1 [tester] 2 name = Jason 3 4 [mysqlconf] 5 host = 6 port = 3306 7 user = root 8 password = 123456 9 db_name = guest 10 11 [user] 12 # 發送郵箱服務器 13 HOST_SERVER = smtp.163.com 14 # 郵件發件人 15 FROM = 111@163.com 16 # 郵件收件人 17 TO = 222@126.com 18 # 發送郵箱用戶名/密碼 19 user = aaa 20 password = aaa 21 # 郵件主題 22 SUBJECT = 發佈會系統接口自動化測試報告
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 3 __author__ = 'YinJia' 4 5 import os,sys 6 sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) 7 from config import setting 8 from pymysql import connect,cursors 9 from pymysql.err import OperationalError 10 import configparser as cparser 11 12 # --------- 讀取config.ini配置文件 --------------- 13 cf = cparser.ConfigParser() 14 cf.read(setting.TEST_CONFIG,encoding='UTF-8') 15 host = cf.get("mysqlconf","host") 16 port = cf.get("mysqlconf","port") 17 user = cf.get("mysqlconf","user") 18 password = cf.get("mysqlconf","password") 19 db = cf.get("mysqlconf","db_name") 20 21 class DB: 22 """ 23 MySQL基本操做 24 """ 25 def __init__(self): 26 try: 27 # 鏈接數據庫 28 self.conn = connect(host = host, 29 user = user, 30 password = password, 31 db = db, 32 charset = 'utf8mb4', 33 cursorclass = cursors.DictCursor 34 ) 35 except OperationalError as e: 36 print("Mysql Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0],e.args[1])) 37 38 # 清除表數據 39 def clear(self,table_name): 40 real_sql = "delete from " + table_name + ";" 41 with self.conn.cursor() as cursor: 42 # 取消表的外鍵約束 43 cursor.execute("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;") 44 cursor.execute(real_sql) 45 self.conn.commit() 46 47 # 插入表數據 48 def insert(self, table_name, table_data): 49 for key in table_data: 50 table_data[key] = "'"+str(table_data[key])+"'" 51 key = ','.join(table_data.keys()) 52 value = ','.join(table_data.values()) 53 real_sql = "INSERT INTO " + table_name + " (" + key + ") VALUES (" + value + ")" 54 55 with self.conn.cursor() as cursor: 56 cursor.execute(real_sql) 57 self.conn.commit() 58 59 # 關閉數據庫 60 def close(self): 61 self.conn.close() 62 63 # 初始化數據 64 def init_data(self, datas): 65 for table, data in datas.items(): 66 self.clear(table) 67 for d in data: 68 self.insert(table, d) 69 self.close()
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 3 __author__ = 'YinJia' 4 5 import sys, time, os 6 sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) 7 from db_fixture.mysql_db import DB 8 9 # 定義過去時間 10 past_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(time.time()-100000)) 11 # 定義未來時間 12 future_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(time.time()+10000)) 13 14 # 建立測試數據 15 datas = { 16 # 發佈會表數據 17 'sign_event':[ 18 {'id':1,'name':'紅米Pro發佈會','`limit`':2000,'status':1,'address':'北京會展中心','start_time':future_time}, 19 {'id':2,'name':'蘋果iphon6發佈會','`limit`':1000,'status':1,'address':'寶安體育館','start_time':future_time}, 20 {'id':3,'name':'華爲榮耀8發佈會','`limit`':2000,'status':0,'address':'深圳福田會展中心','start_time':future_time}, 21 {'id':4,'name':'蘋果iphon8發佈會','`limit`':2000,'status':1,'address':'深圳灣體育中心','start_time':past_time}, 22 {'id':5,'name':'小米5發佈會','`limit`':2000,'status':1,'address':'北京國家會議中心','start_time':future_time}, 23 ], 24 # 嘉賓表數據 25 'sign_guest':[ 26 {'id':1,'realname':'Tom','phone':13511886601,'email':'alen@mail.com','sign':0,'event_id':1}, 27 {'id':2,'realname':'Jason','phone':13511886602,'email':'sign@mail.com','sign':1,'event_id':1}, 28 {'id':3,'realname':'Jams','phone':13511886603,'email':'tom@mail.com','sign':0,'event_id':5}, 29 ], 30 } 31 32 # 測試數據插入表 33 def init_data(): 34 DB().init_data(datas)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 3 __author__ = 'YinJia' 4 5 import os,sys 6 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) 7 sys.path.append(BASE_DIR) 8 9 # 配置文件 10 TEST_CONFIG = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,"database","config.ini") 11 # 測試用例模板文件 12 SOURCE_FILE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,"database","DemoAPITestCase.xlsx") 13 # excel測試用例結果文件 14 TARGET_FILE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,"report","excelReport","DemoAPITestCase.xlsx") 15 # 測試用例報告 16 TEST_REPORT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,"report") 17 # 測試用例程序文件 18 TEST_CASE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,"testcase")
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 3 __author__ = 'YinJia' 4 5 import os 6 7 def new_report(testreport): 8 """ 9 生成最新的測試報告文件 10 :param testreport: 11 :return:返回文件 12 """ 13 lists = os.listdir(testreport) 14 lists.sort(key=lambda fn: os.path.getmtime(testreport + "\\" + fn)) 15 file_new = os.path.join(testreport,lists[-1]) 16 return file_new
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 3 __author__ = 'YinJia' 4 5 import xlrd 6 7 class ReadExcel(): 8 """讀取excel文件數據""" 9 def __init__(self,fileName, SheetName="Sheet1"): 10 self.data = xlrd.open_workbook(fileName) 11 self.table = self.data.sheet_by_name(SheetName) 12 13 # 獲取總行數、總列數 14 self.nrows = self.table.nrows 15 self.ncols = self.table.ncols 16 def read_data(self): 17 if self.nrows > 1: 18 # 獲取第一行的內容,列表格式 19 keys = self.table.row_values(0) 20 listApiData = [] 21 # 獲取每一行的內容,列表格式 22 for col in range(1, self.nrows): 23 values = self.table.row_values(col) 24 # keys,values組合轉換爲字典 25 api_dict = dict(zip(keys, values)) 26 listApiData.append(api_dict) 27 return listApiData 28 else: 29 print("表格是空數據!") 30 return None
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 3 __author__ = 'YinJia' 4 5 import os,sys,json 6 sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) 7 8 9 class SendRequests(): 10 """發送請求數據""" 11 def sendRequests(self,s,apiData): 12 try: 13 #從讀取的表格中獲取響應的參數做爲傳遞 14 method = apiData["method"] 15 url = apiData["url"] 16 if apiData["params"] == "": 17 par = None 18 else: 19 par = eval(apiData["params"]) 20 if apiData["headers"] == "": 21 h = None 22 else: 23 h = eval(apiData["headers"]) 24 if apiData["body"] == "": 25 body_data = None 26 else: 27 body_data = eval(apiData["body"]) 28 type = apiData["type"] 29 v = False 30 if type == "data": 31 body = body_data 32 elif type == "json": 33 body = json.dumps(body_data) 34 else: 35 body = body_data 36 37 #發送請求 38 re = s.request(method=method,url=url,headers=h,params=par,data=body,verify=v) 39 return re 40 except Exception as e: 41 print(e)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 3 __author__ = 'YinJia' 4 5 import os,sys 6 sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) 7 from config import setting 8 import smtplib 9 from lib.newReport import new_report 10 import configparser 11 from email.mime.text import MIMEText 12 from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart 13 14 15 def send_mail(file_new): 16 """ 17 定義發送郵件 18 :param file_new: 19 :return: 成功:打印發送郵箱成功;失敗:返回失敗信息 20 """ 21 f = open(file_new,'rb') 22 mail_body = f.read() 23 f.close() 24 #發送附件 25 con = configparser.ConfigParser() 26 con.read(setting.TEST_CONFIG,encoding='utf-8') 27 report = new_report(setting.TEST_REPORT) 28 sendfile = open(report,'rb').read() 29 # --------- 讀取config.ini配置文件 --------------- 30 HOST = con.get("user","HOST_SERVER") 31 SENDER = con.get("user","FROM") 32 RECEIVER = con.get("user","TO") 33 USER = con.get("user","user") 34 PWD = con.get("user","password") 35 SUBJECT = con.get("user","SUBJECT") 36 37 att = MIMEText(sendfile,'base64','utf-8') 38 att["Content-Type"] = 'application/octet-stream' 39 att.add_header("Content-Disposition", "attachment", filename=("gbk", "", report)) 40 41 msg = MIMEMultipart('related') 42 msg.attach(att) 43 msgtext = MIMEText(mail_body,'html','utf-8') 44 msg.attach(msgtext) 45 msg['Subject'] = SUBJECT 46 msg['from'] = SENDER 47 msg['to'] = RECEIVER 48 49 try: 50 server = smtplib.SMTP() 51 server.connect(HOST) 52 server.starttls() 53 server.login(USER,PWD) 54 server.sendmail(SENDER,RECEIVER,msg.as_string()) 55 server.quit() 56 print("郵件發送成功!") 57 except Exception as e: 58 print("失敗: " + str(e))
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 3 __author__ = 'YinJia' 4 5 import os,sys 6 sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) 7 import shutil 8 from config import setting 9 from openpyxl import load_workbook 10 from openpyxl.styles import Font,Alignment 11 from openpyxl.styles.colors import RED,GREEN,DARKYELLOW 12 import configparser as cparser 13 14 # --------- 讀取config.ini配置文件 --------------- 15 cf = cparser.ConfigParser() 16 cf.read(setting.TEST_CONFIG,encoding='UTF-8') 17 name = cf.get("tester","name") 18 19 class WriteExcel(): 20 """文件寫入數據""" 21 def __init__(self,fileName): 22 self.filename = fileName 23 if not os.path.exists(self.filename): 24 # 文件不存在,則拷貝模板文件至指定報告目錄下 25 shutil.copyfile(setting.SOURCE_FILE,setting.TARGET_FILE) 26 self.wb = load_workbook(self.filename) 27 self.ws = self.wb.active 28 29 def write_data(self,row_n,value): 30 """ 31 寫入測試結果 32 :param row_n:數據所在行數 33 :param value: 測試結果值 34 :return: 無 35 """ 36 font_GREEN = Font(name='宋體', color=GREEN, bold=True) 37 font_RED = Font(name='宋體', color=RED, bold=True) 38 font1 = Font(name='宋體', color=DARKYELLOW, bold=True) 39 align = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center') 40 # 獲數所在行數 41 L_n = "L" + str(row_n) 42 M_n = "M" + str(row_n) 43 if value == "PASS": 44 self.ws.cell(row_n, 12, value) 45 self.ws[L_n].font = font_GREEN 46 if value == "FAIL": 47 self.ws.cell(row_n, 12, value) 48 self.ws[L_n].font = font_RED 49 self.ws.cell(row_n, 13, name) 50 self.ws[L_n].alignment = align 51 self.ws[M_n].font = font1 52 self.ws[M_n].alignment = align 53 self.wb.save(self.filename)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 3 __author__ = 'YinJia' 4 5 import os,sys 6 sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) 7 import unittest,requests,ddt 8 from config import setting 9 from lib.readexcel import ReadExcel 10 from lib.sendrequests import SendRequests 11 from lib.writeexcel import WriteExcel 12 13 testData = ReadExcel(setting.SOURCE_FILE, "Sheet1").read_data() 14 15 @ddt.ddt 16 class Demo_API(unittest.TestCase): 17 """發佈會系統""" 18 def setUp(self): 19 self.s = requests.session() 20 21 def tearDown(self): 22 pass 23 24 @ddt.data(*testData) 25 def test_api(self,data): 26 # 獲取ID字段數值,截取結尾數字並去掉開頭0 27 rowNum = int(data['ID'].split("_")[2]) 28 # 發送請求 29 re = SendRequests().sendRequests(self.s,data) 30 # 獲取服務端返回的值 31 self.result = re.json() 32 # 獲取excel表格數據的狀態碼和消息 33 readData_code = int(data["status_code"]) 34 readData_msg = data["msg"] 35 if readData_code == self.result['status'] and readData_msg == self.result['message']: 36 OK_data = "PASS" 37 WriteExcel(setting.TARGET_FILE).write_data(rowNum + 1,OK_data) 38 if readData_code != self.result['status'] or readData_msg != self.result['message']: 39 NOT_data = "FAIL" 40 WriteExcel(setting.TARGET_FILE).write_data(rowNum + 1,NOT_data) 41 self.assertEqual(self.result['status'], readData_code, "返回實際結果是->:%s" % self.result['status']) 42 self.assertEqual(self.result['message'], readData_msg, "返回實際結果是->:%s" % self.result['message']) 43 44 if __name__=='__main__': 45 unittest.main()
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 3 __author__ = 'YinJia' 4 5 6 import os,sys 7 sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) 8 from config import setting 9 import unittest,time 10 from HTMLTestRunner import HTMLTestRunner 11 from lib.sendmail import send_mail 12 from lib.newReport import new_report 13 from db_fixture import test_data 14 from package.HTMLTestRunner import HTMLTestRunner 15 16 def add_case(test_path=setting.TEST_CASE): 17 """加載全部的測試用例""" 18 discover = unittest.defaultTestLoader.discover(test_path, pattern='*API.py') 19 return discover 20 21 def run_case(all_case,result_path=setting.TEST_REPORT): 22 """執行全部的測試用例""" 23 24 # 初始化接口測試數據 25 test_data.init_data() 26 27 now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H_%M_%S") 28 filename = result_path + '/' + now + 'result.html' 29 fp = open(filename,'wb') 30 runner = HTMLTestRunner(stream=fp,title='發佈會系統接口自動化測試報告', 31 description='環境:windows 7 瀏覽器:chrome', 32 tester='Jason') 33 runner.run(all_case) 34 fp.close() 35 report = new_report(setting.TEST_REPORT) #調用模塊生成最新的報告 36 send_mail(report) #調用發送郵件模塊 37 38 if __name__ =="__main__": 39 cases = add_case() 40 run_case(cases)