


The iPhone 7 Plus’ new dual-camera setup is great, but there’s one feature that stands out more than any other: Portrait mode. Using both cameras, the iPhone 7 Plus is able to work out where things are in relation to each other and, without Photoshop, make a smartphone photo look like it was taken with a DSLR. Let’s look at how it works and how to use it.

iPhone 7 Plus的新雙攝像頭設置很棒 ,但其中一項功能比其他任何功能都突出:縱向模式。 使用兩個攝像頭,iPhone 7 Plus可以確定彼此之間相對的位置,並且無需使用Photoshop,就可以使智能手機的照片看起來像使用DSLR拍攝的照片 。 讓我們看看它是如何工作的以及如何使用它。

Update: This article was originally written when Portrait Mode was first introduced on the iPhone 7 Plus. It’s since been included on other iPhones, including all iPhone 11 models as well as the iPhone XR, iPhone XS, and iPhone X.

更新 :本文最初是在iPhone 7 Plus上首次引入人像模式時撰寫的。 此後,它就被包括在其他所有iPhone中,包括所有iPhone 11型號以及iPhone XR,iPhone XS和iPhoneX。

iPhone如何模擬淺景深和人像外觀 (How the iPhone Emulates Shallow Depth of Field and the Portrait Look)

In photography, an image with a shallow depth of field is one where the subject is in focus but everything else is blurry and out of focus. It creates a really pleasing look that’s especially flattering for portraits.

在攝影中, 景深較淺的圖像是被攝對象清晰對焦的圖像,而其他所有圖像都是模糊不清晰的。 它創造出令人愉悅的外觀,特別適合肖像拍攝。

Normally, this effect is created using a wide aperture; the wider the aperture, the shallower the depth of field. Due to the limits of smartphone camera sensors, however, even with a wide aperture lens, it’s impossible to get a very shallow depth of field. The small sensor size and need for all the components to fit inside a phone just won’t allow it.

通常,此效果是使用大光圈創建的; 光圈越寬,景深越淺。 但是,由於智能手機相機傳感器的侷限性,即使使用大光圈鏡頭,也無法獲得非常淺的景深。 傳感器尺寸小,並且所有組件都必須安裝在手機內,這是不允許的。

The iPhone 7 Plus’s Portrait mode, seen in the image above, fakes the effect. Instead of using a wide aperture lens, it uses two cameras to create a depth map of the scene and selectively blurs certain areas it knows are further away. When it gets it right, it emulates the look of a portrait shot with a DSLR really well.

如上圖所示,iPhone 7 Plus的人像模式僞造了這種效果。 它沒有使用大光圈鏡頭,而是使用兩個攝像頭來創建場景的深度圖,並選擇性地模糊它知道較遠的某些區域。 正確安裝後,它可以很好地模擬用數碼單反相機拍攝的人像外觀。

To understand how this works, put your index about eighteen inches in front of your face and stare at it. First close your left eye. Then open your left eye and close your right eye. When you do, you should see your finger move in relation to the background. This is the parallax effect in action.

要了解它是如何工作的,請將索引放在您的臉前約18英寸處並凝視它。 首先,閉上你的左眼。 然後張開左眼,閉上右眼。 當您這樣做時,您應該看到手指相對於背景移動。 這是視差效果。

Your eyes each view the finger from a slightly different perspective. Your brain processes the two inputs into one so we rarely notice the effect in everyday life, but this binocular vision is what gives us our ability to perceive depth. The only reason you’re able to pick a glass up from the table without spilling it is that, because your eyes each see it from a different point, your brain is able to triangulate its position relative to you.

每隻眼睛從略有不同的角度看待手指。 您的大腦將這兩個輸入處理爲一個,因此我們很少注意到日常生活中的影響,但是這種雙目視覺使我們能夠感知深度。 您能夠從桌子上撿起玻璃杯而不會濺出玻璃的唯一原因是,因爲每個人的眼睛都從不同的角度看到玻璃,因此您的大腦能夠將其相對於您的位置進行三角測量。

With two cameras, the iPhone 7 Plus also has a form of binocular vision. By analyzing how different the image looks between the two cameras, it’s able to create a depth map and work out where different objects are in the scene.

帶有兩個攝像頭的iPhone 7 Plus還具有一種雙目視覺。 通過分析兩個攝像機之間的圖像外觀有何不同,它可以創建深度圖並確定場景中不同對象的位置。

Hold your finger in front of your face again, this time a little closer. Notice how it moves more against the background than before? Now hold it as far away as you can. See how it moves less?

再次將手指保持在您的臉前面,這次再靠近一點。 注意到它在背景下比以前有更多的移動嗎? 現在,將其儘可能地拿遠。 看看它怎麼移動得更少?

To the iPhone, objects that are close to the phone will shift more between the two images, while things that are far away, like the background, will barely move.


With the depth map built, all that’s left to be done is for the phone to work out what areas you want sharp and what should be blurred to create the portrait look. Through a combination of machine learning and the elements in the scene, the iPhone makes a best guess at what the subject of the shot is and keeps it in focus, everything else gets blurred to some degree. Most of the time, it gets it pretty right.

構建深度圖後,剩下要做的就是讓手機確定您想要銳化的區域以及應該模糊哪些區域以創建人像外觀。 通過結合機器學習和場景中的元素,iPhone可以最佳地猜測鏡頭的主題並保持對焦,其他所有內容都會在一定程度上變得模糊。 在大多數情況下,它都非常正確。

如何使用人像模式 (How to Use Portrait Mode)

Open the Camera app on your iPhone. To get to Portrait mode, swipe once to the left or tap where it says Portrait above the shutter button.

在iPhone上打開「相機」應用。 要進入人像模式,請向左滑動一次,或點按快門按鈕上方的「人像」。

Using Portrait mode is largely automatic. Frame your subject in the viewfinder. If you want to adjust exposure or specify a subject, tap on them.

使用人像模式在很大程度上是自動的。 在取景器中構圖。 如果要調整曝光或指定主題,請點擊它們。

When the effect is locked in you’ll see a preview. The Depth Effect box at the bottom of the screen will also go yellow.

鎖定效果後,您將看到預覽。 屏幕底部的「深度效果」框也將變爲黃色。

Your subject needs to be between about 0.5m and 2.5m of the camera. If they’re too close or too far, you’ll get a warning and the effect won’t work.

您的拍攝對象需要在相機的約0.5m至2.5m之間。 如果它們太近或太遠,您都會收到警告,並且效果將不起作用。

When you’re ready, tap the shutter button to take a shot. You should get something that looks a little like the photo below.

準備好後,點擊快門按鈕進行拍攝。 您應該得到的東西看起來像下面的照片。

As well as the photo with the Depth Effect, you’ll also have a regular photo without it applied in case things don’t work out.


It’s worth noting that while it’s being billed as Portrait mode, you can do a lot more with it. I love using it to take photos of small, nearby objects like this bumblebee.

值得注意的是,雖然它被稱爲縱向模式,但您可以做更多的事情。 我喜歡用它爲附近的大WaSP等小物體拍照。

The depth effects works really well here.


深度效果有多好? (How Good is the Depth Effect?)

Apple is quite clear that Portrait Mode is still in beta, and occasionally it shows. When there are soft edges between the subject and the background, it works great. However, when there are hard edges or transparent areas, like in the image below, the wrong areas can get blurred.

蘋果很清楚,肖像模式仍處於測試階段,偶爾會顯示出來。 當主體和背景之間的邊緣較柔和時,效果很好。 但是,當有堅硬的邊緣或透明區域時,如下圖所示,錯誤的區域可能會變得模糊。

Similarly, the effect will never look identical to a photo taken with a DSLR and a wide aperture lens. It only approximates it. If you zoom in and check all the edges, you will probably be able to find some weird artifacts.

同樣,效果永遠不會與使用DSLR和大光圈鏡頭拍攝的照片相同。 它只是近似值。 如果放大並檢查所有邊緣,則可能會發現一些奇怪的僞像。

Overall though, Portrait mode is a great addition to the iPhone. It might not always look perfect, but the Depth Effect is a great way to isolate subjects in your images. It won’t work for every photo, but it can make your portraits and close up shots stand out.

總的來說,肖像模式是iPhone的重要補充。 它可能並不總是看起來完美,但是深度效果是一種隔離圖像中主體的好方法。 並非每張照片都適用,但可以使您的人像和近攝更加引人注目。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/309253/how-to-use-the-iphone-plus-portrait-mode/
