pip install pymysql
import pymysql # 鏈接數據庫 xiong conn = pymysql.connect(host='',port=3306,user='root',passwd='root',db='xiong') #更改獲取數據結果的數據類型,默認是元組,能夠改成字典等:conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = conn.cursor() # cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # sql = """CREATE TABLE new_EMPLOYEE ( # FIRST_NAME CHAR(20) NOT NULL, # LAST_NAME CHAR(20), # AGE INT, # SEX CHAR(1), # INCOME FLOAT )""" # 建立表 row_affected = cursor.execute("create table t1(id INT ,name VARCHAR(20))") # 向表t1中插入數據 row_affected=cursor.execute("INSERT INTO t1(id,name) values (1,'alvin'),(2,'xialv'),(3,'xiong')") # 更改數據 cursor.execute("update t1 set name = 'silv2' where id=2") cursor.execute("INSERT INTO t1(id,name) values (7,'zhou'),(8,'zhang'),(9,'fan')") #查詢數據 row_affected=cursor.execute("select * from t1") print(row_affected) #3 --共有3行數據 print(cursor.fetchone()) #第一條 print(cursor.fetchone()) #第二條 print(cursor.fetchmany(3)) #第三、四、5條 #scroll 移動光標 cursor.execute("select * from t1") print(cursor.fetchall()) #光標到最後一個位置了 # 相對絕對位置移動,移動到第2位 cursor.scroll(3 , mode='absolute') print(cursor.fetchmany(3)) print(cursor.fetchall()) # # 相對當前位置移動,負數 向上移動,正數向下移動 cursor.scroll(-1,mode='relative') print(cursor.fetchone()) # 刪除數據 cursor.execute("delete from t1 where id=2") cursor.execute("select * from t1") print(cursor.fetchall()) # 修改表中數據 cursor.execute("UPDATE t1 set name = 'xxx' WHERE id = 3") cursor.execute("select * from t1") print(cursor.fetchall()) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close()
數據庫開啓事務命令 sql
-- start transaction 開啓事務 -- Rollback 回滾事務,即撤銷指定的sql語句(只能回退insert delete update語句),回滾到上一次commit的位置 -- Commit 提交事務,提交未存儲的事務 -- -- savepoint 保留點 ,事務處理中設置的臨時佔位符 你能夠對它發佈回退(與整個事務回退不一樣)
UPDATE account set balance=balance-5000 WHERE name=」yuan」;
UPDATE account set balance=balance+5000 WHERE name=」xialv」;
create table test2(id int PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,name VARCHAR(20)) engine=innodb; INSERT INTO test2(name) VALUE ("alvin"), ("yuan"), ("xialv"); start transaction; insert into test2 (name)values('silv'); select * from test2; commit; -- 保留點 start transaction; insert into test2 (name)values('wu'); savepoint insert_wu; select * from test2; delete from test2 where id=4; savepoint delete1; select * from test2; delete from test2 where id=1; savepoint delete2; select * from test2; rollback to delete1; select * from test2; savepoint
start transaction ; select * from money; insert into money (name,salary) values ("wu",8000); savepoint insert_wu; select * from money; insert into money (name,salary) values ("chen",7000); savepoint insert_chen; select * from money; delete from money where name="wang"; savepoint delete_wang; select * from money; delete from money where name="xiong"; savepoint delete_xiong; select * from money; delete from money where id=1; savepoint delete_id1; select * from money; -- 返回到增長wu的時候 rollback to insert_wu; select * from money; -- 返回到增長chen的時候 rollback to insert_chen; select * from money; -- 返回到刪除wang的時候 rollback to delete_wang; select * from money; -- 返回到刪除xiong的時候 rollback to delete_xiong; select * from money;
import pymysql # 鏈接數據庫 xiong conn = pymysql.connect(host='',port=3306,user='root',passwd='root',db='xiong') #更改獲取數據結果的數據類型,默認是元組,能夠改成字典等:conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = conn.cursor() # cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # 建立表 new_table = """create table account( id INT primary key auto_increment, name VARCHAR(20), balance double)""" cursor.execute(new_table) # 向表account中插入數據 insert_data = """INSERT INTO account(name,balance) values ('alvin',5000), ('xialv',10000), ('xiong',15000), ('wang',4000)""" cursor.execute(insert_data) cursor.execute("select * from account") print(cursor.fetchall()) try: insertData1 = "INSERT INTO account (name,balance) VALUES ('oldboy',4000)" updateData2 = "update account set balance=balance-3000 where name='alvin'" updateData3 = "update account set balance=balance+3000 where name='xiong'" cursor.execute(insertData1) conn.commit() cursor.execute(updateData2) raise Exception #產生一個異常 cursor.execute(updateData3) cursor.close() conn.commit except Exception as e: print("撤銷事務以前") cursor.execute("select * from account") print(cursor.fetchall()) conn.rollback() conn.commit() print("撤銷事務以後") cursor.execute("select * from account") print(cursor.fetchall())
<1> 原子性(Atomicity):原子性是指事務是一個不可分割的工做單位,事務中的操做要麼都發生,要麼都不發生。安全
<2> 一致性(Consistency):事務先後數據的完整性必須保持一致。在事務執行以前數據庫是符合數據完整性約束的,不管事務是否執行成功,事務結束後的數據庫中的數據也應該是符合完整性約束的。在某一時間點,若是數據庫中的全部記錄都能保證知足當前數據庫中的全部約束,則能夠說當前的數據庫是符合數據完整性約束的。
--一個事務讀取到了另外一個事務未提交的數據,這是特別危險的,要盡力防止。 a 1000 b 1000 a: start transaction; update set money=money+100 where name=b; b: start transaction; select * from account where name=b;--1100 commit; a: rollback; b: start transaction; select * from account where name=b;--1000
--在一個事務內讀取表中的某一行數據,屢次讀取結果不一樣。(一個事務讀取到了另外一個事務已經提交 -- 的數據--增長記錄、刪除記錄、修改記錄),在某寫狀況下並非問題,在另外一些狀況下就是問題。 a: start transaction; select 活期帳戶 from account where name=b;--1000 活期帳戶:1000 select 按期帳戶 from account where name=b;--1000 按期帳戶:1000 select 固定資產 from account where name=b;--1000 固定資產:1000 ------------------------------ b: start transaction; update set money=0 where name=b; commit; ------------------------------ select 活期+按期+固定 from account where name=b; --2000 總資產: 2000
是指在一個事務內讀取到了別的事務插入的數據,致使先後讀取不一致。(一個事務讀取到了另外一個事務已經提交的數據---增長記錄、刪除記錄),在某寫狀況下並非問題,在另外一些狀況下就是問題。 b 1000 c 2000 d 3000 a: start transaction select sum(money) from account;---3000 3000 ------------------- d:start transaction; insert into account values(d,3000); commit; ------------------- select count(*)from account;---3 3 3000/3 = 1000 1000
Repeatable read:可避免髒讀、不可重複讀狀況的發生。(可重複讀)不能夠避免虛讀
Read committed:可避免髒讀狀況發生(讀已提交)
Read uncommitted:最低級別,以上狀況均沒法保證。(讀未提交)
安全性考慮:Serializable>Repeatable read>Read committed>Read uncommitted
數據庫效率:Read uncommitted>Read committed>Repeatable read>Serializable
通常狀況下,咱們會使用Repeatable read、Read committed mysql數據庫默認的數據庫隔離級別Repeatable read
set [global/session] transaction isolation level xxxx;
select @@tx_isolation;
--建立表時 --語法: CREATE TABLE 表名 ( 字段名1 數據類型 [完整性約束條件…], 字段名2 數據類型 [完整性約束條件…], [UNIQUE | FULLTEXT | SPATIAL ] INDEX | KEY [索引名] (字段名[(長度)] [ASC |DESC]) ); -------------------------------- --建立普通索引示例: CREATE TABLE emp1 ( id INT, name VARCHAR(30) , resume VARCHAR(50), INDEX index_emp_name (name) --KEY index_dept_name (dept_name) ); --建立惟一索引示例: CREATE TABLE emp2 ( id INT, name VARCHAR(30) , bank_num CHAR(18) UNIQUE , resume VARCHAR(50), UNIQUE INDEX index_emp_name (name) ); --建立全文索引示例: CREATE TABLE emp3 ( id INT, name VARCHAR(30) , resume VARCHAR(50), FULLTEXT INDEX index_resume (resume) ); --建立多列索引示例: CREATE TABLE emp4 ( id INT, name VARCHAR(30) , resume VARCHAR(50), INDEX index_name_resume (name, resume) ); --------------------------------- ---添加索引 ---CREATE在已存在的表上建立索引 CREATE [UNIQUE | FULLTEXT | SPATIAL ] INDEX 索引名 ON 表名 (字段名[(長度)] [ASC |DESC]) ; ---ALTER TABLE在已存在的表上建立索引 ALTER TABLE 表名 ADD [UNIQUE | FULLTEXT | SPATIAL ] INDEX 索引名 (字段名[(長度)] [ASC |DESC]) ; CREATE INDEX index_emp_name on emp1(name); ALTER TABLE emp2 ADD UNIQUE INDEX index_bank_num(band_num); -- 刪除索引 語法:DROP INDEX 索引名 on 表名 DROP INDEX index_emp_name on emp1; DROP INDEX bank_num on emp2;
--建立表 create table Indexdb.t1(id int,name varchar(20)); --存儲過程 delimiter $$ create procedure autoinsert() BEGIN declare i int default 1; while(i<500000)do insert into Indexdb.t1 values(i,'yuan'); set i=i+1; end while; END$$ delimiter ; --調用函數 call autoinsert(); -- 花費時間比較: -- 建立索引前 select * from Indexdb.t1 where id=300000;--0.32s -- 添加索引 create index index_id on Indexdb.t1(id); -- 建立索引後 select * from Indexdb.t1 where id=300000;--0.00s