1,In my limited experience with .. 謙虛表達本身在某方面的經驗
2, I am searching for a long time on net. But no use. Please help or try to give some ideas how to achieve this. 找了好久未果,求助攻
3,after searching around for a decent XX solution and found that everything out there was difficult to use. 找了N種方法都發現太TM難了。
4,I' ve looked around and apparently I've got the choice between these libraries/ solutions: 說明本身是努力搜索過的,而後目前有了哪幾種方案
5,which seems it's a promising solution. 看起來是一個好解決方案
6,Ive tried multiple variations of this, but none of them seem to work. Any ideas? 試了不少種方法都無效,求助
7,Wanted to know if it's good practice to do that and what would be the best way to do that? 個人作法是否正確,是否有更好的法子?
8,Thanks in advance. 先行謝過
1,If I understand you correctly, you want to xxx 若是我沒理解錯,你想。。
2,Can you provided more details about your use case ? Can you provide more xml and code setting the url ? 提供更詳細
1,thank you for your answer sincerely 感謝回答app