做者:尹正傑 html
本文參考連接來自:http://book.open-falcon.org/zh/install_from_src/agent.html 。node
[root@node101 ~]# cd /yinzhengjie/open-falcon/workspace/open-falcon [root@node101 open-falcon]# [root@node101 open-falcon]# ll total 3896 drwxrwxr-x. 7 501 501 72 Aug 15 2017 agent drwxrwxr-x. 5 501 501 43 Aug 15 2017 aggregator drwxrwxr-x. 5 501 501 43 Aug 15 2017 alarm drwxrwxr-x. 6 501 501 55 Aug 15 2017 api drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 18 Dec 11 17:33 data drwxrwxr-x. 5 501 501 43 Aug 15 2017 gateway drwxrwxr-x. 6 501 501 55 Aug 15 2017 graph drwxrwxr-x. 5 501 501 43 Aug 15 2017 hbs drwxrwxr-x. 5 501 501 43 Aug 15 2017 judge drwxrwxr-x. 5 501 501 43 Aug 15 2017 nodata -rwxrwxr-x. 1 501 501 3987469 Aug 15 2017 open-falcon lrwxrwxrwx. 1 501 501 16 Aug 15 2017 plugins -> ./agent/plugins/ lrwxrwxrwx. 1 501 501 15 Aug 15 2017 public -> ./agent/public/ drwxrwxr-x. 5 501 501 43 Aug 15 2017 transfer [root@node101 open-falcon]#
[root@node101 open-falcon]# scp -r agent/ root@node102.yinzhengjie.org.cn:~ The authenticity of host 'node102.yinzhengjie.org.cn (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:aGk7Wv77uRVAElcihCH0Zu0sAPp6qEs2sSA1Zsj3o7g. ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:2b:74:b8:ad:f8:92:78:04:38:90:f1:28:e7:70:68:fb. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 'node102.yinzhengjie.org.cn,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. root@node102.yinzhengjie.org.cn's password: agent.log 100% 41KB 520.6KB/s 00:00 scheduler.go 100% 2479 156.5KB/s 00:00 reader.go 100% 1011 298.4KB/s 00:00 plugins.go 100% 970 61.9KB/s 00:00 odometer.js 100% 7564 192.3KB/s 00:00 jquery.dataTables.min.js 100% 69KB 2.9MB/s 00:00 jquery.js 100% 93KB 2.3MB/s 00:00 jquery-ui.min.js 100% 223KB 17.5MB/s 00:00 dashboard.js 100% 7975 2.4MB/s 00:00 bootstrap.js 100% 47KB 8.2MB/s 00:00 base.js 100% 2220 934.5KB/s 00:00 code.png 100% 540 37.9KB/s 00:00 favicon.ico 100% 97KB 18.5MB/s 00:00 font-awesome.min.css 100% 22KB 1.0MB/s 00:00 font-awesome-ie7.min.css 100% 37KB 10.5MB/s 00:00 font-awesome-ie7.css 100% 40KB 5.7MB/s 00:00 font-awesome.css 100% 27KB 12.8MB/s 00:00 fontawesome-webfont.eot 100% 37KB 969.0KB/s 00:00 FontAwesome.otf 100% 60KB 12.9MB/s 00:00 fontawesome-webfont.woff 100% 43KB 11.5MB/s 00:00 fontawesome-webfont.svg 100% 193KB 13.5MB/s 00:00 fontawesome-webfont.ttf 100% 77KB 6.9MB/s 00:00 odometer.css 100% 3849 1.8MB/s 00:00 dashboard.css 100% 5150 206.1KB/s 00:00 bootstrap-responsive.min.css 100% 9149 500.0KB/s 00:00 OpenSans-Regular-webfont.woff 100% 83KB 5.1MB/s 00:00 OpenSans-Regular-webfont.eot 100% 71KB 3.4MB/s 00:00 OpenSans-Regular-webfont.svg 100% 266KB 6.5MB/s 00:00 OpenSans-Regular-webfont.ttf 100% 160KB 9.9MB/s 00:00 style.css 100% 23KB 7.8MB/s 00:00 bootstrap.min.css 100% 88KB 20.3MB/s 00:00 g.css 100% 2637 175.5KB/s 00:00 index.html 100% 15KB 10.1MB/s 00:00 falcon-agent 100% 9849KB 37.1MB/s 00:00 cfg.json 100% 1254 79.8KB/s 00:00 [root@node101 open-falcon]#
[root@node101 open-falcon]# scp -r agent/ root@node103.yinzhengjie.org.cn:~ The authenticity of host 'node103.yinzhengjie.org.cn (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:aGk7Wv77uRVAElcihCH0Zu0sAPp6qEs2sSA1Zsj3o7g. ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:2b:74:b8:ad:f8:92:78:04:38:90:f1:28:e7:70:68:fb. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 'node103.yinzhengjie.org.cn,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. root@node103.yinzhengjie.org.cn's password: agent.log 100% 47KB 2.1MB/s 00:00 scheduler.go 100% 2479 3.1MB/s 00:00 reader.go 100% 1011 1.7MB/s 00:00 plugins.go 100% 970 1.5MB/s 00:00 odometer.js 100% 7564 408.0KB/s 00:00 jquery.dataTables.min.js 100% 69KB 3.0MB/s 00:00 jquery.js 100% 93KB 24.0MB/s 00:00 jquery-ui.min.js 100% 223KB 13.4MB/s 00:00 dashboard.js 100% 7975 5.9MB/s 00:00 bootstrap.js 100% 47KB 32.1MB/s 00:00 base.js 100% 2220 1.2MB/s 00:00 code.png 100% 540 786.0KB/s 00:00 favicon.ico 100% 97KB 29.9MB/s 00:00 font-awesome.min.css 100% 22KB 21.8MB/s 00:00 font-awesome-ie7.min.css 100% 37KB 12.2MB/s 00:00 font-awesome-ie7.css 100% 40KB 15.6MB/s 00:00 font-awesome.css 100% 27KB 8.6MB/s 00:00 fontawesome-webfont.eot 100% 37KB 1.7MB/s 00:00 FontAwesome.otf 100% 60KB 18.6MB/s 00:00 fontawesome-webfont.woff 100% 43KB 13.8MB/s 00:00 fontawesome-webfont.svg 100% 193KB 23.1MB/s 00:00 fontawesome-webfont.ttf 100% 77KB 3.4MB/s 00:00 odometer.css 100% 3849 2.1MB/s 00:00 dashboard.css 100% 5150 5.3MB/s 00:00 bootstrap-responsive.min.css 100% 9149 8.9MB/s 00:00 OpenSans-Regular-webfont.woff 100% 83KB 17.9MB/s 00:00 OpenSans-Regular-webfont.eot 100% 71KB 25.4MB/s 00:00 OpenSans-Regular-webfont.svg 100% 266KB 30.4MB/s 00:00 OpenSans-Regular-webfont.ttf 100% 160KB 6.1MB/s 00:00 style.css 100% 23KB 8.9MB/s 00:00 bootstrap.min.css 100% 88KB 24.3MB/s 00:00 g.css 100% 2637 3.0MB/s 00:00 index.html 100% 15KB 17.0MB/s 00:00 falcon-agent 100% 9849KB 37.5MB/s 00:00 cfg.json 100% 1254 394.1KB/s 00:00 [root@node101 open-falcon]#
[root@node101 open-falcon]# scp open-falcon root@node102.yinzhengjie.org.cn:~ root@node102.yinzhengjie.org.cn's password: open-falcon 100% 3894KB 34.9MB/s 00:00 [root@node101 open-falcon]#
[root@node101 open-falcon]# scp open-falcon root@node103.yinzhengjie.org.cn:~ root@node103.yinzhengjie.org.cn's password: open-falcon 100% 3894KB 56.7MB/s 00:00 [root@node101 open-falcon]#
[root@node102 ~]# ll total 3896 drwxrwxr-x. 7 root root 72 Dec 12 10:57 agent -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 3987469 Dec 12 11:04 open-falcon [root@node102 ~]# [root@node102 ~]# cat agent/config/cfg.json { "debug": true, "hostname": "node102.yinzhengjie.org.cn", "ip": "", "plugin": { "enabled": false, "dir": "./plugin", "git": "https://github.com/open-falcon/plugin.git", "logs": "./logs" }, "heartbeat": { "enabled": true, "addr": "node101.yinzhengjie.org.cn:6030", "interval": 60, "timeout": 1000 }, "transfer": { "enabled": true, "addrs": [ "node101.yinzhengjie.org.cn:8433" ], "interval": 60, "timeout": 1000 }, "http": { "enabled": true, "listen": ":1988", "backdoor": false }, "collector": { "ifacePrefix": ["eth", "em"], "mountPoint": [] }, "default_tags": { }, "ignore": { "cpu.busy": true, "df.bytes.free": true, "df.bytes.total": true, "df.bytes.used": true, "df.bytes.used.percent": true, "df.inodes.total": true, "df.inodes.free": true, "df.inodes.used": true, "df.inodes.used.percent": true, "mem.memtotal": true, "mem.memused": true, "mem.memused.percent": true, "mem.memfree": true, "mem.swaptotal": true, "mem.swapused": true, "mem.swapfree": true } } [root@node102 ~]#
{ "debug": true, # 控制一些debug信息的輸出,生產環境一般設置爲false "hostname": "", # agent採集了數據發給transfer,endpoint就設置爲了hostname,默認經過`hostname`獲取,若是配置中配置了hostname,就用配置中的 "ip": "", # agent與hbs心跳的時候會把本身的ip地址發給hbs,agent會自動探測本機ip,若是不想讓agent自動探測,能夠手工修改該配置 "plugin": { "enabled": false, # 默認不開啓插件機制 "dir": "./plugin", # 把放置插件腳本的git repo clone到這個目錄 "git": "https://github.com/open-falcon/plugin.git", # 放置插件腳本的git repo地址 "logs": "./logs" # 插件執行的log,若是插件執行有問題,能夠去這個目錄看log }, "heartbeat": { "enabled": true, # 此處enabled要設置爲true "addr": "", # hbs的地址,端口是hbs的rpc端口 "interval": 60, # 心跳週期,單位是秒 "timeout": 1000 # 鏈接hbs的超時時間,單位是毫秒 }, "transfer": { "enabled": true, # 此處enabled要設置爲true "addrs": [ "", "" ], # transfer的地址,端口是transfer的rpc端口, 能夠支持寫多個transfer的地址,agent會保證HA "interval": 60, # 採集週期,單位是秒,即agent一分鐘採集一次數據發給transfer "timeout": 1000 # 鏈接transfer的超時時間,單位是毫秒 }, "http": { "enabled": true, # 是否要監聽http端口 "listen": ":1988" # 若是監聽的話,監聽的地址 }, "collector": { "ifacePrefix": ["eth", "em"] # 默認配置只會採集網卡名稱前綴是eth、em的網卡流量,配置爲空就會採集全部的,lo的也會採集。能夠從/proc/net/dev看到各個網卡的流量信息 }, "ignore": { # 默認採集了200多個metric,能夠經過ignore設置爲不採集 "cpu.busy": true, "mem.swapfree": true } }
./open-falcon start agent 啓動進程 ./open-falcon stop agent 中止進程 ./open-falcon monitor agent 查看日誌 看var目錄下的log是否正常,或者瀏覽器訪問其1988端口。另外agent提供了一個--check參數,能夠檢查agent是否能夠正常跑在當前機器上 ./falcon-agent --check
[root@node103 ~]# ll total 3896 drwxrwxr-x. 7 root root 72 Dec 12 11:02 agent -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 3987469 Dec 12 11:04 open-falcon [root@node103 ~]# [root@node103 ~]# cat agent/config/cfg.json { "debug": true, "hostname": "node103.yinzhengjie.org.cn", "ip": "", "plugin": { "enabled": false, "dir": "./plugin", "git": "https://github.com/open-falcon/plugin.git", "logs": "./logs" }, "heartbeat": { "enabled": true, "addr": "node101.yinzhengjie.org.cn:6030", "interval": 60, "timeout": 1000 }, "transfer": { "enabled": true, "addrs": [ "node101.yinzhengjie.org.cn:8433" ], "interval": 60, "timeout": 1000 }, "http": { "enabled": true, "listen": ":1988", "backdoor": false }, "collector": { "ifacePrefix": ["eth", "em"], "mountPoint": [] }, "default_tags": { }, "ignore": { "cpu.busy": true, "df.bytes.free": true, "df.bytes.total": true, "df.bytes.used": true, "df.bytes.used.percent": true, "df.inodes.total": true, "df.inodes.free": true, "df.inodes.used": true, "df.inodes.used.percent": true, "mem.memtotal": true, "mem.memused": true, "mem.memused.percent": true, "mem.memfree": true, "mem.swaptotal": true, "mem.swapused": true, "mem.swapfree": true } } [root@node103 ~]#
[root@node103 ~]# ./open-falcon start agent [falcon-agent] 8639 [root@node103 ~]# .
[root@node103 ~]# ./open-falcon monitor agent 2018/12/12 11:01:48 var.go:95: <= <Total=7, Invalid:0, Latency=0ms, Message:ok> 2018/12/12 11:01:48 var.go:88: => <Total=6> <Endpoint:node101.yinzhengjie.org.cn, Metric:ss.estab, Type:GAUGE, Tags:, Step:60, Time:1544630508, Value:53> 2018/12/12 11:01:48 var.go:95: <= <Total=68, Invalid:0, Latency=0ms, Message:ok> 2018/12/12 11:01:48 var.go:95: <= <Total=6, Invalid:0, Latency=0ms, Message:ok> 2018/12/12 11:02:00 var.go:88: => <Total=4> <Endpoint:node101.yinzhengjie.org.cn, Metric:rate, Type:GAUGE, Tags:name=pfc.push.cnt, Step:60, Time:1544630520, Value:0.016666781240232065> 2018/12/12 11:02:00 var.go:88: => <Total=5> <Endpoint:node101.yinzhengjie.org.cn, Metric:rate, Type:GAUGE, Tags:name=pfc.push.cnt, Step:60, Time:1544630520, Value:0.01666669039142266> 2018/12/12 11:02:00 var.go:95: <= <Total=4, Invalid:0, Latency=0ms, Message:ok> 2018/12/12 11:02:00 var.go:95: <= <Total=5, Invalid:0, Latency=0ms, Message:ok> 2018/12/12 11:18:07 cfg.go:128: read config file: /root/agent/config/cfg.json successfully 2018/12/12 11:18:07 http.go:74: listening :1988 2018/12/12 11:19:07 var.go:88: => <Total=7> <Endpoint:node101.yinzhengjie.org.cn, Metric:df.bytes.free.percent, Type:GAUGE, Tags:mount=/,fstype=xfs, Step:60, Time:1544631547, Value:97.8937870429458> 2018/12/12 11:19:07 var.go:88: => <Total=68> <Endpoint:node101.yinzhengjie.org.cn, Metric:agent.alive, Type:GAUGE, Tags:, Step:60, Time:1544631547, Value:1> 2018/12/12 11:19:07 var.go:95: <= <Total=7, Invalid:0, Latency=0ms, Message:ok> 2018/12/12 11:19:07 var.go:95: <= <Total=68, Invalid:0, Latency=0ms, Message:ok> 2018/12/12 11:19:07 var.go:88: => <Total=6> <Endpoint:node101.yinzhengjie.org.cn, Metric:ss.estab, Type:GAUGE, Tags:, Step:60, Time:1544631547, Value:3> 2018/12/12 11:19:07 var.go:95: <= <Total=6, Invalid:0, Latency=0ms, Message:ok>