XCode 5 + 10.9 Code sign error for the third sdk

Today is strange,I open my Mac app project,and want to do something in it,but I always get a error for my code sign.I run it just several days before,and it works normal,so why it will like this? app

First google it and of course I got many results about it,but nothing is available for my issue.So I search it in the SDK provider,and so lucky,there is a user ask a same question with me,and also it give out the way to fix it. ide

This is his answer: ui

Found a solution. Xcode handle code signing differently now. In the code signing section of Build Settings adding the flag --deep to the "Other Code Signing Flags" section solved the issue. this

So you know the issue is fixed!Thanks guy,and this guy's nick name is "Gregory Bush". google

Blues spa
