更多:《劍指Offer》Java實現合集 java
package _18; /** * * @Description 面試題18(一):在O(1)時間刪除鏈表結點 * * @author yongh * @date 2018年9月18日 下午3:57:59 */ //題目:給定單向鏈表的頭指針和一個結點指針,定義一個函數在O(1)時間刪除該 //結點。 //注:本題存在缺陷,要求O(1)時間,則沒法肯定待刪除結點的確在表中 public class DeleteNodeInList { public class ListNode{ int val; ListNode next; public ListNode(int value,ListNode nextNode) { val=value; next=nextNode; } } /** * 返回值:頭結點 * 返回值不能夠爲void,不然頭結點沒法刪除 * 即:函數中雖然令head=null,但返回到主程序後, * head仍是不變,因此令該函數返回值爲ListNode */ public ListNode deleteNode(ListNode head,ListNode pToBeDeleted) { if(head==null||pToBeDeleted==null) return head; //待刪除結點不是尾結點 if(pToBeDeleted.next!=null) { ListNode nextNode=pToBeDeleted.next; pToBeDeleted.val=nextNode.val; pToBeDeleted.next=nextNode.next; nextNode=null; //只有一個結點(便是尾結點,又是頭結點) }else if(head==pToBeDeleted) { pToBeDeleted=null; head=null; //鏈表含多個結點,刪除尾結點 }else { ListNode preNode=head; while(preNode.next!=pToBeDeleted && preNode!=null) { preNode=preNode.next; } if(preNode==null) { System.out.println("沒法找到待刪除結點!"); return head; } preNode.next=null; pToBeDeleted=null; } return head; } //=========測試代碼========== void test(ListNode head,ListNode PToBeDelete) { System.out.println("============"); System.out.print("The original list is: "); ListNode curr=head; if(curr!=null) { while(curr.next!=null) { System.out.print(curr.val+","); curr=curr.next; } System.out.println(curr.val); }else { System.out.println(); } System.out.print("The node to be deleted is: "); if(PToBeDelete!=null) System.out.println(PToBeDelete.val); else System.out.println(); curr=deleteNode(head, PToBeDelete); System.out.print("The result list is: "); if(curr!=null) { while(curr.next!=null) { System.out.print(curr.val+","); curr=curr.next; } System.out.println(curr.val); }else { System.out.println(); } System.out.println("============"); } /** * 鏈表含多個結點,刪除頭結點 */ void test1() { ListNode p4=new ListNode(4, null); ListNode p3=new ListNode(3, p4); ListNode p2=new ListNode(2, p3); ListNode p1=new ListNode(1, p2); test(p1, p1); } /** * 鏈表含多個結點,刪除中間結點 */ void test2() { ListNode p4=new ListNode(4, null); ListNode p3=new ListNode(3, p4); ListNode p2=new ListNode(2, p3); ListNode p1=new ListNode(1, p2); test(p1, p3); } /** * 鏈表含多個結點,刪除尾結點 */ void test3() { ListNode p4=new ListNode(4, null); ListNode p3=new ListNode(3, p4); ListNode p2=new ListNode(2, p3); ListNode p1=new ListNode(1, p2); test(p1, p4); } /** * 鏈表含一個結點,刪除結點 */ void test4() { ListNode p4=new ListNode(4, null); test(p4, p4); } /** * 鏈表爲空 */ void test5() { test(null, null); } public static void main(String[] args) { DeleteNodeInList demo = new DeleteNodeInList(); demo.test1(); demo.test2(); demo.test3(); demo.test4(); demo.test5(); } }
============ The original list is: 1,2,3,4 The node to be deleted is: 1 The result list is: 2,3,4 ============ ============ The original list is: 1,2,3,4 The node to be deleted is: 3 The result list is: 1,2,4 ============ ============ The original list is: 1,2,3,4 The node to be deleted is: 4 The result list is: 1,2,3 ============ ============ The original list is: 4 The node to be deleted is: 4 The result list is: ============ ============ The original list is: The node to be deleted is: The result list is: ============