5.拼接SQL 並執行遍歷
package electricityMonitor; import java.awt.*; import java.sql.*; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle; import org.jfree.data.time.*; import org.json.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Timer; import org.jfree.chart.*; import org.jfree.chart.plot.*; public class ElectricityMonitor { private static String USERNAMR = "mine"; private static String PASSWORD = "mine"; private static String DRVIER = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"; private static String URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@"; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement pstm = null; ResultSet rs = null; static String equidRs; private static ElectricityMonitor instance = null; public static ElectricityMonitor getInstance() { if (instance == null) instance = new ElectricityMonitor(); return instance; } //實時插入數據 private ElectricityMonitor() { connection = getConnection(); TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { public void run() { insertData(); } }; Timer timer = new Timer(); long delay = 0; long intevalPeriod = 1 * 1000; timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, delay, intevalPeriod); } //獲取where條件子句 private String getWhereStr(String condition){ String ret = ""; try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(condition); String areaname = obj.getString("areaname"); String equid = obj.getString("equid"); String equname = obj.getString("equname"); if (! areaname.trim().equals("")) { ret += String.format(" areaname = '%s' ", areaname); } if (! equid.trim().equals("")) { if (!ret.equals("")) ret += " and "; ret += String.format(" equid = '%s' ", equid); } if (! equname.trim().equals("")) { if (!ret.equals("")) ret += " and "; ret += String.format(" equname = '%s'", equname); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } private boolean containField(String fieldList, String field) { if (fieldList.equals("*")) return true; fieldList = fieldList.toUpperCase(); field = field.toUpperCase(); return (fieldList.indexOf(field) > -1); } //獲取json{共幾頁,當前頁碼,共幾條,起始條數,終止條數,數據list} public String query(String qSubstation, String condition, String fields, int pageNum) { String whereStr = getWhereStr(condition); String sql = String.format( " select %s from electr_equ where substation = '%s' %s ", fields, qSubstation, (whereStr.equals(""))? "" : " and " + whereStr ); try { int totalRecords = 0; pstm = connection.prepareStatement(sql); rs = pstm.executeQuery(); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); boolean firstRow = true; int recordStart = (pageNum - 1) * 10 + 1; int recordEnd = (pageNum - 1) * 10 + 1; while (rs.next()) { totalRecords ++; if (totalRecords < recordStart) continue; if (totalRecords > recordEnd) continue; String row = ""; if (containField(fields, "substation")) { String substation = rs.getString("substation"); if (!row.equals("")) row = ", "; row += String.format(""%s"", substation); } if (containField(fields, "areaname")) { String areaname = rs.getString("areaname"); if (!row.equals("")) row = ", "; row += String.format(""%s"", areaname); } if (containField(fields, "i_a")) { String i_a = rs.getString("i_a"); if (!row.equals("")) row = ", "; row += String.format("%.2f", i_a); } if (containField(fields, "u_a")) { String u_a = rs.getString("u_a"); if (!row.equals("")) row = ", "; row += String.format("%.2f", u_a); } if (containField(fields, "w_a")) { String w_a = rs.getString("w_a"); if (!row.equals("")) row = ", "; row += String.format("%.2f", w_a); } if (firstRow) buff.append(", "); else firstRow = false; buff.append(row); } int totalPages = (totalRecords % 10 == 0)? (totalRecords/10) : ((totalRecords/10) + 1); if (recordEnd > totalRecords) recordEnd = totalRecords; if (pageNum > totalPages) pageNum = totalPages; String dataStr = buff.toString(); String dataJson=String.format( "{"totalRecords": %d, " + ""recordStart": %d, " + ""recordEnd": %d, " + ""totalPages": %d, " + ""pageNumber": %d, " + ""data": [ %s ]" + "}", totalRecords, recordStart, recordEnd, totalPages, pageNum, dataStr ); return dataJson; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { ReleaseResource(); } return null; } //自定義SQL語句 private void insertData(){ String sql ="insert into electr_data(substation,equid,equname,areaname,i_a,u_a,w_a,data_time) " + "select substation,equid,equname,areaname,i_a,u_a,w_a,sysdate from electr_equ"; try { pstm = connection.prepareStatement(sql); pstm.executeQuery(); } catch (SQLException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally { ReleaseResource(); } } //定義HashMap public HashMap<String, Vector> hash = new HashMap<String, Vector>(); //拼接SQL 並執行遍歷獲取jfreechart數據源 public void drawChart(String substation, String condition, String col, String dtStart, String dtEnd) { Second sec = null; Statement stat = null; String whereStr = getWhereStr(condition); String sql = String.format( "select equid , equname , %s, d2c(data_time) from electr_data where substation = '%s' %s ", col, substation, (whereStr.equals("")) ? "" : " and " + whereStr ); boolean startNull = dtStart.equals(""); boolean endNull = dtEnd.equals(""); if (startNull && endNull) { sql += " and data_time <= sysdate"; sql += " and data_time >= sysdate-8.0/24.0"; } else if (startNull && (!endNull)) { sql += " and data_time >= c2d('" + dtEnd + ":00') - 8.0/24.0"; sql += " and data_time <= c2d('" + dtEnd + ":00')"; } else if ((!startNull) && endNull) { sql += " and data_time >= c2d('" + dtStart + ":00')"; } else { sql += " and data_time >= c2d('" + dtStart + ":00')"; sql += " and data_time <= c2d('" + dtEnd + ":00')"; } try { stat = connection.createStatement(); rs = stat.executeQuery(sql); while (rs.next()){ equidRs=rs.getString(1); String name = rs.getString(2); float colValue = rs.getFloat(3); String time = rs.getString(4); int year = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0,4)); int mont = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(5,7)); int iday = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(8,10)); Day day = new Day(iday, mont, year); int iHour = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(11,13)); Hour hour = new Hour(iHour, day); int iMinu = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(14,16)); Minute minu = new Minute(iMinu, hour); int iSec = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(17,19)); sec = new Second(iSec, minu); Vector v=hash.get(equidRs); if(v == null) { v = hash.put(equidRs, new Vector()); }else{ v.add(sec); v.add(colValue); } } rs.close(); String rangeAxis; if(col.equals("i_a")){ rangeAxis="電流"; }else if(col.equals("u_a")){ rangeAxis="電壓"; }else{ rangeAxis="功率"; } StandardChartTheme mChartTheme = new StandardChartTheme("CN"); mChartTheme.setLargeFont(new Font("黑體", Font.PLAIN, 15)); mChartTheme.setExtraLargeFont(new Font("黑體", Font.PLAIN, 15)); mChartTheme.setRegularFont(new Font("黑體", Font.PLAIN, 15)); ChartFactory.setChartTheme(mChartTheme); TimeSeriesCollection dataset=GetCollection(hash); JFreeChart timeSeriesChart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( "折線圖", //圖表標題 "時間", //X軸標題 rangeAxis, //Y軸標題 dataset, //繪圖數據集 true, //顯示圖例 true, //採用標準生成器 false); //是否生成超連接 //設置主標題 timeSeriesChart.setTitle(new TextTitle(substation, new Font("宋體", Font.PLAIN, 18))); //獲取圖表區域對象 XYPlot plot = timeSeriesChart.getXYPlot(); XYItemRenderer r = plot.getRenderer(); if(r instanceof XYLineAndShapeRenderer) { XYLineAndShapeRenderer axis = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer)r; axis.setBaseShapesVisible(true); axis.setBaseShapesFilled(true); axis.setDrawSeriesLineAsPath(true); } ChartFrame mChartFrame = new ChartFrame("折線圖", timeSeriesChart); mChartFrame.pack(); mChartFrame.setVisible(true); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ if (stat!=null){ try { stat.close(); stat=null; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ReleaseResource(); } } //獲取繪圖數據集 public static TimeSeriesCollection GetCollection(HashMap<String, Vector> hash){ TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); Iterator iter = hash.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()){ Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); Object key = entry.getKey(); Object val = entry.getValue(); String[] arr = val.toString().split(","); TimeSeries timeSeries = new TimeSeries("ID:"+(Comparable) key); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if ((2 * i + 1) < arr.length) { String t = arr[2 * i].replace('[', ' ').replace(']', ' ').trim(); String a = arr[2 * i + 1].replace('[', ' ').replace(']', ' ').trim(); Date date1 = new Date(t); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String sDate = sdf.format(date1); int year = Integer.parseInt(sDate.substring(0,4)); int mont = Integer.parseInt(sDate.substring(5,7)); int iday = Integer.parseInt(sDate.substring(8, 10)); Day day = new Day(iday, mont, year); int iHour = Integer.parseInt(sDate.substring(11,13)); Hour hour = new Hour(iHour, day); int iMinu = Integer.parseInt(sDate.substring(14,16)); Minute minu = new Minute(iMinu, hour); int iSec = Integer.parseInt(sDate.substring(17,19)); Second sec1 = new Second(iSec, minu); timeSeries.addOrUpdate(sec1, Double.parseDouble(a)); } } dataset.addSeries(timeSeries); } return dataset; } public static void main(String[] args){ ElectricityMonitor em=new ElectricityMonitor(); em.drawChart("變電所1","{"equid": "","equname": "","areaname": ""}","i_a","","2018-1-8 15:00"); } public Connection getConnection(){ try { Class.forName(DRVIER); connection = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, USERNAMR, PASSWORD); System.out.println("成功鏈接數據庫"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("class not find !", e); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("get connection error!", e); } return connection; } public void ReleaseResource(){ if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); rs=null; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (pstm != null) { try { pstm.close(); pstm=null; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
public class SensorInfo { public String eqid = ""; public String sensorType = ""; public String unit = ""; public String alarmMin = ""; public String alarmMax = ""; public String value = ""; public SensorInfo(String eqid, String sensorType, String unit, String alarmMin, String alarmMax, String value) { this.eqid = eqid; this.sensorType = sensorType; this.unit = unit; this.alarmMin = alarmMin; this.alarmMax = alarmMax; this.value = value; } } public SensorInfo getSensorInfo(String eqid,String dtStart,String dtEnd) { try { String sql = String.format( "select sensorType, unit, alarmMin, alarmMax,value from cddy where id='%s' ", eqid ); JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(queryNoPage(sql)); if (arr.length() > 0) { String row = arr.getString(0); String values[] = row.split(","); return new SensorInfo(eqid, values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3], values[4]); } sql = String.format( "select sensorType,value from cddy1 where id='%s' ", eqid ); arr = new JSONArray(queryNoPage(sql)); if (arr.length() > 0) { String row = arr.getString(0); String values[] = row.split(","); return new SensorInfo(eqid, values[0], "", "", "",values[1] ); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
private HashMap<String, Vector<TimeValue>> hash = new HashMap<String, Vector<TimeValue>>(); public void drawChart(String eqid,String dtStart,String dtEnd,OutputStream os) { SensorInfo sensorInfo = getSensorInfo(eqid, dtStart, dtEnd); String unit= ""; String max = ""; String min = ""; String sensortype=""; String value = ""; String valueSSSJ = ""; if (sensorInfo!=null){ unit= sensorInfo.unit; max = sensorInfo.alarmMax; min = sensorInfo.alarmMin; sensortype=sensorInfo.sensorType; value = sensorInfo.value; } String sql = String.format( "select id,value,d2c(nowtime) from sssj where id='%s'", eqid ); boolean startNull = dtStart.equals(""); boolean endNull = dtEnd.equals(""); if (startNull && endNull) { sql += " and nowtime <= sysdate"; sql += " and nowtime >= sysdate-8.0/24.0"; } else if (startNull && (!endNull)) { sql += " and nowtime >= c2d('"+dtEnd+"') - 8.0/24.0"; sql += " and nowtime <= c2d('"+dtEnd+"')"; } else if ((!startNull) && endNull) { sql += " and nowtime >= c2d('"+dtStart+"')"; } else { sql += " and nowtime >= c2d('"+dtStart+"')"; sql += " and nowtime <= c2d('"+dtEnd+"')"; } try { String str = queryNoPage(sql); System.out.println("drawChart:\n" + str); JSONArray jarr = new JSONArray(str); for(int i = 0; i < jarr.length(); i ++){ String row = jarr.getString(i); String[] cols = row.split(","); valueSSSJ = cols[1]; String time = cols[2]; Vector<TimeValue> v = hash.get(eqid); if(v == null) { v = new Vector<TimeValue>(); v = hash.put(eqid,v); }else{ v.add(new TimeValue(time, valueSSSJ)); } if (!max.equals("")&&!min.equals("")){ v = hash.get("max"); if(v == null) { v = new Vector<TimeValue>(); v = hash.put("max",v); }else{ v.add(new TimeValue(time, max)); } v = hash.get("min"); if(v == null) { v = new Vector<TimeValue>(); v = hash.put("min", v); }else{ v.add(new TimeValue(time, min)); } } } if (str.equals("[]")) unit=""; StandardChartTheme mChartTheme = new StandardChartTheme("CN"); mChartTheme.setLargeFont(new Font("黑體", Font.PLAIN, 15)); mChartTheme.setExtraLargeFont(new Font("黑體", Font.PLAIN, 15)); mChartTheme.setRegularFont(new Font("黑體", Font.PLAIN, 15)); ChartFactory.setChartTheme(mChartTheme); TimeSeriesCollection dataset=GetCollection(hash); JFreeChart timeSeriesChart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( "折線圖", //圖表標題 "時間", //X軸標題 unit, //Y軸標題 dataset, //繪圖數據集 true, //顯示圖例 true, //採用標準生成器 false //是否生成超連接 ); //設置主標題 String titleName = ""; if (str.equals("[]"))titleName="此區間無數據"; boolean flag=sensorTypeHash.containsKey(sensortype); if (flag) { titleName = sensorTypeHash.get(sensortype); } timeSeriesChart.setTitle(new TextTitle(titleName, new Font("宋體", Font.PLAIN, 18))); //獲取圖表區域對象 XYPlot plot = timeSeriesChart.getXYPlot(); XYItemRenderer r = plot.getRenderer(); if(r instanceof XYLineAndShapeRenderer) { XYLineAndShapeRenderer axis = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer)r; axis.setBaseShapesVisible(true); axis.setBaseShapesFilled(true); axis.setDrawSeriesLineAsPath(true); } NumberAxis numAxis = (NumberAxis)plot.getRangeAxis(); if (max.equals("")||min.equals("")){ //設置y顯示方式 numAxis.setAutoTickUnitSelection(false);//數據軸的數據標籤是否自動肯定 double rangetick = 1D; numAxis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(rangetick)); //y軸單位間隔爲0.1 numAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(true); } if (!valueSSSJ.equals("0")&&!valueSSSJ.equals("00")&&!valueSSSJ.equals("")){ valueSSSJ = valueSSSJ.replace("\"",""); double orValue = Double.parseDouble(valueSSSJ); numAxis.setAutoTickUnitSelection(false);//數據軸的數據標籤是否自動肯定 double rangetick = 1D; if (orValue>30&&orValue<=100){ rangetick = 5D; }else if (orValue>100){ rangetick = 10D; } numAxis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(rangetick)); numAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(true); } if (!max.equals("null")&&!max.equals("")){ if (Double.parseDouble(max)>30&&Double.parseDouble(max)<=100){ numAxis.setAutoTickUnitSelection(false);//數據軸的數據標籤是否自動肯定 double rangetick = 5D; numAxis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(rangetick)); numAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(true); }else if (Double.parseDouble(max)>100){ numAxis.setAutoTickUnitSelection(false);//數據軸的數據標籤是否自動肯定 double rangetick = 10D; numAxis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(rangetick)); numAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(true); } } //設置x軸顯示方式 DateAxis dateaxis = (DateAxis)plot.getDomainAxis(); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd HH:mm"); dateaxis.setDateFormatOverride(format); ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(os, timeSeriesChart, 1200, 300); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private TimeSeriesCollection GetCollection(HashMap<String, Vector<TimeValue>> hash){ TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Vector<TimeValue>>> iter = hash.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()){ Map.Entry<String, Vector<TimeValue>> entry = iter.next(); String key = entry.getKey(); Vector<TimeValue> vect = entry.getValue(); TimeSeries timeSeries; if(key.equals("max")){ timeSeries = new TimeSeries("最大值 "); } else if(key.equals("min")){ timeSeries = new TimeSeries("最小值 "); } else{ timeSeries = new TimeSeries("編號:"+key+" "); } for (int i = 0; i < vect.size(); i ++) { TimeValue tv = vect.get(i); String sDate = tv.time; int year = Integer.parseInt(sDate.substring(0,4)); int mont = Integer.parseInt(sDate.substring(5,7)); int iday = Integer.parseInt(sDate.substring(8, 10)); Day day = new Day(iday, mont, year); int iHour = Integer.parseInt(sDate.substring(11,13)); Hour hour = new Hour(iHour, day); int iMinu = Integer.parseInt(sDate.substring(14,16)); Minute minu = new Minute(iMinu, hour); int iSec = Integer.parseInt(sDate.substring(17,19)); Second sec1 = new Second(iSec, minu); timeSeries.addOrUpdate(sec1,(tv.value).equals("null")? Double.parseDouble("0"):Double.parseDouble(tv.value)); } dataset.addSeries(timeSeries); } hash.clear(); return dataset; }