【項目需求】 把以CSV文件格式保存的歷年曆年滬深A股、香港H股票數據導入數據庫,如滬深每日財務數據、滬深板塊分類數據、滬深歷年十大股東變遷數據、港股實時5分鐘數據統計等,而且須要從供應商接口實時採集最新股票價格、成交信息並展現給投資者。 【項目疑難點】 文件數據大、種類多,部分數據格式、日期的轉換。 實時數據更新要求響應快,採集程序須要高效可靠。 【代碼舉例】 StockImport.class.php 股票數據導入統一接口類 [php] view plain copy <?php defined('IN_HEAVEN') or die('Hacking Attempt!'); /** * 股票數據導入 * * PHP version 5 * * @category 4SWeb * @package Admin * @subpackage Custom * @version SVN: $Id: StockImport.class.php 67 2014-11-25 15:12:29Z blin.z $ */ import('COM.GZNC.Import.CSVImport'); import('ORG.Util.SQLKit'); import('ORG.Util.File'); import('ORG.Util.String'); class StockImport extends CSVImport{ const ERR_GUESS_FILE = 1201; // 文件名不對 /** * 數據類型 * @var const */ // 滬深 /** * 滬深每日財務數據(2008年3月18日前,37項) * @var const */ const SHSZ_FINANCE37 = 'SHSZ_finance37'; // 滬深每日財務數據(2008年3月18日前,37項) /** * 滬深每日財務數據(2008年3月19日起,51項) * @var const */ const SHSZ_FINANCE = 'SHSZ_finance'; // 滬深每日財務數據(2008年3月19日起,51項) /** * 滬深板塊分類數據 * @var const */ const SHSZ_BLOCK = 'SHSZ_block'; // 滬深板塊分類數據 /** * 滬深歷年財務報代表細數據_利潤表 * @var const */ const SHSZ_INCOME_STATEMENT = 'SHSZ_income_statement'; // 滬深歷年財務報代表細數據_利潤表 /** * 滬深歷年財務報代表細數據_現金流量表 * @var const */ const SHSZ_CASHFLOW_STATEMENT = 'SHSZ_cashflow_statement'; // 滬深歷年財務報代表細數據_現金流量表 /** * 滬深歷年財務報代表細數據_資產負債表 * @var const */ const SHSZ_BALANCE_SHEET = 'SHSZ_balance_sheet'; // 滬深歷年財務報代表細數據_資產負債表 /** * 滬深歷年財務報代表細數據_相關91項分析指標 * @var const */ const SHSZ_FINANCIAL_ANALYSIS_INDEX = 'SHSZ_financial_analysis_index'; // 滬深歷年財務報代表細數據_相關91項分析指標 /** * 滬深歷年股本變更數據 * @var const */ const SHSZ_CAPITAL_STOCK = 'SHSZ_capital_stock'; // 4-滬深歷年股本變更數據 /** * 滬深歷年十大股東變遷數據 * @var const */ const SHSZ_SHAREHOLDER = 'SHSZ_shareholder'; // 5-滬深歷年十大股東變遷數據 /** * 滬深歷年十大流通股東變遷數據 * @var const */ const SHSZ_TRADABLE_SHAREHOLDER = 'SHSZ_tradable_shareholder'; // 5-滬深歷年十大流通股東變遷數據 /** * 滬深日線數據 * @var const */ const SHSZ_DAY = 'SHSZ_day'; // 6-滬深日線數據 /** * 滬深日線數據(向前復權) * @var const */ const SHSZ_DAY_FORWARD = 'SHSZ_day_forward'; // 6-滬深日線數據 向前復權 /** * 滬深5分鐘數據 * @var const */ const SHSZ_5MIN = 'SHSZ_5Min'; // 6-滬深5分鐘數據 /** * 滬深5分鐘數據(向前復權) * @var const */ const SHSZ_5MIN_FORWARD = 'SHSZ_5Min_forward'; // 6-滬深5分鐘數據 向前復權 /** * 滬深權息數據 * @var const */ const SHSZ_SPLIT = 'SHSZ_split'; // 6-滬深權息數據 /** * 滬深實時數據 * @var const */ const SHSZ_REALTIME = 'SHSZ_realtime'; // 6-滬深實時數據 /** * 滬深實時5分鐘數據統計 * @var const */ const SHSZ_REALTIME_5MIN = 'SHSZ_realtime_5Min'; // 滬深實時5分鐘數據統計 // 港股 /** * 港股財務數據 * @var const */ const HK_FINANCE = 'HK_finance'; // 港股財務數據 /** * 港股行業數據 * @var const */ const HK_INDUSTRY = 'HK_industry'; // 港股行業數據 /** * 港股日線數據 * @var const */ const HK_DAY = 'HK_day'; // 港股日線數據 /** * 港股日線數據(向前復權) * @var const */ const HK_DAY_FORWARD = 'HK_day_forward'; // 港股日線數據 向前復權 /** * 港股5分鐘數據 * @var const */ const HK_5MIN = 'HK_5Min'; // 港股5分鐘數據 /** * 港股5分鐘數據 向前復權 * @var const */ const HK_5MIN_FORWARD = 'HK_5Min_forward'; // 港股5分鐘數據 向前復權 /** * 港股權息數據 * @var const */ const HK_SPLIT = 'HK_split'; // 港股權息數據 /** * 港股實時數據 * @var const */ const HK_REALTIME = 'HK_realtime'; // 港股實時數據 /** * 港股實時5分鐘數據統計 * @var const */ const HK_REALTIME_5MIN = 'HK_realtime_5Min'; // 港股實時5分鐘數據統計 /** * 監聽類型 */ const LISTENER_IMPORT_RESULT = 1; /** * 監聽器 * @var array */ protected static $_listners = array(); /** * 統計 * @var array */ protected $_stats = array(); /** * 當前數據驅動 * @var string */ protected $_driver = NULL; /** * SQL模式 * @var mixed */ protected $_sql_mode = ''; /** * 每日下載目錄 * @param string */ protected $_down_path = './WStockDown/'; /** * 每日更新目錄 * @param string */ protected $_update_path = './WStockUpdate/'; /** * 實時更新目錄 * @param string */ protected $_realtime_path = './WStockRealtime/'; /** * 日誌目錄 * @param string */ protected $_log_path = './WStockLog/'; /** * 數據庫日誌id */ protected $_log_id = NULL; /** * 是否寫SQL語句日誌 */ protected $_log_sql = false; /** * 是否爲更新導入 * @param boolean */ protected $_is_update = false; /** * 文件默認年份 * @var string */ protected $_default_file_year = NULL; /** * 表格字段定義 * @var array */ protected static $_fields_maps = NULL; /** * 最後一條SQL * @var string */ protected $_last_sql = NULL; public function __construct($driver='stockimport'){ $this->_driver = $driver; // 導入工做目錄 $stock_path = ($t=C('STOCK_WORK_PATH'))?$t:DATA_PATH; $this->_down_path = $stock_path . 'WStockDown/'; $this->_update_path = $stock_path . 'WStockUpdate/'; $this->_realtime_path = $stock_path . 'WStockRealtime/'; $this->_log_path = $stock_path . 'WStockLog/'; /* if(!file_exists($this->_update_path) && !mkdir($this->_update_path)){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't create update path {$this->_update_path}", SCRIPT_ERR_CONFIG, $this->_update_path, __FILE__, __LINE__); }*/ /* if(!file_exists($this->_log_path) && !mkdir($this->_log_path)){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't create log path {$this->_log_path}", SCRIPT_ERR_CONFIG, $this->_log_path, __FILE__, __LINE__); }*/ //$this->_log = $log_dir . '/' . $this->_driver . '_' . date('Ymd') . '.log'; $log_dir = $this->_get_log_dir(date('Y-m-d'), true); $this->_log = $log_dir . $this->_driver. '_' . date('Ymd') . '.log'; $this->_logLevel = ($l=C('STOCK_IMPORT_LOG_LEVEL'))?$l:Log::INFO; // 忽略空數據、文件不存在錯誤 $this->_ignoreError = array(self::ERR_EMPTY_DATA, self::ERR_FILE_READ, self::ERR_HTTP_REQUEST, self::ERR_GUESS_FILE); // 是否把SQL語句寫入日誌? $this->_log_sql = C('STOCK_IMPORT_LOG_SQL'); } /** * 數據導入實例工廠 * @param string $driver 數據類型名稱 * @return object */ public static function factory($driver){ $class = ucfirst(preg_replace("/_([a-zA-Z0-9])/e", "strtoupper('\\1')", $driver)); if(!class_exists($class)){ require 'Drivers/' . $class . '.class.php'; } if(!class_exists($class)){ return self::throw_exception("Driver {$driver} not exists", SCRIPT_ERR_CONFIG, $driver, __FILE__, __LINE__); } $obj = new $class($driver); return $obj; } /** * 數據導入單入口 * @param string $file_or_date 數據文件,或者每日更新日期(格式:2014-08-23) * @param string $driver 數據類型,不傳的話,自動根據數據文件名稱判斷數據類型 * @param string $consoleOutput 是否把日誌輸出到終端屏幕 * @param string $default_file_year 默認年份,有些數據文件按月份命名,須要傳入默認的年份,組合成數據的日期 * @param mixed $run_specific_driver 只導入指定的類型的數據,部分壓縮數據包,裏面包括多個數據文件 * @return mixed 返回導入行數 */ public static function import($file_or_date, $driver=NULL, $consoleOutput=true, $default_file_year=NULL, $run_specific_driver=NULL){ // auto detect driver & date from file name if(!$driver){ if(is_dir($file_or_date)){ import('ORG.Util.File'); $aFiles = File::getDirFiles($file_or_date, array('zip', 'rar')); sort($aFiles, SORT_NATURAL); }else{ $aFiles = array($file_or_date); } foreach($aFiles as $file){ $detect_info = self::guess_driver_from_file_name($file); if(!$detect_info){ return self::throw_exception("Cann't detect driver for file {$file}", SCRIPT_ERR_CONFIG, $file, __FILE__, __LINE__); } $driver = $detect_info['driver']; $date = $detect_info['date']; if(is_array($driver)){ foreach($driver as $d){ if(!$run_specific_driver || $run_specific_driver==$d){ self::import(array('date'=>$date, 'down'=>$file), $d, $consoleOutput, $default_file_year); } } }else{ self::import(array('date'=>$date, 'down'=>$file), $driver, $consoleOutput, $default_file_year); } } return; } $obj = self::factory($driver); if(!$obj){ return self::throw_exception("Driver {$driver} not exists", SCRIPT_ERR_CONFIG, $driver, __FILE__, __LINE__); } if(is_array($file_or_date) || self::filter_date($file_or_date)){ $func = 'importUpdate'; }elseif(is_file($file_or_date)){ $func = 'importFile'; }elseif(is_dir($file_or_date)){ $func = 'importFolder'; }else{ return self::throw_exception("File or folder {$file_or_date} not exists", self::ERR_FILE_READ, $file_or_date, __FILE__, __LINE__); } $obj->consoleOutput($consoleOutput); if($default_file_year){ $obj->default_file_year($default_file_year); } return $obj->$func($file_or_date); } /** * 返回數據類型對應的字段定義 * @param string $driver 數據類型 * @param bool $isUpdate 是否爲每日更新,歷史數據和每日更新數據的表結構存在不同的狀況 * @return array */ public static function getFields($driver, $isUpdate=false){ if(empty(self::$_fields_maps)){ self::$_fields_maps = require APP_ROOT_PATH . 'app/Web/Inc/stock_fields.inc.php'; } if($isUpdate && isset(self::$_fields_maps[$driver]["UPDATE"])){ return self::$_fields_maps[$driver]["UPDATE"]; }else{ return isset(self::$_fields_maps[$driver]["IMPORT"])?self::$_fields_maps[$driver]["IMPORT"]:self::$_fields_maps[$driver]; } } /** * 返回數據類型對應表名 * @param string $driver 數據類型 * @return string */ public static function getTable($driver){ static $_SHSZ_TABLES = array( self::SHSZ_5MIN => 'shsz_5min', self::SHSZ_5MIN_FORWARD => 'shsz_5min_forward', self::SHSZ_BALANCE_SHEET => 'shsz_balance_sheet', self::SHSZ_BLOCK => 'shsz_block', self::SHSZ_CAPITAL_STOCK => 'shsz_capital_stock', self::SHSZ_CASHFLOW_STATEMENT => 'shsz_cashflow_statement', self::SHSZ_DAY => 'shsz_day', self::SHSZ_DAY_FORWARD => 'shsz_day_forward', self::SHSZ_FINANCE => 'shsz_finance', self::SHSZ_FINANCE37 => 'shsz_finance37', self::SHSZ_FINANCIAL_ANALYSIS_INDEX => 'shsz_financial_analysis_index', self::SHSZ_INCOME_STATEMENT => 'shsz_income_statement', self::SHSZ_SHAREHOLDER => 'shsz_shareholder', self::SHSZ_SPLIT => 'shsz_split', self::SHSZ_TRADABLE_SHAREHOLDER => 'shsz_tradable_shareholder', self::HK_FINANCE => 'hk_finance', self::HK_INDUSTRY => 'hk_industry', self::HK_SPLIT => 'hk_split', self::HK_5MIN => 'hk_5min', self::HK_5MIN_FORWARD => 'hk_5min_forward', self::HK_DAY => 'hk_day', self::HK_DAY_FORWARD => 'hk_day_forward', ); return $_SHSZ_TABLES[$driver]; } /** * 返回對應數據類型的歸檔天數 * @param string $driver * @return number|false */ public static function getArchiveDays($driver){ switch($driver){ case self::SHSZ_DAY: case self::SHSZ_DAY_FORWARD: case self::HK_DAY: case self::HK_DAY_FORWARD: $day = C('STOCK_ARCHIVE_DAY'); return $day; break; case self::SHSZ_5MIN: case self::SHSZ_5MIN_FORWARD: case self::HK_5MIN: case self::HK_5MIN_FORWARD: $day = C('STOCK_ARCHIVE_5MIN'); return $day; break; default: return false; } } /** * 導入每日更新 * @param string $date 日期,格式如:2014-08-23 * @param string $extension 每日更新數據文件後綴名 * @return boolean */ public function importUpdate($date, $extension='csv'){ return $this->_importUpdate($date, $extension); } /** * 導入文件夾內數據 * @param string $folder 文件夾 * @param string $extension 數據文件後綴名 */ public function importFolder($folder, $extension='csv'){ return $this->_importFolder($folder, $extension); } /** * 設置默認年份 * @param string $year */ public function default_file_year($year=NULL){ if(is_null($year)){ return $this->_default_file_year; }else{ $this->_default_file_year = $year; } } /** * 設置SQL模式 * @param string $strict 是否爲嚴格模式,能夠傳true/false/模式名稱 */ public function sql_mode($strict=true){ if($strict){ $this->_sql_mode = $strict===true?'TRADITIONAL':$strict; }else{ $this->_sql_mode = ''; } $this->_VM()->query('SET sql_mode = "' . $this->_sql_mode . '"'); } /** * 手機號碼過濾 * @param string $v * @return string */ public static function filter_mobile($v){ if(preg_match('/0?(1[0-9]{10})/', $v, $m)){ return $m[1]; }else{ return ''; } } /** * 單位萬轉換 * @param number $v * @return number */ public static function filter_tenthousands($v){ //return $v?$v*10000:0; return $v?bcmul($v, 10000, 0):0; } /** * 單位前轉換 * @param number $v * @return number */ public static function filter_thousand($v){ //return $v?$v*1000:0; return $v?bcmul($v, 1000, 0):0; } /** * 轉換爲整型 * @param number $v * @return number */ public static function filter_intval($v){ return bcadd($v, 0, 0); } /** * 日期轉換 * @param string $v * @return string */ public static function filter_date($v){ if(!$v){ return false; } if(preg_match('/^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$/', $v, $m) || preg_match('/^([0-9]{4})[\/|\-]{1}([0-9]{1,2})[\/|\-]{1}([0-9]{1,2})$/', $v, $m) || preg_match('/^([0-9]{4})[\/|\-]{1}([0-9]{1,2})[\/|\-]{1}([0-9]{1,2})\s+[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}$/', $v, $m) ){ return $m[1] . '-' . $m[2] . '-' . $m[3]; }else{ // 嘗試 Converts a Gregorian date to Julian Day Count return (is_numeric ($v) && ($v=self::filter_convert_datetime($v)))?$v:false; } } /** * 日期時間轉換 * @param string $v * @return string */ public static function filter_datetime($v){ if(preg_match('/^([0-9]{4})[\/|\-]{1}([0-9]{1,2})[\/|\-]{1}([0-9]{1,2})\s+([0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2})$/', $v, $m) ){ return $m[1] . '-' . $m[2] . '-' . $m[3] . ' ' . $m[4]; }else{ return false; } } public static function filter_stock_code($v){ if(preg_match('/^(SH|SZ)[0-9]{6}$/i', $v) || preg_match('/^HK[0-9]{5}$/i', $v)){ return strtoupper($v); }elseif(preg_match('/^HK([0-9]{4})$/i', $v, $m)){ return strtoupper('HK0' . $m[1]); }else{ return false; } } protected function _batch_exec_sqls($sql, $delimiter=';'){ $oVirtualModel = $this->_VM(); if(is_string($sql)){ $aSQLs = SQLKit::parse_sqls($sql); }else{ $aSQLs = $sql; } $total = 0; $succs = 0; $fails = 0; $this->_log("Start batch execute SQLs"); foreach ($aSQLs as $sql){ if(!$sql) continue; $this->_log("Query: " . $sql); $result = $oVirtualModel->execute($sql); $this->_log("Result is " . $result?'succ':'fail: ' . $oVirtualModel->getDbError()); if($result){ $this->_setError("導入失敗:" . $oVirtualModel->getDbError()); } $total++; if($result){ $succs++; }else{ $fails++; } } $this->_log("Finished!"); $this->_log("Total executed: " . $total . ", succ: " . $succs . ", fail: " . $fails); } protected function _VM(){ if(!$this->_oVirtualModel){ import('COM.GZNC.VirtualModel'); $this->_oVirtualModel = new VirtualModel(); } return $this->_oVirtualModel; } /** * 使用mysqli鏈接數據庫 * @return object */ protected function _mysqli(){ static $mysqli = NULL; if($mysqli){ return $mysqli; } // 寫入數據庫 $mysqli = new mysqli('p:' . C('DB_HOST'), C('DB_USER'), C('DB_PWD'), C('DB_NAME'), C('DB_PORT')); /* * This is the "official" OO way to do it, * BUT $connect_error was broken until PHP 5.2.9 and 5.3.0. */ if ($mysqli->connect_error) { return $this->_trigger_error('Connect DB Error (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ') ' . $mysqli->connect_error , self::ERR_DB_CONNECT , NULL , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } /* change character set to utf8 */ if (!$mysqli->set_charset("utf8")) { return $this->_trigger_error(sprintf("Error loading character set utf8: %s\n", $mysqli->error) , self::ERR_DB_QUERY , NULL , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } return $mysqli; } /** * 保存行數據到數據庫 * @param string $table 代表 * @param string|array $key 表主鍵 * @param string $file 數據文件名稱 * @param int $line 當前行值,如1,2,3,4 * @param array $fieldValues 字段回調函數處理事後的列值 * @param array $rowValues 原始列植 * @param array $options 選項設置 * @param bool $replace 是否用替換方式寫入數據數據庫 * @return string */ public function _cb_row_save($table, $key, $file, $line, $fieldValues, $rowValues, $options=NULL, $replace=false){ $oVirtualModel = $this->_VM(); if(!$replace){ $exist_row = false; if($key){ $where = is_array($key)?$key:array($key => $fieldValues[$key]); //---------------------- // 注意: // 2014-10-12 zhongyw // Cli db->escapeString() 內的mysql_escape_string方法導入大數據時存在內存泄漏狀況 // 改成自行生成查詢SQL //$exist_row = $oVirtualModel->table($table)->where($where)->find(); //-------------------------- $exist_sql = "SELECT"; if(is_array($key)){ $exist_sql .= " " . implode(', ', array_keys($key)); }else{ $exist_sql .= " `" . $key . "`"; } if(!empty($options['checkUpdateDate'])){ $exist_sql .= ", update_date"; } $exist_sql .= " FROM `" . $table . "`"; $exist_sql .= " WHERE " . SQLKit::where_expr($where); $exist_sql .= " LIMIT 1"; $exist_result = $oVirtualModel->query($exist_sql); $exist_row = !empty($exist_result) && is_array($exist_result)?$exist_result[0]:false; } if(empty($exist_row)){ if(!empty($options['_addFieldValues']) && is_array($options['_addFieldValues'])){ $fieldValues = array_merge($fieldValues, $options['_addFieldValues']); } $sql = SQLKit::insert_stmt($table, $fieldValues); $operation = "Insert"; }else{ if(!empty($options['_updateFieldValues']) && is_array($options['_updateFieldValues'])){ $fieldValues = array_merge($fieldValues, $options['_updateFieldValues']); } if(!empty($options['checkUpdateDate']) && !empty($exist_row['update_date']) && !empty($fieldValues['update_date']) && str_replace(array('-', '/'), '', $exist_row['update_date']) > str_replace(array('-', '/'), '', $fieldValues['update_date']) ){ $this->_log("Exist record date(" . $exist_row['update_date'] . ") is newer than update line:" . $line . " date (" . $fieldValues['update_date'] . ")", LOG::WARN); $this->_log("Skip Update"); return true; } $sql = SQLKit::update_stmt($table, $fieldValues, $where); $operation = "Update"; } }else{ if(!empty($options['_addFieldValues']) && is_array($options['_addFieldValues'])){ $fieldValues = array_merge($fieldValues, $options['_addFieldValues']); } if(!empty($options['_updateFieldValues']) && is_array($options['_updateFieldValues'])){ $fieldValues = array_merge($fieldValues, $options['_updateFieldValues']); } $sql = SQLKit::replace_stmt($table, $fieldValues); $operation = "Replace"; } $this->_last_sql = $sql; if (! empty ( $options ['instantWrite'] ) && !empty($sql)) { $log_content = "Line {$line}" . ($this->_log_sql?": $sql":""); $dbError = NULL; try { $result = $oVirtualModel->execute ( $sql ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $result = false; $dbError = $e->getMessage (); } // $result可能=0,當update一樣內容數據的時候,必需要經過判斷===false if (false === $result) { if (! $dbError) { $dbError = $oVirtualModel->getDbError (); } $this->_log( $log_content . ": $sql"); $this->_log($operation . " FAIL: $dbError" ); return $this->_trigger_error ( "Line {$line} importing SQL execute Failed: " . $dbError , self::ERR_SQL_EXECUTE , array ( 'line' => $line, 'sql' => $sql ) , __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } else { $this->_log ( $log_content . ": " . $operation . " SUCC" ); return true; } } else { return $sql; } } /** * 寫入日誌 * @param string $message 日誌消息 * @param string $level 日誌等級 * @return boolean */ protected function _log($message, $level=LOG::INFO){ if($this->_log){ if (is_callable ( $this->_log )) { static $aLogLevelMaps = array ( LOG::EMERG => 0, LOG::ALERT => 1, LOG::CRIT => 2, LOG::ERR => 3, LOG::WARN => 4, LOG::NOTICE => 5, LOG::INFO => 6, LOG::DEBUG => 7 ); if ($this->_log && $aLogLevelMaps [$level] > $aLogLevelMaps [$this->_logLevel]) { return false; } return Runder::run_callback ( $this->_log, array ( $message, $level ) ); }else{ return parent::_log($message, $level, $this->_logLevel); } }else{ return false; } } /** * xls文件轉爲csv * @param string $xls_file 源xls文件 * @param string $csv_file 目標csv文件 * @param string $overwrite 是否覆蓋 * @return string 返回目標csv文件名稱 */ protected function _convertXls2Csv($xls_file, $csv_file=NULL, $overwrite=false){ $this->_log("Try convert xls to csv: $xls_file "); if(!$csv_file){ $csv_file = (!strcasecmp('xls', File::getExtension($xls_file))?substr($xls_file, 0, strrpos($xls_file, '.')):$xls_file) . '.csv'; } if(!$overwrite && self::file_exists($csv_file)){ $this->_log("CSV file already exists"); $this->_log("Skip converting"); return $csv_file; } $bin_maps = C('BIN_MAPS'); $oCommand = new Command($bin_maps); $convert_xls_file = self::convert2filesystemname($xls_file); $to_csv_file = self::convert2filesystemname($csv_file); /* $this->_log("\$convert_xls_file: ". $convert_xls_file); $this->_log("\$to_csv_file: ". $to_csv_file); $this->_log("\$convert_xls_file exist ". (file_exists($convert_xls_file)?'Yes':'No')); */ if(!empty($bin_maps['libxls2csv'])){ $cmd_status = $oCommand->libxls2csv($convert_xls_file, $to_csv_file, 'GBK', "", ","); }else{ $cmd_status = $oCommand->xls2csv($convert_xls_file, $to_csv_file, 'cp936', 'cp936'); } if(1==$cmd_status){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't convert xls to csv file: " . $oCommand->cmdOutput("\n") , self::ERR_OTHER_MISC , array('driver'=>$this->_driver, 'xls_file' => $xls_file, 'csv_file'=> $csv_file) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); }else{ $this->_log($oCommand->cmdOutput("\n")); $this->_log("Convert Succ!"); $this->_log("CSV file is " . $csv_file); return $csv_file; } } /** * 解壓每日下載文件 * @param string $down_file 下載文件 * @param string $update_file 解壓目標文件 * @return boolean */ protected function _decompressDownFile($down_file, $update_file=null){ $this->_log("Down file is {$down_file}"); if(!self::file_exists($down_file)){ return $this->_trigger_error("Down file not exists!" , self::ERR_FILE_READ , array('driver'=>$this->_driver, 'down_file' => $down_file) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } $down_fext = File::getExtension($down_file); switch(strtolower($down_fext)){ case 'csv': case 'xls': // Copy to update folder $this->_log("Try copy to update folder as file: " . $update_file); if(!copy($down_file, $update_file)){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't copy down file to update file!" , self::ERR_OTHER_MISC , array('driver'=>$this->_driver, 'down_file' => $down_file, 'update_file'=> $update_file) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } $this->_log("Copy Succ!"); break; case 'zip': case 'rar': $this->_log("Try decompress down file"); $update_dir = dirname($update_file); $oCommand = new Command(C('BIN_MAPS')); $cmd_status = $oCommand->decompress($down_file, $update_dir); if(1==$cmd_status){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't decompress down file: " . $oCommand->cmdOutput("\n") , self::ERR_OTHER_MISC , array('driver'=>$this->_driver, 'down_file' => $down_file, 'update_file'=> $update_file) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } $this->_log($oCommand->cmdOutput("\n")); $this->_log("Decompress Succ!"); $this->_log("Saved into update directory: {$update_dir}"); break; default: return $this->_trigger_error("Unknown file type: " . $down_fext , self::ERR_OTHER_MISC , array('driver'=>$this->_driver, 'down_file' => $down_file, 'update_file'=> $update_file) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } return true; } /** * 導入文件夾 * @param string $folder 文件夾,完整路徑 * @param string $extension 文件擴展名 * @param string $namepattern 文件名匹配正則 */ protected function _importFolder($folder, $extension='csv', $namepattern=NULL){ import('ORG.Util.Debug'); $debug_start_mark = 'start_import_folder'; $debug_end_mark = 'end_import_folder'; Debug::mark($debug_start_mark); $this->_log("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); $this->_log("START IMPORT FOLDER"); $this->_log("Folder {$folder}"); import('ORG.Util.File'); $aFiles = File::getDirFiles($folder, $extension); sort($aFiles, SORT_NATURAL); foreach($aFiles as $file){ if(!$namepattern || preg_match($namepattern, $file)){ $this->importFile($file); } } Debug::mark($debug_end_mark); $performance = "Cost time " . Debug::useTime($debug_start_mark,$debug_end_mark).'s'; $performance .= ", used memory " . Debug::useMemory($debug_start_mark,$debug_end_mark).'kb'; $performance .= ", peak memory " . Debug::getMemPeak($debug_start_mark, $debug_end_mark).'kb'; $this->_log( $performance ); $this->_log("END IMPORT FOLDER.[$folder]"); $this->_log("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); } /** * 導入數據文件 * @param string $file 數據文件 * @param array $fields 數據字段定義 * @param array $options 選項 * @param string $file_content 數據內容,傳的話再也不從$file讀取,實時數據更新時有用 * @throws Exception * @return mixed */ protected function _importFile($file, $fields, $options=array( 'titleRow' => 1, // 標題行數 'dataRow' => 2, // 數據開始行數 'instantWrite' => true, // 實時寫 'rowCallback' => '_cb_row', 'fieldCallback' => '_cb_field', 'fromEncoding' => 'GBK', 'toEncoding' => 'UTF-8', ), $file_content=NULL){ $this->_begin_dblog($file); import('ORG.Util.Debug'); $debug_start_mark = 'start_import_file'; $debug_end_mark = 'end_import_file'; Debug::mark($debug_start_mark); $this->_log("----------------------------"); $this->_log("START IMPORT FILE"); $this->_log("File {$file}"); $this->_stats['total'] = 0; $this->_stats['succ'] = 0; $this->_stats['fail'] = array(); $this->sql_mode(true); try { $sqls = $this->_import ( self::convert2filesystemname ( $file ), $fields, $options, $file_content); // S4Web::debug_log($sqls); if (! $sqls) { $error = $this->getError (); $this->_log ( "Import Failed: " . $error, LOG::ERR ); $this->_end_dblog ( false, $error ); // 監聽處理 $this->_callListener(self::LISTENER_IMPORT_RESULT, array($file, $error, false)); return false; } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->_end_dblog ( false, $e); // 監聽處理 $this->_callListener(self::LISTENER_IMPORT_RESULT, array($file, $e, false)); throw $e; } //$this->_batch_exec_sqls($sqls); $message = "Total found " . $this->_stats['total'] . ' records'; $message .= ", Succ " . ($this->_stats['succ']?$this->_stats['succ']:"<B COLOR=RED>" . $this->_stats['succ'] . "</B>"); $message .= ", Fail " . count($this->_stats['fail']); $message .= $this->_stats['fail']?" Lines: " . implode(',', $this->_stats['fail']):''; $message .= "."; //$this->_setMessage($message); $this->_log($message); Debug::mark($debug_end_mark); $this->_stats['costsecs'] = Debug::useTime($debug_start_mark,$debug_end_mark, 3); $this->_stats['usedmemory'] = str_replace(',', '', Debug::useMemory($debug_start_mark,$debug_end_mark)); $this->_stats['peakmemory'] = str_replace(',', '', Debug::getMemPeak($debug_start_mark,$debug_end_mark)); $performance = "Cost time " . Debug::useTime($debug_start_mark,$debug_end_mark).'s'; $performance .= ", used memory " . Debug::useMemory($debug_start_mark,$debug_end_mark).'kb'; $performance .= ", peak memory " . Debug::getMemPeak($debug_start_mark, $debug_end_mark).'kb'; $this->_log( $performance ); $this->_log("END IMPORT FILE.[$file]"); $this->_log("----------------------------"); $this->_end_dblog (true, $message . "\n" . $performance); // 監聽處理 $this->_callListener(self::LISTENER_IMPORT_RESULT, array($file, $message, $this->_stats)); return $sqls; } /** * 導入每日更新 * @param string $date 日期 * @param string $extension 文件後綴名 * @return boolean */ protected function _importUpdate($date, $extension='csv'){ import('ORG.Util.Debug'); $debug_start_mark = 'start_import_update'; $debug_end_mark = 'end_import_update'; Debug::mark($debug_start_mark); $this->_log("======================================="); $this->_log("START IMPORT UPDATE"); $update_dir = $this->_get_update_dir($date, true); if(is_array($date)){ $update_file = $date['update']; $down_file = $date['down']; $date = $date['date']; }elseif(self::filter_date($date)){ $down_file = $this->_get_down_file($date); // 滬深財務四張表先解壓再匹配名稱 switch ($this->_driver){ case self::SHSZ_INCOME_STATEMENT: case self::SHSZ_BALANCE_SHEET: case self::SHSZ_CASHFLOW_STATEMENT: case self::SHSZ_FINANCIAL_ANALYSIS_INDEX: $this->_decompressDownFile($down_file, $update_dir . '/update_file'); break; } $update_file = $this->_get_update_file($date); }elseif(is_file($date)){ $down_file = $date; $guess_info = self::guess_driver_from_file_name($down_file); $date = $guess_info['date']; }else{ $this->_log("Import failed: Unknown date or file for driver " . $this->_driver . ": {$date}"); return false; } if(!$date || !self::filter_date($date)){ $this->_log("Import failed: Unknown date for driver " . $this->_driver . ": {$date}"); return false; } if(!$down_file){ $down_file = $this->_get_down_file($date); } if(!$update_file){ $update_file = $this->_get_update_file($date); } if(!$update_file){ $this->_log("Import failed: Cann't get update file for driver " . $this->_driver . " on date {$date}"); return false; }elseif(is_string($update_file)){ $update_files = array($update_file); }else{ $update_files = $update_file; } // set update importing $this->_is_update = true; $this->_update_date = $date; $this->_log("Date {$date}"); $this->_log("Down File: " . $down_file); foreach($update_files as $update_file){ $this->_log("Update File: " . $update_file); $this->_log("Check if Update file exists"); $this->_update_file = $update_file; // Check update file existence, and Try to decompress down file if(!self::file_exists($update_file)){ if((!$this->_decompressDownFile($down_file, $update_file) || !self::file_exists($update_file))){ $this->_log("Import Failed: Update file not exists, Cann't decompress from down file!"); return false; } }else{ $this->_log("Update file already exists"); } $update_fext = File::getExtension($update_file); if(!strcasecmp('xls', $update_fext) && !strcasecmp('csv', $extension) && (!($update_file = $this->_convertXls2Csv($update_file)) || !self::file_exists($update_file))){ $this->_log("Import Failed: Update file not exists, Cann't convert file type from xls to csv!"); return false; } $this->importFile($update_file); } Debug::mark($debug_end_mark); $performance = "Cost time " . Debug::useTime($debug_start_mark,$debug_end_mark).'s'; $performance .= ", used memory " . Debug::useMemory($debug_start_mark,$debug_end_mark).'kb'; $performance .= ", peak memory " . Debug::getMemPeak($debug_start_mark, $debug_end_mark).'kb'; $this->_log( $performance ); $this->_log("END IMPORT UPDATE."); $this->_log("======================================="); return true; } /** * 根據數據類型和日期,返回自動下載文件名稱 * * @param string $driver 數據類型 * @param string $date 日期 * @return false|string */ public static function guess_down_file_name($driver, $date){ if(!is_numeric($date)){ $timestamp = strtotime($date); }else{ $timestamp = $date; } if(!$timestamp){ return false; } $shortdate = date('md', $timestamp); $date = date('Ymd', $timestamp); switch ($driver) { case self::SHSZ_FINANCE : // wss0929fin.zip $name = 'wss' . $shortdate . 'fin.zip'; break; case self::SHSZ_BLOCK : // wss0929blk.zip $name = 'wss' . $shortdate . 'blk.zip'; break; case self::SHSZ_BALANCE_SHEET : case self::SHSZ_CASHFLOW_STATEMENT : case self::SHSZ_INCOME_STATEMENT : case self::SHSZ_FINANCIAL_ANALYSIS_INDEX : // ws0929rpt.zip $name = 'ws' . $shortdate . 'rpt.zip'; break; case self::SHSZ_SHAREHOLDER : case self::SHSZ_TRADABLE_SHAREHOLDER: // wsSHSZ_Shareholders_20140929.rar $name = 'wsSHSZ_Shareholders_' . $date . '.rar'; break; case self::SHSZ_CAPITAL_STOCK : // wsSHSZ_CapitalStocks_20140930_csv.zip $name = 'wsSHSZ_CapitalStocks_' . $date . '_csv.zip'; break; /* case self::SHSZ_DAY : // wss0929e.zip //$name = 'wss' . $shortdate . 'e.zip'; break; case self::SHSZ_5MIN : // wss0929e5.zip $name = 'wss' . $shortdate . 'e5.zip'; break; */ case self::SHSZ_SPLIT: case self::SHSZ_DAY: case self::SHSZ_DAY_FORWARD: case self::SHSZ_5MIN: case self::SHSZ_5MIN_FORWARD: // wstock_SHSZ_Day_5Min_SPLIT_20140930.zip $name = "wstock_SHSZ_Day_5Min_SPLIT_{$date}.zip"; break; case self::HK_FINANCE : // wsHK_finance_20141114.zip $name = 'wsHK_finance_' . $date . '.zip'; break; case self::HK_INDUSTRY : // wsHK_Industry_20141114.zip $name = 'wsHK_Industry_' . $date . '.zip'; break; case self::HK_SPLIT: case self::HK_DAY: case self::HK_DAY_FORWARD: case self::HK_5MIN: case self::HK_5MIN_FORWARD: // wstock_HK_Day_5Min_SPLIT_20140930.zip $name = "wstock_HK_Day_5Min_SPLIT_{$date}.zip"; break; default: return false; } return $name; } /** * 根據數據類型和日期,返回自動下載解壓後文件名稱 * * @param string $driver 數據類型 * @param string $date 日期 * @return false|string|array */ public static function guess_update_file_name($driver, $date, $updatedir=NULL){ if(!is_numeric($date)){ $timestamp = strtotime($date); }else{ $timestamp = $date; } if(!$timestamp){ return false; } $shortdate = date('md', $timestamp); $date = date('Ymd', $timestamp); switch ($driver) { case self::SHSZ_FINANCE : // wss0930finance.csv $name = 'wss' . $shortdate . 'finance.csv'; break; case self::SHSZ_BLOCK : // wsSHSZ_Block_20140930.csv $name = 'wsSHSZ_Block_' . $date . '.csv'; break; // @todo: 須要依據必定規則自動判斷按季變化的文件名稱 case self::SHSZ_BALANCE_SHEET : // SHSZ_2013Q2-2014Q2_資產負債表.xls //$name = "SHSZ_2013Q3-2014Q3_資產負債表.xls"; $namepattern = '^SHSZ_[0-9A-Z\-]+_資產負債表\.xls$'; $name = self::_match_update_file_name($updatedir, $namepattern); break; case self::SHSZ_CASHFLOW_STATEMENT : // SHSZ_2013Q2-2014Q2_現金流量表.xls //$name = "SHSZ_2013Q3-2014Q3_現金流量表.xls"; $namepattern = '^SHSZ_[0-9A-Z\-]+_現金流量表\.xls$'; $name = self::_match_update_file_name($updatedir, $namepattern); break; case self::SHSZ_INCOME_STATEMENT : // SHSZ_2013Q2-2014Q2_利潤表.xls //$name = "SHSZ_2013Q3-2014Q3_利潤表.xls"; $namepattern = '^SHSZ_[0-9A-Z\-]+_利潤表\.xls$'; $name = self::_match_update_file_name($updatedir, $namepattern); break; case self::SHSZ_FINANCIAL_ANALYSIS_INDEX : // SHSZ_2013Q2-2014Q2_相關91項分析指標.xls //$name = "SHSZ_2013Q3-2014Q3_相關91項分析指標.xls"; $namepattern = '^SHSZ_[0-9A-Z\-]+_相關91項分析指標\.xls$'; $name = self::_match_update_file_name($updatedir, $namepattern); break; case self::SHSZ_SHAREHOLDER : // SHSZ_Shareholders_2010Q3-20140929.xls $name = "SHSZ_Shareholders_2010Q3-{$date}.xls"; break; case self::SHSZ_TRADABLE_SHAREHOLDER : // SHSZ_TradableShareholders_2010Q3-20140929.xls $name = "SHSZ_TradableShareholders_2010Q3-{$date}.xls"; break; case self::SHSZ_CAPITAL_STOCK : // SZ_CapitalStocks_1991-20140929.csv // SH_CapitalStocks_1990-20140929.csv $name = array( "SZ_CapitalStocks_1991-{$date}.csv", "SH_CapitalStocks_1990-{$date}.csv", ); break; /* * case self::SHSZ_DAY : // wss20140929r.csv $name = "wss{$date}r.csv"; break; case self::SHSZ_5MIN : // wss0929f.csv $name = "wss{$shortdate}f.csv"; break; */ case self::SHSZ_SPLIT: // wstock_SHSZ_20141019_SPLITs.csv $name = "wstock_SHSZ_{$date}_SPLITs.csv"; break; case self::SHSZ_DAY : // wstock_SHSZ_20140930_Day.csv $name = "wstock_SHSZ_{$date}_Day.csv"; break; case self::SHSZ_DAY_FORWARD : // wstock_SHSZ_20140930_Day_Forward.csv $name = "wstock_SHSZ_{$date}_Day_Forward.csv"; break; case self::SHSZ_5MIN : // wstock_SHSZ_20140930_5Min.csv $name = "wstock_SHSZ_{$date}_5Min.csv"; break; case self::SHSZ_5MIN_FORWARD : // wstock_SHSZ_20140930_5Min_Forward.csv $name = "wstock_SHSZ_{$date}_5Min_Forward.csv"; break; case self::HK_FINANCE : // wsHK_finance_20141114.csv $name = 'wsHK_finance_' . $date . '.csv'; break; case self::HK_INDUSTRY : // wsHK_Industry_20141114.xls $name = 'wsHK_Industry_' . $date . '.xls'; break; case self::HK_SPLIT: // wstock_HK_20141019_SPLITs.csv $name = "wstock_HK_{$date}_SPLITs.csv"; break; case self::HK_DAY : // wstock_HK_20140930_Day.csv $name = "wstock_HK_{$date}_Day.csv"; break; case self::HK_DAY_FORWARD : // wstock_HK_20140930_Day_Forward.csv $name = "wstock_HK_{$date}_Day_Forward.csv"; break; case self::HK_5MIN : // wstock_HK_20140930_5Min.csv $name = "wstock_HK_{$date}_5Min.csv"; break; case self::HK_5MIN_FORWARD : // wstock_HK_20140930_5Min_Forward.csv $name = "wstock_HK_{$date}_5Min_Forward.csv"; break; default: return false; } return $name; } protected static function _match_update_file_name($updatedir, $namepattern){ import('ORG.Util.File'); $aFiles = File::getDirFiles($updatedir); import('ORG.Util.String'); $aFiles = String::autoCharset($aFiles); // force set regular match encoding as UTF-8 mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8'); foreach($aFiles as $file){ $filename = basename($file); if(mb_ereg($namepattern, $filename)){ return $filename; } } return false; } /** * 從文件名判斷數據類型和日期 * * @param string $file 文件名 * @return false|array */ public static function guess_driver_from_file_name($file){ $pathinfo = pathinfo($file); if(!$pathinfo || !($basename=$pathinfo['basename'])){ return false; } // wss0929fin.zip if(preg_match('/^wss([0-9]{4})fin\.zip$/', $basename, $m)){ $return = array( 'driver' => self::SHSZ_FINANCE, 'date' => date('Y') . $m[1], ); } // wss0929blk.zip elseif(preg_match('/^wss([0-9]{4})blk\.zip$/', $basename, $m)){ $return = array( 'driver' => self::SHSZ_BLOCK, 'date' => date('Y') . $m[1], ); } // ws0929rpt.zip elseif(preg_match('/^ws([0-9]{4})rpt\.zip$/', $basename, $m)){ $return = array( 'driver' => array( self::SHSZ_BALANCE_SHEET, self::SHSZ_CASHFLOW_STATEMENT, self::SHSZ_INCOME_STATEMENT, self::SHSZ_FINANCIAL_ANALYSIS_INDEX ), 'date' => date('Y') . $m[1], ); } // wsSHSZ_Shareholders_20140929.rar elseif(preg_match('/^wsSHSZ_Shareholders_([0-9]{8})\.rar$/', $basename, $m)){ $return = array( 'driver' => array( self::SHSZ_SHAREHOLDER, self::SHSZ_TRADABLE_SHAREHOLDER, ), 'date' => $m[1], ); } // wsSHSZ_CapitalStocks_20140929_csv.zip elseif(preg_match('/^wsSHSZ_CapitalStocks_([0-9]{8})_csv\.zip$/', $basename, $m)){ $return = array( 'driver' =>self::SHSZ_CAPITAL_STOCK, 'date' => $m[1], ); } // wss0929e.zip elseif(preg_match('/^wss([0-9]{4})e\.zip$/', $basename, $m)){ $return = array( 'driver' => self::SHSZ_DAY, 'date' => date('Y') . $m[1], ); } // wss0929e5.zip elseif(preg_match('/^wss([0-9]{4})e5\.zip$/', $basename, $m)){ $return = array( 'driver' => self::SHSZ_5MIN, 'date' => date('Y') . $m[1], ); } // wstock_SHSZ_Day_5Min_20140930.zip elseif(preg_match('/^wstock_SHSZ_Day_5Min_([0-9]{8})\.zip$/', $basename, $m)){ $return = array( 'driver' => array( self::SHSZ_SPLIT, self::SHSZ_DAY, self::SHSZ_DAY_FORWARD, self::SHSZ_5MIN, self::SHSZ_5MIN_FORWARD, ), 'date' => $m[1], ); } // wsHK_finance_20141114.zip elseif(preg_match('/^wsHK_finance_([0-9]{8})\.zip$/', $basename, $m)){ $return = array( 'driver' => self::HK_FINANCE, 'date' => $m[1], ); } // wsHK_Industry_20141114.zip elseif(preg_match('/^wsHK_Industry_([0-9]{8})\.zip$/', $basename, $m)){ $return = array( 'driver' => self::HK_INDUSTRY, 'date' => $m[1], ); } // wstock_HK_Day_5Min_20140930.zip elseif(preg_match('/^wstock_HK_Day_5Min_([0-9]{8})\.zip$/', $basename, $m)){ $return = array( 'driver' => array( self::HK_SPLIT, self::HK_DAY, self::HK_DAY_FORWARD, self::HK_5MIN, self::HK_5MIN_FORWARD, ), 'date' => $m[1], ); } else{ return false; } $return['date'] = self::filter_date($return['date']); if(!$return['date']){ return false; }else{ return $return; } } /** * 轉換爲文件系統字符集編碼的文件名稱 * @param string $name */ public static function convert2filesystemname($file){ return String::autoCharset($file, C('DEFAULT_CHARSET'), C('FILE_SYSTEM_ENCODING')); } /** * 判斷本地文件系統中文件是否存在 * @param string $file * @return boolean */ public static function file_exists($file){ $file = self::convert2filesystemname($file); return file_exists($file); } /** * 返回每日更新解壓後的文件名稱 * @param string $date 日誌 * @return string */ protected function _get_update_file($date){ $update_dir = $this->_get_update_dir($date); $update_fname = self::guess_update_file_name($this->_driver, $date, $update_dir); if(!$update_fname){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't guess update file name!" , self::ERR_GUESS_FILE , array('driver'=>$this->_driver, 'date' => $date) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); return false; } if(is_array($update_fname)){ $return = array(); foreach($update_fname as $f){ $return[] = $update_dir . $f; } return $return; }else{ return $update_dir . $update_fname; } } /** * 返回更新(解壓後)目錄 * @param string $date 日期 * @param string $autocreate 目錄不存在是否自動建立 * @return boolean|string */ protected function _get_update_dir($date, $autocreate=false){ $update_folder = date('Ymd', strtotime($date)); $update_folder .= '/'; $update_dir = $this->_update_path . $update_folder; if($autocreate && !file_exists($this->_update_path) && !mkdir($this->_update_path)){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't create update path!" , self::ERR_OTHER_MISC , array('driver'=>$this->_driver, 'date' => $date, 'update_path'=>$this->_update_path ) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } if($autocreate && !file_exists($update_dir) && !mkdir($update_dir, 0777, true)){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't create update dir!" , self::ERR_FILE_CREATE , array('driver'=>$this->_driver, 'date' => $date, 'update_dir'=>$update_dir ) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } return $update_dir; } /** * 返回每日下載文件 * @param string $date 日期 * @return boolean|string */ protected function _get_down_file($date){ $down_fname = self::guess_down_file_name($this->_driver, $date); if(!$down_fname){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't guest down file name!" , self::ERR_GUESS_FILE , array('driver'=>$this->_driver, 'date' => $date) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } return $this->_get_down_dir($date) . $down_fname; } /** * 返回每日下載目錄 * @param string $date 日期 * @return string */ protected function _get_down_dir($date){ $down_folder = date('Ymd', strtotime($date)); $down_folder .= '/'; return $this->_down_path . $down_folder; } /** * 返回實時更新數據目錄 * @param string $date * @param string $autocreate * @return boolean|string */ protected function _get_realtime_dir($date, $autocreate=false){ $folder = date('Ymd', strtotime($date)); $folder .= '/'; $realtime_dir = $this->_realtime_path . $folder; if($autocreate && !file_exists($this->_realtime_path) && !mkdir($this->_realtime_path)){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't create realtime path!" , self::ERR_FILE_CREATE , array('driver'=>$this->_driver, 'date' => $date, 'realtime_path'=>$this->_realtime_path ) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } if($autocreate && !file_exists($realtime_dir) && !mkdir($realtime_dir, 0777, true)){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't create realtime dir!" , self::ERR_FILE_CREATE , array('driver'=>$this->_driver, 'date' => $date, 'realtime_dir'=>$realtime_dir ) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } return $realtime_dir; } /** * 返回日誌目錄 * @param string $date 日期 * @param string $autocreate 目錄不存在是否自動建立 * @return boolean|string */ protected function _get_log_dir($date, $autocreate=false){ $folder = date('Ymd', strtotime($date)); $folder .= '/'; $dir = $this->_log_path . $folder; if($autocreate && !file_exists($this->_log_path) && !mkdir($this->_log_path)){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't create path!" , self::ERR_FILE_CREATE , array('driver'=>$this->_driver, 'date' => $date, 'path'=>$this->_log_path ) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } if($autocreate && !file_exists($dir) && !mkdir($dir, 0777, true)){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't create dir!" , self::ERR_FILE_CREATE , array('driver'=>$this->_driver, 'date' => $date, 'dir'=>$dir ) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } return $dir; } /** * 發送GET請求 * * @param string $url 連接 * @param string|array $data 參數 * @return string */ public function get($url, $data = null) { if(!$this->Http){ import('ORG.Net.curl'); $this->Http = new Curl(); } if(!($return = $this->Http->get($url, $data)) && ($error=$this->Http->getError())){ return $this->_trigger_error( $error , self::ERR_HTTP_REQUEST , array('url' => $url, 'data' => $data, 'method' => 'get', 'response' => $return) , __FILE__, __LINE__); } return $return; } protected function _begin_dblog($file){ $this->_log_id = $this->_VM()->table('stock_update_log') ->add(array( 'begintime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'driver' => $this->_driver, 'datafile' => $file, 'logfile' => $this->_log, 'updatestatus' => 'running', )); return $this->_log_id; } protected function _end_dblog($status, $message=NULL){ if(!$this->_log_id){ return false; } return $this->_VM()->table('stock_update_log') ->where(array('id'=>$this->_log_id)) ->save(array( 'records' => $this->_stats['total'], 'succs' => $this->_stats['succ'], 'fails' => $this->_stats['fail'], 'costsecs' => $this->_stats['costsecs'], 'usedmemory' => $this->_stats['usedmemory'], 'peakmemory' => $this->_stats['peakmemory'], 'endtime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'updatestatus' => $status?'succ':'fail', 'updatemsg' => (is_object($message) && $message instanceof Exception)?$message->__toString():$message, )); } /** * 從文件名分析出數據日期 * @param string $file 數據文件名稱 * @param string $pattern 匹配正則 * @param string $default_year 默認年份 * @return string */ protected function _parse_file_date($file, $pattern, $default_year=NULL){ static $_file_dates = array(); $fidx = md5($file); // 分析文件日期 //if(!$_file_dates[$fidx]){ if(empty($_file_dates[$fidx])){ $fileName = basename($file); $date = NULL; if(preg_match($pattern, $fileName, $m)){ $date = $m[1]; if(strlen($date)==4 && $default_year){ $date = $default_year . $date; } $date = self::filter_date($date); } if(!$date){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't parse date from file name" , self::ERR_OTHER_MISC , array('file' => $file) , __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } $_file_dates[$fidx] = $date; } return $_file_dates[$fidx]; } /** * 從數據文件名稱分析出股票代碼 * @param string $file 數據文件名稱 * @param string $pattern 匹配正則 * @return string */ protected function _parse_file_stock_code($file, $pattern){ static $_file_stocks = array(); $fidx = md5($file); // 分析文件日期 //if(!$_file_stocks[$fidx]){ if(empty($_file_stocks[$fidx])){ $fileName = basename($file); $date = NULL; if(preg_match($pattern, $fileName, $m)){ $stock = $m[1]; $stock = self::filter_stock_code($stock); } if(!$stock){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't parse stock code from file name" , self::ERR_OTHER_MISC , array('file' => $file) , __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } $_file_stocks[$fidx] = $stock; } return $_file_stocks[$fidx]; } /** * 從數據文件名稱分析出數據源 * @param string $file 數據文件 * @param number $limit 返回目錄層次 * @return string */ protected function _parse_file_source($file, $limit=3){ static $_file_sources = array(); $fidx = md5($file); // 分析文件源 if(empty($_file_sources[$fidx])){ if (preg_match ( '~(((\/|\\\)[^\/\\\]+){1,' . $limit . '})$~', $file, $m )) { $source = substr($m[1], 1); }else{ $source = $file; } $_file_sources[$fidx] = $source; } return $_file_sources[$fidx]; } /** * 更新滬深股票名稱 * @param string $file 股票名稱更新文件 * @return mixed */ public function updateSHSZStockName($file){ $fields = array ( 'Symbol' => array ( 'column' => 'A', 'title' => '代碼' ), 'CName' => array ( 'column' => 'B', 'title' => '中文' ), 'EName' => array ( 'column' => 'C', 'title' => '英文簡寫' ), );; $options = array( 'titleRow' => 1, // 標題行數 'dataRow' => 2, // 數據開始行數 'instantWrite' => true, // 實時寫 'fieldCallback' => array($this, '_cb_field_update_stock_name'), 'rowCallback' => array($this, '_cb_row_update_stock_name'), 'fromEncoding' => 'GBK', 'toEncoding' => 'UTF-8', //'checkUpdateDate' => true, // 只更新比當前日期新的紀錄 ); return $this->_importFile($file, $fields, $options); } /** * 更新港股股票名稱 * @param string $file 股票名稱更新文件 * @return mixed */ public function updateHKStockName($file){ $fields = array ( 'Symbol' => array ( 'column' => 'A', 'title' => 'Code' ), 'EName' => array ( 'column' => 'B', 'title' => 'English Name' ), );; $options = array( 'titleRow' => 1, // 標題行數 'dataRow' => 2, // 數據開始行數 'instantWrite' => true, // 實時寫 'fieldCallback' => array($this, '_cb_field_update_stock_name'), 'rowCallback' => array($this, '_cb_row_update_stock_name'), 'fromEncoding' => 'GBK', 'toEncoding' => 'UTF-8', //'checkUpdateDate' => true, // 只更新比當前日期新的紀錄 ); return $this->_importFile($file, $fields, $options); } public function _cb_field_update_stock_name($file, $line, $column, $field, $value, $options=NULL){ $value = self::filter_trim($value); switch($field){ // 股票代碼 case 'stock': $value = self::filter_stock_code($value); if(!$value){ return true; } break; } return $value; } public function _cb_row_update_stock_name($file, $line, $fieldValues, $rowValues, $options=NULL){ $this->_stats['total']++; $table = 'stock_symbol'; $key = 'Symbol'; // 添加字段 $options['_addFieldValues'] = array( 'Name' => $fieldValues['CName']?$fieldValues['CName']:$fieldValues['EName'], 'created_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ); // 更新字段 /* $options['_updateFieldValues'] = array( 'modified_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), );*/ $c_sql = self::_cb_row_save($table, $key, $file, $line, $fieldValues, $rowValues, $options); if(!$c_sql){ //$this->_stats['fail']++; $this->_stats['fail'][] = $line; }else{ $this->_stats['succ']++; } if(!empty($options['instantWrite'])){ return $c_sql; }else{ $sqls = array(); if($c_sql){ $sqls[] = $c_sql; } return implode(';', $sqls); } } /** * 添加監聽器 * @param mixed $listener 監聽器 * @param string $type 監聽類型 */ public static function addListener($listener, $type){ if(empty(self::$_listners)){ self::$_listners = array(); } if(empty(self::$_listners[$type])){ self::$_listners[$type] = array(); } self::$_listners[$type][] = $listener; } protected function _callListener($type, $data){ if(empty(self::$_listners[$type])){ return false; } foreach(self::$_listners[$type] as $listener){ $this->_run_callback($listener, $data); } } public function archive_data(){ $this->_log("======================================="); $this->_log("START Archive DATA"); $driver = $this->_driver; if(!$driver){ $this->_log("Driver cann't be empty", LOG::ERR); $this->_log("Stop Archive."); return false; } $this->_log("Driver: " . $driver); $table = self::getTable($driver); if(!$table){ $this->_log("Cann't find table", LOG::ERR); $this->_log("Stop Archive."); return false; } $table_archive = $table . '_archive'; $this->_log("Table: " . $table); $this->_log("Archive Table: " . $table_archive); $archiveDays = self::getArchiveDays($driver); if(!$archiveDays || $archiveDays<=0){ $this->_log("Archive day less than 1 day", LOG::ERR); $this->_log("Stop Archive."); return false; } $this->_log("Archive Days: " . $archiveDays); import('ORG.Util.Debug'); $debug_start_mark = 'start_archive_' . $driver; $debug_end_mark = 'end_archive_' . $driver; Debug::mark($debug_start_mark); $archiveDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $archiveDays . 'days')); $this->_log('Archive data before ' . $archiveDate); $mysqli = $this->_mysqli (); switch($driver){ case self::SHSZ_DAY: case self::SHSZ_DAY_FORWARD: case self::HK_DAY: case self::HK_DAY_FORWARD: $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO {$table_archive} SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE date<'{$archiveDate}'"; $delete_sql = "DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE date<'{$archiveDate}'"; break; case self::SHSZ_5MIN: case self::SHSZ_5MIN_FORWARD: case self::HK_5MIN: case self::HK_5MIN_FORWARD: $archiveDateTime = $archiveDate . ' 00:00:00'; $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO {$table_archive} SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE datetime<'{$archiveDateTime}'"; $delete_sql = "DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE datetime<'{$archiveDateTime}'"; break; default: $this->_log("Not supported driver"); $this->_log("Stop Archive."); return false; } $repair_sql = "REPAIR TABLE {$table}"; $optimize_sql = "OPTIMIZE TABLE {$table}"; $this->_log("Insert SQL: " . $insert_sql, LOG::DEBUG); $this->_log("Delete SQL: " . $delete_sql, LOG::DEBUG); //return $insert_sql . "\n\n" . $delete_sql; $this->_log("Try to insert into archive table"); if (false ==$mysqli->query ( $insert_sql )) { $this->_log ( sprintf ( 'Query Error(%s) %s', $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error ), LOG::ERR ); return false; } $inserted_rows = $mysqli->affected_rows; $this->_log("Insert Succ!"); $this->_log("Inserted Rows: " . $inserted_rows); $this->_log("Try to delete from table"); if (false ==$mysqli->query ( $delete_sql )) { $this->_log ( sprintf ( 'Query Error(%s) %s', $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error ), LOG::ERR ); return false; } $deleted_rows = $mysqli->affected_rows; $this->_log("Delete Succ!"); $this->_log("Deleted Rows: " . $deleted_rows); $this->_log("Try to repair table"); if (false ==$mysqli->query ( $repair_sql )) { $this->_log ( sprintf ( 'Query Error(%s) %s', $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error ), LOG::ERR ); return false; } $this->_log("Repair Succ!"); $this->_log("Try to optimize table"); if (false ==$mysqli->query ( $optimize_sql )) { $this->_log ( sprintf ( 'Query Error(%s) %s', $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error ), LOG::ERR ); return false; } $this->_log("Optimize Succ!"); Debug::mark ( $debug_end_mark ); $performance = "Cost time " . Debug::useTime ( $debug_start_mark, $debug_end_mark ) . 's'; $performance .= ", used memory " . Debug::useMemory ( $debug_start_mark, $debug_end_mark ) . 'kb'; $performance .= ", peak memory " . Debug::getMemPeak ( $debug_start_mark, $debug_end_mark ) . 'kb'; $this->_log ( $performance ); $this->_log ( "END ARCHIVE DATA" ); return "Inserted Rows: {$inserted_rows}, Deleted Rows: {$deleted_rows}"; } } SHSZRealtime.class.php 滬深實時數據更新 [php] view plain copy <?php defined('IN_HEAVEN') or die('Hacking Attempt!'); /** * 股票數據導入: 6-滬深實時數據 * * PHP version 5 * * @category 4SWeb * @package Admin * @subpackage Custom * @version SVN: $Id: SHSZRealtime.class.php 48 2014-11-16 13:25:47Z blin.z $ */ class SHSZRealtime extends StockImport{ protected $_table = 'shsz_realtime'; protected $_table_5min = 'shsz_realtime_5min'; protected $_market = 'SHSZ'; public function importFile($file, $file_content=NULL){ $fields = array( 'Time' => array('title' => 'Time', 'format' => 'l', 'length' => 4), 'Symbol' => array('title' => 'Symbol', 'format' => '', 'length' => 12), 'Name' => array('title' => 'Name', 'format' => '', 'length' => 16), 'Price3' => array('title' => 'Price3', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'Vol2' => array('title' => 'Vol2', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'OpenInt' => array('title' => 'OpenInt', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'Price2' => array('title' => 'Price2', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'LastClose' => array('title' => 'LastClose', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'Open' => array('title' => 'Open', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'High' => array('title' => 'High', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'Low' => array('title' => 'Low', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'NewPrice' => array('title' => 'NewPrice', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'Volume' => array('title' => 'Volume', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'Amount' => array('title' => 'Amount', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'BP1' => array('title' => 'BP1', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'BP2' => array('title' => 'BP2', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'BP3' => array('title' => 'BP3', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'BP4' => array('title' => 'BP4', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'BP5' => array('title' => 'BP5', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'BV1' => array('title' => 'BV1', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'BV2' => array('title' => 'BV2', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'BV3' => array('title' => 'BV3', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'BV4' => array('title' => 'BV4', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'BV5' => array('title' => 'BV5', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'SP1' => array('title' => 'SP1', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'SP2' => array('title' => 'SP2', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'SP3' => array('title' => 'SP3', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'SP4' => array('title' => 'SP4', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'SP5' => array('title' => 'SP5', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'SV1' => array('title' => 'SV1', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'SV2' => array('title' => 'SV2', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'SV3' => array('title' => 'SV3', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'SV4' => array('title' => 'SV4', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), 'SV5' => array('title' => 'SV5', 'format' => 'f', 'length' => 4), ); $options = array( 'dataRow' => 1, // 數據開始行數 'instantWrite' => false, // 實時寫 //'fieldCallback' => array($this, '_cb_field'), 'rowCallback' => array($this, '_cb_row'), //'fromEncoding' => 'GBK', //'toEncoding' => 'UTF-8', 'length' => 156, ); return $this->_importFile($file, $fields, $options, $file_content); } public function runDownImport($truncate=false, $save=false){ import('ORG.Util.Debug'); $debug_start_mark = 'start_import_realtime'; $debug_end_mark = 'end_import_realtime'; Debug::mark($debug_start_mark); $this->_log("======================================="); $this->_log("START DOWN & IMPORT RealTime"); $url = C('WSTOCK_REALTIME_URL.'.$this->_market); if(!$url){ $this->_log("RealTime URL is empty.", LOG::ERR); $this->_log("Quit, Do Nothing."); return false; } Debug::mark('start_download_realtime_file'); $this->_download_stamp = time(); $this->_download_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->_log("Try to get data from URL"); $this->_log("Download Record Time: " . $this->_download_time); $this->_log("Request URL: " . $url, LOG::DEBUG); $content = $this->get($url); if(!$content){ $this->_log("Get empty data from URL", LOG::ERR); $this->_log("Quit, Do Nothing."); return false; }else{ $this->_log("Succ Down realtime file!"); } Debug::mark('end_download_realtime_file'); $down_secs = Debug::useTime('start_download_realtime_file','end_download_realtime_file'); $this->_log("Cost time " . $down_secs .'s'); // 是否超時? $interval = C('STOCK_REALTIME_UPDATE_INTERVAL'); if($interval && $down_secs && ($down_secs>=($interval/2))){ $this->_log("Skip Update!"); $this->_log("Download cost time more than half interval time $interval/2", LOG::ERR); return false; } if(!self::_is_zip($content)){ $this->_log("Server returned info package"); $this->_log("Info: " . $content); $this->_log("Quit, Do Nothing."); return false; } $realtime_dir = $this->_get_realtime_dir(date('Y-m-d'), $save); list ( $usec, $sec ) = explode ( " ", microtime () ); $microtime = trim(( float ) $usec + ( float ) $sec); if(!preg_match('/[\?&]m=([A-Z,]+)&?/', $url, $matches)){ $this->_log("Invalid realtime URL: " . $url, LOG::ERR); $this->_log("Quit, Do Nothing."); return false; } $market = $matches[1]; $realtime_file = $realtime_dir . 'wsRealtime_' . $market . '_' . $microtime . '.wsz'; if($save){ if(!file_put_contents($realtime_file, $content)){ $this->_log("Cann't Save realtime file: " . $realtime_file, LOG::ERR); $this->_log("Quit, Do Nothing."); return false; }else{ $this->_log("Succ Saved realtime file as " . $realtime_file); } } if($truncate){ $this->_log("Truncate table before import"); $succ = $this->_VM()->execute('TRUNCATE TABLE `' . $this->_table . "`"); $this->_log($succ!==false?"Succ":"Fail: " . $this->_VM()->getDbError ()); } $this->importFile($realtime_file, $content); Debug::mark($debug_end_mark); $performance = "Cost time " . Debug::useTime($debug_start_mark,$debug_end_mark).'s'; $performance .= ", used memory " . Debug::useMemory($debug_start_mark,$debug_end_mark).'kb'; $performance .= ", peak memory " . Debug::getMemPeak($debug_start_mark, $debug_end_mark).'kb'; $this->_log( $performance ); $this->_log("END IMPORT RealTime."); } public function _cb_field($file, $line, $column, $field, $value, $options=NULL){ $value = self::filter_trim($value); switch($field){ // 股票代碼 case 'Symbol': $value = String::autoCharset($value, 'gbk', C('DEFAULT_CHARSET')); $value = trim($value); $v = self::filter_stock_code($value); if(!$value){ return true; } break; // 名稱 case 'Name': $value = String::autoCharset($value, 'gbk', C('DEFAULT_CHARSET')); $value = trim($value); break; // 時間轉換 case 'Time': //$v = self::filter_date($value); //$v = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v); if(!$value){ return true; } break; case 'Price3': case 'Vol2': case 'OpenInt': case 'Price2': case 'LastClose': case 'Open': case 'High': case 'Low': case 'NewPrice': case 'Volume': case 'Amount': case 'BP1': case 'BP2': case 'BP3': case 'BP4': case 'BP5': case 'BV1': case 'BV2': case 'BV3': case 'BV4': case 'BV5': case 'SP1': case 'SP2': case 'SP3': case 'SP4': case 'SP5': case 'SV1': case 'SV2': case 'SV3': case 'SV4': case 'SV5': $value = sprintf('%.3f', $value); break; } return $value; } public function _cb_row($file, $line, $fieldValues, $rowValues, $options=NULL){ $this->_stats['total']++; $fieldValues['Symbol'] = trim(mb_convert_encoding( $fieldValues['Symbol'], 'utf-8', 'gbk' )); $fieldValues['Name'] = trim(mb_convert_encoding( $fieldValues['Name'], 'utf-8', 'gbk' )); static $float_fields = array( 'Price3' , 'Vol2' , 'OpenInt' , 'Price2' , 'LastClose' , 'Open' , 'High' , 'Low' , 'NewPrice' , 'Volume' , 'Amount' , 'BP1' , 'BP2' , 'BP3' , 'BP4' , 'BP5' , 'BV1' , 'BV2' , 'BV3' , 'BV4' , 'BV5' , 'SP1' , 'SP2' , 'SP3' , 'SP4' , 'SP5' , 'SV1' , 'SV2' , 'SV3' , 'SV4' , 'SV5' , ); foreach($float_fields as $f){ if(isset($fieldValues[$f])){ $fieldValues[$f] = sprintf ( '%.3f', $fieldValues[$f] ); } } $fieldValues['recordtime'] = $this->_download_time; $sql = SQLKit::replace_stmt($this->_table, $fieldValues); $this->_stats['succ']++; return $sql; } /** * 判斷是否爲壓縮文件 * @param string $content * @return boolean */ protected function _is_zip($content){ $tagstr = substr($content, 0, 4); $tagnum = current(unpack("l", $tagstr)); return ($tagnum>16777216 || $tagnum<=0)?false:true; } protected function _decode($content){ $length = strlen($content); if(!$length){ return $this->_trigger_error( "File content is empty" , self::ERR_EMPTY_DATA , null , __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } $readpos = 0; $rawdata = ''; while($readpos<$length){ //$blocksize = $this->_readcontent($content, $this->_readpos, 4); $blocksize = substr($content, $readpos, 4); $readpos += 4; $blocksize= current(unpack("l", $blocksize)); if(!$blocksize || $blocksize<=0){ return $this->_trigger_error( "Block size is zero or negative" , self::ERR_FILE_READ , array('readpos'=>$readpos) , __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } $zipsize = $blocksize - 4; if ($zipsize <= 0) { return $this->_trigger_error ( "Zip size is zero or negative" , self::ERR_FILE_READ , array ( 'readpos' => $readpos ) , __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } //$orisize = $this->_readcontent($content, $this->_readpos, 4); $orisize = substr($content, $readpos, 4); $readpos += 4; $orisize= current(unpack("l", $orisize)); if ($orisize <= 0) { return $this->_trigger_error ( "Ori size is zero or negative" , self::ERR_FILE_READ , array ( 'readpos' => $this->_readpos ) , __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } //$zipbody = $this->_readcontent($content, $this->_readpos, $zipsize); $zipbody = substr($content, $readpos, $zipsize); $readpos += $zipsize; if (!$zipbody) { return $this->_trigger_error ( "Zip body is empty" , self::ERR_FILE_READ , array ( 'readpos' => $this->_readpos ) , __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } $zipbody = zlib_decode($zipbody); if (!$zipbody) { return $this->_trigger_error ( "Cann't decode zip body" , self::ERR_FILE_READ , array ( 'readpos' => $this->_readpos ) , __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } $rawdata .= $zipbody; } return $rawdata; } protected function _readcontent($content, $start, $length){ $this->_readpos += $length; return substr($content, $start, $length); } protected function _import($file, $fields, $options=array(), $content=NULL){ $default_options = array( 'titleRow' => false, // 標題行數,設置纔會檢測Excel標題列是否符合要求 'dataRow' => 1, // 數據開始行數,能夠經過傳數組方式設置讀取的開始和終止行數,格式如array(開始行數,終止行數) 'rowCallback' => NULL, // 行數據處理回調,傳參數:$row, $fieldValues, $rowValues, $options 'fieldCallback' => NULL, // 字段過濾處理回調,傳參數:$column, $field, $value, $options 'length' => NULL, // 行長度 'fromEncoding' => NULL, // 源文件編碼 'toEncoding' => NULL, // 數據編碼 ); $options = array_merge($default_options, $options); $aColumnMaps = array ( 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'AA', 'AB', 'AC', 'AD', 'AE', 'AF', 'AG', 'AH', 'AI', 'AJ', 'AK', 'AL', 'AM', 'AN', 'AO', 'AP', 'AQ', 'AR', 'AS', 'AT', 'AU', 'AV', 'AW', 'AX', 'AY', 'AZ', 'BA', 'BB', 'BC', 'BD', 'BE', 'BF', 'BG', 'BH', 'BI', 'BJ', 'BK', 'BL', 'BM', 'BN', 'BO', 'BP', 'BQ', 'BR', 'BS', 'BT', 'BU', 'BV', 'BW', 'BX', 'BY', 'BZ', 'CA', 'CB', 'CC', 'CD', 'CE', 'CF', 'CG', 'CH', 'CI', 'CJ', 'CK', 'CL', 'CM', 'CN', 'CO', 'CP', 'CQ', 'CR', 'CS', 'CT', 'CU', 'CV', 'CW', 'CX', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DA', 'DB', 'DC', 'DD', 'DE', 'DF', 'DG', 'DH', 'DI', 'DJ', 'DK', 'DL', 'DM', 'DN', 'DO', 'DP', 'DQ', 'DR', 'DS', 'DT', 'DU', 'DV', 'DW', 'DX', 'DY', 'DZ', 'EA', 'EB', 'EC', 'ED', 'EE', 'EF', 'EG', 'EH', 'EI', 'EJ', 'EK', 'EL', 'EM', 'EN', 'EO', 'EP', 'EQ', 'ER', 'ES', 'ET', 'EU', 'EV', 'EW', 'EX', 'EY', 'EZ', 'FA', 'FB', 'FC', 'FD', 'FE', 'FF', 'FG', 'FH', 'FI', 'FJ', 'FK', 'FL', 'FM', 'FN', 'FO', 'FP', 'FQ', 'FR', 'FS', 'FT', 'FU', 'FV', 'FW', 'FX', 'FY', 'FZ', 'GA', 'GB', 'GC', 'GD', 'GE', 'GF', 'GG', 'GH', 'GI', 'GJ', 'GK', 'GL', 'GM', 'GN', 'GO', 'GP', 'GQ', 'GR', 'GS', 'GT', 'GU', 'GV', 'GW', 'GX', 'GY', 'GZ', 'HA', 'HB', 'HC', 'HD', 'HE', 'HF', 'HG', 'HH', 'HI', 'HJ', 'HK', 'HL', 'HM', 'HN', 'HO', 'HP', 'HQ', 'HR', 'HS', 'HT', 'HU', 'HV', 'HW', 'HX', 'HY', 'HZ', 'IA', 'IB', 'IC', 'ID', 'IE', 'IF', 'IG', 'IH', 'II', 'IJ', 'IK', 'IL', 'IM', 'IN', 'IO', 'IP', 'IQ', 'IR', 'IS', 'IT', 'IU', 'IV', 'IW', 'IX', 'IY', 'IZ', 'JA', 'JB', 'JC', 'JD', 'JE', 'JF', 'JG', 'JH', 'JI', 'JJ', 'JK', 'JL', 'JM', 'JN', 'JO', 'JP', 'JQ', 'JR', 'JS', 'JT', 'JU', 'JV', 'JW', 'JX', 'JY', 'JZ', 'KA', 'KB', 'KC', 'KD', 'KE', 'KF', 'KG', 'KH', 'KI', 'KJ', 'KK', 'KL', 'KM', 'KN', 'KO', 'KP', 'KQ', 'KR', 'KS', 'KT', 'KU', 'KV', 'KW', 'KX', 'KY', 'KZ', 'LA', 'LB', 'LC', 'LD', 'LE', 'LF', 'LG', 'LH', 'LI', 'LJ', 'LK', 'LL', 'LM', 'LN', 'LO', 'LP', 'LQ', 'LR', 'LS', 'LT', 'LU', 'LV', 'LW', 'LX', 'LY', 'LZ', 'MA', 'MB', 'MC', 'MD', 'ME', 'MF', 'MG', 'MH', 'MI', 'MJ', 'MK', 'ML', 'MM', 'MN', 'MO', 'MP', 'MQ', 'MR', 'MS', 'MT', 'MU', 'MV', 'MW', 'MX', 'MY', 'MZ', 'NA', 'NB', 'NC', 'ND', 'NE', 'NF', 'NG', 'NH', 'NI', 'NJ', 'NK', 'NL', 'NM', 'NN', 'NO', 'NP', 'NQ', 'NR', 'NS', 'NT', 'NU', 'NV', 'NW', 'NX', 'NY', 'NZ', 'OA', 'OB', 'OC', 'OD', 'OE', 'OF', 'OG', 'OH', 'OI', 'OJ', 'OK', 'OL', 'OM', 'ON', 'OO', 'OP', 'OQ', 'OR', 'OS', 'OT', 'OU', 'OV', 'OW', 'OX', 'OY', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PB', 'PC', 'PD', 'PE', 'PF', 'PG', 'PH', 'PI', 'PJ', 'PK', 'PL', 'PM', 'PN', 'PO', 'PP', 'PQ', 'PR', 'PS', 'PT', 'PU', 'PV', 'PW', 'PX', 'PY', 'PZ', 'QA', 'QB', 'QC', 'QD', 'QE', 'QF', 'QG', 'QH', 'QI', 'QJ', 'QK', 'QL', 'QM', 'QN', 'QO', 'QP', 'QQ', 'QR', 'QS', 'QT', 'QU', 'QV', 'QW', 'QX', 'QY', 'QZ', 'RA', 'RB', 'RC', 'RD', 'RE', 'RF', 'RG', 'RH', 'RI', 'RJ', 'RK', 'RL', 'RM', 'RN', 'RO', 'RP', 'RQ', 'RR', 'RS', 'RT', 'RU', 'RV', 'RW', 'RX', 'RY', 'RZ', 'SA', 'SB', 'SC', 'SD', 'SE', 'SF', 'SG', 'SH', 'SI', 'SJ', 'SK', 'SL', 'SM', 'SN', 'SO', 'SP', 'SQ', 'SR', 'SS', 'ST', 'SU', 'SV', 'SW', 'SX', 'SY', 'SZ', 'TA', 'TB', 'TC', 'TD', 'TE', 'TF', 'TG', 'TH', 'TI', 'TJ', 'TK', 'TL', 'TM', 'TN', 'TO', 'TP', 'TQ', 'TR', 'TS', 'TT', 'TU', 'TV', 'TW', 'TX', 'TY', 'TZ', 'UA', 'UB', 'UC', 'UD', 'UE', 'UF', 'UG', 'UH', 'UI', 'UJ', 'UK', 'UL', 'UM', 'UN', 'UO', 'UP', 'UQ', 'UR', 'US', 'UT', 'UU', 'UV', 'UW', 'UX', 'UY', 'UZ', 'VA', 'VB', 'VC', 'VD', 'VE', 'VF', 'VG', 'VH', 'VI', 'VJ', 'VK', 'VL', 'VM', 'VN', 'VO', 'VP', 'VQ', 'VR', 'VS', 'VT', 'VU', 'VV', 'VW', 'VX', 'VY', 'VZ', 'WA', 'WB', 'WC', 'WD', 'WE', 'WF', 'WG', 'WH', 'WI', 'WJ', 'WK', 'WL', 'WM', 'WN', 'WO', 'WP', 'WQ', 'WR', 'WS', 'WT', 'WU', 'WV', 'WW', 'WX', 'WY', 'WZ', 'XA', 'XB', 'XC', 'XD', 'XE', 'XF', 'XG', 'XH', 'XI', 'XJ', 'XK', 'XL', 'XM', 'XN', 'XO', 'XP', 'XQ', 'XR', 'XS', 'XT', 'XU', 'XV', 'XW', 'XX', 'XY', 'XZ', 'YA', 'YB', 'YC', 'YD', 'YE', 'YF', 'YG', 'YH', 'YI', 'YJ', 'YK', 'YL', 'YM', 'YN', 'YO', 'YP', 'YQ', 'YR', 'YS', 'YT', 'YU', 'YV', 'YW', 'YX', 'YY', 'YZ', 'ZA', 'ZB', 'ZC', 'ZD', 'ZE', 'ZF', 'ZG', 'ZH', 'ZI', 'ZJ', 'ZK', 'ZL', 'ZM', 'ZN', 'ZO', 'ZP', 'ZQ', 'ZR', 'ZS', 'ZT', 'ZU', 'ZV', 'ZW', 'ZX', 'ZY', 'ZZ' ); $aColumnFlipMaps = array ( 'A' => '0', 'B' => 1, 'C' => 2, 'D' => 3, 'E' => 4, 'F' => 5, 'G' => 6, 'H' => 7, 'I' => 8, 'J' => 9, 'K' => 10, 'L' => 11, 'M' => 12, 'N' => 13, 'O' => 14, 'P' => 15, 'Q' => 16, 'R' => 17, 'S' => 18, 'T' => 19, 'U' => 20, 'V' => 21, 'W' => 22, 'X' => 23, 'Y' => 24, 'Z' => 25, 'AA' => 26, 'AB' => 27, 'AC' => 28, 'AD' => 29, 'AE' => 30, 'AF' => 31, 'AG' => 32, 'AH' => 33, 'AI' => 34, 'AJ' => 35, 'AK' => 36, 'AL' => 37, 'AM' => 38, 'AN' => 39, 'AO' => 40, 'AP' => 41, 'AQ' => 42, 'AR' => 43, 'AS' => 44, 'AT' => 45, 'AU' => 46, 'AV' => 47, 'AW' => 48, 'AX' => 49, 'AY' => 50, 'AZ' => 51, 'BA' => 52, 'BB' => 53, 'BC' => 54, 'BD' => 55, 'BE' => 56, 'BF' => 57, 'BG' => 58, 'BH' => 59, 'BI' => 60, 'BJ' => 61, 'BK' => 62, 'BL' => 63, 'BM' => 64, 'BN' => 65, 'BO' => 66, 'BP' => 67, 'BQ' => 68, 'BR' => 69, 'BS' => 70, 'BT' => 71, 'BU' => 72, 'BV' => 73, 'BW' => 74, 'BX' => 75, 'BY' => 76, 'BZ' => 77, 'CA' => 78, 'CB' => 79, 'CC' => 80, 'CD' => 81, 'CE' => 82, 'CF' => 83, 'CG' => 84, 'CH' => 85, 'CI' => 86, 'CJ' => 87, 'CK' => 88, 'CL' => 89, 'CM' => 90, 'CN' => 91, 'CO' => 92, 'CP' => 93, 'CQ' => 94, 'CR' => 95, 'CS' => 96, 'CT' => 97, 'CU' => 98, 'CV' => 99, 'CW' => 100, 'CX' => 101, 'CY' => 102, 'CZ' => 103, 'DA' => 104, 'DB' => 105, 'DC' => 106, 'DD' => 107, 'DE' => 108, 'DF' => 109, 'DG' => 110, 'DH' => 111, 'DI' => 112, 'DJ' => 113, 'DK' => 114, 'DL' => 115, 'DM' => 116, 'DN' => 117, 'DO' => 118, 'DP' => 119, 'DQ' => 120, 'DR' => 121, 'DS' => 122, 'DT' => 123, 'DU' => 124, 'DV' => 125, 'DW' => 126, 'DX' => 127, 'DY' => 128, 'DZ' => 129, 'EA' => 130, 'EB' => 131, 'EC' => 132, 'ED' => 133, 'EE' => 134, 'EF' => 135, 'EG' => 136, 'EH' => 137, 'EI' => 138, 'EJ' => 139, 'EK' => 140, 'EL' => 141, 'EM' => 142, 'EN' => 143, 'EO' => 144, 'EP' => 145, 'EQ' => 146, 'ER' => 147, 'ES' => 148, 'ET' => 149, 'EU' => 150, 'EV' => 151, 'EW' => 152, 'EX' => 153, 'EY' => 154, 'EZ' => 155, 'FA' => 156, 'FB' => 157, 'FC' => 158, 'FD' => 159, 'FE' => 160, 'FF' => 161, 'FG' => 162, 'FH' => 163, 'FI' => 164, 'FJ' => 165, 'FK' => 166, 'FL' => 167, 'FM' => 168, 'FN' => 169, 'FO' => 170, 'FP' => 171, 'FQ' => 172, 'FR' => 173, 'FS' => 174, 'FT' => 175, 'FU' => 176, 'FV' => 177, 'FW' => 178, 'FX' => 179, 'FY' => 180, 'FZ' => 181, 'GA' => 182, 'GB' => 183, 'GC' => 184, 'GD' => 185, 'GE' => 186, 'GF' => 187, 'GG' => 188, 'GH' => 189, 'GI' => 190, 'GJ' => 191, 'GK' => 192, 'GL' => 193, 'GM' => 194, 'GN' => 195, 'GO' => 196, 'GP' => 197, 'GQ' => 198, 'GR' => 199, 'GS' => 200, 'GT' => 201, 'GU' => 202, 'GV' => 203, 'GW' => 204, 'GX' => 205, 'GY' => 206, 'GZ' => 207, 'HA' => 208, 'HB' => 209, 'HC' => 210, 'HD' => 211, 'HE' => 212, 'HF' => 213, 'HG' => 214, 'HH' => 215, 'HI' => 216, 'HJ' => 217, 'HK' => 218, 'HL' => 219, 'HM' => 220, 'HN' => 221, 'HO' => 222, 'HP' => 223, 'HQ' => 224, 'HR' => 225, 'HS' => 226, 'HT' => 227, 'HU' => 228, 'HV' => 229, 'HW' => 230, 'HX' => 231, 'HY' => 232, 'HZ' => 233, 'IA' => 234, 'IB' => 235, 'IC' => 236, 'ID' => 237, 'IE' => 238, 'IF' => 239, 'IG' => 240, 'IH' => 241, 'II' => 242, 'IJ' => 243, 'IK' => 244, 'IL' => 245, 'IM' => 246, 'IN' => 247, 'IO' => 248, 'IP' => 249, 'IQ' => 250, 'IR' => 251, 'IS' => 252, 'IT' => 253, 'IU' => 254, 'IV' => 255, 'IW' => 256, 'IX' => 257, 'IY' => 258, 'IZ' => 259, 'JA' => 260, 'JB' => 261, 'JC' => 262, 'JD' => 263, 'JE' => 264, 'JF' => 265, 'JG' => 266, 'JH' => 267, 'JI' => 268, 'JJ' => 269, 'JK' => 270, 'JL' => 271, 'JM' => 272, 'JN' => 273, 'JO' => 274, 'JP' => 275, 'JQ' => 276, 'JR' => 277, 'JS' => 278, 'JT' => 279, 'JU' => 280, 'JV' => 281, 'JW' => 282, 'JX' => 283, 'JY' => 284, 'JZ' => 285, 'KA' => 286, 'KB' => 287, 'KC' => 288, 'KD' => 289, 'KE' => 290, 'KF' => 291, 'KG' => 292, 'KH' => 293, 'KI' => 294, 'KJ' => 295, 'KK' => 296, 'KL' => 297, 'KM' => 298, 'KN' => 299, 'KO' => 300, 'KP' => 301, 'KQ' => 302, 'KR' => 303, 'KS' => 304, 'KT' => 305, 'KU' => 306, 'KV' => 307, 'KW' => 308, 'KX' => 309, 'KY' => 310, 'KZ' => 311, 'LA' => 312, 'LB' => 313, 'LC' => 314, 'LD' => 315, 'LE' => 316, 'LF' => 317, 'LG' => 318, 'LH' => 319, 'LI' => 320, 'LJ' => 321, 'LK' => 322, 'LL' => 323, 'LM' => 324, 'LN' => 325, 'LO' => 326, 'LP' => 327, 'LQ' => 328, 'LR' => 329, 'LS' => 330, 'LT' => 331, 'LU' => 332, 'LV' => 333, 'LW' => 334, 'LX' => 335, 'LY' => 336, 'LZ' => 337, 'MA' => 338, 'MB' => 339, 'MC' => 340, 'MD' => 341, 'ME' => 342, 'MF' => 343, 'MG' => 344, 'MH' => 345, 'MI' => 346, 'MJ' => 347, 'MK' => 348, 'ML' => 349, 'MM' => 350, 'MN' => 351, 'MO' => 352, 'MP' => 353, 'MQ' => 354, 'MR' => 355, 'MS' => 356, 'MT' => 357, 'MU' => 358, 'MV' => 359, 'MW' => 360, 'MX' => 361, 'MY' => 362, 'MZ' => 363, 'NA' => 364, 'NB' => 365, 'NC' => 366, 'ND' => 367, 'NE' => 368, 'NF' => 369, 'NG' => 370, 'NH' => 371, 'NI' => 372, 'NJ' => 373, 'NK' => 374, 'NL' => 375, 'NM' => 376, 'NN' => 377, 'NO' => 378, 'NP' => 379, 'NQ' => 380, 'NR' => 381, 'NS' => 382, 'NT' => 383, 'NU' => 384, 'NV' => 385, 'NW' => 386, 'NX' => 387, 'NY' => 388, 'NZ' => 389, 'OA' => 390, 'OB' => 391, 'OC' => 392, 'OD' => 393, 'OE' => 394, 'OF' => 395, 'OG' => 396, 'OH' => 397, 'OI' => 398, 'OJ' => 399, 'OK' => 400, 'OL' => 401, 'OM' => 402, 'ON' => 403, 'OO' => 404, 'OP' => 405, 'OQ' => 406, 'OR' => 407, 'OS' => 408, 'OT' => 409, 'OU' => 410, 'OV' => 411, 'OW' => 412, 'OX' => 413, 'OY' => 414, 'OZ' => 415, 'PA' => 416, 'PB' => 417, 'PC' => 418, 'PD' => 419, 'PE' => 420, 'PF' => 421, 'PG' => 422, 'PH' => 423, 'PI' => 424, 'PJ' => 425, 'PK' => 426, 'PL' => 427, 'PM' => 428, 'PN' => 429, 'PO' => 430, 'PP' => 431, 'PQ' => 432, 'PR' => 433, 'PS' => 434, 'PT' => 435, 'PU' => 436, 'PV' => 437, 'PW' => 438, 'PX' => 439, 'PY' => 440, 'PZ' => 441, 'QA' => 442, 'QB' => 443, 'QC' => 444, 'QD' => 445, 'QE' => 446, 'QF' => 447, 'QG' => 448, 'QH' => 449, 'QI' => 450, 'QJ' => 451, 'QK' => 452, 'QL' => 453, 'QM' => 454, 'QN' => 455, 'QO' => 456, 'QP' => 457, 'QQ' => 458, 'QR' => 459, 'QS' => 460, 'QT' => 461, 'QU' => 462, 'QV' => 463, 'QW' => 464, 'QX' => 465, 'QY' => 466, 'QZ' => 467, 'RA' => 468, 'RB' => 469, 'RC' => 470, 'RD' => 471, 'RE' => 472, 'RF' => 473, 'RG' => 474, 'RH' => 475, 'RI' => 476, 'RJ' => 477, 'RK' => 478, 'RL' => 479, 'RM' => 480, 'RN' => 481, 'RO' => 482, 'RP' => 483, 'RQ' => 484, 'RR' => 485, 'RS' => 486, 'RT' => 487, 'RU' => 488, 'RV' => 489, 'RW' => 490, 'RX' => 491, 'RY' => 492, 'RZ' => 493, 'SA' => 494, 'SB' => 495, 'SC' => 496, 'SD' => 497, 'SE' => 498, 'SF' => 499, 'SG' => 500, 'SH' => 501, 'SI' => 502, 'SJ' => 503, 'SK' => 504, 'SL' => 505, 'SM' => 506, 'SN' => 507, 'SO' => 508, 'SP' => 509, 'SQ' => 510, 'SR' => 511, 'SS' => 512, 'ST' => 513, 'SU' => 514, 'SV' => 515, 'SW' => 516, 'SX' => 517, 'SY' => 518, 'SZ' => 519, 'TA' => 520, 'TB' => 521, 'TC' => 522, 'TD' => 523, 'TE' => 524, 'TF' => 525, 'TG' => 526, 'TH' => 527, 'TI' => 528, 'TJ' => 529, 'TK' => 530, 'TL' => 531, 'TM' => 532, 'TN' => 533, 'TO' => 534, 'TP' => 535, 'TQ' => 536, 'TR' => 537, 'TS' => 538, 'TT' => 539, 'TU' => 540, 'TV' => 541, 'TW' => 542, 'TX' => 543, 'TY' => 544, 'TZ' => 545, 'UA' => 546, 'UB' => 547, 'UC' => 548, 'UD' => 549, 'UE' => 550, 'UF' => 551, 'UG' => 552, 'UH' => 553, 'UI' => 554, 'UJ' => 555, 'UK' => 556, 'UL' => 557, 'UM' => 558, 'UN' => 559, 'UO' => 560, 'UP' => 561, 'UQ' => 562, 'UR' => 563, 'US' => 564, 'UT' => 565, 'UU' => 566, 'UV' => 567, 'UW' => 568, 'UX' => 569, 'UY' => 570, 'UZ' => 571, 'VA' => 572, 'VB' => 573, 'VC' => 574, 'VD' => 575, 'VE' => 576, 'VF' => 577, 'VG' => 578, 'VH' => 579, 'VI' => 580, 'VJ' => 581, 'VK' => 582, 'VL' => 583, 'VM' => 584, 'VN' => 585, 'VO' => 586, 'VP' => 587, 'VQ' => 588, 'VR' => 589, 'VS' => 590, 'VT' => 591, 'VU' => 592, 'VV' => 593, 'VW' => 594, 'VX' => 595, 'VY' => 596, 'VZ' => 597, 'WA' => 598, 'WB' => 599, 'WC' => 600, 'WD' => 601, 'WE' => 602, 'WF' => 603, 'WG' => 604, 'WH' => 605, 'WI' => 606, 'WJ' => 607, 'WK' => 608, 'WL' => 609, 'WM' => 610, 'WN' => 611, 'WO' => 612, 'WP' => 613, 'WQ' => 614, 'WR' => 615, 'WS' => 616, 'WT' => 617, 'WU' => 618, 'WV' => 619, 'WW' => 620, 'WX' => 621, 'WY' => 622, 'WZ' => 623, 'XA' => 624, 'XB' => 625, 'XC' => 626, 'XD' => 627, 'XE' => 628, 'XF' => 629, 'XG' => 630, 'XH' => 631, 'XI' => 632, 'XJ' => 633, 'XK' => 634, 'XL' => 635, 'XM' => 636, 'XN' => 637, 'XO' => 638, 'XP' => 639, 'XQ' => 640, 'XR' => 641, 'XS' => 642, 'XT' => 643, 'XU' => 644, 'XV' => 645, 'XW' => 646, 'XX' => 647, 'XY' => 648, 'XZ' => 649, 'YA' => 650, 'YB' => 651, 'YC' => 652, 'YD' => 653, 'YE' => 654, 'YF' => 655, 'YG' => 656, 'YH' => 657, 'YI' => 658, 'YJ' => 659, 'YK' => 660, 'YL' => 661, 'YM' => 662, 'YN' => 663, 'YO' => 664, 'YP' => 665, 'YQ' => 666, 'YR' => 667, 'YS' => 668, 'YT' => 669, 'YU' => 670, 'YV' => 671, 'YW' => 672, 'YX' => 673, 'YY' => 674, 'YZ' => 675, 'ZA' => 676, 'ZB' => 677, 'ZC' => 678, 'ZD' => 679, 'ZE' => 680, 'ZF' => 681, 'ZG' => 682, 'ZH' => 683, 'ZI' => 684, 'ZJ' => 685, 'ZK' => 686, 'ZL' => 687, 'ZM' => 688, 'ZN' => 689, 'ZO' => 690, 'ZP' => 691, 'ZQ' => 692, 'ZR' => 693, 'ZS' => 694, 'ZT' => 695, 'ZU' => 696, 'ZV' => 697, 'ZW' => 698, 'ZX' => 699, 'ZY' => 700, 'ZZ' => 701 ); $aReturn = array(); $aReturn5Min = array(); if(!$options['length']){ $options['length'] = 0; foreach($fields as $f){ $options['length'] += $f['length']; } } //$this->_log("Block length: " . $options['length']); if(!$content){ $content = file_get_contents($file); } if($content===false){ return $this->_trigger_error( "Cann't open file: " . $file , self::ERR_FILE_READ , $file , __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } Debug::mark('start_decode_realtime_file'); $this->_log("Try to decode data"); $rawdata = $this->_decode($content); //$rawdata = $content; if(!$rawdata){ return $this->_trigger_error("Cann't decode data" , self::ERR_FILE_READ , $file , __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } $this->_log("Succ decoded!"); Debug::mark('end_decode_realtime_file'); $this->_log("Cost time " . Debug::useTime('start_decode_realtime_file','end_decode_realtime_file').'s'); $length = strlen($rawdata); $this->_readpos = 0; static $float_fields = array( 'Price3' , 'Vol2' , 'OpenInt' , 'Price2' , 'LastClose' , 'Open' , 'High' , 'Low' , 'NewPrice' , 'Volume' , 'Amount' , 'BP1' , 'BP2' , 'BP3' , 'BP4' , 'BP5' , 'BV1' , 'BV2' , 'BV3' , 'BV4' , 'BV5' , 'SP1' , 'SP2' , 'SP3' , 'SP4' , 'SP5' , 'SV1' , 'SV2' , 'SV3' , 'SV4' , 'SV5' , ); Debug::mark('start_process_realtime_data'); $this->_log("Try to process data"); $line = 0; // 當前行數 $readpos = 0; // 當前文件讀取位置 for ($i=0;$i<$length;$i+=$options['length']) { $line++; // 當前行數+1 $fieldValues = array(); // 行字段值 // 行原始數據 $rowdata = substr($rawdata, $readpos, $options['length']); $readpos += $options['length']; // 行數據處理 $rowpos = 0; // 當前行讀取位置 $fieldValues['Time'] = current(unpack('l', substr($rowdata, $rowpos, 4))); $rowpos += 4; $fieldValues['Symbol'] = trim(substr($rowdata, $rowpos, 12)); $rowpos += 12; $fieldValues['Name'] = substr($rowdata, $rowpos, 16); $rowpos += 16; //$fieldValues['Symbol'] = trim(mb_convert_encoding( $fieldValues['Symbol'], 'utf-8', 'gbk' )); $fieldValues['Name'] = trim(mb_convert_encoding( $fieldValues['Name'], 'utf-8', 'gbk' )); foreach($float_fields as $f){ $fieldValues[$f] = current(unpack('f', substr($rowdata, $rowpos, 4))); $rowpos += 4; $fieldValues[$f] = sprintf ( '%.3f', $fieldValues[$f] ); } $fieldValues['recordtime'] = $this->_download_time; $aReturn[$line] = SQLKit::replace_stmt($this->_table, $fieldValues); $aReturn5Min[$line] = SQLKit::replace_stmt($this->_table_5min, $fieldValues); $this->_stats['total']++; $this->_stats['succ']++; } $this->_log("End process realtime data"); Debug::mark('end_process_realtime_data'); $this->_log("Cost time " . Debug::useTime('start_process_realtime_data','end_process_realtime_data').'s'); Debug::mark('start_save_realtime_data'); $this->_log("Try to save realtime data"); // 寫入內存 /* $oCache = Cache::getInstance(); $cache_id = 'SHSZ_REALTIME_DATA'; $cache_expire = 3600; $cache_data = array( 'serialized' => 0, 'created' => time(), 'expire' => $cache_expire, 'data' => $aReturn, ); $oCache->set($cache_id, $cache_data, $cache_expire);*/ // 寫入數據庫 $mysqli = $this->_mysqli(); // 檢測是否已有更新 $interval = C('STOCK_REALTIME_UPDATE_INTERVAL'); if($interval && $interval>0 && (time()-$this->_download_stamp)>=$interval && $fieldValues['Time']){ /* Select queries return a resultset */ $result = $mysqli->query ( "Select Time FROM " . $this->_table . " LIMIT 1" ); if ($result) { $row = $result->fetch_assoc (); /* free result set */ $result->close (); if ($row && $row ['Time'] && $row ['Time'] > $fieldValues ['Time']) { $this->_log("Skip Update!"); $this->_setError("Exist record is newer (" . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $row ['Time'] ) . ") than current download data (" . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $fieldValues ['Time'] ) . ")"); return false; } } } //$chunk_sqls = array_chunk($aReturn, 1000); $chunk_sqls = array($aReturn); foreach ( $chunk_sqls as $sqls ) { $query = implode(';', $sqls); /* execute multi query */ if (false == $mysqli->multi_query ( $query )) { $error = 'Query Error'; $error .= ' (' . $mysqli->errno . ') '. $mysqli->error; /* do { $error .= ', (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ') '. $mysqli->connect_error; } while ( $mysqli->next_result () );*/ return $this->_trigger_error ( $error, self::ERR_DB_QUERY, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } // 釋放結果集 do { /* store first result set */ if ($result = $mysqli->store_result ()) { $result->close (); } } while ( $mysqli->next_result () ); } $chunk_sqls = array($aReturn5Min); foreach ( $chunk_sqls as $sqls ) { $query = implode(';', $sqls); /* execute multi query */ if (false == $mysqli->multi_query ( $query )) { $error = 'Query Error'; $error .= ' (' . $mysqli->errno . ') '. $mysqli->error; return $this->_trigger_error ( $error, self::ERR_DB_QUERY, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } // 釋放結果集 do { /* store first result set */ if ($result = $mysqli->store_result ()) { $result->close (); } } while ( $mysqli->next_result () ); } //$mysqli->close(); $this->_log("End save realtime data"); Debug::mark('end_save_realtime_data'); $this->_log("Cost time " . Debug::useTime('start_save_realtime_data','end_save_realtime_data').'s'); return $aReturn; } protected function _unpack_row($rowdata, $fields){ $rowpos = 0; $rowvalues = array(); foreach($fields as $field=>$f){ if(empty($f)){ continue; } $value = substr($rowdata, $rowpos, $f['length']); if($f['format']){ $value = current(unpack($f['format'], $value)); } $rowpos += $f['length']; $rowvalues[] = $value; } return $rowvalues; } protected function _run_field_callback($callback, $file, $line, $column, $field, $value, $options){ // 直接回調,提升性能 $func = $callback[1]; return $this->$func($file, $line, $column, $field, $value, $options); } protected function _run_row_callback($callback, $file, $line, $fieldValues, $rowValues, $options){ // 直接回調,提升性能 $func = $callback[1]; return $this->$func($file, $line, $fieldValues, $rowValues, $options); } public static function autoCharset($string, $from='gbk', $to='utf-8'){ $from = strtoupper($from) == 'UTF8' ? 'utf-8' : $from; $to = strtoupper($to) == 'UTF8' ? 'utf-8' : $to; if (strtoupper($from) === strtoupper($to) || empty($string) || (is_scalar($string) && !is_string($string))) { //若是編碼相同或者非字符串標量則不轉換 return $string; } if (is_string($string)) { if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { return mb_convert_encoding($string, $to, $from); } elseif (function_exists('iconv')) { return iconv($from, $to, $string); } else { return $string; } } elseif (is_array($string)) { foreach ($string as $key => $val) { $_key = self::autoCharset($key, $from, $to); $string[$_key] = self::autoCharset($val, $from, $to); if ($key != $_key) unset($string[$key]); } return $string; } else { return $string; } } /* sub subRPT156_CSV { local(*mydata); my($i,$i2,$str,$j,$buffer,@f,$fstr,$s2,$k); *mydata = $_[0];$i2=length($mydata);print($i2."\r\n"); $buf1=' 'x1024000;$s2="時間,代碼,名稱,price3,vol2,Open_Int,price2,LastClose,Open,High,Low,NewPrice,Volume,Amount,BP1,BP2,BP3,BP4,BP5,BV1,BV2,BV3,BV4,BV5,SP1,SP2,SP3,SP4,SP5,SV1,SV2,SV3,SV4,SV5\r\n"; $k=0;&subBufferReplace(*buf1,$s2,$k);$k+=length($s2); for ($i=0;$i<$i2;$i+=156) { $str=substr($mydata,$i,156); $m_time=unpack("l",substr($str,0,4));($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wan) = gmtime($m_time+28800);$year=$year+1900; $mon=$mon+1; $m_szLabel=substr($str,4,12);$m_szLabel=~s/\x00//g; $m_szName=substr($str,16,16);$m_szName=~s/\x00//g; $fstr="%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d,%s,%s"; for ($j=0;$j<31;$j++) { $f[$j]=unpack("f",substr($str,32+$j*4,4)); $fstr.=",%.3f";};$fstr.="\r\n"; $s2=sprintf($fstr,$year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec,$m_szLabel,$m_szName,$f[0],$f[1],$f[2],$f[3],$f[4],$f[5],$f[6],$f[7],$f[8],$f[9],$f[10],$f[11],$f[12],$f[13],$f[14],$f[15],$f[16],$f[17],$f[18],$f[19],$f[20],$f[21],$f[22],$f[23],$f[24],$f[25],$f[26],$f[27],$f[28],$f[29],$f[30]); &subBufferReplace(*buf1,$s2,$k);$k+=length($s2); } $mydata=substr($buf1,0,$k); return 1; } */ } 頂 0 踩 0 上一篇FreeBSD10.0上安裝Coreseek-4.1補丁 下一篇郵件羣發及自動統計退信、動態調整發送策略 相關文章推薦 • [轉] 獲取實時股票數據與股票數據接口API • Presto服務治理與架構優化在京東的實踐應用--王哲涵 • 一個用Python編寫的股票數據(滬深)爬蟲和選股策略測試框架 • 【免費直播】Python最佳學習路線--韋瑋 • 股票數據導出分析(一)---數據導入MySQL以及網頁表格簡單show出來 • JS-SDK開發與微信支付 • 網站實時股票數據接口 • Spring Cloud微服務真實場景實戰解析 • 股票數據讀取接口Delphi源碼,RSR證券實時行情顯示 • 10小時深刻掌握 Kubernetes • 股票數據實時獲取 • JDK9新特性 • Matlab經過Yahoo與Sina獲取歷史與實時股票數據 • 實時股票數據接口大全 • 實時股票數據接口大全 • Excel使用VBA讀取實時WebService股票數據 查看評論 暫無評論 您尚未登陸,請[登陸]或[註冊] * 以上用戶言論只表明其我的觀點,不表明CSDN網站的觀點或立場 我的資料 訪問個人空間 PHP猿 1 訪問:3757次 積分:99 等級: 排名:千里以外 原創:6篇轉載:0篇譯文:0篇評論:13條 文章搜索 搜索 文章分類 PHP(5) 文章存檔 2017年01月(5) 2014年05月(1) 閱讀排行 微信公衆號接口類(PHP版本)(959) 移動點對點CMPP協議接口類(PHP版本)(862) 歷年滬深A股、香港H股票數據導入和實時數據更新展現(782) 在線批量部署網站代碼和數據庫版本更新升級(435) FreeBSD10.0上安裝Coreseek-4.1補丁(369) 郵件羣發及自動統計退信、動態調整發送策略