I have an app that I developed with Xcode 3 and recently started editing with Xcode 4. In the target summary I have the iOS application target form with fields: identifier, version, build, devices, and deployment target. 我有一個使用Xcode 3開發的應用程序,最近開始使用Xcode 4進行編輯。在目標摘要中,我具備iOS應用程序目標表單,其中包含如下字段:標識符,版本,內部版本,設備和部署目標。 The version field is blank and the build field is 3.4.0 (which matches the version of the app from when I was still editing with Xcode 3). 版本字段爲空白,構建字段爲3.4.0(與我仍使用Xcode 3進行編輯時的應用程序版本匹配)。 app
My questions are: 個人問題是: ide
What is the difference between the version and build fields? 版本和構建字段之間有什麼區別? ui
Why was the version field blank after I upgraded to Xcode 4? 升級到Xcode 4後,版本字段爲什麼空白? spa