首先經過https://ping.chinaz.com/找出目標域名的所有IP地址,保存到txt文件中,每一個IP地址佔一行(也能夠使用逗號分割)。而後用python3的open讀入文件,用ping3包的ping函數測試每一個IP地址的訪問延遲,測試n次後求平均值。對於訪問超時的IP地址,直接賦給它一個很長的時間,好比5000ms. 將IP地址及測試結果再寫入另外一個文本文件。若從未使用過ping3,請先安裝:pip install ping3
import ping3 fread=open(r"E:\PythonDevelop\IPList.txt",'r') fwrite=open(r"E:\PythonDevelop\IPTest.txt",'w') TargetIP=fread.readline() n=3 while TargetIP: TotalTime=0.0 for k in range(n): IPstrip=TargetIP.strip() PingTime=ping3.ping(IPstrip,timeout=1,unit='ms') if not PingTime: PingTime=5000.0 TotalTime=TotalTime+PingTime print(IPstrip+','+str(int(TotalTime/n))) fwrite.writelines(IPstrip+','+str(int(TotalTime/3))+'\n') TargetIP=fread.readline() fread.close() fwrite.close()
ping(dest_addr: str, timeout: int = 4, unit: str = 's', src_addr: str = None, ttl: int = 64, seq: int = 0, size: int = 56, interface: str = None) -> float
Send one ping to destination address with the given timeout.
dest_addr: The destination address, can be an IP address or a domain name. Ex. ""/"example.com"
timeout: Time to wait for a response, in seconds. Default is 4s, same as Windows CMD. (default 4)
unit: The unit of returned value. "s" for seconds, "ms" for milliseconds. (default "s")
src_addr: WINDOWS ONLY. The IP address to ping from. This is for multiple network interfaces. Ex. "". (default None)
interface: LINUX ONLY. The gateway network interface to ping from. Ex. "wlan0". (default None)
ttl: The Time-To-Live of the outgoing packet. Default is 64, same as in Linux and macOS. (default 64)
seq: ICMP packet sequence, usually increases from 0 in the same process. (default 0)
size: The ICMP packet payload size in bytes. If the input of this is less than the bytes of a double format (usually 8), the size of ICMP packet payload is 8 bytes to hold a time. The max should be the router_MTU(Usually 1480) - IP_Header(20) - ICMP_Header(8). Default is 56, same as in macOS. (default 56)
The delay in seconds/milliseconds or None on timeout.
PingError: Any PingError will raise again if `ping3.EXCEPTIONS` is True.