去。安全
Note: This document often refers to classes and methods that do not yet have reference material available on These API elements are formatted in code style
in this document (without hyperlinks). For the preliminary API documentation for these elements, download the preview reference.網絡
注意:本文檔會常常提到在上尚未對應的可用參考材料的類和方法。本文檔中這些API標記都是代碼樣式的格式(而不是超連接)。這些標籤對應的早期的API文檔,在preview reference中能夠下載。app
If you have previously published an app for Android, be aware that your app might be affected by changes in the platform.dom
Please see Behavior Changes for complete information.
App Linking App 連接
This preview enhances Android’s intent system by providing more powerful app linking. This feature allows you to associate an app with a web domain you own. Based on this association, the platform can determine the default app to use to handle a particular web link and skip prompting users to select an app. To learn how to implement this feature, see App Linking.
該預覽經過提供更多有效的App連接改善了Android的意圖系統。該特性容許你經過你本身的一個web域名來關聯某個app。在此關聯的基礎上,新平臺會肯定用於處理某一特定web連接的默認App,並跳過提示用戶選擇一款App的步驟。查閱App Linking,以學習如何實現該特性。
The system now performs automatic full data backup and restore for apps. For the duration of the M Developer Preview program, all apps are backed up, independent of which SDK version they target. After the final M SDK release, your app must target M to enable this behavior; you do not need to add any additional code. If users delete their Google accounts, their backup data is deleted as well. To learn how this feature works and how to configure what to back up on the file system, see Auto Backup for Apps.
如今的Android系統平臺會自動地對App進行全部數據的備份和還原。M Developer Preview 程序運行期間,全部的App都會被備份,且與各個App的目標SDK版本無關。M SDK最終的預覽版釋放以後,你的App必須target到M以激活該行爲;無須添加任何額外的代碼。若是用戶刪除了他們的Google帳戶,他們的數據備份也會被刪除。學習該特性的工做原理及如何設置將被被備份到文件系統上的數據,請查看Auto Backup for Apps。
This preview offers new APIs to let you authenticate users by using their fingerprint scans on supported devices, and check how recently the user was last authenticated using a device unlocking mechanism (such as a lockscreen password). Use these APIs in conjunction with the Android Keystore system.
爲了可以讓你在支持指紋識別的設備上經過指紋掃描來進行用戶身份驗證,同時檢查最近一次進行身份驗證的用戶是如何使用設備解鎖機制的(例如鎖屏密碼),該預覽版提供了一些新的APIs,結合Android Keystore system章節來使用這些API吧。
To authenticate users via fingerprint scan, get an instance of the new FingerprintManager class and call the authenticate() method. Your app must be running on a compatible device with a fingerprint sensor. You must implement the user interface for the fingerprint authentication flow on your app, and use the standard Android fingerprint icon in your UI. The Android fingerprint icon (c_fp_40px.png
) is included in the sample app. If you are developing multiple apps that use fingerprint authentication, note that each app must authenticate the user’s fingerprint independently.
To use this feature in your app, first add the USE_FINGERPRINT permission in your manifest.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT" /> |
To see an app implementation of fingerprint authentication, refer to the Fingerprint Dialog sample. For a demonstration of how you can use these authentication APIs in conjunction with other Android APIs, see the video Fingerprint and Payment APIs.
如要查看一個指紋認證的應用程序實現,請查閱Fingerprint Dialog sample.視頻Fingerprint and Payment APIs,示範瞭如何結合使用這些身份驗證APIs以及其餘的Android APIs。
If you are testing this feature, follow these steps:
先安裝Android SDK Tools Revision 24.3,若是你尚未完成這一步的話。
adb -e emu finger touch <finger_id> |
On Windows, you may have to run telnet
followed by finger touch <finger_id>
緊跟finger touch <finger_id>以後。
Your app can authenticate users based on how recently they last unlocked their device. This feature frees users from having to remember additional app-specific passwords, and avoids the need for you to implement your own authentication user interface. Your app should use this feature in conjunction with a public or secret key implementation for user authentication.
To set the timeout duration for which the same key can be re-used after a user is successfully authenticated, call the new setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds() method when you set up a KeyGenerator or KeyPairGenerator.
Avoid showing the re-authentication dialog excessively -- your apps should try using the cryptographic object first and if the the timeout expires, use the createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent() method to re-authenticate the user within your app.
To see an app implementation of this feature, refer to the Confirm Credential sample。
查看該特性的應用程序實現,請查閱Confirm Credential sample。
This preview provides you with APIs to make sharing intuitive and quick for users. You can now define direct share targets that launch a specific activity in your app. These direct share targets are exposed to users via the Share menu. This feature allows users to share content to targets, such as contacts, within other apps. For example, the direct share target might launch an activity in another social network app, which lets the user share content directly to a specific friend or community in that app.
To enable direct share targets you must define a class that extends the ChooserTargetService class. Declare your service in the manifest. Within that declaration, specify the BIND_CHOOSER_TARGET_SERVICE permission and an intent filter using the SERVICE_INTERFACE action.
The following example shows how you might declare the ChooserTargetService in your manifest.
<service android:name=".ChooserTargetService" android:name="android.service.chooser.ChooserTargetService"/> |
For each activity that you want to expose to ChooserTargetService, add a <meta-data>
element with the name "android.service.chooser.chooser_target_service"
in your app manifest.
<activity android:name=".MyShareActivity」 |
This preview provides a new voice interaction API which, together with Voice Actions, allows you to build conversational voice experiences into your apps. Call the isVoiceInteraction() method to determine if a voice action triggered your activity. If so, your app can use the VoiceInteractor class to request a voice confirmation from the user, select from a list of options, and more.
該預覽提供了一個新的語音交互API,與Voice Actions相同,容許你在應用程序中構建對話式語音體驗。調用方法isVoiceInteraction()以肯定你的activity是否觸發了一個語音活動。若是是,你的應用程序可使用類
Most voice interactions originate from a user voice action. A voice interaction activity can also, however, start without user input. For example, another app launched through a voice interaction can also send an intent to launch a voice interaction. To determine if your activity launched from a user voice query or from another voice interaction app, call the isVoiceInteractionRoot() method. If another app launched your activity, the method returns false
. Your app may then prompt the user to confirm that they intended this action.
To learn more about implementing voice actions, see the Voice Actions developer site.
查看章節Voice Actions developer site以更多的瞭解語音活動實現。
This preview offers a new way for users to engage with your apps through an assistant. To use this feature, the user must enable the assistant to use the current context. Once enabled, the user can summon the assistant within any app, by long-pressing on the Home button.
To provide the assistant with additional context from your app, follow these steps:
This preview adds the following API changes for notifications:
新的INTERRUPTION_FILTER_ALARMS過濾器級別以符合新的Alarms only請勿打擾模式。
Active Notifications sample以查看該特性使用的應用程序實現。
This preview provides improved support for user input using a Bluetooth stylus. Users can pair and connect a compatible Bluetooth stylus with their phone or tablet. While connected, position information from the touch screen is fused with pressure and button information from the stylus to provide a greater range of expression than with the touch screen alone. Your app can listen for stylus button presses and perform secondary actions, by registering View.OnContextClickListener and GestureDetector.OnContextClickListener objects in your activity.
Use the MotionEvent methods and constants to detect stylus button interactions:
If the user touches a stylus with a button on the screen of your app, the getTooltype() method returns TOOL_TYPE_STYLUS.
For apps targeting M Preview, the getButtonState() method returns BUTTON_STYLUS_PRIMARY when the user presses the primary stylus button. If the stylus has a second button, the same method returns BUTTON_STYLUS_SECONDARY when the user presses it. If the user presses both buttons simultaneously, the method returns both values OR'ed together (BUTTON_STYLUS_PRIMARY|BUTTON_STYLUS_SECONDARY).
對於以M Preview爲目標系統的應用程序而言,當用戶按下主要的手寫筆按鈕時方法