Audio Codec Encoder 中包含大量錯誤重傳、減小傳輸量、QoS分析、網絡質量等的優化部分。如:web
// This is the interface class for encoders in AudioCoding module. Each codec // type must have an implementation of this class. class AudioEncoder { public: virtual ~AudioEncoder() = default; // 設置採樣率和通道數。 virtual int SampleRateHz() const = 0; virtual size_t NumChannels() const = 0; // 返回採樣率 SampleRate Hz. 採樣率從8 kHz(窄帶)到48 kHz(全頻) // 人對頻率的識別範圍是 20HZ ~ 20kHZ // 電話採樣率 8kHZ virtual int RtpTimestampRateHz() const; // 下一個編碼包中,10 ms內的編碼幀數。 // 每一個包編碼出來的幀數可能會不同。 virtual size_t Num10MsFramesInNextPacket() const = 0; // 10ms編碼 最大幀數 virtual size_t Max10MsFramesInAPacket() const = 0; // 當前的比特率 bits/s (碼率). //Opus 支持恆定比特率(CBR)和可變比特率(VBR) virtual int GetTargetBitrate() const = 0; // 編碼動做,實際會調用 EncodeImpl()。 // 輸入一個10 ms音頻包 // 多通道音頻須要交叉編碼。 // Audio.size() == SampleRateHz() * NumChannels / 100 EncodedInfo Encode(uint32_t rtp_timestamp, rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio, rtc::Buffer* encoded); // 編碼結果包發出以前,從新編碼 virtual void Reset() = 0; // Enables or disables codec-internal FEC (forward error correction). // 名詞:NACK重傳, FEC(前向糾錯) // 題外:若是視頻Codec選擇爲H264的時候, FEC,RED是被關閉的。 // 參見 virtual bool SetFec(bool enable); // DTX(不連續傳輸) // Enables or disables codec-internal VAD(靜音檢測,Voice Activity Detector)/DTX(不連續傳輸Discontinuous Transmission)/. // 主要應用在不活躍的語音週期中,下降傳輸速率,同時保持可接受的輸出質量。 // VAD將輸入信號分類爲活動語音、非活動語音和背景噪聲。 // 基於VAD決策,DTX在靜默期間插入靜默插入描述符(SID)幀。 // 在靜默期間,SID幀被週期性地發送到CNG(溫馨噪音生成)模塊,該模塊在接收端的非活動語音期間產生環境噪聲。 virtual bool SetDtx(bool enable); // Returns the status of codec-internal DTX. virtual bool GetDtx() const; // Sets the application mode. enum class Application { kSpeech, kAudio }; virtual bool SetApplication(Application application); // 設置播放(decoder)的最大采樣率。 virtual void SetMaxPlaybackRate(int frequency_hz); RTC_DEPRECATED virtual void SetTargetBitrate(int target_bps); // NOTE: This method is subject to change. Do not call or override it. virtual rtc::ArrayView<std::unique_ptr<AudioEncoder>> ReclaimContainedEncoders(); // Enables audio network adaptor. Returns true if successful. virtual bool EnableAudioNetworkAdaptor(const std::string& config_string, RtcEventLog* event_log); // Disables audio network adaptor. virtual void DisableAudioNetworkAdaptor(); // Provides uplink packet loss fraction to this encoder to allow it to adapt. // 上行鏈路包丟失片段處理 // |uplink_packet_loss_fraction| is in the range [0.0, 1.0]. // The uplink packet loss fractions as set by the ANA FEC controller. virtual void OnReceivedUplinkPacketLossFraction( float uplink_packet_loss_fraction); // 能夠FEC前向糾錯的部分。 // Provides 1st-order-FEC-recoverable uplink packet loss rate to this encoder // to allow it to adapt. // |uplink_recoverable_packet_loss_fraction| is in the range [0.0, 1.0]. virtual void OnReceivedUplinkRecoverablePacketLossFraction( float uplink_recoverable_packet_loss_fraction); // Provides target audio bitrate to this encoder to allow it to adapt. virtual void OnReceivedTargetAudioBitrate(int target_bps); // Provides target audio bitrate and corresponding probing interval of // the bandwidth estimator to this encoder to allow it to adapt. virtual void OnReceivedUplinkBandwidth(int target_audio_bitrate_bps, absl::optional<int64_t> bwe_period_ms); // Provides target audio bitrate and corresponding probing interval of // the bandwidth estimator to this encoder to allow it to adapt. virtual void OnReceivedUplinkAllocation(BitrateAllocationUpdate update); // RTT:round-trip time(往返時延),是指從數據包發送開始,到接收端確認接收, // 而後發送確認給發送端總共經歷的延時,注意:不包括接收端處理須要的耗時。 // Sender:s(t0)-------------------------------------->Receiver:r(t1) // Sender:r(t3)<---------------------------------------Receiver:s(t2) // rtt時間=t1-t0+t3-t2=t3-t0-(t2-t1)=t3-t0-d d(接收端處理耗時) // Provides RTT to this encoder to allow it to adapt. virtual void OnReceivedRtt(int rtt_ms); // Overhead 每一個包中Encoder帶來的字節大小。 // Provides overhead to this encoder to adapt. The overhead is the number of // bytes that will be added to each packet the encoder generates. virtual void OnReceivedOverhead(size_t overhead_bytes_per_packet); // To allow encoder to adapt its frame length, it must be provided the frame // length range that receivers can accept. virtual void SetReceiverFrameLengthRange(int min_frame_length_ms, int max_frame_length_ms); // 網絡適配 統計用 // Get statistics related to audio network adaptation. virtual ANAStats GetANAStats() const; protected: // 真正的Encoding部分 // Subclasses implement this to perform the actual encoding. Called by // Encode(). virtual EncodedInfo EncodeImpl(uint32_t rtp_timestamp, rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio, rtc::Buffer* encoded) = 0; };