public class MatrixMock { private int[][] data; public MatrixMock(int size, int length, int number) { int count = 0; data = new int[size][length]; Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { int temp = random.nextInt(10); data[i][j] = temp; if (temp == number) { count++; } } } System.out.printf("Mock: There are %d occurences of %d in generate\n", count, number); } public int[] getRow(int row) { if(row >= 0 && row < data.length) { return data[row]; } return null; } }
public class Results { int data[]; public Results(int size) { data = new int[size]; } public void setData(int position, int value) { data[position] = value; } public int[] getData() { return data; } }
public class Searcher implements Runnable{ private MatrixMock matrixMock; private Results results; private int firstRow; private int lastRow; private int number; private final CyclicBarrier cyclicBarrier; public Searcher(CyclicBarrier cyclicBarrier, MatrixMock matrixMock, Results results, int firstRow, int lastRow, int number) { this.cyclicBarrier = cyclicBarrier; this.matrixMock = matrixMock; this.results = results; this.firstRow = firstRow; this.lastRow = lastRow; this.number = number; } @Override public void run() { System.out.printf("%s: Processing lines from %d to %d.\n", Thread.currentThread().getName(), firstRow, lastRow); for (int i = firstRow; i < lastRow; i++) { int row[] = matrixMock.getRow(i); int counter = 0; for (int j = 0; j < row.length; j++) { if(row[j] == number) { counter++; } } results.setData(i, counter); } System.out.printf("%s: Line processed.\n", Thread.currentThread().getName()); try { cyclicBarrier.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (BrokenBarrierException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public class Grouper implements Runnable{ private Results results; public Grouper(Results results) { this.results = results; } @Override public void run() { System.out.printf("Grouper: Processing results...\n"); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < results.getData().length; i++) { count += results.getData()[i]; } System.out.printf("Grouper: Total result: %d\n", count); } }
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { int size = 10000; int length = 10000; int search = 5; int participants = 5; int lines_participants = size / participants; MatrixMock matrixMock = new MatrixMock(size, length, search); Results results = new Results(size); Grouper grouper = new Grouper(results); CyclicBarrier cyclicBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(participants, grouper); Searcher[] searchers = new Searcher[participants]; Thread[] searcherThreads = new Thread[participants]; for (int i = 0; i < participants; i++) { int firstRow = i * lines_participants; int lastRow = (i + 1) * lines_participants; searchers[i] = new Searcher(cyclicBarrier, matrixMock, results, firstRow, lastRow, search); searcherThreads[i] = new Thread(searchers[i]); searcherThreads[i].start(); } } }
Mock: There are 9997834 occurences of 5 in generate Thread-0: Processing lines from 0 to 2000. Thread-1: Processing lines from 2000 to 4000. Thread-2: Processing lines from 4000 to 6000. Thread-3: Processing lines from 6000 to 8000. Thread-0: Line processed. Thread-2: Line processed. Thread-3: Line processed. Thread-4: Processing lines from 8000 to 10000. Thread-1: Line processed. Thread-4: Line processed. Grouper: Processing results... Grouper: Total result: 9997834
System.out.printf("CyclicBarrier: %d, %d\n", cyclicBarrier.getNumberWaiting(), cyclicBarrier.getParties());